You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
15 KiB

* Project: MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool
* File:, a simple functional interface
to fetching and parsing RSS files, via the
function fetch_rss()
* Author: Kellan Elliott-McCrea <>
* License: GPL
* The lastest version of MagpieRSS can be obtained from:
* For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
* Magpie mailing list:
// Setup MAGPIE_DIR for use on hosts that don't include
// the current path in include_path.
// with thanks to rajiv and smarty
if (!defined('DIR_SEP')) {
if (!defined('MAGPIE_DIR')) {
define('MAGPIE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . DIR_SEP);
require_once( MAGPIE_DIR . '' );
require_once( MAGPIE_DIR . '' );
// for including 3rd party libraries
define('MAGPIE_EXTLIB', MAGPIE_DIR . 'extlib' . DIR_SEP);
require_once( MAGPIE_EXTLIB . '');
* CONSTANTS - redefine these in your script to change the
* behaviour of fetch_rss() currently, most options effect the cache
* MAGPIE_CACHE_ON - Should Magpie cache parsed RSS objects?
* For me a built in cache was essential to creating a "PHP-like"
* feel to Magpie, see for rationale
* MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR - Where should Magpie cache parsed RSS objects?
* This should be a location that the webserver can write to. If this
* directory does not already exist Mapie will try to be smart and create
* it. This will often fail for permissions reasons.
* MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE - How long to store cached RSS objects? In seconds.
* MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY - If remote fetch fails, throw error
* instead of returning stale object?
* MAGPIE_DEBUG - Display debugging notices?
Function: fetch_rss:
Purpose: return RSS object for the give url
maintain the cache
Input: url of RSS file
Output: parsed RSS object (see
If caching is on (MAGPIE_CACHE_ON) fetch_rss will first check the cache.
If conditional gets are on (MAGPIE_CONDITIONAL_GET_ON) fetch_rss will
return a cached object, and touch the cache object upon recieving a
If there is an HTTP error while fetching an RSS object, the cached
version will be return, if it exists (and if MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY is off)
define('MAGPIE_VERSION', '0.72');
function fetch_rss ($url) {
// initialize constants
if ( !isset($url) ) {
error("fetch_rss called without a url");
return false;
// if cache is disabled
// fetch file, and parse it
$resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url );
if ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) {
return _response_to_rss( $resp );
else {
error("Failed to fetch $url and cache is off");
return false;
// else cache is ON
else {
// Flow
// 1. check cache
// 2. if there is a hit, make sure its fresh
// 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote
// 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error
if (MAGPIE_DEBUG and $cache->ERROR) {
debug($cache->ERROR, E_USER_WARNING);
$cache_status = 0; // response of check_cache
$request_headers = array(); // HTTP headers to send with fetch
$rss = 0; // parsed RSS object
$errormsg = 0; // errors, if any
// store parsed XML by desired output encoding
// as character munging happens at parse time
$cache_key = $url . MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
if (!$cache->ERROR) {
// return cache HIT, MISS, or STALE
$cache_status = $cache->check_cache( $cache_key);
// if object cached, and cache is fresh, return cached obj
if ( $cache_status == 'HIT' ) {
$rss = $cache->get( $cache_key );
if ( isset($rss) and $rss ) {
// should be cache age
$rss->from_cache = 1;
if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
debug("MagpieRSS: Cache HIT", E_USER_NOTICE);
return $rss;
// else attempt a conditional get
// setup headers
if ( $cache_status == 'STALE' ) {
$rss = $cache->get( $cache_key );
if ( $rss and $rss->etag and $rss->last_modified ) {
$request_headers['If-None-Match'] = $rss->etag;
$request_headers['If-Last-Modified'] = $rss->last_modified;
$resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url, $request_headers );
if (isset($resp) and $resp) {
if ($resp->status == '304' ) {
// we have the most current copy
if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
debug("Got 304 for $url");
// reset cache on 304 (at minutillo insistent prodding)
$cache->set($cache_key, $rss);
return $rss;
elseif ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) {
$rss = _response_to_rss( $resp );
if ( $rss ) {
if (MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
debug("Fetch successful");
// add object to cache
$cache->set( $cache_key, $rss );
return $rss;
else {
$errormsg = "Failed to fetch $url ";
if ( $resp->status == '-100' ) {
$errormsg .= "(Request timed out after " . MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT . " seconds)";
elseif ( $resp->error ) {
# compensate for Snoopy's annoying habbit to tacking
# on '\n'
$http_error = substr($resp->error, 0, -2);
$errormsg .= "(HTTP Error: $http_error)";
else {
$errormsg .= "(HTTP Response: " . $resp->response_code .')';
else {
$errormsg = "Unable to retrieve RSS file for unknown reasons.";
// else fetch failed
// attempt to return cached object
if ($rss) {
debug("Returning STALE object for $url");
return $rss;
// else we totally failed
error( $errormsg );
return false;
} // end if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) {
} // end fetch_rss()
Function: error
Purpose: set MAGPIE_ERROR, and trigger error
function error ($errormsg, $lvl=E_USER_WARNING) {
// append PHP's error message if track_errors enabled
if ( isset($php_errormsg) ) {
$errormsg .= " ($php_errormsg)";
if ( $errormsg ) {
$errormsg = "MagpieRSS: $errormsg";
$MAGPIE_ERROR = $errormsg;
trigger_error( $errormsg, $lvl);
function debug ($debugmsg, $lvl=E_USER_NOTICE) {
trigger_error("MagpieRSS [debug] $debugmsg", $lvl);
Function: magpie_error
Purpose: accessor for the magpie error variable
function magpie_error ($errormsg="") {
if ( isset($errormsg) and $errormsg ) {
$MAGPIE_ERROR = $errormsg;
Function: _fetch_remote_file
Purpose: retrieve an arbitrary remote file
Input: url of the remote file
headers to send along with the request (optional)
Output: an HTTP response object (see
function _fetch_remote_file ($url, $headers = "" ) {
// Snoopy is an HTTP client in PHP
$client = new Snoopy();
$client->agent = MAGPIE_USER_AGENT;
$client->read_timeout = MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT;
$client->use_gzip = MAGPIE_USE_GZIP;
if (is_array($headers) ) {
$client->rawheaders = $headers;
return $client;
Function: _response_to_rss
Purpose: parse an HTTP response object into an RSS object
Input: an HTTP response object (see Snoopy)
Output: parsed RSS object (see rss_parse)
function _response_to_rss ($resp) {
$rss = new MagpieRSS( $resp->results, MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING, "UTF-8", false);
// if RSS parsed successfully
if ( $rss and !$rss->ERROR) {
// find Etag, and Last-Modified
foreach($resp->headers as $h) {
// 2003-03-02 - Nicola Asuni ( - fixed bug "Undefined offset: 1"
if (strpos($h, ": ")) {
list($field, $val) = explode(": ", $h, 2);
else {
$field = $h;
$val = "";
if ( $field == 'ETag' ) {
$rss->etag = $val;
if ( $field == 'Last-Modified' ) {
$rss->last_modified = $val;
return $rss;
} // else construct error message
else {
$errormsg = "Failed to parse RSS file.";
if ($rss) {
$errormsg .= " (" . $rss->ERROR . ")";
return false;
} // end if ($rss and !$rss->error)
Function: init
Purpose: setup constants with default values
check for user overrides
function init () {
if ( defined('MAGPIE_INITALIZED') ) {
else {
define('MAGPIE_INITALIZED', true);
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON') ) {
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', true);
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR') ) {
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', './cache');
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE') ) {
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60*60); // one hour
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY') ) {
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY', false);
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING') ) {
define('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', 'ISO-8859-1');
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_INPUT_ENCODING') ) {
define('MAGPIE_INPUT_ENCODING', null);
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_DETECT_ENCODING') ) {
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_DEBUG') ) {
define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', 0);
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT') ) {
$ua = 'MagpieRSS/'. MAGPIE_VERSION . ' (+';
$ua = $ua . ')';
else {
$ua = $ua . '; No cache)';
if ( defined('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT_EXT') ) {
define('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT', $ua);
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT') ) {
define('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT', 5); // 5 second timeout
// use gzip encoding to fetch rss files if supported?
if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP') ) {
define('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP', true);
// NOTE: the following code should really be in Snoopy, or at least
// somewhere other then rss_fetch!
These functions attempt to classify an HTTP status code
based on RFC 2616 and RFC 2518.
All of them take an HTTP status code as input, and return true or false
All this code is adapted from LWP's HTTP::Status.
Function: is_info
Purpose: return true if Informational status code
function is_info ($sc) {
return $sc >= 100 && $sc < 200;
Function: is_success
Purpose: return true if Successful status code
function is_success ($sc) {
return $sc >= 200 && $sc < 300;
Function: is_redirect
Purpose: return true if Redirection status code
function is_redirect ($sc) {
return $sc >= 300 && $sc < 400;
Function: is_error
Purpose: return true if Error status code
function is_error ($sc) {
return $sc >= 400 && $sc < 600;
Function: is_client_error
Purpose: return true if Error status code, and its a client error
function is_client_error ($sc) {
return $sc >= 400 && $sc < 500;
Function: is_client_error
Purpose: return true if Error status code, and its a server error
function is_server_error ($sc) {
return $sc >= 500 && $sc < 600;