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define("dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels", [
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
], function(declare, HorizontalRuleLabels){
// module:
// dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels
return declare("dijit.form.VerticalRuleLabels", HorizontalRuleLabels, {
// summary:
// Labels for the `dijit/form/VerticalSlider`
templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerV dijitRuleLabelsContainer dijitRuleLabelsContainerV"></div>',
_positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleLabelContainer dijitRuleLabelContainerV" style="top:',
_labelPrefix: '"><span class="dijitRuleLabel dijitRuleLabelV">',
_calcPosition: function(pos){
// Overrides HorizontalRuleLabel._calcPosition()
return 100-pos;
// needed to prevent labels from being reversed in RTL mode
_isHorizontal: false