". __("Error: your access level is insufficient to run this script.")."

"; exit; } define('SCHEMA_VERSION', 14); ?> Database Updater

".__("Tiny Tiny RSS database is up to date.")."

"; print "
"; return; } if (!$op) { print "

".__("Warning: Please backup your database before proceeding.")."

"; print "

" . T_sprintf("Your Tiny Tiny RSS database needs update to the latest version (%d to %d).", $version, $latest_version) . "

"; /* print "

Available incremental updates:"; foreach (array_keys($update_versions) as $v) { if ($v > $version) { print " $v"; } } */ print "

"; print "
"; } else if ($op == "do") { print "

".__("Performing updates...")."

"; $num_updates = 0; foreach (array_keys($update_versions) as $v) { if ($v == $version + 1) { print "

".T_sprintf("Updating to version %d...", $v)."

"; $fp = fopen($update_versions[$v], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!feof($fp)) { $query = trim(getline($fp, ";")); if ($query != "") { print "


"; db_query($link, $query); } } } fclose($fp); print "

".__("Checking version... "); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT schema_version FROM ttrss_version"); $version = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "schema_version"); if ($version == $v) { print __("OK!"); } else { print "".__("ERROR!").""; return; } $num_updates++; } } print "

".T_sprintf("Finished. Performed %d update(s) up to schema version %d.", $num_updates, $version)."

"; print "
"; } ?>