var xmlhttp = false; var total_unread = 0; var first_run = true; var display_tags = false; var global_unread = -1; var active_title_text = ""; var current_subtitle = ""; var daemon_enabled = false; var _qfd_deleted_feed = 0; var firsttime_update = true; /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5) // JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions. // and security blocked creation of the objects. try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) { xmlhttp = false; } } @end @*/ if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } function toggleTags() { display_tags = !display_tags; var p = document.getElementById("dispSwitchPrompt"); if (display_tags) { p.innerHTML = "display feeds"; } else { p.innerHTML = "display tags"; } updateFeedList(); } function dlg_frefresh_callback() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { notify(xmlhttp.responseText); updateFeedList(false, false); if (_qfd_deleted_feed) { var hframe = document.getElementById("headlines-frame"); if (hframe) { hframe.src = "backend.php?op=error&msg=No%20feed%20selected."; } } closeDlg(); } } function dlg_submit_callback() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { notify(xmlhttp.responseText); closeDlg(); } } function dlg_display_callback() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { var dlg = document.getElementById("userDlg"); var dlg_s = document.getElementById("userDlgShadow"); dlg.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; = "block"; } } function hide_unread_callback() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { try { var reply = xmlhttp.responseXML.firstChild.firstChild; var value = reply.getAttribute("value"); var hide_read_feeds = (value != "false") var feeds_doc = window.frames["feeds-frame"].document; hideOrShowFeeds(feeds_doc, hide_read_feeds); if (hide_read_feeds) { setCookie("ttrss_vf_hreadf", 1); } else { setCookie("ttrss_vf_hreadf", 0); } } catch (e) { exception_error("hide_unread_callback", e); } } } function refetch_callback() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { try { if (!xmlhttp.responseXML) { notify("refetch_callback: backend did not return valid XML"); return; } var reply = xmlhttp.responseXML.firstChild; if (!reply) { notify("refetch_callback: backend did not return expected XML object"); updateTitle(""); return; } var error_code = reply.getAttribute("error-code"); if (error_code && error_code != 0) { return fatalError(error_code); } var f_document = window.frames["feeds-frame"].document; parse_counters(reply, f_document, window); if (!daemon_enabled) { notify("All feeds updated."); updateTitle(""); } } catch (e) { exception_error("refetch_callback", e); updateTitle(""); } } } function backend_sanity_check_callback() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { try { if (!xmlhttp.responseXML) { fatalError(3, "D001;" + xmlhttp.responseText); return; } var reply = xmlhttp.responseXML.firstChild; if (!reply) { fatalError(3, "D002;" + xmlhttp.responseText); return; } var error_code = reply.getAttribute("error-code"); if (error_code && error_code != 0) { return fatalError(error_code); } init_second_stage(); } catch (e) { exception_error("backend_sanity_check_callback", e); } } } function scheduleFeedUpdate(force) { if (!daemon_enabled) { notify("Updating feeds, please wait."); updateTitle("Updating"); } var query_str = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop="; if (force) { query_str = query_str + "forceUpdateAllFeeds"; } else { query_str = query_str + "updateAllFeeds"; } var omode; if (firsttime_update && !navigator.userAgent.match("Opera")) { firsttime_update = false; omode = "T"; } else { if (display_tags) { omode = "t"; } else { omode = "flc"; } } query_str = query_str + "&omode=" + omode; query_str = query_str + "&uctr=" + global_unread; if (xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) {"GET", query_str, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=refetch_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); } else { printLockingError(); } } function updateFeedList(silent, fetch) { // if (silent != true) { // notify("Loading feed list..."); // } var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds"; if (display_tags) { query_str = query_str + "&tags=1"; } if (getActiveFeedId()) { query_str = query_str + "&actid=" + getActiveFeedId(); } if (navigator.userAgent.match("Opera")) { var date = new Date(); var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000); query_str = query_str + "&ts=" + timestamp } if (fetch) query_str = query_str + "&fetch=yes"; var feeds_frame = document.getElementById("feeds-frame"); feeds_frame.src = query_str; } function catchupAllFeeds() { var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds&subop=catchupAll"; notify("Marking all feeds as read..."); var feeds_frame = document.getElementById("feeds-frame"); feeds_frame.src = query_str; global_unread = 0; updateTitle(""); } function viewCurrentFeed(skip, subop) { if (getActiveFeedId()) { viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), skip, subop); } else { disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", false, document); viewfeed(-1, skip, subop); // FIXME } } function viewfeed(feed, skip, subop) { var f = window.frames["feeds-frame"]; f.viewfeed(feed, skip, subop); } function timeout() { scheduleFeedUpdate(false); var refresh_time = getCookie('ttrss_vf_refresh'); if (!refresh_time) refresh_time = 600; setTimeout("timeout()", refresh_time*1000); } function resetSearch() { var searchbox = document.getElementById("searchbox") if (searchbox.value != "" && getActiveFeedId()) { searchbox.value = ""; viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), 0, ""); } } function search() { closeDlg(); viewCurrentFeed(0, ""); } function localPiggieFunction(enable) { if (enable) { var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds&subop=piggie"; if (xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) {"GET", query_str, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=feedlist_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); } } } function localHotkeyHandler(keycode) { if (keycode == 82) { // r return scheduleFeedUpdate(true); } if (keycode == 85) { // u if (getActiveFeedId()) { return viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), 0, "ForceUpdate"); } } if (keycode == 65) { // a return toggleDispRead(); } var f_doc = window.frames["feeds-frame"].document; var feedlist = f_doc.getElementById('feedList'); if (keycode == 74) { // j var feed = getActiveFeedId(); var new_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist, feed, 'prev'); if (new_feed) viewfeed(new_feed, 0, ''); } if (keycode == 75) { // k var feed = getActiveFeedId(); var new_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist, feed, 'next'); if (new_feed) viewfeed(new_feed, 0, ''); } // notify("KC: " + keycode); } // if argument is undefined, current subtitle is not updated // use blank string to clear subtitle function updateTitle(s) { var tmp = "Tiny Tiny RSS"; if (s != undefined) { current_subtitle = s; } if (global_unread > 0) { tmp = tmp + " (" + global_unread + ")"; } if (current_subtitle) { tmp = tmp + " - " + current_subtitle; } if (active_title_text.length > 0) { tmp = tmp + " > " + active_title_text; } document.title = tmp; } function genericSanityCheck() { if (!xmlhttp) fatalError(1); setCookie("ttrss_vf_test", "TEST"); if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_test") != "TEST") { fatalError(2); } return true; } function init() { try { // this whole shebang is based on if (arguments.callee.done) return; arguments.callee.done = true; disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", true); if (!genericSanityCheck()) return;"GET", "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=sanityCheck", true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=backend_sanity_check_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); } catch (e) { exception_error("init", e); } } function resize_feeds_frame() { var f = document.getElementById("feeds-frame"); var tf = document.getElementById("mainFooter"); var th = document.getElementById("mainHeader"); = document.body.scrollHeight - tf.scrollHeight - th.scrollHeight - 50 + "px"; } function init_second_stage() { try { setCookie("ttrss_vf_actfeed", ""); updateFeedList(false, false); document.onkeydown = hotkey_handler; var viewbox = document.getElementById("viewbox"); var limitbox = document.getElementById("limitbox"); dropboxSelect(viewbox, getCookie("ttrss_vf_vmode")); dropboxSelect(limitbox, getCookie("ttrss_vf_limit")); daemon_enabled = getCookie("ttrss_vf_daemon"); // FIXME should be callled after window resize if (navigator.userAgent.match("Opera")) { resize_feeds_frame(); /* // fix headlines frame height for Opera var h = document.getElementById("headlines"); var c = document.getElementById("content"); var nh = document.body.scrollHeight * 0.25; = nh + "px"; = c.scrollHeight - nh + "px"; */ } } catch (e) { exception_error("init_second_stage", e); } } function quickMenuChange() { var chooser = document.getElementById("quickMenuChooser"); var opid = chooser[chooser.selectedIndex].id; chooser.selectedIndex = 0; quickMenuGo(opid); } function quickMenuGo(opid) { if (opid == "qmcPrefs") { gotoPreferences(); } if (opid == "qmcSearch") { displayDlg("search", getActiveFeedId()); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddFeed") { displayDlg("quickAddFeed"); return; } if (opid == "qmcRemoveFeed") { var actid = getActiveFeedId(); if (!actid) { notify("Please select some feed first."); return; } if (confirm("Remove current feed?")) { qfdDelete(actid); } return; } if (opid == "qmcUpdateFeeds") { scheduleFeedUpdate(true); return; } if (opid == "qmcCatchupAll") { catchupAllFeeds(); return; } if (opid == "qmcShowOnlyUnread") { toggleDispRead(); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddFilter") { displayDlg("quickAddFilter", getActiveFeedId()); } } function qafAdd() { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) { printLockingError(); return } var link = document.getElementById("qafInput"); if (link.value.length == 0) { notify("Missing feed URL."); } else { notify("Adding feed..."); var cat = document.getElementById("qafCat"); var cat_id = ""; if (cat) { cat_id = cat[cat.selectedIndex].id; } else { cat_id = 0; } var feeds_doc = window.frames["feeds-frame"].document; feeds_doc.location.href = "backend.php?op=error&msg=Loading,%20please wait...";"GET", "backend.php?op=pref-feeds&quiet=1&subop=add&link=" + param_escape(link.value) + "&cid=" + param_escape(cat_id), true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=dlg_frefresh_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); link.value = ""; } } function qaddFilter() { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) { printLockingError(); return } var regexp = document.getElementById("fadd_regexp"); var match = document.getElementById("fadd_match"); var feed = document.getElementById("fadd_feed"); var action = document.getElementById("fadd_action"); if (regexp.value.length == 0) { notify("Missing filter expression."); } else { notify("Adding filter..."); var v_match = match[match.selectedIndex].text; var feed_id = feed[feed.selectedIndex].id; var action_id = action[action.selectedIndex].id;"GET", "backend.php?op=pref-filters&quiet=1&subop=add®exp=" + param_escape(regexp.value) + "&match=" + v_match + "&fid=" + param_escape(feed_id) + "&aid=" + param_escape(action_id), true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=dlg_submit_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); regexp.value = ""; } } function displayDlg(id, param) { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) { printLockingError(); return } notify("");"GET", "backend.php?op=dlg&id=" + param_escape(id) + "¶m=" + param_escape(param), true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=dlg_display_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); disableHotkeys(); } function closeDlg() { var dlg = document.getElementById("userDlgShadow"); = "none"; enableHotkeys(); } function qfdDelete(feed_id) { notify("Removing feed..."); if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) { printLockingError(); return } // var feeds_doc = window.frames["feeds-frame"].document; // feeds_doc.location.href = "backend.php?op=error&msg=Loading,%20please wait..."; _qfd_deleted_feed = feed_id;"GET", "backend.php?op=pref-feeds&quiet=1&subop=remove&ids=" + feed_id); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=dlg_frefresh_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); } function allFeedsMenuChange() { var chooser = document.getElementById("allFeedsChooser"); var opname = chooser[chooser.selectedIndex].text; chooser.selectedIndex = 0; if (opname == "Update") { scheduleFeedUpdate(true); return; } if (opname == "Mark as read") { catchupAllFeeds(); return; } if (opname == "Show only unread") { toggleDispRead(); return; } } function updateFeedTitle(t) { active_title_text = t; updateTitle(); } function toggleDispRead() { try { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) { printLockingError(); return } var hide_read_feeds = (getCookie("ttrss_vf_hreadf") == 1); hide_read_feeds = !hide_read_feeds; var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=setpref" + "&key=HIDE_READ_FEEDS&value=" + param_escape(hide_read_feeds);"GET", query); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=hide_unread_callback; xmlhttp.send(null); } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleDispRead", e); } }