You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1314 lines
38 KiB

class Pref_Feeds extends Handler_Protected {
function csrf_ignore($method) {
$csrf_ignored = array("index", "getfeedtree", "savefeedorder");
return array_search($method, $csrf_ignored) !== false;
public static function get_ts_languages() {
$rv = [];
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$dbh = Db::pdo();
$res = $dbh->query("SELECT cfgname FROM pg_ts_config");
while ($row = $res->fetch()) {
array_push($rv, ucfirst($row['cfgname']));
return $rv;
function renameCat() {
$cat = ORM::for_table("ttrss_feed_categories")
->where("owner_uid", $_SESSION["uid"])
$title = clean($_REQUEST['title']);
if ($cat && $title) {
$cat->title = $title;
private function get_category_items($cat_id) {
if (clean($_REQUEST['mode'] ?? 0) != 2)
$search = $_SESSION["prefs_feed_search"] ?? "";
$search = "";
// first one is set by API
$show_empty_cats = clean($_REQUEST['force_show_empty'] ?? false) ||
(clean($_REQUEST['mode'] ?? 0) != 2 && !$search);
$items = array();
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id, title FROM ttrss_feed_categories
WHERE owner_uid = ? AND parent_cat = ? ORDER BY order_id, title");
$sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid'], $cat_id]);
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
$cat = array();
$cat['id'] = 'CAT:' . $line['id'];
$cat['bare_id'] = (int)$line['id'];
$cat['name'] = $line['title'];
$cat['items'] = array();
$cat['checkbox'] = false;
$cat['type'] = 'category';
$cat['unread'] = -1;
$cat['child_unread'] = -1;
$cat['auxcounter'] = -1;
$cat['parent_id'] = $cat_id;
$cat['items'] = $this->get_category_items($line['id']);
$num_children = $this->calculate_children_count($cat);
$cat['param'] = sprintf(_ngettext('(%d feed)', '(%d feeds)', (int) $num_children), $num_children);
if ($num_children > 0 || $show_empty_cats)
array_push($items, $cat);
$fsth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id, title, last_error,
".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated, update_interval
FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE cat_id = :cat AND
owner_uid = :uid AND
(:search = '' OR (LOWER(title) LIKE :search OR LOWER(feed_url) LIKE :search))
ORDER BY order_id, title");
$fsth->execute([":cat" => $cat_id, ":uid" => $_SESSION['uid'], ":search" => $search ? "%$search%" : ""]);
while ($feed_line = $fsth->fetch()) {
$feed = array();
$feed['id'] = 'FEED:' . $feed_line['id'];
$feed['bare_id'] = (int)$feed_line['id'];
$feed['auxcounter'] = -1;
$feed['name'] = $feed_line['title'];
$feed['checkbox'] = false;
$feed['unread'] = -1;
$feed['error'] = $feed_line['last_error'];
$feed['icon'] = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_line['id']);
$feed['param'] = TimeHelper::make_local_datetime(
$feed_line['last_updated'], true);
$feed['updates_disabled'] = (int)($feed_line['update_interval'] < 0);
array_push($items, $feed);
return $items;
function getfeedtree() {
print json_encode($this->_makefeedtree());
function _makefeedtree() {
if (clean($_REQUEST['mode'] ?? 0) != 2)
$search = $_SESSION["prefs_feed_search"] ?? "";
$search = "";
$root = array();
$root['id'] = 'root';
$root['name'] = __('Feeds');
$root['items'] = array();
$root['param'] = 0;
$root['type'] = 'category';
$enable_cats = get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS);
if (clean($_REQUEST['mode'] ?? 0) == 2) {
if ($enable_cats) {
$cat = $this->feedlist_init_cat(-1);
} else {
$cat['items'] = array();
foreach (array(-4, -3, -1, -2, 0, -6) as $i) {
array_push($cat['items'], $this->feedlist_init_feed($i));
/* Plugin feeds for -1 */
$feeds = PluginHost::getInstance()->get_feeds(-1);
if ($feeds) {
foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
$feed_id = PluginHost::pfeed_to_feed_id($feed['id']);
$item = array();
$item['id'] = 'FEED:' . $feed_id;
$item['bare_id'] = (int)$feed_id;
$item['auxcounter'] = -1;
$item['name'] = $feed['title'];
$item['checkbox'] = false;
$item['error'] = '';
$item['icon'] = $feed['icon'];
$item['param'] = '';
$item['unread'] = -1;
$item['type'] = 'feed';
array_push($cat['items'], $item);
if ($enable_cats) {
array_push($root['items'], $cat);
} else {
$root['items'] = array_merge($root['items'], $cat['items']);
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM
ttrss_labels2 WHERE owner_uid = ? ORDER by caption");
if (get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS)) {
$cat = $this->feedlist_init_cat(-2);
} else {
$cat['items'] = array();
$num_labels = 0;
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
$label_id = Labels::label_to_feed_id($line['id']);
$feed = $this->feedlist_init_feed($label_id, false, 0);
$feed['fg_color'] = $line['fg_color'];
$feed['bg_color'] = $line['bg_color'];
array_push($cat['items'], $feed);
if ($num_labels) {
if ($enable_cats) {
array_push($root['items'], $cat);
} else {
$root['items'] = array_merge($root['items'], $cat['items']);
if ($enable_cats) {
$show_empty_cats = clean($_REQUEST['force_show_empty'] ?? false) ||
(clean($_REQUEST['mode'] ?? 0) != 2 && !$search);
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id, title FROM ttrss_feed_categories
WHERE owner_uid = ? AND parent_cat IS NULL ORDER BY order_id, title");
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
$cat = array();
$cat['id'] = 'CAT:' . $line['id'];
$cat['bare_id'] = (int)$line['id'];
$cat['auxcounter'] = -1;
$cat['name'] = $line['title'];
$cat['items'] = array();
$cat['checkbox'] = false;
$cat['type'] = 'category';
$cat['unread'] = -1;
$cat['child_unread'] = -1;
$cat['items'] = $this->get_category_items($line['id']);
$num_children = $this->calculate_children_count($cat);
$cat['param'] = sprintf(_ngettext('(%d feed)', '(%d feeds)', (int) $num_children), $num_children);
if ($num_children > 0 || $show_empty_cats)
array_push($root['items'], $cat);
$root['param'] += count($cat['items']);
/* Uncategorized is a special case */
$cat = array();
$cat['id'] = 'CAT:0';
$cat['bare_id'] = 0;
$cat['auxcounter'] = -1;
$cat['name'] = __("Uncategorized");
$cat['items'] = array();
$cat['type'] = 'category';
$cat['checkbox'] = false;
$cat['unread'] = -1;
$cat['child_unread'] = -1;
$fsth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id, title,last_error,
".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated, update_interval
FROM ttrss_feeds
owner_uid = :uid AND
(:search = '' OR (LOWER(title) LIKE :search OR LOWER(feed_url) LIKE :search))
ORDER BY order_id, title");
$fsth->execute([":uid" => $_SESSION['uid'], ":search" => $search ? "%$search%" : ""]);
while ($feed_line = $fsth->fetch()) {
$feed = array();
$feed['id'] = 'FEED:' . $feed_line['id'];
$feed['bare_id'] = (int)$feed_line['id'];
$feed['auxcounter'] = -1;
$feed['name'] = $feed_line['title'];
$feed['checkbox'] = false;
$feed['error'] = $feed_line['last_error'];
$feed['icon'] = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_line['id']);
$feed['param'] = TimeHelper::make_local_datetime(
$feed_line['last_updated'], true);
$feed['unread'] = -1;
$feed['type'] = 'feed';
$feed['updates_disabled'] = (int)($feed_line['update_interval'] < 0);
array_push($cat['items'], $feed);
$cat['param'] = sprintf(_ngettext('(%d feed)', '(%d feeds)', count($cat['items'])), count($cat['items']));
if (count($cat['items']) > 0 || $show_empty_cats)
array_push($root['items'], $cat);
$num_children = $this->calculate_children_count($root);
$root['param'] = sprintf(_ngettext('(%d feed)', '(%d feeds)', (int) $num_children), $num_children);
} else {
$fsth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id, title, last_error,
".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated, update_interval
FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE owner_uid = :uid AND
(:search = '' OR (LOWER(title) LIKE :search OR LOWER(feed_url) LIKE :search))
ORDER BY order_id, title");
$fsth->execute([":uid" => $_SESSION['uid'], ":search" => $search ? "%$search%" : ""]);
while ($feed_line = $fsth->fetch()) {
$feed = array();
$feed['id'] = 'FEED:' . $feed_line['id'];
$feed['bare_id'] = (int)$feed_line['id'];
$feed['auxcounter'] = -1;
$feed['name'] = $feed_line['title'];
$feed['checkbox'] = false;
$feed['error'] = $feed_line['last_error'];
$feed['icon'] = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_line['id']);
$feed['param'] = TimeHelper::make_local_datetime(
$feed_line['last_updated'], true);
$feed['unread'] = -1;
$feed['type'] = 'feed';
$feed['updates_disabled'] = (int)($feed_line['update_interval'] < 0);
array_push($root['items'], $feed);
$root['param'] = sprintf(_ngettext('(%d feed)', '(%d feeds)', count($root['items'])), count($root['items']));
$fl = array();
$fl['identifier'] = 'id';
$fl['label'] = 'name';
if (clean($_REQUEST['mode'] ?? 0) != 2) {
$fl['items'] = array($root);
} else {
$fl['items'] = $root['items'];
return $fl;
function catsortreset() {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feed_categories
SET order_id = 0 WHERE owner_uid = ?");
function feedsortreset() {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
SET order_id = 0 WHERE owner_uid = ?");
private function process_category_order(&$data_map, $item_id, $parent_id = false, $nest_level = 0) {
$prefix = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $nest_level; $i++)
$prefix .= " ";
Debug::log("$prefix C: $item_id P: $parent_id");
$bare_item_id = substr($item_id, strpos($item_id, ':')+1);
if ($item_id != 'root') {
if ($parent_id && $parent_id != 'root') {
$parent_bare_id = substr($parent_id, strpos($parent_id, ':')+1);
$parent_qpart = $parent_bare_id;
} else {
$parent_qpart = null;
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feed_categories
SET parent_cat = ? WHERE id = ? AND
owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$parent_qpart, $bare_item_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
$order_id = 1;
$cat = $data_map[$item_id];
if ($cat && is_array($cat)) {
foreach ($cat as $item) {
$id = $item['_reference'];
$bare_id = substr($id, strpos($id, ':')+1);
Debug::log("$prefix [$order_id] $id/$bare_id");
if ($item['_reference']) {
if (strpos($id, "FEED") === 0) {
$cat_id = ($item_id != "root") ? $bare_item_id : null;
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
SET order_id = ?, cat_id = ?
WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$order_id, $cat_id ? $cat_id : null, $bare_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
} else if (strpos($id, "CAT:") === 0) {
$this->process_category_order($data_map, $item['_reference'], $item_id,
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feed_categories
SET order_id = ? WHERE id = ? AND
owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$order_id, $bare_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
function savefeedorder() {
$data = json_decode($_POST['payload'], true);
#file_put_contents("/tmp/saveorder.json", clean($_POST['payload']));
#$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("/tmp/saveorder.json"), true);
if (!is_array($data['items']))
$data['items'] = json_decode($data['items'], true);
# print_r($data['items']);
if (is_array($data) && is_array($data['items'])) {
# $cat_order_id = 0;
$data_map = array();
$root_item = false;
foreach ($data['items'] as $item) {
# if ($item['id'] != 'root') {
if (is_array($item['items'])) {
if (isset($item['items']['_reference'])) {
$data_map[$item['id']] = array($item['items']);
} else {
$data_map[$item['id']] = $item['items'];
if ($item['id'] == 'root') {
$root_item = $item['id'];
$this->process_category_order($data_map, $root_item);
function removeicon() {
$feed_id = clean($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
@unlink(Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico");
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET favicon_avg_color = NULL, favicon_last_checked = '1970-01-01'
where id = ?");
function uploadicon() {
header("Content-type: text/html");
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['icon_file']['tmp_name'])) {
$tmp_file = tempnam(Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . '/upload', 'icon');
if (!$tmp_file)
$result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['icon_file']['tmp_name'], $tmp_file);
if (!$result) {
} else {
$icon_file = $tmp_file;
$feed_id = clean($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
$rc = 2; // failed
if ($icon_file && is_file($icon_file) && $feed_id) {
if (filesize($icon_file) < 65535) {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$new_filename = Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico";
if (file_exists($new_filename)) unlink($new_filename);
if (rename($icon_file, $new_filename)) {
chmod($new_filename, 644);
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
favicon_avg_color = ''
WHERE id = ?");
$rc = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_id);
} else {
$rc = 1;
if ($icon_file && is_file($icon_file)) {
print $rc;
function editfeed() {
global $purge_intervals;
global $update_intervals;
$feed_id = (int)clean($_REQUEST["id"]);
$row = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
->where("owner_uid", $_SESSION["uid"])
if ($row) {
PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_EDIT_FEED, $feed_id);
$plugin_data = trim((string)ob_get_contents());
$row["icon"] = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_id);
$local_update_intervals = $update_intervals;
$local_update_intervals[0] .= sprintf(" (%s)", $update_intervals[get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL)]);
if (Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE) == 0) {
$local_purge_intervals = $purge_intervals;
$default_purge_interval = get_pref(Prefs::PURGE_OLD_DAYS);
if ($default_purge_interval > 0)
$local_purge_intervals[0] .= " " . T_nsprintf('(%d day)', '(%d days)', $default_purge_interval, $default_purge_interval);
$local_purge_intervals[0] .= " " . sprintf("(%s)", __("Disabled"));
} else {
$purge_interval = Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE);
$local_purge_intervals = [ T_nsprintf('%d day', '%d days', $purge_interval, $purge_interval) ];
print json_encode([
"feed" => $row,
"cats" => [
"enabled" => get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS),
"select" => \Controls\select_feeds_cats("cat_id", $row["cat_id"]),
"plugin_data" => $plugin_data,
"force_purge" => (int)Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE),
"intervals" => [
"update" => $local_update_intervals,
"purge" => $local_purge_intervals,
"lang" => [
"enabled" => Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql",
"default" => get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_SEARCH_LANGUAGE),
"all" => $this::get_ts_languages(),
private function _batch_toggle_checkbox($name) {
return \Controls\checkbox_tag("", false, "",
["data-control-for" => $name, "title" => __("Check to enable field"), "onchange" => "App.dialogOf(this).toggleField(this)"]);
function editfeeds() {
global $purge_intervals;
global $update_intervals;
$feed_ids = clean($_REQUEST["ids"]);
$local_update_intervals = $update_intervals;
$local_update_intervals[0] .= sprintf(" (%s)", $update_intervals[get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL)]);
$local_purge_intervals = $purge_intervals;
$default_purge_interval = get_pref(Prefs::PURGE_OLD_DAYS);
if ($default_purge_interval > 0)
$local_purge_intervals[0] .= " " . T_sprintf("(%d days)", $default_purge_interval);
$local_purge_intervals[0] .= " " . sprintf("(%s)", __("Disabled"));
$options = [
"include_in_digest" => __('Include in e-mail digest'),
"always_display_enclosures" => __('Always display image attachments'),
"hide_images" => __('Do not embed media'),
"cache_images" => __('Cache media'),
"mark_unread_on_update" => __('Mark updated articles as unread')
print_notice("Enable the options you wish to apply using checkboxes on the right.");
<?= \Controls\hidden_tag("ids", $feed_ids) ?>
<?= \Controls\hidden_tag("op", "pref-feeds") ?>
<?= \Controls\hidden_tag("method", "batchEditSave") ?>
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" style="height : 450px">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="<?= __('General') ?>">
<?php if (get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS)) { ?>
<label><?= __('Place in category:') ?></label>
<?= \Controls\select_feeds_cats("cat_id", null, ['disabled' => '1']) ?>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox("cat_id") ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") { ?>
<label><?= __('Language:') ?></label>
<?= \Controls\select_tag("feed_language", "", $this::get_ts_languages(), ["disabled"=> 1]) ?>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox("feed_language") ?>
<?php } ?>
<label><?= __("Update interval:") ?></label>
<?= \Controls\select_hash("update_interval", "", $local_update_intervals, ["disabled" => 1]) ?>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox("update_interval") ?>
<?php if (Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE) == 0) { ?>
<label><?= __('Article purging:') ?></label>
<?= \Controls\select_hash("purge_interval", "", $local_purge_intervals, ["disabled" => 1]) ?>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox("purge_interval") ?>
<?php } ?>
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="<?= __('Authentication') ?>">
<label><?= __("Login:") ?></label>
<input dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox'
disabled='1' autocomplete='new-password' name='auth_login' value=''>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox("auth_login") ?>
<label><?= __("Password:") ?></label>
<input dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox' type='password' name='auth_pass'
autocomplete='new-password' disabled='1' value=''>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox("auth_pass") ?>
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="<?= __('Options') ?>">
foreach ($options as $name => $caption) {
<fieldset class='narrow'>
<label class="checkbox text-muted">
<?= \Controls\checkbox_tag($name, false, "", ["disabled" => "1"]) ?>
<?= $caption ?>
<?= $this->_batch_toggle_checkbox($name) ?>
<?php } ?>
<?= \Controls\submit_tag(__("Save")) ?>
<?= \Controls\cancel_dialog_tag(__("Cancel")) ?>
function batchEditSave() {
return $this->editsaveops(true);
function editSave() {
return $this->editsaveops(false);
private function editsaveops($batch) {
$feed_title = clean($_POST["title"]);
$feed_url = clean($_POST["feed_url"]);
$site_url = clean($_POST["site_url"]);
$upd_intl = (int) clean($_POST["update_interval"] ?? 0);
$purge_intl = (int) clean($_POST["purge_interval"] ?? 0);
$feed_id = (int) clean($_POST["id"] ?? 0); /* editSave */
$feed_ids = explode(",", clean($_POST["ids"] ?? "")); /* batchEditSave */
$cat_id = (int) clean($_POST["cat_id"]);
$auth_login = clean($_POST["auth_login"]);
$auth_pass = clean($_POST["auth_pass"]);
$private = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_POST["private"] ?? ""));
$include_in_digest = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
clean($_POST["include_in_digest"] ?? ""));
$cache_images = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
clean($_POST["cache_images"] ?? ""));
$hide_images = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
clean($_POST["hide_images"] ?? ""));
$always_display_enclosures = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
clean($_POST["always_display_enclosures"] ?? ""));
$mark_unread_on_update = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
clean($_POST["mark_unread_on_update"] ?? ""));
$feed_language = clean($_POST["feed_language"] ?? "");
if (!$batch) {
/* $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT feed_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
$row = $sth->fetch();$orig_feed_url = $row["feed_url"];
$reset_basic_info = $orig_feed_url != $feed_url; */
$feed = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
->where('owner_uid', $_SESSION['uid'])
if ($feed) {
$feed->title = $feed_title;
$feed->cat_id = $cat_id ? $cat_id : null;
$feed->feed_url = $feed_url;
$feed->site_url = $site_url;
$feed->update_interval = $upd_intl;
$feed->purge_interval = $purge_intl;
$feed->auth_login = $auth_login;
$feed->auth_pass = $auth_pass;
$feed->private = (int)$private;
$feed->cache_images = (int)$cache_images;
$feed->hide_images = (int)$hide_images;
$feed->feed_language = $feed_language;
$feed->include_in_digest = (int)$include_in_digest;
$feed->always_display_enclosures = (int)$always_display_enclosures;
$feed->mark_unread_on_update = (int)$mark_unread_on_update;
PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_SAVE_FEED, $feed_id);
} else {
$feed_data = array();
foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $k) {
if ($k != "op" && $k != "method" && $k != "ids") {
$feed_data[$k] = clean($_POST[$k]);
$feed_ids_qmarks = arr_qmarks($feed_ids);
foreach (array_keys($feed_data) as $k) {
$qpart = "";
switch ($k) {
case "title":
$qpart = "title = " . $this->pdo->quote($feed_title);
case "feed_url":
$qpart = "feed_url = " . $this->pdo->quote($feed_url);
case "update_interval":
$qpart = "update_interval = " . $this->pdo->quote($upd_intl);
case "purge_interval":
$qpart = "purge_interval =" . $this->pdo->quote($purge_intl);
case "auth_login":
$qpart = "auth_login = " . $this->pdo->quote($auth_login);
case "auth_pass":
$qpart = "auth_pass =" . $this->pdo->quote($auth_pass). ", auth_pass_encrypted = false";
case "private":
$qpart = "private = " . $this->pdo->quote($private);
case "include_in_digest":
$qpart = "include_in_digest = " . $this->pdo->quote($include_in_digest);
case "always_display_enclosures":
$qpart = "always_display_enclosures = " . $this->pdo->quote($always_display_enclosures);
case "mark_unread_on_update":
$qpart = "mark_unread_on_update = " . $this->pdo->quote($mark_unread_on_update);
case "cache_images":
$qpart = "cache_images = " . $this->pdo->quote($cache_images);
case "hide_images":
$qpart = "hide_images = " . $this->pdo->quote($hide_images);
case "cat_id":
if (get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS)) {
if ($cat_id) {
$qpart = "cat_id = " . $this->pdo->quote($cat_id);
} else {
$qpart = 'cat_id = NULL';
} else {
$qpart = "";
case "feed_language":
$qpart = "feed_language = " . $this->pdo->quote($feed_language);
if ($qpart) {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET $qpart WHERE id IN ($feed_ids_qmarks)
AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute(array_merge($feed_ids, [$_SESSION['uid']]));
function remove() {
$ids = explode(",", clean($_REQUEST["ids"]));
foreach ($ids as $id) {
self::remove_feed($id, $_SESSION["uid"]);
function removeCat() {
$ids = explode(",", clean($_REQUEST["ids"]));
foreach ($ids as $id) {
Feeds::_remove_cat((int)$id, $_SESSION["uid"]);
function addCat() {
$feed_cat = clean($_REQUEST["cat"]);
function importOpml() {
$opml = new OPML($_REQUEST);
private function index_feeds() {
$error_button = "<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button'
id='pref_feeds_errors_btn' style='display : none'
__("Feeds with errors")."</button>";
$inactive_button = "<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button'
style='display : none'
onclick=\"dijit.byId('feedTree').showInactiveFeeds()\">" .
__("Inactive feeds") . "</button>";
$feed_search = clean($_REQUEST["search"] ?? "");
if (array_key_exists("search", $_REQUEST)) {
$_SESSION["prefs_feed_search"] = $feed_search;
} else {
$feed_search = $_SESSION["prefs_feed_search"] ?? "";
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" gutters="false">
<div region='top' dojoType="fox.Toolbar">
<div style='float : right'>
<input dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" id="feed_search" size="20" type="search"
value="<?= htmlspecialchars($feed_search) ?>">
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').reload()">
<?= __('Search') ?></button>
<div dojoType="fox.form.DropDownButton">
<span><?= __('Select') ?></span>
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu" style="display: none;">
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').model.setAllChecked(true)"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('All') ?></div>
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').model.setAllChecked(false)"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('None') ?></div>
<div dojoType="fox.form.DropDownButton">
<span><?= __('Feeds') ?></span>
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu" style="display: none">
<div onclick="CommonDialogs.subscribeToFeed()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Subscribe to feed') ?></div>
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').editSelectedFeed()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Edit selected feeds') ?></div>
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').resetFeedOrder()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Reset sort order') ?></div>
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').batchSubscribe()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Batch subscribe') ?></div>
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').removeSelectedFeeds()">
<?= __('Unsubscribe') ?></div>
<?php if (get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS)) { ?>
<div dojoType="fox.form.DropDownButton">
<span><?= __('Categories') ?></span>
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu" style="display: none">
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').createCategory()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Add category') ?></div>
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').resetCatOrder()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Reset sort order') ?></div>
<div onclick="dijit.byId('feedTree').removeSelectedCategories()"
dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"><?= __('Remove selected') ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?= $error_button ?>
<?= $inactive_button ?>
<div style="padding : 0px" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center">
<div dojoType="fox.PrefFeedStore" jsId="feedStore"
<div dojoType="lib.CheckBoxStoreModel" jsId="feedModel" store="feedStore"
query="{id:'root'}" rootId="root" rootLabel="Feeds" childrenAttrs="items"
checkboxStrict="false" checkboxAll="false">
<div dojoType="fox.PrefFeedTree" id="feedTree"
autoExpand="<?= (!empty($feed_search) ? "true" : "false") ?>"
<script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item">
var id = String(;
var bare_id = id.substr(id.indexOf(':')+1);
if (id.match('FEED:')) {
} else if (id.match('CAT:')) {
dijit.byId('feedTree').editCategory(bare_id, item);
<script type="dojo/method" event="onLoad" args="item">
private function index_opml() {
<h3><?= __("Using OPML you can export and import your feeds, filters, labels and Tiny Tiny RSS settings.") ?></h3>
<?php print_notice("Only main settings profile can be migrated using OPML.") ?>
<form id='opml_import_form' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<label class='dijitButton'><?= __("Choose file...") ?>
<input style='display : none' id='opml_file' name='opml_file' type='file'>
<input type='hidden' name='op' value='pref-feeds'>
<input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value="<?= $_SESSION['csrf_token'] ?>">
<input type='hidden' name='method' value='importOpml'>
<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='alt-primary' onclick="return Helpers.OPML.import()" type="submit">
<?= __('Import OPML') ?>
<form dojoType='dijit.form.Form' id='opmlExportForm' style='display : inline-block'>
<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' onclick='Helpers.OPML.export()'>
<?= __('Export OPML') ?>
<label class='checkbox'>
<?= \Controls\checkbox_tag("include_settings", true, "1") ?>
<?= __("Include settings") ?>
<h2><?= __("Published OPML") ?></h2>
<?= __('Your OPML can be published publicly and can be subscribed by anyone who knows the URL below.') ?>
<?= __("Published OPML does not include your Tiny Tiny RSS settings, feeds that require authentication or feeds hidden from Popular feeds.") ?>
<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='alt-primary' onclick="return Helpers.OPML.publish()">
<?= __('Display published OPML URL') ?>
PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB_SECTION, "prefFeedsOPML");
private function index_shared() {
<h3><?= __('Published articles can be subscribed by anyone who knows the following URL:') ?></h3>
<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='alt-primary'
onclick="CommonDialogs.generatedFeed(-2, false)">
<?= __('Display URL') ?>
<button class='alt-danger' dojoType='dijit.form.Button' onclick='return Helpers.Feeds.clearFeedAccessKeys()'>
<?= __('Clear all generated URLs') ?>
PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB_SECTION, "prefFeedsPublishedGenerated");
function index() {
<div dojoType='dijit.layout.TabContainer' tabPosition='left-h'>
<div style='padding : 0px' dojoType='dijit.layout.ContentPane'
title="<i class='material-icons'>rss_feed</i> <?= __('My feeds') ?>">
<?php $this->index_feeds() ?>
<div dojoType='dijit.layout.ContentPane'
title="<i class='material-icons'>import_export</i> <?= __('OPML') ?>">
<?php $this->index_opml() ?>
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="<i class='material-icons'>share</i> <?= __('Sharing') ?>">
<?php $this->index_shared() ?>
PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, "prefFeeds");
$plugin_data = trim((string)ob_get_contents());
<?php if ($plugin_data) { ?>
<div dojoType='dijit.layout.ContentPane'
title="<i class='material-icons'>extension</i> <?= __('Plugins') ?>">
<div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionContainer' region='center'>
<?= $plugin_data ?>
<?php } ?>
private function feedlist_init_cat($cat_id) {
$obj = array();
$cat_id = (int) $cat_id;
$obj['id'] = 'CAT:' . $cat_id;
$obj['items'] = array();
$obj['name'] = Feeds::_get_cat_title($cat_id);
$obj['type'] = 'category';
$obj['unread'] = -1; //(int) Feeds::_get_cat_unread($cat_id);
$obj['bare_id'] = $cat_id;
return $obj;
private function feedlist_init_feed($feed_id, $title = false, $unread = false, $error = '', $updated = '') {
$obj = array();
$feed_id = (int) $feed_id;
if (!$title)
$title = Feeds::_get_title($feed_id, false);
if ($unread === false)
$unread = getFeedUnread($feed_id, false);
$obj['id'] = 'FEED:' . $feed_id;
$obj['name'] = $title;
$obj['unread'] = (int) $unread;
$obj['type'] = 'feed';
$obj['error'] = $error;
$obj['updated'] = $updated;
$obj['icon'] = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_id);
$obj['bare_id'] = $feed_id;
$obj['auxcounter'] = 0;
return $obj;
function inactiveFeeds() {
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$interval_qpart = "NOW() - INTERVAL '3 months'";
} else {
$interval_qpart = "DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)";
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT ttrss_feeds.title, ttrss_feeds.site_url,
ttrss_feeds.feed_url,, MAX(updated) AS last_article
FROM ttrss_feeds, ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE
(SELECT MAX(updated) FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE = ref_id AND
ttrss_user_entries.feed_id = < $interval_qpart
AND ttrss_feeds.owner_uid = ? AND
ttrss_user_entries.feed_id = AND = ref_id
GROUP BY ttrss_feeds.title,, ttrss_feeds.site_url, ttrss_feeds.feed_url
ORDER BY last_article");
$rv = [];
while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$row['last_article'] = TimeHelper::make_local_datetime($row['last_article'], false);
array_push($rv, $row);
print json_encode($rv);
function feedsWithErrors() {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id,title,feed_url,last_error,site_url
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE last_error != '' AND owner_uid = ?");
$rv = [];
while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
array_push($rv, $row);
print json_encode($rv);
static function remove_feed($id, $owner_uid) {
if (PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks_until(PluginHost::HOOK_UNSUBSCRIBE_FEED, true, $id, $owner_uid))
$pdo = Db::pdo();
if ($id > 0) {
/* save starred articles in Archived feed */
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET
feed_id = NULL, orig_feed_id = NULL
WHERE feed_id = ? AND marked = true AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$id, $owner_uid]);
/* Remove access key for the feed */
$sth = $pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_access_keys WHERE
feed_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$id, $owner_uid]);
/* remove the feed */
$sth = $pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$id, $owner_uid]);
if (file_exists(Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$id.ico")) {
unlink(Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$id.ico");
} else {
Labels::remove(Labels::feed_to_label_id($id), $owner_uid);
function batchSubscribe() {
print json_encode([
"enable_cats" => (int)get_pref(Prefs::ENABLE_FEED_CATS),
"cat_select" => \Controls\select_feeds_cats("cat")
function batchAddFeeds() {
$cat_id = clean($_REQUEST['cat']);
$feeds = explode("\n", clean($_REQUEST['feeds']));
$login = clean($_REQUEST['login']);
$pass = clean($_REQUEST['pass']);
$csth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE feed_url = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$isth = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
VALUES (?, ?, '[Unknown]', ?, ?, ?, 0, false)");
foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
$feed = trim($feed);
if (UrlHelper::validate($feed)) {
$csth->execute([$feed, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if (!$csth->fetch()) {
$isth->execute([$_SESSION['uid'], $feed, $cat_id ? $cat_id : null, $login, $pass]);
function clearKeys() {
return Feeds::_clear_access_keys($_SESSION['uid']);
function getOPMLKey() {
print json_encode(["link" => OPML::get_publish_url()]);
function regenOPMLKey() {
false, $_SESSION["uid"]);
print json_encode(["link" => OPML::get_publish_url()]);
function regenFeedKey() {
$feed_id = clean($_REQUEST['id']);
$is_cat = clean($_REQUEST['is_cat']);
$new_key = Feeds::_update_access_key($feed_id, $is_cat, $_SESSION["uid"]);
print json_encode(["link" => $new_key]);
function getSharedURL() {
$feed_id = clean($_REQUEST['id']);
$is_cat = clean($_REQUEST['is_cat']) == "true";
$search = clean($_REQUEST['search']);
$link = Config::get_self_url() . "/public.php?" . http_build_query([
'op' => 'rss',
'id' => $feed_id,
'is_cat' => (int)$is_cat,
'q' => $search,
'key' => Feeds::_get_access_key($feed_id, $is_cat, $_SESSION["uid"])
print json_encode([
"title" => Feeds::_get_title($feed_id, $is_cat),
"link" => $link
private function calculate_children_count($cat) {
$c = 0;
foreach ($cat['items'] ?? [] as $child) {
if ($child['type'] ?? '' == 'category') {
$c += $this->calculate_children_count($child);
} else {
$c += 1;
return $c;