You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
8.1 KiB

define("dijit/form/FilteringSelect", [
"dojo/data/util/filter", // filter.patternToRegExp
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
], function(filter, declare, lang, when, MappedTextBox, ComboBoxMixin){
// module:
// dijit/form/FilteringSelect
return declare("dijit.form.FilteringSelect", [MappedTextBox, ComboBoxMixin], {
// summary:
// An enhanced version of the HTML SELECT tag, populated dynamically
// description:
// An enhanced version of the HTML SELECT tag, populated dynamically. It works
// very nicely with very large data sets because it can load and page data as needed.
// It also resembles ComboBox, but does not allow values outside of the provided ones.
// If OPTION tags are used as the data provider via markup, then the
// OPTION tag's child text node is used as the displayed value when selected
// while the OPTION tag's value attribute is used as the widget value on form submit.
// To set the default value when using OPTION tags, specify the selected
// attribute on 1 of the child OPTION tags.
// Similar features:
// - There is a drop down list of possible values.
// - You can only enter a value from the drop down list. (You can't
// enter an arbitrary value.)
// - The value submitted with the form is the hidden value (ex: CA),
// not the displayed value a.k.a. label (ex: California)
// Enhancements over plain HTML version:
// - If you type in some text then it will filter down the list of
// possible values in the drop down list.
// - List can be specified either as a static list or via a javascript
// function (that can get the list from a server)
// required: Boolean
// True (default) if user is required to enter a value into this field.
required: true,
_lastDisplayedValue: "",
_isValidSubset: function(){
return this._opened;
isValid: function(){
// Overrides ValidationTextBox.isValid()
return !!this.item || (!this.required && this.get('displayedValue') == ""); // #5974
_refreshState: function(){
if(!this.searchTimer){ // state will be refreshed after results are returned
_callbackSetLabel: function(
/*Array*/ result,
/*Object*/ query,
/*Object*/ options,
/*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
// summary:
// Callback from after lookup of user entered value finishes
// setValue does a synchronous lookup,
// so it calls _callbackSetLabel directly,
// and so does not pass dataObject
// still need to test against _lastQuery in case it came too late
if((query && query[this.searchAttr] !== this._lastQuery) || (!query && result.length &&[0]) != this._lastQuery)){
//#3268: don't modify display value on bad input
//#3285: change CSS to indicate error
this.set("value", '', priorityChange || (priorityChange === undefined && !this.focused), this.textbox.value, null);
this.set('item', result[0], priorityChange);
_openResultList: function(/*Object*/ results, /*Object*/ query, /*Object*/ options){
// Callback when a data store query completes.
// Overrides ComboBox._openResultList()
// #3285: tap into search callback to see if user's query resembles a match
if(query[this.searchAttr] !== this._lastQuery){
if(this.item === undefined){ // item == undefined for keyboard search
// If the search returned no items that means that the user typed
// in something invalid (and they can't make it valid by typing more characters),
// so flag the FilteringSelect as being in an invalid state
_getValueAttr: function(){
// summary:
// Hook for get('value') to work.
// don't get the textbox value but rather the previously set hidden value.
// Use this.valueNode.value which isn't always set for other MappedTextBox widgets until blur
return this.valueNode.value;
_getValueField: function(){
// Overrides ComboBox._getValueField()
return "value";
_setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ displayedValue, /*item?*/ item){
// summary:
// Hook so set('value', value) works.
// description:
// Sets the value of the select.
// Also sets the label to the corresponding value by reverse lookup.
if(!this._onChangeActive){ priorityChange = null; }
if(item === undefined){
if(value === null || value === ''){
value = '';
this._setDisplayedValueAttr(displayedValue||'', priorityChange);
var self = this;
this._lastQuery = value;
when(, function(item){
self._callbackSetLabel(item? [item] : [], undefined, undefined, priorityChange);
this.valueNode.value = value;
_setItemAttr: function(/*item*/ item, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ displayedValue){
// summary:
// Set the displayed valued in the input box, and the hidden value
// that gets submitted, based on a store item.
// description:
// Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
// set('item', value)
// tags:
// private
this._lastDisplayedValue = this.textbox.value;
_getDisplayQueryString: function(/*String*/ text){
return text.replace(/([\\\*\?])/g, "\\$1");
_setDisplayedValueAttr: function(/*String*/ label, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
// summary:
// Hook so set('displayedValue', label) works.
// description:
// Sets textbox to display label. Also performs reverse lookup
// to set the hidden value. label should corresponding to item.searchAttr.
if(label == null){ label = ''; }
// This is called at initialization along with every custom setter.
// Usually (or always?) the call can be ignored. If it needs to be
// processed then at least make sure that the XHR request doesn't trigger an onChange()
// event, even if it returns after creation has finished
if(!("displayedValue" in this.params)){
priorityChange = false;
// Do a reverse lookup to map the specified displayedValue to the hidden value.
// Note that if there's a custom labelFunc() this code
var query = lang.clone(this.query); // #6196: populate query with user-specifics
// Generate query
var qs = this._getDisplayQueryString(label), q;
// remove this branch for 2.0
q = qs;
// Query on searchAttr is a regex for benefit of dojo/store/Memory,
// but with a toString() method to help dojo/store/JsonRest.
// Search string like "Co*" converted to regex like /^Co.*$/i.
q = filter.patternToRegExp(qs, this.ignoreCase);
q.toString = function(){ return qs; };
this._lastQuery = query[this.searchAttr] = q;
// If the label is not valid, the callback will never set it,
// so the last valid value will get the warning textbox. Set the
// textbox value now so that the impending warning will make
// sense to the user
this.textbox.value = label;
this._lastDisplayedValue = label;
this._set("displayedValue", label); // for watch("displayedValue") notification
var _this = this;
var options = {
ignoreCase: this.ignoreCase,
deep: true
lang.mixin(options, this.fetchProperties);
this._fetchHandle =, options);
when(this._fetchHandle, function(result){
_this._fetchHandle = null;
_this._callbackSetLabel(result || [], query, options, priorityChange);
}, function(err){
_this._fetchHandle = null;
if(!_this._cancelingQuery){ // don't treat canceled query as an error
console.error('dijit.form.FilteringSelect: ' + err.toString());
undo: function(){
this.set('displayedValue', this._lastDisplayedValue);