var active_post_id = false; var total_unread = 0; var xmlhttp_rpc = false; /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5) // JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions. // and security blocked creation of the objects. try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp_rpc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) { xmlhttp_rpc = false; } } @end @*/ if (!xmlhttp_rpc && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') { xmlhttp_rpc = new XMLHttpRequest(); } function view(id, feed_id) { // p_notify("Loading article..."); enableHotkeys(); var crow = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); var f_doc = parent.frames["feeds-frame"].document; if (crow.className.match("Unread")) { var umark = f_doc.getElementById("FEEDU-" + feed_id); umark.innerHTML = umark.innerHTML - 1; crow.className = crow.className.replace("Unread", ""); if (umark.innerHTML == "0") { var feedr = f_doc.getElementById("FEEDR-" + feed_id); feedr.className = feedr.className.replace("Unread", ""); var feedctr = f_doc.getElementById("FEEDCTR-" + feed_id); if (feedctr) { feedctr.className = "invisible"; } } total_unread--; } cleanSelected("headlinesList"); var upd_img_pic = document.getElementById("FUPDPIC-" + id); if (upd_img_pic) { upd_img_pic.src = "images/blank_icon.gif"; } var unread_rows = getVisibleUnreadHeadlines(); if (unread_rows.length == 0) { var button = document.getElementById("btnCatchupPage"); if (button) { button.className = "disabledButton"; button.href = ""; } } active_post_id = id; setActiveFeedId(feed_id); var content = parent.document.getElementById("content-frame"); if (content) { content.src = "backend.php?op=view&addheader=true&id=" + param_escape(id); markHeadline(active_post_id); } } function toggleMark(id, toggle) { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp_rpc)) { printLockingError(); return; } var mark_img = document.getElementById("FMARKPIC-" + id); var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&id=" + id + "&subop=mark"; if (toggle == true) { mark_img.src = "images/mark_set.png"; mark_img.alt = "Reset mark"; mark_img.setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript:toggleMark('+id+', false)'); query = query + "&mark=1"; } else { mark_img.src = "images/mark_unset.png"; mark_img.alt = "Set mark"; mark_img.setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript:toggleMark('+id+', true)'); query = query + "&mark=0"; }"GET", query, true); xmlhttp_rpc.onreadystatechange=rpc_notify_callback; xmlhttp_rpc.send(null); } function moveToPost(mode) { var rows = getVisibleHeadlineIds(); var prev_id; var next_id; if (active_post_id == false) { next_id = getFirstVisibleHeadlineId(); prev_id = getLastVisibleHeadlineId(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i] == active_post_id) { prev_id = rows[i-1]; next_id = rows[i+1]; } } } if (mode == "next") { if (next_id != undefined) { view(next_id, getActiveFeedId()); } } if (mode == "prev") { if ( prev_id != undefined) { view(prev_id, getActiveFeedId()); } } } function localHotkeyHandler(keycode) { if (keycode == 78) { return moveToPost('next'); } if (keycode == 80) { return moveToPost('prev'); } // FIXME // if (keycode == 85) { // return viewfeed(active_feed_id, active_offset, "ForceUpdate"); // } // alert("KC: " + keycode); }