/* Dijit Editor RTL icons*/ /*editorIcons_rtl.css is located in dijit/images editorIcons_rtl.css contains references to the dijit editor widget icons. There are 46 icons used to map to the related editor funtionality in the editor's toolbar. */ /* Editor */ .dijitEditorRtl .dijitEditorIcon { background-image: url('images/editorIconsEnabled_rtl.png'); /* editor icons sprite image for the enabled right to left state */ } .dijitEditorRtlDisabled .dijitEditorIcon { background-image: url('images/editorIconsDisabled_rtl.png'); /* editor icons sprite image for the disabled right to left state */ } /* Toolbar */ .dijitToolbarRtl .dijitToolbarSeparator { background-image: url('images/editorIconsEnabled_rtl.png'); } /* took this information above from editorRtl.css - good or bad? */