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Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.fx"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.fx"] = true;
Animation loosely package based on Dan Pupius' work, contributed under CLA:
var d = dojo;
var _mixin = d._mixin;
dojo._Line = function(/*int*/ start, /*int*/ end){
// summary:
// dojo._Line is the object used to generate values from a start value
// to an end value
// start: int
// Beginning value for range
// end: int
// Ending value for range
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
dojo._Line.prototype.getValue = function(/*float*/ n){
// summary: Returns the point on the line
// n: a floating point number greater than 0 and less than 1
return ((this.end - this.start) * n) + this.start; // Decimal
dojo.Animation = function(args){
// summary:
// A generic animation class that fires callbacks into its handlers
// object at various states.
// description:
// A generic animation class that fires callbacks into its handlers
// object at various states. Nearly all dojo animation functions
// return an instance of this method, usually without calling the
// .play() method beforehand. Therefore, you will likely need to
// call .play() on instances of `dojo.Animation` when one is
// returned.
// args: Object
// The 'magic argument', mixing all the properties into this
// animation instance.
_mixin(this, args);
this.curve = new d._Line(this.curve[0], this.curve[1]);
// Alias to drop come 2.0:
d._Animation = d.Animation;
d.extend(dojo.Animation, {
// duration: Integer
// The time in milliseonds the animation will take to run
duration: 350,
// curve: dojo._Line|Array
// A two element array of start and end values, or a `dojo._Line` instance to be
// used in the Animation.
curve: null,
// easing: Function?
// A Function to adjust the acceleration (or deceleration) of the progress
// across a dojo._Line
easing: null,
// repeat: Integer?
// The number of times to loop the animation
repeat: 0,
// rate: Integer?
// the time in milliseconds to wait before advancing to next frame
// (used as a fps timer: 1000/rate = fps)
rate: 20 /* 50 fps */,
// delay: Integer?
// The time in milliseconds to wait before starting animation after it
// has been .play()'ed
delay: null,
// beforeBegin: Event?
// Synthetic event fired before a dojo.Animation begins playing (synchronous)
beforeBegin: null,
// onBegin: Event?
// Synthetic event fired as a dojo.Animation begins playing (useful?)
onBegin: null,
// onAnimate: Event?
// Synthetic event fired at each interval of a `dojo.Animation`
onAnimate: null,
// onEnd: Event?
// Synthetic event fired after the final frame of a `dojo.Animation`
onEnd: null,
// onPlay: Event?
// Synthetic event fired any time a `dojo.Animation` is play()'ed
onPlay: null,
// onPause: Event?
// Synthetic event fired when a `dojo.Animation` is paused
onPause: null,
// onStop: Event
// Synthetic event fires when a `dojo.Animation` is stopped
onStop: null,
_percent: 0,
_startRepeatCount: 0,
_getStep: function(){
var _p = this._percent,
_e = this.easing
return _e ? _e(_p) : _p;
_fire: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*Array?*/ args){
// summary:
// Convenience function. Fire event "evt" and pass it the
// arguments specified in "args".
// description:
// Convenience function. Fire event "evt" and pass it the
// arguments specified in "args".
// Fires the callback in the scope of the `dojo.Animation`
// instance.
// evt:
// The event to fire.
// args:
// The arguments to pass to the event.
var a = args||[];
this[evt].apply(this, a);
this[evt].apply(this, a);
// squelch and log because we shouldn't allow exceptions in
// synthetic event handlers to cause the internal timer to run
// amuck, potentially pegging the CPU. I'm not a fan of this
// squelch, but hopefully logging will make it clear what's
// going on
console.error("exception in animation handler for:", evt);
return this; // dojo.Animation
play: function(/*int?*/ delay, /*Boolean?*/ gotoStart){
// summary:
// Start the animation.
// delay:
// How many milliseconds to delay before starting.
// gotoStart:
// If true, starts the animation from the beginning; otherwise,
// starts it from its current position.
// returns: dojo.Animation
// The instance to allow chaining.
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
_t._active = _t._paused = false;
_t._percent = 0;
}else if(_t._active && !_t._paused){
return _t;
_t._fire("beforeBegin", [_t.node]);
var de = delay || _t.delay,
_p = dojo.hitch(_t, "_play", gotoStart);
if(de > 0){
_t._delayTimer = setTimeout(_p, de);
return _t;
return _t;
_play: function(gotoStart){
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
_t._startTime = new Date().valueOf();
_t._startTime -= _t.duration * _t._percent;
_t._active = true;
_t._paused = false;
var value = _t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep());
_t._startRepeatCount = _t.repeat;
_t._fire("onBegin", [value]);
_t._fire("onPlay", [value]);
return _t; // dojo.Animation
pause: function(){
// summary: Pauses a running animation.
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
if(!_t._active){ return _t; /*dojo.Animation*/ }
_t._paused = true;
_t._fire("onPause", [_t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep())]);
return _t; // dojo.Animation
gotoPercent: function(/*Decimal*/ percent, /*Boolean?*/ andPlay){
// summary:
// Sets the progress of the animation.
// percent:
// A percentage in decimal notation (between and including 0.0 and 1.0).
// andPlay:
// If true, play the animation after setting the progress.
var _t = this;
_t._active = _t._paused = true;
_t._percent = percent;
if(andPlay){; }
return _t; // dojo.Animation
stop: function(/*boolean?*/ gotoEnd){
// summary: Stops a running animation.
// gotoEnd: If true, the animation will end.
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
if(!_t._timer){ return _t; /* dojo.Animation */ }
_t._percent = 1;
_t._fire("onStop", [_t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep())]);
_t._active = _t._paused = false;
return _t; // dojo.Animation
status: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a string token representation of the status of
// the animation, one of: "paused", "playing", "stopped"
return this._paused ? "paused" : "playing"; // String
return "stopped"; // String
_cycle: function(){
var _t = this;
var curr = new Date().valueOf();
var step = (curr - _t._startTime) / (_t.duration);
if(step >= 1){
step = 1;
_t._percent = step;
// Perform easing
step = _t.easing(step);
_t._fire("onAnimate", [_t.curve.getValue(step)]);
if(_t._percent < 1){
_t._active = false;
if(_t.repeat > 0){
_t.repeat--;, true);
}else if(_t.repeat == -1){, true);
_t.repeat = _t._startRepeatCount;
_t._startRepeatCount = 0;
_t._percent = 0;
_t._fire("onEnd", [_t.node]);
!_t.repeat && _t._stopTimer();
return _t; // dojo.Animation
_clearTimer: function(){
// summary: Clear the play delay timer
delete this._delayTimer;
// the local timer, stubbed into all Animation instances
var ctr = 0,
timer = null,
runner = {
run: function(){}
d.extend(d.Animation, {
_startTimer: function(){
this._timer = d.connect(runner, "run", this, "_cycle");
timer = setInterval(d.hitch(runner, "run"), this.rate);
_stopTimer: function(){
this._timer = null;
if(ctr <= 0){
timer = null;
ctr = 0;
var _makeFadeable =
d.isIE ? function(node){
// only set the zoom if the "tickle" value would be the same as the
// default
var ns =;
// don't set the width to auto if it didn't already cascade that way.
// We don't want to f anyones designs
if(!ns.width.length &&, "width") == "auto"){
ns.width = "auto";
} :
dojo._fade = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will fade the node defined by
// args.node from the start to end values passed (args.start
// args.end) (end is mandatory, start is optional)
args.node = d.byId(args.node);
var fArgs = _mixin({ properties: {} }, args),
props = ( = {});
props.start = !("start" in fArgs) ?
return, "opacity")||0;
} : fArgs.start;
props.end = fArgs.end;
var anim = d.animateProperty(fArgs);
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", d.partial(_makeFadeable, fArgs.node));
return anim; // dojo.Animation
dojo.__FadeArgs = function(node, duration, easing){
// node: DOMNode|String
// The node referenced in the animation
// duration: Integer?
// Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
// easing: Function?
// An easing function.
this.node = node;
this.duration = duration;
this.easing = easing;
dojo.fadeIn = function(/*dojo.__FadeArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will fade node defined in 'args' from
// its current opacity to fully opaque.
return d._fade(_mixin({ end: 1 }, args)); // dojo.Animation
dojo.fadeOut = function(/*dojo.__FadeArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will fade node defined in 'args'
// from its current opacity to fully transparent.
return d._fade(_mixin({ end: 0 }, args)); // dojo.Animation
dojo._defaultEasing = function(/*Decimal?*/ n){
// summary: The default easing function for dojo.Animation(s)
return 0.5 + ((Math.sin((n + 1.5) * Math.PI)) / 2);
var PropLine = function(properties){
// PropLine is an internal class which is used to model the values of
// an a group of CSS properties across an animation lifecycle. In
// particular, the "getValue" function handles getting interpolated
// values between start and end for a particular CSS value.
this._properties = properties;
for(var p in properties){
var prop = properties[p];
if(prop.start instanceof d.Color){
// create a reusable temp color object to keep intermediate results
prop.tempColor = new d.Color();
PropLine.prototype.getValue = function(r){
var ret = {};
for(var p in this._properties){
var prop = this._properties[p],
start = prop.start;
if(start instanceof d.Color){
ret[p] = d.blendColors(start, prop.end, r, prop.tempColor).toCss();
}else if(!d.isArray(start)){
ret[p] = ((prop.end - start) * r) + start + (p != "opacity" ? prop.units || "px" : 0);
return ret;
dojo.declare("dojo.__AnimArgs", [dojo.__FadeArgs], {
// Properties: Object?
// A hash map of style properties to Objects describing the transition,
// such as the properties of dojo._Line with an additional 'units' property
properties: {}
//TODOC: add event callbacks
dojo.animateProperty = function(/*dojo.__AnimArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will transition the properties of
// node defined in `args` depending how they are defined in
// ``
// description:
// `dojo.animateProperty` is the foundation of most `dojo.fx`
// animations. It takes an object of "properties" corresponding to
// style properties, and animates them in parallel over a set
// duration.
// example:
// A simple animation that changes the width of the specified node.
// | dojo.animateProperty({
// | node: "nodeId",
// | properties: { width: 400 },
// | }).play();
// Dojo figures out the start value for the width and converts the
// integer specified for the width to the more expressive but
// verbose form `{ width: { end: '400', units: 'px' } }` which you
// can also specify directly. Defaults to 'px' if ommitted.
// example:
// Animate width, height, and padding over 2 seconds... the
// pedantic way:
// | dojo.animateProperty({ node: node, duration:2000,
// | properties: {
// | width: { start: '200', end: '400', units:"px" },
// | height: { start:'200', end: '400', units:"px" },
// | paddingTop: { start:'5', end:'50', units:"px" }
// | }
// | }).play();
// Note 'paddingTop' is used over 'padding-top'. Multi-name CSS properties
// are written using "mixed case", as the hyphen is illegal as an object key.
// example:
// Plug in a different easing function and register a callback for
// when the animation ends. Easing functions accept values between
// zero and one and return a value on that basis. In this case, an
// exponential-in curve.
// | dojo.animateProperty({
// | node: "nodeId",
// | // dojo figures out the start value
// | properties: { width: { end: 400 } },
// | easing: function(n){
// | return (n==0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
// | },
// | onEnd: function(node){
// | // called when the animation finishes. The animation
// | // target is passed to this function
// | }
// | }).play(500); // delay playing half a second
// example:
// Like all `dojo.Animation`s, animateProperty returns a handle to the
// Animation instance, which fires the events common to Dojo FX. Use `dojo.connect`
// to access these events outside of the Animation definiton:
// | var anim = dojo.animateProperty({
// | node:"someId",
// | properties:{
// | width:400, height:500
// | }
// | });
// | dojo.connect(anim,"onEnd", function(){
// | console.log("animation ended");
// | });
// | // play the animation now:
// |;
// example:
// Each property can be a function whose return value is substituted along.
// Additionally, each measurement (eg: start, end) can be a function. The node
// reference is passed direcly to callbacks.
// | dojo.animateProperty({
// | node:"mine",
// | properties:{
// | height:function(node){
// | // shrink this node by 50%
// | return dojo.position(node).h / 2
// | },
// | width:{
// | start:function(node){ return 100; },
// | end:function(node){ return 200; }
// | }
// | }
// | }).play();
var n = args.node = d.byId(args.node);
if(!args.easing){ args.easing = d._defaultEasing; }
var anim = new d.Animation(args);
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, function(){
var pm = {};
for(var p in{
// Make shallow copy of properties into pm because we overwrite
// some values below. In particular if start/end are functions
// we don't want to overwrite them or the functions won't be
// called if the animation is reused.
if(p == "width" || p == "height"){
this.node.display = "block";
var prop =[p];
prop = prop(n);
prop = pm[p] = _mixin({}, (d.isObject(prop) ? prop: { end: prop }));
prop.start = prop.start(n);
prop.end = prop.end(n);
var isColor = (p.toLowerCase().indexOf("color") >= 0);
function getStyle(node, p){
//, "height") can return "auto" or "" on IE; this is more reliable:
var v = { height: node.offsetHeight, width: node.offsetWidth }[p];
if(v !== undefined){ return v; }
v =, p);
return (p == "opacity") ? +v : (isColor ? v : parseFloat(v));
if(!("end" in prop)){
prop.end = getStyle(n, p);
}else if(!("start" in prop)){
prop.start = getStyle(n, p);
prop.start = new d.Color(prop.start);
prop.end = new d.Color(prop.end);
prop.start = (p == "opacity") ? +prop.start : parseFloat(prop.start);
this.curve = new PropLine(pm);
d.connect(anim, "onAnimate", d.hitch(d, "style", anim.node));
return anim; // dojo.Animation
dojo.anim = function( /*DOMNode|String*/ node,
/*Object*/ properties,
/*Integer?*/ duration,
/*Function?*/ easing,
/*Function?*/ onEnd,
/*Integer?*/ delay){
// summary:
// A simpler interface to `dojo.animateProperty()`, also returns
// an instance of `dojo.Animation` but begins the animation
// immediately, unlike nearly every other Dojo animation API.
// description:
// `dojo.anim` is a simpler (but somewhat less powerful) version
// of `dojo.animateProperty`. It uses defaults for many basic properties
// and allows for positional parameters to be used in place of the
// packed "property bag" which is used for other Dojo animation
// methods.
// The `dojo.Animation` object returned from `dojo.anim` will be
// already playing when it is returned from this function, so
// calling play() on it again is (usually) a no-op.
// node:
// a DOM node or the id of a node to animate CSS properties on
// duration:
// The number of milliseconds over which the animation
// should run. Defaults to the global animation default duration
// (350ms).
// easing:
// An easing function over which to calculate acceleration
// and deceleration of the animation through its duration.
// A default easing algorithm is provided, but you may
// plug in any you wish. A large selection of easing algorithms
// are available in `dojo.fx.easing`.
// onEnd:
// A function to be called when the animation finishes
// running.
// delay:
// The number of milliseconds to delay beginning the
// animation by. The default is 0.
// example:
// Fade out a node
// | dojo.anim("id", { opacity: 0 });
// example:
// Fade out a node over a full second
// | dojo.anim("id", { opacity: 0 }, 1000);
return d.animateProperty({ // dojo.Animation
node: node,
duration: duration || d.Animation.prototype.duration,
properties: properties,
easing: easing,
onEnd: onEnd
}).play(delay || 0);