exports.config = function(config){ // summary: // This module provides bootstrap configuration for running dojo in node.js // any command line arguments with the load flag are pushed into deps for(var deps = [], args = [], i = 0; i < process.argv.length; i++){ var arg = (process.argv[i] + "").split("="); if(arg[0] == "load"){ deps.push(arg[1]); }else if(arg[0] == "mapPackage") { var parts = arg[1].split(":"), name = parts[0], location=parts[1], isPrexisting = false; for (var j = 0; j < config.packages.length; j++) { var pkg = config.packages[j]; if (pkg.name === name) { pkg.location = location; isPrexisting = true; break; } } if (!isPrexisting) { config.packages.push({ name: name, location: location }); } }else{ args.push(arg); } } var fs = require("fs"); // make sure global require exists //if (typeof global.require=="undefined"){ // global.require= {}; //} // reset the has cache with node-appropriate values; var hasCache = { "host-node":1, "host-browser":0, "dom":0, "dojo-has-api":1, "dojo-xhr-factory":0, "dojo-inject-api":1, "dojo-timeout-api":0, "dojo-trace-api":1, "dojo-dom-ready-api":0, "dojo-publish-privates":1, "dojo-sniff":0, "dojo-loader":1, "dojo-test-xd":0, "dojo-test-sniff":0 }; for(var p in hasCache){ config.hasCache[p] = hasCache[p]; } var vm = require('vm'), path = require('path'); // reset some configuration switches with node-appropriate values var nodeConfig = { baseUrl: path.dirname(process.argv[1]), commandLineArgs:args, deps:deps, timeout:0, // TODO: really get the locale locale:"en-us", loaderPatch: { log:function(item){ // define debug for console messages during dev instead of console.log // (node's heavy async makes console.log confusing sometimes) var util = require("util"); util.debug(util.inspect(item)); }, eval: function(__text, __urlHint){ return vm.runInThisContext(__text, __urlHint); }, injectUrl: function(url, callback){ try{ vm.runInThisContext(fs.readFileSync(url, "utf8"), url); callback(); }catch(e){ this.log("failed to load resource (" + url + ")"); this.log(e); } }, getText: function(url, sync, onLoad){ // TODO: implement async and http/https handling onLoad(fs.readFileSync(url, "utf8")); } } }; for(p in nodeConfig){ config[p] = nodeConfig[p]; } };