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Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
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define("dojo/cldr/nls/en-au/gregorian",{"dateFormatItem-yMEd":"EEE, d/M/y","dateFormatItem-yyyyMMMM":"MMMM y","dateFormatItem-MEd":"E, d/M","dateFormat-medium":"dd/MM/yyyy","dateFormatItem-MMdd":"dd/MM","dateFormatItem-yyyyMM":"MM/yyyy","dateFormat-full":"EEEE, d MMMM y","dateFormatItem-MMMMd":"d MMMM","dateFormat-short":"d/MM/yy","dateFormat-long":"d MMMM y","dateFormatItem-MMMEd":"E, d MMM"});