// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT package window import ( "image" "strings" "sync" "syscall/js" "time" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" "gioui.org/f32" "gioui.org/io/key" "gioui.org/io/pointer" "gioui.org/io/system" "gioui.org/unit" ) type window struct { window js.Value clipboard js.Value cnv js.Value tarea js.Value w Callbacks redraw js.Func clipboardCallback js.Func requestAnimationFrame js.Value cleanfuncs []func() touches []js.Value composing bool mu sync.Mutex scale float32 animating bool } func NewWindow(win Callbacks, opts *Options) error { doc := js.Global().Get("document") cont := getContainer(doc) cnv := createCanvas(doc) cont.Call("appendChild", cnv) tarea := createTextArea(doc) cont.Call("appendChild", tarea) w := &window{ cnv: cnv, tarea: tarea, window: js.Global().Get("window"), clipboard: js.Global().Get("navigator").Get("clipboard"), } w.requestAnimationFrame = w.window.Get("requestAnimationFrame") w.redraw = w.funcOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.animCallback() return nil }) w.clipboardCallback = w.funcOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { content := args[0].String() win.Event(system.ClipboardEvent{Text: content}) return nil }) w.addEventListeners() w.w = win go func() { w.w.SetDriver(w) w.focus() w.w.Event(system.StageEvent{Stage: system.StageRunning}) w.draw(true) select {} w.cleanup() }() return nil } func getContainer(doc js.Value) js.Value { cont := doc.Call("getElementById", "giowindow") if !cont.IsNull() { return cont } cont = doc.Call("createElement", "DIV") doc.Get("body").Call("appendChild", cont) return cont } func createTextArea(doc js.Value) js.Value { tarea := doc.Call("createElement", "input") style := tarea.Get("style") style.Set("width", "1px") style.Set("height", "1px") style.Set("opacity", "0") style.Set("border", "0") style.Set("padding", "0") tarea.Set("autocomplete", "off") tarea.Set("autocorrect", "off") tarea.Set("autocapitalize", "off") tarea.Set("spellcheck", false) return tarea } func createCanvas(doc js.Value) js.Value { cnv := doc.Call("createElement", "canvas") style := cnv.Get("style") style.Set("position", "fixed") style.Set("width", "100%") style.Set("height", "100%") return cnv } func (w *window) cleanup() { // Cleanup in the opposite order of // construction. for i := len(w.cleanfuncs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { w.cleanfuncs[i]() } w.cleanfuncs = nil } func (w *window) addEventListeners() { w.addEventListener(w.window, "resize", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.draw(true) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "mousemove", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.pointerEvent(pointer.Move, 0, 0, args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "mousedown", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.pointerEvent(pointer.Press, 0, 0, args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "mouseup", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.pointerEvent(pointer.Release, 0, 0, args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "wheel", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { e := args[0] dx, dy := e.Get("deltaX").Float(), e.Get("deltaY").Float() mode := e.Get("deltaMode").Int() switch mode { case 0x01: // DOM_DELTA_LINE dx *= 10 dy *= 10 case 0x02: // DOM_DELTA_PAGE dx *= 120 dy *= 120 } w.pointerEvent(pointer.Scroll, float32(dx), float32(dy), e) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "touchstart", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.touchEvent(pointer.Press, args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "touchend", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.touchEvent(pointer.Release, args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "touchmove", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.touchEvent(pointer.Move, args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.cnv, "touchcancel", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { // Cancel all touches even if only one touch was cancelled. for i := range w.touches { w.touches[i] = js.Null() } w.touches = w.touches[:0] w.w.Event(pointer.Event{ Type: pointer.Cancel, Source: pointer.Touch, }) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.tarea, "focus", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.w.Event(key.FocusEvent{Focus: true}) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.tarea, "blur", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.w.Event(key.FocusEvent{Focus: false}) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.tarea, "keydown", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.keyEvent(args[0]) return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.tarea, "compositionstart", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.composing = true return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.tarea, "compositionend", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { w.composing = false w.flushInput() return nil }) w.addEventListener(w.tarea, "input", func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { if w.composing { return nil } w.flushInput() return nil }) } func (w *window) flushInput() { val := w.tarea.Get("value").String() w.tarea.Set("value", "") w.w.Event(key.EditEvent{Text: string(val)}) } func (w *window) blur() { w.tarea.Call("blur") } func (w *window) focus() { w.tarea.Call("focus") } func (w *window) keyEvent(e js.Value) { k := e.Get("key").String() if n, ok := translateKey(k); ok { cmd := key.Event{ Name: n, Modifiers: modifiersFor(e), } w.w.Event(cmd) } } // modifiersFor returns the modifier set for a DOM MouseEvent or // KeyEvent. func modifiersFor(e js.Value) key.Modifiers { var mods key.Modifiers if e.Call("getModifierState", "Alt").Bool() { mods |= key.ModAlt } if e.Call("getModifierState", "Control").Bool() { mods |= key.ModCtrl } if e.Call("getModifierState", "Shift").Bool() { mods |= key.ModShift } return mods } func (w *window) touchEvent(typ pointer.Type, e js.Value) { e.Call("preventDefault") t := time.Duration(e.Get("timeStamp").Int()) * time.Millisecond changedTouches := e.Get("changedTouches") n := changedTouches.Length() rect := w.cnv.Call("getBoundingClientRect") w.mu.Lock() scale := w.scale w.mu.Unlock() var mods key.Modifiers if e.Get("shiftKey").Bool() { mods |= key.ModShift } if e.Get("altKey").Bool() { mods |= key.ModAlt } if e.Get("ctrlKey").Bool() { mods |= key.ModCtrl } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { touch := changedTouches.Index(i) pid := w.touchIDFor(touch) x, y := touch.Get("clientX").Float(), touch.Get("clientY").Float() x -= rect.Get("left").Float() y -= rect.Get("top").Float() pos := f32.Point{ X: float32(x) * scale, Y: float32(y) * scale, } w.w.Event(pointer.Event{ Type: typ, Source: pointer.Touch, Position: pos, PointerID: pid, Time: t, Modifiers: modifiersFor(e), }) } } func (w *window) touchIDFor(touch js.Value) pointer.ID { id := touch.Get("identifier") for i, id2 := range w.touches { if id2.Equal(id) { return pointer.ID(i) } } pid := pointer.ID(len(w.touches)) w.touches = append(w.touches, id) return pid } func (w *window) pointerEvent(typ pointer.Type, dx, dy float32, e js.Value) { e.Call("preventDefault") x, y := e.Get("clientX").Float(), e.Get("clientY").Float() rect := w.cnv.Call("getBoundingClientRect") x -= rect.Get("left").Float() y -= rect.Get("top").Float() w.mu.Lock() scale := w.scale w.mu.Unlock() pos := f32.Point{ X: float32(x) * scale, Y: float32(y) * scale, } scroll := f32.Point{ X: dx * scale, Y: dy * scale, } t := time.Duration(e.Get("timeStamp").Int()) * time.Millisecond jbtns := e.Get("buttons").Int() var btns pointer.Buttons if jbtns&1 != 0 { btns |= pointer.ButtonLeft } if jbtns&2 != 0 { btns |= pointer.ButtonRight } if jbtns&4 != 0 { btns |= pointer.ButtonMiddle } w.w.Event(pointer.Event{ Type: typ, Source: pointer.Mouse, Buttons: btns, Position: pos, Scroll: scroll, Time: t, Modifiers: modifiersFor(e), }) } func (w *window) addEventListener(this js.Value, event string, f func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{}) { jsf := w.funcOf(f) this.Call("addEventListener", event, jsf) w.cleanfuncs = append(w.cleanfuncs, func() { this.Call("removeEventListener", event, jsf) }) } // funcOf is like js.FuncOf but adds the js.Func to a list of // functions to be released up. func (w *window) funcOf(f func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{}) js.Func { jsf := js.FuncOf(f) w.cleanfuncs = append(w.cleanfuncs, jsf.Release) return jsf } func (w *window) animCallback() { w.mu.Lock() anim := w.animating if anim { w.requestAnimationFrame.Invoke(w.redraw) } w.mu.Unlock() if anim { w.draw(false) } } func (w *window) SetAnimating(anim bool) { w.mu.Lock() defer w.mu.Unlock() if anim && !w.animating { w.requestAnimationFrame.Invoke(w.redraw) } w.animating = anim } func (w *window) ReadClipboard() { if w.clipboard.IsUndefined() { return } if w.clipboard.Get("readText").IsUndefined() { return } w.clipboard.Call("readText", w.clipboard).Call("then", w.clipboardCallback) } func (w *window) WriteClipboard(s string) { if w.clipboard.IsUndefined() { return } if w.clipboard.Get("writeText").IsUndefined() { return } w.clipboard.Call("writeText", s) } func (w *window) ShowTextInput(show bool) { // Run in a goroutine to avoid a deadlock if the // focus change result in an event. go func() { if show { w.focus() } else { w.blur() } }() } // Close the window. Not implemented for js. func (w *window) Close() {} func (w *window) draw(sync bool) { width, height, scale, cfg := w.config() if cfg == (unit.Metric{}) || width == 0 || height == 0 { return } w.mu.Lock() w.scale = float32(scale) w.mu.Unlock() w.w.Event(FrameEvent{ FrameEvent: system.FrameEvent{ Now: time.Now(), Size: image.Point{ X: width, Y: height, }, Metric: cfg, }, Sync: sync, }) } func (w *window) config() (int, int, float32, unit.Metric) { rect := w.cnv.Call("getBoundingClientRect") width, height := rect.Get("width").Float(), rect.Get("height").Float() scale := w.window.Get("devicePixelRatio").Float() width *= scale height *= scale iw, ih := int(width+.5), int(height+.5) // Adjust internal size of canvas if necessary. if cw, ch := w.cnv.Get("width").Int(), w.cnv.Get("height").Int(); iw != cw || ih != ch { w.cnv.Set("width", iw) w.cnv.Set("height", ih) } return iw, ih, float32(scale), unit.Metric{ PxPerDp: float32(scale), PxPerSp: float32(scale), } } func Main() { select {} } func translateKey(k string) (string, bool) { var n string switch k { case "ArrowUp": n = key.NameUpArrow case "ArrowDown": n = key.NameDownArrow case "ArrowLeft": n = key.NameLeftArrow case "ArrowRight": n = key.NameRightArrow case "Escape": n = key.NameEscape case "Enter": n = key.NameReturn case "Backspace": n = key.NameDeleteBackward case "Delete": n = key.NameDeleteForward case "Home": n = key.NameHome case "End": n = key.NameEnd case "PageUp": n = key.NamePageUp case "PageDown": n = key.NamePageDown case "Tab": n = key.NameTab case " ": n = "Space" case "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12": n = k default: r, s := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(k) // If there is exactly one printable character, return that. if s == len(k) && unicode.IsPrint(r) { return strings.ToUpper(k), true } return "", false } return n, true }