You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1173 lines
35 KiB

package nucular
import (
nstyle ""
func drawSymbol(out *command.Buffer, type_ label.SymbolType, content rect.Rect, background color.RGBA, foreground color.RGBA, border_width int, font font.Face) {
triangleSymbol := func(heading Heading) {
points := triangleFromDirection(content, border_width, border_width, heading)
out.FillTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2], foreground)
switch type_ {
case label.SymbolX,
var X string
switch type_ {
case label.SymbolX:
X = "x"
case label.SymbolUnderscore:
X = "_"
case label.SymbolPlus:
X = "+"
case label.SymbolMinus:
X = "-"
var text textWidget
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
text.Background = background
text.Text = foreground
widgetText(out, content, X, &text, "CC", font)
case label.SymbolRect, label.SymbolRectFilled:
out.FillRect(content, 0, foreground)
if type_ == label.SymbolRectFilled {
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(content, border_width), 0, background)
case label.SymbolCircle, label.SymbolCircleFilled:
out.FillCircle(content, foreground)
if type_ == label.SymbolCircleFilled {
out.FillCircle(shrinkRect(content, 1), background)
case label.SymbolTriangleUp:
case label.SymbolTriangleDown:
case label.SymbolTriangleLeft:
case label.SymbolTriangleRight:
case label.SymbolNone:
type drawableWindowHeader struct {
Header rect.Rect
Label rect.Rect
Hovered bool // titlebar is hovered
Focused bool // window has focus
Title string
Dynamic bool
HeaderActive bool // should display titlebar
Bounds rect.Rect
RowHeight int
LayoutWidth int
LayoutHeaderH int
Style *nstyle.Window
func (dwh *drawableWindowHeader) Draw(z *nstyle.Style, out *command.Buffer) {
style := dwh.Style
if !dwh.Dynamic {
/* draw fixed window body */
body := dwh.Bounds
if dwh.HeaderActive {
body.Y += dwh.LayoutHeaderH - 1
body.H -= dwh.LayoutHeaderH
if style.FixedBackground.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(body, style.FixedBackground.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(body, 0, style.FixedBackground.Data.Color)
} else {
/* draw dynamic window body */
out.FillRect(rect.Rect{dwh.Bounds.X, dwh.Bounds.Y, dwh.Bounds.W, dwh.RowHeight + style.Padding.Y}, 0, style.Background)
if dwh.HeaderActive {
var background *nstyle.Item
var text textWidget
/* select correct header background and text color */
switch {
case dwh.Focused:
background = &style.Header.Active
text.Text = style.Header.LabelActive
case dwh.Hovered:
background = &style.Header.Hover
text.Text = style.Header.LabelHover
background = &style.Header.Normal
text.Text = style.Header.LabelNormal
/* draw header background */
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
text.Background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
out.DrawImage(dwh.Header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
out.FillRect(dwh.Header, 0, background.Data.Color)
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
widgetText(out, dwh.Label, dwh.Title, &text, "LC", z.Font)
type drawableWindowBody struct {
NoScrollbar bool
Bounds rect.Rect
LayoutWidth int
Clip rect.Rect
Style *nstyle.Window
func (dwb *drawableWindowBody) Draw(z *nstyle.Style, out *command.Buffer) {
out.Clip.X = dwb.Bounds.X
out.Clip.W = dwb.LayoutWidth
if !dwb.NoScrollbar {
out.Clip.W += dwb.Style.ScrollbarSize.X
type drawableScalerAndBorders struct {
DrawScaler bool
ScalerRect rect.Rect
DrawHeaderBorder bool
DrawBorders bool
Bounds rect.Rect
Border int
HeaderH int
BorderColor color.RGBA
PaddingY int
Style *nstyle.Window
func (d *drawableScalerAndBorders) Draw(z *nstyle.Style, out *command.Buffer) {
style := d.Style
if d.DrawScaler {
/* draw scaler */
if style.Scaler.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(d.ScalerRect, style.Scaler.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillTriangle(image.Point{d.ScalerRect.X + d.ScalerRect.W, d.ScalerRect.Y}, d.ScalerRect.Max(), image.Point{d.ScalerRect.X, d.ScalerRect.Y + d.ScalerRect.H}, style.Scaler.Data.Color)
if d.DrawHeaderBorder {
out.StrokeLine(image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Border/2.0, d.Bounds.Y + d.HeaderH - d.Border}, image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Bounds.W - d.Border, d.Bounds.Y + d.HeaderH - d.Border}, d.Border, d.BorderColor)
if d.DrawBorders {
/* draw border top */
out.StrokeLine(image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Border/2.0, d.Bounds.Y + d.Border/2.0}, image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Bounds.W - d.Border, d.Bounds.Y + d.Border/2.0}, style.Border, d.BorderColor)
/* draw bottom border */
out.StrokeLine(image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Border/2.0, d.PaddingY - d.Border}, image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Bounds.W - d.Border, d.PaddingY - d.Border}, d.Border, d.BorderColor)
/* draw left border */
out.StrokeLine(image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Border/2.0, d.Bounds.Y + d.Border/2.0}, image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Border/2.0, d.PaddingY - d.Border}, d.Border, d.BorderColor)
/* draw right border */
out.StrokeLine(image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Bounds.W - d.Border, d.Bounds.Y + d.Border/2.0}, image.Point{d.Bounds.X + d.Bounds.W - d.Border, d.PaddingY - d.Border}, d.Border, d.BorderColor)
func drawTreeNode(win *Window, style *nstyle.Window, type_ TreeType, header rect.Rect, sym rect.Rect) rect.Rect {
z := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
item_spacing := style.Spacing
panel_padding := style.Padding
if type_ == TreeTab {
var background *nstyle.Item = &z.Tab.Background
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
win.cmds.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(header, 0, z.Tab.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, z.Tab.Border), z.Tab.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
/* draw node label */
var lblrect rect.Rect
header.W = max(header.W, sym.W+item_spacing.Y+panel_padding.X)
lblrect.X = sym.X + sym.W + item_spacing.X + 2*z.Tab.Spacing.X
lblrect.Y = sym.Y
lblrect.W = header.W - (sym.W + 2*z.Tab.Spacing.X + item_spacing.Y + panel_padding.X)
lblrect.H = FontHeight(z.Font)
return lblrect
func drawButton(out *command.Buffer, bounds rect.Rect, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Button) *nstyle.Item {
var background *nstyle.Item
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Active
} else {
background = &style.Normal
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(bounds, background.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(bounds, style.Rounding, style.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(bounds, style.Border), style.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
return background
func drawTextButton(win *Window, bounds rect.Rect, content rect.Rect, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Button, txt string, align label.Align) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw.ButtonText != nil {
style.Draw.ButtonText(out, bounds.Rectangle(), content.Rectangle(), state, style, txt, align, font)
background := drawButton(out, bounds, state, style)
/* select correct colors/images */
var text textWidget
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemColor {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
} else {
text.Background = style.TextBackground
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
text.Text = style.TextHover
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
text.Text = style.TextActive
} else {
text.Text = style.TextNormal
widgetText(out, content, txt, &text, align, font)
func drawSymbolButton(win *Window, bounds rect.Rect, content rect.Rect, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Button, symbol label.SymbolType) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw.ButtonSymbol != nil {
style.Draw.ButtonSymbol(out, bounds.Rectangle(), content.Rectangle(), state, style, symbol, font)
background := drawButton(out, bounds, state, style)
var bg color.RGBA
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemColor {
bg = background.Data.Color
} else {
bg = style.TextBackground
var sym color.RGBA
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.TextHover
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
sym = style.TextActive
} else {
sym = style.TextNormal
drawSymbol(out, symbol, content, bg, sym, style.SymbolBorderWidth, font)
func drawImageButton(win *Window, bounds rect.Rect, content rect.Rect, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Button, img *image.RGBA) {
out := &win.cmds
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw.ButtonImage != nil {
style.Draw.ButtonImage(out, bounds.Rectangle(), content.Rectangle(), state, style, img)
drawButton(out, bounds, state, style)
out.DrawImage(content, img)
func drawTextSymbolButton(win *Window, bounds, labelrect, symbolrect rect.Rect, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Button, str string, symbol label.SymbolType) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw.ButtonTextSymbol != nil {
style.Draw.ButtonTextSymbol(out, bounds.Rectangle(), labelrect.Rectangle(), symbolrect.Rectangle(), state, style, str, symbol, font)
/* select correct background colors/images */
background := drawButton(out, bounds, state, style)
var text textWidget
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemColor {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
} else {
text.Background = style.TextBackground
/* select correct text colors */
var sym color.RGBA
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.TextHover
text.Text = style.TextHover
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
sym = style.TextActive
text.Text = style.TextActive
} else {
sym = style.TextNormal
text.Text = style.TextNormal
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
drawSymbol(out, symbol, symbolrect, style.TextBackground, sym, 0, font)
widgetText(out, labelrect, str, &text, "CC", font)
func drawTextImageButton(win *Window, bounds, labelrect, imgrect rect.Rect, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Button, str string, img *image.RGBA) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw.ButtonTextImage != nil {
style.Draw.ButtonTextImage(out, bounds.Rectangle(), labelrect.Rectangle(), imgrect.Rectangle(), state, style, str, font, img)
background := drawButton(out, bounds, state, style)
/* select correct colors */
var text textWidget
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemColor {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
} else {
text.Background = style.TextBackground
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
text.Text = style.TextHover
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
text.Text = style.TextActive
} else {
text.Text = style.TextNormal
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
widgetText(out, labelrect, str, &text, "CC", font)
out.DrawImage(imgrect, img)
func drawSelectable(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Selectable, active bool, bounds rect.Rect, str string, align label.Align) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw != nil {
style.Draw(out, state, style, active, bounds.Rectangle(), str, align, font)
var background *nstyle.Item
var text textWidget
text.Padding = style.Padding
/* select correct colors/images */
if !active {
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Pressed
text.Text = style.TextPressed
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
text.Text = style.TextHover
} else {
background = &style.Normal
text.Text = style.TextNormal
} else {
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.PressedActive
text.Text = style.TextPressedActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.HoverActive
text.Text = style.TextHoverActive
} else {
background = &style.NormalActive
text.Text = style.TextNormalActive
/* draw selectable background and text */
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(bounds, background.Data.Image)
text.Background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
} else {
out.FillRect(bounds, style.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
text.Background = background.Data.Color
widgetText(out, bounds, str, &text, align, font)
func drawScrollbar(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Scrollbar, bounds, scroll rect.Rect) {
out := &win.cmds
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw != nil {
style.Draw(out, state, style, bounds.Rectangle(), scroll.Rectangle())
/* select correct colors/images to draw */
var background *nstyle.Item
var cursorstyle *nstyle.Item
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Active
cursorstyle = &style.CursorActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
cursorstyle = &style.CursorHover
} else {
background = &style.Normal
cursorstyle = &style.CursorNormal
/* draw background */
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemColor {
out.FillRect(bounds, style.Rounding, style.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(bounds, style.Border), style.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
} else {
out.DrawImage(bounds, background.Data.Image)
/* draw cursor */
if cursorstyle.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(scroll, cursorstyle.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(scroll, style.Rounding, cursorstyle.Data.Color)
func drawTogglebox(win *Window, type_ toggleType, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Toggle, active bool, labelrect, select_, cursor rect.Rect, str string) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
switch type_ {
case toggleCheck:
if style.Draw.Checkbox != nil {
style.Draw.Checkbox(out, state, style, active, labelrect.Rectangle(), select_.Rectangle(), cursor.Rectangle(), str, font)
if style.Draw.Radio != nil {
style.Draw.Radio(out, state, style, active, labelrect.Rectangle(), select_.Rectangle(), cursor.Rectangle(), str, font)
/* select correct colors/images */
var background *nstyle.Item
var cursorstyle *nstyle.Item
var text textWidget
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
cursorstyle = &style.CursorHover
text.Text = style.TextHover
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
cursorstyle = &style.CursorHover
text.Text = style.TextActive
} else {
background = &style.Normal
cursorstyle = &style.CursorNormal
text.Text = style.TextNormal
/* draw background and cursor */
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(select_, background.Data.Image)
} else {
switch type_ {
case toggleCheck:
out.FillRect(select_, 0, background.Data.Color)
out.FillCircle(select_, background.Data.Color)
if active {
if cursorstyle.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(cursor, cursorstyle.Data.Image)
} else {
switch type_ {
case toggleCheck:
out.FillRect(cursor, 0, cursorstyle.Data.Color)
out.FillCircle(cursor, cursorstyle.Data.Color)
text.Padding.X = 0
text.Padding.Y = 0
text.Background = style.TextBackground
widgetText(out, labelrect, str, &text, "LC", font)
func drawProgress(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Progress, bounds, scursor rect.Rect, value, maxval int) {
out := &win.cmds
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw != nil {
style.Draw(out, state, style, bounds.Rectangle(), scursor.Rectangle(), value, maxval)
var background *nstyle.Item
var cursor *nstyle.Item
/* select correct colors/images to draw */
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Active
cursor = &style.CursorActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
cursor = &style.CursorHover
} else {
background = &style.Normal
cursor = &style.CursorNormal
/* draw background */
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(bounds, background.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(bounds, style.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
/* draw cursor */
if cursor.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(scursor, cursor.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(scursor, style.Rounding, cursor.Data.Color)
func drawSlider(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, style *nstyle.Slider, bounds, virtual_cursor rect.Rect, minval, value, maxval float64) {
out := &win.cmds
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw != nil {
style.Draw(out, state, style, bounds.Rectangle(), virtual_cursor.Rectangle(), minval, value, maxval)
var fill rect.Rect
var bar rect.Rect
var scursor rect.Rect
var background *nstyle.Item
var bar_color color.RGBA
var cursor *nstyle.Item
/* select correct slider images/colors */
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Active
bar_color = style.BarActive
cursor = &style.CursorActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
bar_color = style.BarHover
cursor = &style.CursorHover
} else {
background = &style.Normal
bar_color = style.BarNormal
cursor = &style.CursorNormal
/* calculate slider background bar */
bar.X = bounds.X
bar.Y = (bounds.Y + virtual_cursor.H/2) - virtual_cursor.H/8
bar.W = bounds.W
bar.H = bounds.H / 6
/* resize virtual cursor to given size */
scursor.H = style.CursorSize.Y
scursor.W = style.CursorSize.X
scursor.Y = (bar.Y + bar.H/2.0) - scursor.H/2.0
scursor.X = virtual_cursor.X - (virtual_cursor.W / 2)
/* filled background bar style */
fill.W = (scursor.X + (scursor.W / 2.0)) - bar.X
fill.X = bar.X
fill.Y = bar.Y
fill.H = bar.H
/* draw background */
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(bounds, background.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(bounds, style.Rounding, style.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(bounds, style.Border), style.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
/* draw slider bar */
out.FillRect(bar, style.Rounding, bar_color)
out.FillRect(fill, style.Rounding, style.BarFilled)
/* draw cursor */
if cursor.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(scursor, cursor.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillCircle(scursor, cursor.Data.Color)
func drawProperty(win *Window, style *nstyle.Property, bounds, labelrect rect.Rect, ws nstyle.WidgetStates, name string) {
out := &win.cmds
font := win.ctx.Style.Font
if style.DrawBegin != nil {
if style.DrawEnd != nil {
defer style.DrawEnd(out)
if style.Draw != nil {
style.Draw(out, style, bounds.Rectangle(), labelrect.Rectangle(), ws, name, font)
var text textWidget
var background *nstyle.Item
// select correct background and text color
if ws&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Active
text.Text = style.LabelActive
} else if ws&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Hover
text.Text = style.LabelHover
} else {
background = &style.Normal
text.Text = style.LabelNormal
// draw background
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(bounds, background.Data.Image)
text.Background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
} else {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
out.FillRect(bounds, style.Rounding, style.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(bounds, style.Border), style.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
// draw label
widgetText(out, labelrect, name, &text, "CC", font)
func drawComboColor(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, header rect.Rect, is_active bool, color color.RGBA) {
style := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
/* draw combo box header background and border */
var background *nstyle.Item
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Active
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Hover
} else {
background = &style.Combo.Normal
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(header, 0, style.Combo.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, 1), 0, background.Data.Color)
var content rect.Rect
var button rect.Rect
var bounds rect.Rect
var sym label.SymbolType
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.Combo.SymHover
} else if is_active {
sym = style.Combo.SymActive
} else {
sym = style.Combo.SymNormal
/* calculate button */
button.W = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.X = (header.X + header.W - header.H) - style.Combo.ButtonPadding.X
button.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.H = button.W
content.X = button.X + style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.Y = button.Y + style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
content.W = button.W - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.H = button.H - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
/* draw color */
bounds.H = header.H - 4*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
bounds.Y = header.Y + 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
bounds.X = header.X + 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
bounds.W = (button.X - (style.Combo.ContentPadding.X + style.Combo.Spacing.X)) - bounds.X
out.FillRect(bounds, 0, color)
/* draw open/close button */
drawSymbolButton(win, button, content, state, &style.Combo.Button, sym)
func drawComboSymbol(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, header rect.Rect, is_active bool, symbol label.SymbolType) {
style := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
var background *nstyle.Item
var sym_background color.RGBA
var symbol_color color.RGBA
/* draw combo box header background and border */
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Active
symbol_color = style.Combo.SymbolActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Hover
symbol_color = style.Combo.SymbolHover
} else {
background = &style.Combo.Normal
symbol_color = style.Combo.SymbolHover
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
sym_background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
out.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
sym_background = background.Data.Color
out.FillRect(header, 0, style.Combo.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, 1), 0, background.Data.Color)
var bounds = rect.Rect{0, 0, 0, 0}
var content rect.Rect
var button rect.Rect
var sym label.SymbolType
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.Combo.SymHover
} else if is_active {
sym = style.Combo.SymActive
} else {
sym = style.Combo.SymNormal
/* calculate button */
button.W = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.X = (header.X + header.W - header.H) - style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.H = button.W
content.X = button.X + style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.Y = button.Y + style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
content.W = button.W - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.H = button.H - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
/* draw symbol */
bounds.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
bounds.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
bounds.X = header.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
bounds.W = (button.X - style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y) - bounds.X
drawSymbol(out, symbol, bounds, sym_background, symbol_color, 1.0, style.Font)
/* draw open/close button */
drawSymbolButton(win, button, content, state, &style.Combo.Button, sym)
func drawComboSymbolText(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, header rect.Rect, is_active bool, symbol label.SymbolType, selected string) {
style := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
var background *nstyle.Item
var symbol_color color.RGBA
var text textWidget
/* draw combo box header background and border */
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Active
symbol_color = style.Combo.SymbolActive
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Hover
symbol_color = style.Combo.SymbolHover
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelHover
} else {
background = &style.Combo.Normal
symbol_color = style.Combo.SymbolNormal
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelNormal
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
text.Background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
out.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
out.FillRect(header, 0, style.Combo.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, 1), 0, background.Data.Color)
var content rect.Rect
var button rect.Rect
var imrect rect.Rect
var sym label.SymbolType
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.Combo.SymHover
} else if is_active {
sym = style.Combo.SymActive
} else {
sym = style.Combo.SymNormal
/* calculate button */
button.W = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.X = (header.X + header.W - header.H) - style.Combo.ButtonPadding.X
button.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.H = button.W
content.X = button.X + style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.Y = button.Y + style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
content.W = button.W - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.H = button.H - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
drawSymbolButton(win, button, content, state, &style.Combo.Button, sym)
/* draw symbol */
imrect.X = header.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
imrect.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
imrect.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
imrect.W = imrect.H
drawSymbol(out, symbol, imrect, text.Background, symbol_color, 1.0, style.Font)
/* draw label */
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
var lblrect rect.Rect
lblrect.X = imrect.X + imrect.W + style.Combo.Spacing.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
lblrect.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
lblrect.W = (button.X - style.Combo.ContentPadding.X) - lblrect.X
lblrect.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
widgetText(out, lblrect, selected, &text, "LC", style.Font)
func drawComboImage(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, header rect.Rect, is_active bool, img *image.RGBA) {
style := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
var background *nstyle.Item
/* draw combo box header background and border */
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Active
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Hover
} else {
background = &style.Combo.Normal
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
out.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
out.FillRect(header, 0, style.Combo.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, 1), 0, background.Data.Color)
var bounds = rect.Rect{0, 0, 0, 0}
var content rect.Rect
var button rect.Rect
var sym label.SymbolType
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.Combo.SymHover
} else if is_active {
sym = style.Combo.SymActive
} else {
sym = style.Combo.SymNormal
/* calculate button */
button.W = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.X = (header.X + header.W - header.H) - style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.H = button.W
content.X = button.X + style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.Y = button.Y + style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
content.W = button.W - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.H = button.H - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
/* draw image */
bounds.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
bounds.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
bounds.X = header.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
bounds.W = (button.X - style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y) - bounds.X
out.DrawImage(bounds, img)
/* draw open/close button */
drawSymbolButton(win, button, content, state, &style.Combo.Button, sym)
func drawComboImageText(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, header rect.Rect, is_active bool, selected string, img *image.RGBA) {
style := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
var background *nstyle.Item
var text textWidget
/* draw combo box header background and border */
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Active
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Hover
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelHover
} else {
background = &style.Combo.Normal
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelNormal
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
text.Background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
out.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
out.FillRect(header, 0, style.Combo.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, 1), 0, background.Data.Color)
var content rect.Rect
var button rect.Rect
var imrect rect.Rect
var sym label.SymbolType
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.Combo.SymHover
} else if is_active {
sym = style.Combo.SymActive
} else {
sym = style.Combo.SymNormal
/* calculate button */
button.W = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.X = (header.X + header.W - header.H) - style.Combo.ButtonPadding.X
button.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.H = button.W
content.X = button.X + style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.Y = button.Y + style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
content.W = button.W - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.H = button.H - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
drawSymbolButton(win, button, content, state, &style.Combo.Button, sym)
/* draw image */
imrect.X = header.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
imrect.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
imrect.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
imrect.W = imrect.H
out.DrawImage(imrect, img)
/* draw label */
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
var lblrect rect.Rect
lblrect.X = imrect.X + imrect.W + style.Combo.Spacing.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
lblrect.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
lblrect.W = (button.X - style.Combo.ContentPadding.X) - lblrect.X
lblrect.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
widgetText(out, lblrect, selected, &text, "LC", style.Font)
func drawComboText(win *Window, state nstyle.WidgetStates, header rect.Rect, is_active bool, selected string) {
style := &win.ctx.Style
out := &win.cmds
/* draw combo box header background and border */
var background *nstyle.Item
var text textWidget
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateActive != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Active
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelActive
} else if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
background = &style.Combo.Hover
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelHover
} else {
background = &style.Combo.Normal
text.Text = style.Combo.LabelNormal
if background.Type == nstyle.ItemImage {
text.Background = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
out.DrawImage(header, background.Data.Image)
} else {
text.Background = background.Data.Color
out.FillRect(header, style.Combo.Rounding, style.Combo.BorderColor)
out.FillRect(shrinkRect(header, 1), style.Combo.Rounding, background.Data.Color)
var button rect.Rect
var content rect.Rect
/* print currently selected text item */
var sym label.SymbolType
if state&nstyle.WidgetStateHovered != 0 {
sym = style.Combo.SymHover
} else if is_active {
sym = style.Combo.SymActive
} else {
sym = style.Combo.SymNormal
/* calculate button */
button.W = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.X = (header.X + header.W - header.H) - style.Combo.ButtonPadding.X
button.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ButtonPadding.Y
button.H = button.W
content.X = button.X + style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.Y = button.Y + style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
content.W = button.W - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.X
content.H = button.H - 2*style.Combo.Button.Padding.Y
/* draw selected label */
text.Padding = image.Point{0, 0}
var lblrect rect.Rect
lblrect.X = header.X + style.Combo.ContentPadding.X
lblrect.Y = header.Y + style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
lblrect.W = button.X - (style.Combo.ContentPadding.X + style.Combo.Spacing.X) - lblrect.X
lblrect.H = header.H - 2*style.Combo.ContentPadding.Y
widgetText(out, lblrect, selected, &text, "LC", style.Font)
/* draw open/close button */
drawSymbolButton(win, button, content, state, &style.Combo.Button, sym)