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25 lines
801 B

alter table ttrss_entries add column author varchar(250);
update ttrss_entries set author = '';
alter table ttrss_entries alter column author set not null;
alter table ttrss_entries alter column author set default '';
create table ttrss_sessions (id varchar(250) unique not null primary key,
data text,
expire integer not null,
ip_address varchar(15) not null default '');
create index ttrss_sessions_id_index on ttrss_sessions(id);
create index ttrss_sessions_expire_index on ttrss_sessions(expire);
delete from ttrss_prefs where pref_name = 'ENABLE_SPLASH';
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW', 1, 'true', 'Open article links in new browser window',2);
update ttrss_version set schema_version = 6;