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165 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
package egl
import (
syscall ""
gunsafe ""
type (
_EGLint int32
_EGLDisplay uintptr
_EGLConfig uintptr
_EGLContext uintptr
_EGLSurface uintptr
NativeDisplayType uintptr
NativeWindowType uintptr
var (
libEGL = syscall.NewLazyDLL("libEGL.dll")
_eglChooseConfig = libEGL.NewProc("eglChooseConfig")
_eglCreateContext = libEGL.NewProc("eglCreateContext")
_eglCreateWindowSurface = libEGL.NewProc("eglCreateWindowSurface")
_eglDestroyContext = libEGL.NewProc("eglDestroyContext")
_eglDestroySurface = libEGL.NewProc("eglDestroySurface")
_eglGetConfigAttrib = libEGL.NewProc("eglGetConfigAttrib")
_eglGetDisplay = libEGL.NewProc("eglGetDisplay")
_eglGetError = libEGL.NewProc("eglGetError")
_eglInitialize = libEGL.NewProc("eglInitialize")
_eglMakeCurrent = libEGL.NewProc("eglMakeCurrent")
_eglReleaseThread = libEGL.NewProc("eglReleaseThread")
_eglSwapInterval = libEGL.NewProc("eglSwapInterval")
_eglSwapBuffers = libEGL.NewProc("eglSwapBuffers")
_eglTerminate = libEGL.NewProc("eglTerminate")
_eglQueryString = libEGL.NewProc("eglQueryString")
var loadOnce sync.Once
func loadEGL() error {
var err error
loadOnce.Do(func() {
err = loadDLLs()
return err
func loadDLLs() error {
if err := loadDLL(libEGL, "libEGL.dll"); err != nil {
return err
if err := loadDLL(glimpl.LibGLESv2, "libGLESv2.dll"); err != nil {
return err
// d3dcompiler_47.dll is needed internally for shader compilation to function.
return loadDLL(syscall.NewLazyDLL("d3dcompiler_47.dll"), "d3dcompiler_47.dll")
func loadDLL(dll *syscall.LazyDLL, name string) error {
err := dll.Load()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("egl: failed to load %s: %v", name, err)
return nil
func eglChooseConfig(disp _EGLDisplay, attribs []_EGLint) (_EGLConfig, bool) {
var cfg _EGLConfig
var ncfg _EGLint
a := &attribs[0]
r, _, _ := _eglChooseConfig.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(a)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cfg)), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ncfg)))
return cfg, r != 0
func eglCreateContext(disp _EGLDisplay, cfg _EGLConfig, shareCtx _EGLContext, attribs []_EGLint) _EGLContext {
a := &attribs[0]
c, _, _ := _eglCreateContext.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(cfg), uintptr(shareCtx), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(a)))
return _EGLContext(c)
func eglCreateWindowSurface(disp _EGLDisplay, cfg _EGLConfig, win NativeWindowType, attribs []_EGLint) _EGLSurface {
a := &attribs[0]
s, _, _ := _eglCreateWindowSurface.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(cfg), uintptr(win), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(a)))
return _EGLSurface(s)
func eglDestroySurface(disp _EGLDisplay, surf _EGLSurface) bool {
r, _, _ := _eglDestroySurface.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(surf))
return r != 0
func eglDestroyContext(disp _EGLDisplay, ctx _EGLContext) bool {
r, _, _ := _eglDestroyContext.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(ctx))
return r != 0
func eglGetConfigAttrib(disp _EGLDisplay, cfg _EGLConfig, attr _EGLint) (_EGLint, bool) {
var val uintptr
r, _, _ := _eglGetConfigAttrib.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(cfg), uintptr(attr), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&val)))
return _EGLint(val), r != 0
func eglGetDisplay(disp NativeDisplayType) _EGLDisplay {
d, _, _ := _eglGetDisplay.Call(uintptr(disp))
return _EGLDisplay(d)
func eglGetError() _EGLint {
e, _, _ := _eglGetError.Call()
return _EGLint(e)
func eglInitialize(disp _EGLDisplay) (_EGLint, _EGLint, bool) {
var maj, min uintptr
r, _, _ := _eglInitialize.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&maj)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&min)))
return _EGLint(maj), _EGLint(min), r != 0
func eglMakeCurrent(disp _EGLDisplay, draw, read _EGLSurface, ctx _EGLContext) bool {
r, _, _ := _eglMakeCurrent.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(draw), uintptr(read), uintptr(ctx))
return r != 0
func eglReleaseThread() bool {
r, _, _ := _eglReleaseThread.Call()
return r != 0
func eglSwapInterval(disp _EGLDisplay, interval _EGLint) bool {
r, _, _ := _eglSwapInterval.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(interval))
return r != 0
func eglSwapBuffers(disp _EGLDisplay, surf _EGLSurface) bool {
r, _, _ := _eglSwapBuffers.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(surf))
return r != 0
func eglTerminate(disp _EGLDisplay) bool {
r, _, _ := _eglTerminate.Call(uintptr(disp))
return r != 0
func eglQueryString(disp _EGLDisplay, name _EGLint) string {
r, _, _ := _eglQueryString.Call(uintptr(disp), uintptr(name))
return gunsafe.GoString(gunsafe.SliceOf(r))
// issue34474KeepAlive calls runtime.KeepAlive as a
// workaround for
func issue34474KeepAlive(v interface{}) {