You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
4.3 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
package window
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_wakeupMainThread(void);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) NSUInteger gio_nsstringLength(CFTypeRef str);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_nsstringGetCharacters(CFTypeRef str, unichar *chars, NSUInteger loc, NSUInteger length);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) CFTypeRef gio_createDisplayLink(void);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_releaseDisplayLink(CFTypeRef dl);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) int gio_startDisplayLink(CFTypeRef dl);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) int gio_stopDisplayLink(CFTypeRef dl);
__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_setDisplayLinkDisplay(CFTypeRef dl, uint64_t did);
import "C"
import (
// displayLink is the state for a display link (CVDisplayLinkRef on macOS,
// CADisplayLink on iOS). It runs a state-machine goroutine that keeps the
// display link running for a while after being stopped to avoid the thread
// start/stop overhead and because the CVDisplayLink sometimes fails to
// start, stop and start again within a short duration.
type displayLink struct {
callback func()
// states is for starting or stopping the display link.
states chan bool
// done is closed when the display link is destroyed.
done chan struct{}
// dids receives the display id when the callback owner is moved
// to a different screen.
dids chan uint64
// running tracks the desired state of the link. running is accessed
// with atomic.
running uint32
// displayLinks maps CFTypeRefs to *displayLinks.
var displayLinks sync.Map
var mainFuncs = make(chan func(), 1)
// runOnMain runs the function on the main thread.
func runOnMain(f func()) {
go func() {
mainFuncs <- f
//export gio_dispatchMainFuncs
func gio_dispatchMainFuncs() {
for {
select {
case f := <-mainFuncs:
// nsstringToString converts a NSString to a Go string, and
// releases the original string.
func nsstringToString(str C.CFTypeRef) string {
defer C.CFRelease(str)
n := C.gio_nsstringLength(str)
if n == 0 {
return ""
chars := make([]uint16, n)
C.gio_nsstringGetCharacters(str, (*C.unichar)(unsafe.Pointer(&chars[0])), 0, n)
utf8 := utf16.Decode(chars)
return string(utf8)
func NewDisplayLink(callback func()) (*displayLink, error) {
d := &displayLink{
callback: callback,
done: make(chan struct{}),
states: make(chan bool),
dids: make(chan uint64),
dl := C.gio_createDisplayLink()
if dl == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("app: failed to create display link")
return d, nil
func (d *displayLink) run(dl C.CFTypeRef) {
defer C.gio_releaseDisplayLink(dl)
displayLinks.Store(dl, d)
defer displayLinks.Delete(dl)
var stopTimer *time.Timer
var tchan <-chan time.Time
started := false
for {
select {
case <-tchan:
tchan = nil
started = false
case start := <-d.states:
switch {
case !start && tchan == nil:
// stopTimeout is the delay before stopping the display link to
// avoid the overhead of frequently starting and stopping the
// link thread.
const stopTimeout = 500 * time.Millisecond
if stopTimer == nil {
stopTimer = time.NewTimer(stopTimeout)
} else {
// stopTimer is always drained when tchan == nil.
tchan = stopTimer.C
atomic.StoreUint32(&d.running, 0)
case start:
if tchan != nil && !stopTimer.Stop() {
tchan = nil
atomic.StoreUint32(&d.running, 1)
if !started {
started = true
case did := <-d.dids:
C.gio_setDisplayLinkDisplay(dl, C.uint64_t(did))
case <-d.done:
func (d *displayLink) Start() {
d.states <- true
func (d *displayLink) Stop() {
d.states <- false
func (d *displayLink) Close() {
func (d *displayLink) SetDisplayID(did uint64) {
d.dids <- did
//export gio_onFrameCallback
func gio_onFrameCallback(dl C.CFTypeRef) {
if d, exists := displayLinks.Load(dl); exists {
d := d.(*displayLink)
if atomic.LoadUint32(&d.running) != 0 {