quote($search); $search_qpart = "AND (UPPER(feed_url) LIKE UPPER('%$search%') OR UPPER(title) LIKE UPPER('%$search%'))"; } else { $search_qpart = ""; } if ($mode == 1) { $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT feed_url, site_url, title, SUM(subscribers) AS subscribers FROM (SELECT feed_url, site_url, title, subscribers FROM ttrss_feedbrowser_cache UNION ALL SELECT feed_url, site_url, title, subscribers FROM ttrss_linked_feeds) AS qqq WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) = 0 FROM ttrss_feeds AS tf WHERE tf.feed_url = qqq.feed_url AND owner_uid = ?) $search_qpart GROUP BY feed_url, site_url, title ORDER BY subscribers DESC LIMIT " . (int)$limit); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); } else if ($mode == 2) { $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE orig_feed_id = ttrss_archived_feeds.id) AS articles_archived FROM ttrss_archived_feeds WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE ttrss_feeds.feed_url = ttrss_archived_feeds.feed_url AND owner_uid = :uid) = 0 AND owner_uid = :uid $search_qpart ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . (int)$limit); $sth->execute([":uid" => $_SESSION['uid']]); } $feedctr = 0; while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { if ($mode == 1) { $feed_url = htmlspecialchars($line["feed_url"]); $site_url = htmlspecialchars($line["site_url"]); $subscribers = $line["subscribers"]; $check_box = ""; $site_url = " ". htmlspecialchars($line["title"]).""; $feed_url = ""; $rv .= "
".__('No feeds found.')."