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define("dojo/rpc/JsonService", [
"../_base/declare", "../_base/Deferred", "../_base/json", "../_base/lang", "../_base/xhr",
], function(declare, Deferred, json, lang, xhr, RpcService){
// module:
// dojo/rpc/JsonService
return declare("dojo.rpc.JsonService", RpcService, {
// summary:
bustCache: false,
contentType: "application/json-rpc",
lastSubmissionId: 0,
callRemote: function(method, params){
// summary:
// call an arbitrary remote method without requiring it to be
// predefined with SMD
// method: string
// the name of the remote method you want to call.
// params: array
// array of parameters to pass to method
var deferred = new Deferred();
this.bind(method, params, deferred);
return deferred;
bind: function(method, parameters, deferredRequestHandler, url){
// summary:
// JSON-RPC bind method. Takes remote method, parameters,
// deferred, and a url, calls createRequest to make a JSON-RPC
// envelope and passes that off with bind.
// method: string
// The name of the method we are calling
// parameters: array
// The parameters we are passing off to the method
// deferredRequestHandler: deferred
// The Deferred object for this particular request
var def ={
url: url||this.serviceUrl,
postData: this.createRequest(method, parameters),
contentType: this.contentType,
timeout: this.timeout,
handleAs: "json-comment-optional"
def.addCallbacks(this.resultCallback(deferredRequestHandler), this.errorCallback(deferredRequestHandler));
createRequest: function(method, params){
// summary:
// create a JSON-RPC envelope for the request
// method: string
// The name of the method we are creating the request for
// params: array
// The array of parameters for this request
var req = { "params": params, "method": method, "id": ++this.lastSubmissionId };
return json.toJson(req);
parseResults: function(/*anything*/obj){
// summary:
// parse the result envelope and pass the results back to
// the callback function
// obj: Object
// Object containing envelope of data we receive from the server
if("result" in obj){
return obj.result;
if("Result" in obj){
return obj.Result;
if("ResultSet" in obj){
return obj.ResultSet;
return obj;