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193 lines
2.8 KiB

"dojo/cldr/nls/pl/hebrew", //begin v1.x content
"dateFormatItem-yM": "MM.yyyy",
"dateFormatItem-yQ": "QQQ y",
"dateFormatItem-MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
"dateFormatItem-hms": "hh:mm:ss a",
"dateFormatItem-yQQQ": "QQQ y",
"days-standAlone-wide": [
"dateTimeFormat-short": "{1}, {0}",
"dateTimeFormat-medium": "{1}, {0}",
"months-format-abbr-leap": "Adar II",
"quarters-standAlone-abbr": [
"1 kw.",
"2 kw.",
"3 kw.",
"4 kw."
"months-standAlone-abbr": [
"Adar I",
"dateFormatItem-Ed": "E, d",
"dateFormatItem-yMMM": "LLL y",
"days-standAlone-narrow": [
"dateFormat-long": "d MMMM y",
"dateFormat-medium": "d MMM y",
"dateFormatItem-yMd": "d.MM.yyyy",
"quarters-standAlone-wide": [
"I kwartał",
"II kwartał",
"III kwartał",
"IV kwartał"
"quarters-standAlone-narrow": [
"months-standAlone-wide": [
"Adar I",
"dateFormatItem-MMMd": "d MMM",
"months-format-abbr": [
"Adar I",
"quarters-format-abbr": [
"days-format-abbr": [
"days-format-narrow": [
"dateFormatItem-yMMMd": "d MMM y",
"dateFormatItem-MEd": "E, d.MM",
"days-standAlone-short": [
"dateFormatItem-hm": "hh:mm a",
"days-standAlone-abbr": [
"months-standAlone-wide-leap": "Adar II",
"dateFormat-short": "dd.MM.yyyy",
"dateFormatItem-yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
"dateFormat-full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"dateFormatItem-Md": "d.MM",
"dateFormatItem-yMEd": "E, d.MM.yyyy",
"months-format-wide": [
"Adar I",
"days-format-short": [
"quarters-format-wide": [
"I kwartał",
"II kwartał",
"III kwartał",
"IV kwartał"
"months-format-wide-leap": "Adar II",
"days-format-wide": [
"dateFormatItem-h": "hh a"
//end v1.x content