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define("dijit/form/HorizontalRule", [
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
], function(declare, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin){
// module:
// dijit/form/HorizontalRule
return declare("dijit.form.HorizontalRule", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
// summary:
// Hash marks for `dijit/form/HorizontalSlider`
templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerH"></div>',
// count: Integer
// Number of hash marks to generate
count: 3,
// container: String
// For HorizontalSlider, this is either "topDecoration" or "bottomDecoration",
// and indicates whether this rule goes above or below the slider.
container: "containerNode",
// ruleStyle: String
// CSS style to apply to individual hash marks
ruleStyle: "",
_positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleMark dijitRuleMarkH" style="left:',
_positionSuffix: '%;',
_suffix: '"></div>',
_genHTML: function(pos){
return this._positionPrefix + pos + this._positionSuffix + this.ruleStyle + this._suffix;
// _isHorizontal: [protected extension] Boolean
// VerticalRule will override this...
_isHorizontal: true,
buildRendering: function(){
var innerHTML;
if(this.count == 1){
innerHTML = this._genHTML(50, 0);
var i;
var interval = 100 / (this.count-1);
if(!this._isHorizontal || this.isLeftToRight()){
innerHTML = this._genHTML(0, 0);
for(i=1; i < this.count-1; i++){
innerHTML += this._genHTML(interval*i, i);
innerHTML += this._genHTML(100, this.count-1);
innerHTML = this._genHTML(100, 0);
for(i=1; i < this.count-1; i++){
innerHTML += this._genHTML(100-interval*i, i);
innerHTML += this._genHTML(0, this.count-1);
this.domNode.innerHTML = innerHTML;