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Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: for details
if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
dojo.declare("", null,{
objectStore: null,
constructor: function(options){
// summary:
// A Dojo Data implementation that wraps Dojo object stores for backwards
// compatibility.
// options:
// The configuration information to pass into the data store.
// options.objectStore:
// The object store to use as the source provider for this data store
dojo.mixin(this, options);
labelProperty: "label",
getValue: function(/*Object*/ item, /*String*/property, /*value?*/defaultValue){
// summary:
// Gets the value of an item's 'property'
// item:
// The item to get the value from
// property:
// property to look up value for
// defaultValue:
// the default value
return typeof item.get === "function" ? item.get(property) :
property in item ?
item[property] : defaultValue;
getValues: function(item, property){
// summary:
// Gets the value of an item's 'property' and returns
// it. If this value is an array it is just returned,
// if not, the value is added to an array and that is returned.
// item: /* object */
// property: /* string */
// property to look up value for
var val = this.getValue(item,property);
return val instanceof Array ? val : val === undefined ? [] : [val];
getAttributes: function(item){
// summary:
// Gets the available attributes of an item's 'property' and returns
// it as an array.
// item: /* object */
var res = [];
for(var i in item){
if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && !(i.charAt(0) == '_' && i.charAt(1) == '_')){
return res;
hasAttribute: function(item,attribute){
// summary:
// Checks to see if item has attribute
// item: /* object */
// attribute: /* string */
return attribute in item;
containsValue: function(item, attribute, value){
// summary:
// Checks to see if 'item' has 'value' at 'attribute'
// item: /* object */
// attribute: /* string */
// value: /* anything */
return dojo.indexOf(this.getValues(item,attribute),value) > -1;
isItem: function(item){
// summary:
// Checks to see if the argument is an item
// item: /* object */
// attribute: /* string */
// we have no way of determining if it belongs, we just have object returned from
// service queries
return (typeof item == 'object') && item && !(item instanceof Date);
isItemLoaded: function(item){
// summary:
// Checks to see if the item is loaded.
// item: /* object */
return item && typeof item.load !== "function";
loadItem: function(args){
// summary:
// Loads an item and calls the callback handler. Note, that this will call the callback
// handler even if the item is loaded. Consequently, you can use loadItem to ensure
// that an item is loaded is situations when the item may or may not be loaded yet.
// If you access a value directly through property access, you can use this to load
// a lazy value as well (doesn't need to be an item).
// example:
// store.loadItem({
// item: item, // this item may or may not be loaded
// onItem: function(item){
// // do something with the item
// }
// });
var item;
if(typeof args.item.load === "function"){
dojo.when(args.item.load(), function(result){
item = result; // in synchronous mode this can allow loadItem to return the value
var func = result instanceof Error ? args.onError : args.onItem;
if(func){, result);
}else if(args.onItem){
// even if it is already loaded, we will use call the callback, this makes it easier to
// use when it is not known if the item is loaded (you can always safely call loadItem)., args.item);
return item;
close: function(request){
return request && request.abort && request.abort();
fetch: function(args){
// summary:
// See
args = args || {};
var self = this;
var scope = args.scope || self;
var query = args.query;
if(typeof query == "object"){ // can be null, but that is ignore by for-in
query = dojo.delegate(query); // don't modify the original
for(var i in query){
// find any strings and convert them to regular expressions for wildcard support
var required = query[i];
if(typeof required == "string"){
query[i] = RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.escapeString(required, "*?").replace(/\*/g, '.*').replace(/\?/g, '.') + "$", args.queryOptions && args.queryOptions.ignoreCase ? "mi" : "m");
query[i].toString = (function(original){
return function(){
return original;
var results = this.objectStore.query(query, args);
dojo.when(, function(totalCount){
dojo.when(results, function(results){
if(args.onBegin){, totalCount || results.length, args);
for(var i=0; i<results.length;i++){, results[i], args);
if(args.onComplete){, args.onItem ? null : results, args);
return results;
}, errorHandler);
}, errorHandler);
function errorHandler(error){
if(args.onError){, error, args);
args.abort = function(){
// abort the request
}; = this;
return args;
getFeatures: function(){
// summary:
// return the store feature set
return {
"": !!this.objectStore.get,
"": true,
"": !!this.objectStore.put,
"": true
getLabel: function(/* item */ item){
// summary:
// See
return this.getValue(item,this.labelProperty); //String
return undefined; //undefined
getLabelAttributes: function(/* item */ item){
// summary:
// See
return [this.labelProperty]; //array
//Identity API Support
getIdentity: function(item){
return item.getId ? item.getId() : item[this.objectStore.idProperty || "id"];
getIdentityAttributes: function(item){
// summary:
// returns the attributes which are used to make up the
// identity of an item. Basically returns this.objectStore.idProperty
return [this.objectStore.idProperty];
fetchItemByIdentity: function(args){
// summary:
// fetch an item by its identity, by looking in our index of what we have loaded
var item;
item = result;, result);
function(error){, error);
return item;
newItem: function(data, parentInfo){
// summary:
// adds a new item to the store at the specified point.
// Takes two parameters, data, and options.
// data: /* object */
// The data to be added in as an item.
// get the previous value or any empty array
var values = this.getValue(parentInfo.parent,parentInfo.attribute,[]);
// set the new value
values = values.concat([data]);
data.__parent = values;
this.setValue(parentInfo.parent, parentInfo.attribute, values);
this._dirtyObjects.push({object:data, save: true});
return data;
deleteItem: function(item){
// summary:
// deletes item and any references to that item from the store.
// item:
// item to delete
// If the desire is to delete only one reference, unsetAttribute or
// setValue is the way to go.
this.changing(item, true);
setValue: function(item, attribute, value){
// summary:
// sets 'attribute' on 'item' to 'value'
var old = item[attribute];
setValues: function(item, attribute, values){
// summary:
// sets 'attribute' on 'item' to 'value' value
// must be an array.
throw new Error("setValues expects to be passed an Array object as its value");
unsetAttribute: function(item, attribute){
// summary:
// unsets 'attribute' on 'item'
var old = item[attribute];
delete item[attribute];
_dirtyObjects: [],
changing: function(object,_deleting){
// summary:
// adds an object to the list of dirty objects. This object
// contains a reference to the object itself as well as a
// cloned and trimmed version of old object for use with
// revert.
object.__isDirty = true;
//if an object is already in the list of dirty objects, don't add it again
//or it will overwrite the premodification data set.
for(var i=0; i<this._dirtyObjects.length; i++){
var dirty = this._dirtyObjects[i];
// we are deleting, no object is an indicator of deletiong
dirty.object = false;
if(!this._saveNotNeeded){ = true;
var old = object instanceof Array ? [] : {};
for(i in object){
old[i] = object[i];
this._dirtyObjects.push({object: !_deleting && object, old: old, save: !this._saveNotNeeded});
save: function(kwArgs){
// summary:
// Saves the dirty data using object store provider. See for API.
// This will cause the save to commit the dirty data for all
// ObjectStores as a single transaction.
// kwArgs.revertOnError
// This will cause the changes to be reverted if there is an
// error on the save. By default a revert is executed unless
// a value of false is provide for this parameter.
kwArgs = kwArgs || {};
var result, actions = [];
var alreadyRecorded = {};
var savingObjects = [];
var self;
var dirtyObjects = this._dirtyObjects;
var left = dirtyObjects.length;// this is how many changes are remaining to be received from the server
if(kwArgs.revertOnError !== false){
var postCommitDirtyObjects = dirtyObjects;
dirtyObjects = savingObjects;
var numDirty = 0; // make sure this does't do anything if it is called again
jr.revert(); // revert if there was an error
self._dirtyObjects = postCommitDirtyObjects;
self._dirtyObjects = dirtyObject.concat(savingObjects);
var transaction = this.objectStore.transaction();
for(var i = 0; i < dirtyObjects.length; i++){
var dirty = dirtyObjects[i];
var object = dirty.object;
var old = dirty.old;
delete object.__isDirty;
result = this.objectStore.put(object, {overwrite: !!old});
result = this.objectStore.remove(this.getIdentity(old));
dojo.when(result, function(value){
if(kwArgs.onComplete){, actions);
// on an error we want to revert, first we want to separate any changes that were made since the commit
left = -1; // first make sure that success isn't called, value);
}catch(e){, value);
revert: function(kwArgs){
// summary
// returns any modified data to its original state prior to a save();
var dirtyObjects = this._dirtyObjects;
for(var i = dirtyObjects.length; i > 0;){
var dirty = dirtyObjects[i];
var object = dirty.object;
var old = dirty.old;
if(object && old){
// changed
for(var j in old){
if(old.hasOwnProperty(j) && object[j] !== old[j]){
this.onSet(object, j, object[j], old[j]);
object[j] = old[j];
for(j in object){
this.onSet(object, j, object[j]);
delete object[j];
}else if(!old){
// was an addition, remove it
// was a deletion, we will add it back
delete (object || old).__isDirty;
dirtyObjects.splice(i, 1);
isDirty: function(item){
// summary
// returns true if the item is marked as dirty or true if there are any dirty items
return !!this._dirtyObjects.length;
return item.__isDirty;
//Notifcation Support
onSet: function(){},
onNew: function(){},
onDelete: function(){}