package main import ( "fmt" "image/color" "log" "os/exec" "time" "" "" "" ) type ntcontext struct { inputList []input noiseSupressorState int paClient *pulseaudio.Client librnnoise string sourceListColdWidthIndex int useBuiltinRNNoise bool config *config loadingScreen bool licenseScreen bool versionScreen bool licenseTextArea nucular.TextEditor masterWindow *nucular.MasterWindow update updateui reloadRequired bool } var green = color.RGBA{34, 187, 69, 255} var red = color.RGBA{255, 70, 70, 255} var orange = color.RGBA{255, 140, 0, 255} func updatefn(ctx *ntcontext, w *nucular.Window) { if !ctx.paClient.Connected() { connectScreen(ctx, w) return } if ctx.loadingScreen { loadingScreen(ctx, w) return } if ctx.licenseScreen { licenseScreen(ctx, w) return } if ctx.versionScreen { versionScreen(ctx, w) return } w.MenubarBegin() w.Row(10).Dynamic(2) if w := w.Menu(label.TA("About", "LC"), 120, nil); w != nil { w.Row(10).Dynamic(1) if w.MenuItem(label.T("Licenses")) { ctx.licenseScreen = true } w.Row(10).Dynamic(1) if w.MenuItem(label.T("Source code")) { exec.Command("xdg-open", "").Run() } if w.MenuItem(label.T("Version")) { ctx.versionScreen = true } } if w := w.Menu(label.TA("Support NoiseTorch on PATREON", "RC"), 120, nil); w != nil { exec.Command("xdg-open", "").Run() w.Close() } w.MenubarEnd() w.Row(15).Dynamic(1) if ctx.noiseSupressorState == loaded { w.LabelColored("NoiseTorch active", "RC", green) } else if ctx.noiseSupressorState == unloaded { w.LabelColored("NoiseTorch inactive", "RC", red) } else if ctx.noiseSupressorState == inconsistent { w.LabelColored("Inconsistent state, please unload first.", "RC", orange) } if ctx.update.available && !ctx.update.triggered { w.Row(20).Ratio(0.9, 0.1) w.LabelColored("Update available! Click to install version: "+ctx.update.serverVersion, "LC", green) if w.ButtonText("Update") { ctx.update.triggered = true go update(ctx) (*ctx.masterWindow).Changed() } } if ctx.update.triggered { w.Row(20).Dynamic(1) w.Label(ctx.update.updatingText, "CC") } if w.TreePush(nucular.TreeTab, "Settings", true) { w.Row(15).Dynamic(2) if w.CheckboxText("Display Monitor Sources", &ctx.config.DisplayMonitorSources) { ctx.sourceListColdWidthIndex++ //recompute the with because of new elements go writeConfig(ctx.config) } w.Spacing(1) w.Row(25).Ratio(0.5, 0.45, 0.05) w.Label("Voice Activation Threshold", "LC") if w.Input().Mouse.HoveringRect(w.LastWidgetBounds) { w.Tooltip("If you have a decent microphone, you can usually turn this all the way up.") } if w.SliderInt(0, &ctx.config.Threshold, 95, 1) { go writeConfig(ctx.config) ctx.reloadRequired = true } w.Label(fmt.Sprintf("%d%%", ctx.config.Threshold), "RC") if ctx.reloadRequired { w.Row(20).Dynamic(1) w.LabelColored("Reloading NoiseTorch is required to apply these changes.", "LC", orange) } w.TreePop() } if w.TreePush(nucular.TreeTab, "Select Device", true) { w.Row(15).Dynamic(1) w.Label("Select an input device below:", "LC") for i := range ctx.inputList { el := &ctx.inputList[i] if el.isMonitor && !ctx.config.DisplayMonitorSources { continue } w.Row(15).Static() w.LayoutFitWidth(0, 0) if w.CheckboxText("", &el.checked) { ensureOnlyOneInputSelected(&ctx.inputList, el) } w.LayoutFitWidth(ctx.sourceListColdWidthIndex, 0) if el.dynamicLatency { w.Label(el.Name, "LC") } else { w.LabelColored("(incompatible?) "+el.Name, "LC", orange) } } w.Row(30).Dynamic(1) w.Spacing(1) w.Row(25).Dynamic(2) if ctx.noiseSupressorState != unloaded { if w.ButtonText("Unload NoiseTorch") { ctx.loadingScreen = true ctx.reloadRequired = false go func() { // don't block the UI thread, just display a working screen so user can't run multiple loads/unloads if err := unloadSupressor(ctx.paClient); err != nil { log.Println(err) } //wait until PA reports it has actually loaded it, timeout at 10s for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { if supressorState(ctx.paClient) != unloaded { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) } } ctx.loadingScreen = false (*ctx.masterWindow).Changed() }() } } else { w.Spacing(1) } txt := "Load NoiseTorch" if ctx.noiseSupressorState == loaded { txt = "Reload NoiseTorch" } if inp, ok := inputSelection(ctx); ok && ctx.noiseSupressorState != inconsistent { if w.ButtonText(txt) { ctx.loadingScreen = true ctx.reloadRequired = false go func() { // don't block the UI thread, just display a working screen so user can't run multiple loads/unloads if ctx.noiseSupressorState == loaded { if err := unloadSupressor(ctx.paClient); err != nil { log.Println(err) } } if err := loadSupressor(ctx, inp); err != nil { log.Println(err) } //wait until PA reports it has actually loaded it, timeout at 10s for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { if supressorState(ctx.paClient) != loaded { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) } } ctx.loadingScreen = false (*ctx.masterWindow).Changed() }() } } else { w.Spacing(1) } w.TreePop() } } func ensureOnlyOneInputSelected(inps *[]input, current *input) { if current.checked != true { return } for i := range *inps { el := &(*inps)[i] el.checked = false } current.checked = true } func inputSelection(ctx *ntcontext) (input, bool) { for _, in := range ctx.inputList { if in.checked { return in, true } } return input{}, false } func loadingScreen(ctx *ntcontext, w *nucular.Window) { w.Row(50).Dynamic(1) w.Label("Working...", "CB") w.Row(50).Dynamic(1) w.Label("(this may take a few seconds)", "CB") } func licenseScreen(ctx *ntcontext, w *nucular.Window) { w.Row(255).Dynamic(1) field := &ctx.licenseTextArea field.Flags |= nucular.EditMultiline if len(field.Buffer) < 1 { field.Buffer = []rune(licenseString) } field.Edit(w) w.Row(20).Dynamic(2) w.Spacing(1) if w.ButtonText("OK") { ctx.licenseScreen = false } } func versionScreen(ctx *ntcontext, w *nucular.Window) { w.Row(50).Dynamic(1) w.Label("Version", "CB") w.Row(50).Dynamic(1) w.Label(version, "CB") w.Row(50).Dynamic(1) w.Spacing(1) w.Row(20).Dynamic(2) w.Spacing(1) if w.ButtonText("OK") { ctx.versionScreen = false } } func connectScreen(ctx *ntcontext, w *nucular.Window) { w.Row(50).Dynamic(1) w.Label("Connecting to pulseaudio...", "CB") } func resetUI(ctx *ntcontext) { ctx.loadingScreen = false if ctx.masterWindow != nil { (*ctx.masterWindow).Changed() } }