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Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
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define("dojo/when",["./Deferred","./promise/Promise"],function(_1,_2){"use strict";return function when(_3,_4,_5,_6){var _7=_3&&typeof _3.then==="function";var _8=_7&&_3 instanceof _2;if(!_7){if(_4){return _4(_3);}else{return new _1().resolve(_3);}}else{if(!_8){var _9=new _1(_3.cancel);_3.then(_9.resolve,_9.reject,_9.progress);_3=_9.promise;}}if(_4||_5||_6){return _3.then(_4,_5,_6);}return _3;};});