You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
package ops
import (
// Reader parses an ops list.
type Reader struct {
pc pc
stack []macro
ops *op.Ops
// EncodedOp represents an encoded op returned by
// Reader.
type EncodedOp struct {
Key Key
Data []byte
Refs []interface{}
// Key is a unique key for a given op.
type Key struct {
ops *op.Ops
pc int
version int
sx, hx, sy, hy float32
// Shadow of op.MacroOp.
type macroOp struct {
ops *op.Ops
pc pc
type pc struct {
data int
refs int
type macro struct {
ops *op.Ops
retPC pc
endPC pc
type opMacroDef struct {
endpc pc
// Reset start reading from the op list.
func (r *Reader) Reset(ops *op.Ops) {
r.stack = r.stack[:0]
r.pc = pc{}
r.ops = ops
func (k Key) SetTransform(t f32.Affine2D) Key {
sx, hx, _, hy, sy, _ := t.Elems() = sx
k.hx = hx
k.hy = hy = sy
return k
func (r *Reader) Decode() (EncodedOp, bool) {
if r.ops == nil {
return EncodedOp{}, false
for {
if len(r.stack) > 0 {
b := r.stack[len(r.stack)-1]
if r.pc == b.endPC {
r.ops = b.ops
r.pc = b.retPC
r.stack = r.stack[:len(r.stack)-1]
data := r.ops.Data()
data = data[]
if len(data) == 0 {
return EncodedOp{}, false
key := Key{ops: r.ops, pc:, version: r.ops.Version()}
t := opconst.OpType(data[0])
n := t.Size()
nrefs := t.NumRefs()
data = data[:n]
refs := r.ops.Refs()
refs = refs[r.pc.refs:]
refs = refs[:nrefs]
switch t {
case opconst.TypeAux:
// An Aux operations is always wrapped in a macro, and
// its length is the remaining space.
block := r.stack[len(r.stack)-1]
n += - - opconst.TypeAuxLen
data = data[:n]
case opconst.TypeCall:
var op macroOp
op.decode(data, refs)
macroData := op.ops.Data()[]
if opconst.OpType(macroData[0]) != opconst.TypeMacro {
panic("invalid macro reference")
var opDef opMacroDef
retPC := r.pc += n
retPC.refs += nrefs
r.stack = append(r.stack, macro{
ops: r.ops,
retPC: retPC,
endPC: opDef.endpc,
r.ops = op.ops
r.pc = op.pc += opconst.TypeMacro.Size()
r.pc.refs += opconst.TypeMacro.NumRefs()
case opconst.TypeMacro:
var op opMacroDef
r.pc = op.endpc
} += n
r.pc.refs += nrefs
return EncodedOp{Key: key, Data: data, Refs: refs}, true
func (op *opMacroDef) decode(data []byte) {
if opconst.OpType(data[0]) != opconst.TypeMacro {
panic("invalid op")
bo := binary.LittleEndian
dataIdx := int(int32(bo.Uint32(data[1:])))
refsIdx := int(int32(bo.Uint32(data[5:])))
*op = opMacroDef{
endpc: pc{
data: dataIdx,
refs: refsIdx,
func (m *macroOp) decode(data []byte, refs []interface{}) {
if opconst.OpType(data[0]) != opconst.TypeCall {
panic("invalid op")
bo := binary.LittleEndian
dataIdx := int(int32(bo.Uint32(data[1:])))
refsIdx := int(int32(bo.Uint32(data[5:])))
*m = macroOp{
ops: refs[0].(*op.Ops),
pc: pc{
data: dataIdx,
refs: refsIdx,