var active_post_id = false; var last_article_view = false; var active_real_feed_id = false; var _tag_active_post_id = false; var _tag_active_feed_id = false; var _tag_active_cdm = false; // FIXME: kludge, to restore scrollTop after tag editor terminates var _tag_cdm_scroll = false; // FIXME: kludges, needs proper implementation var _reload_feedlist_after_view = false; var _cdm_wd_timeout = false; var _cdm_wd_vishist = new Array(); var article_cache = new Array(); var vgroup_last_feed = false; var post_under_pointer = false; var last_requested_article = false; function catchup_callback() { if (xmlhttp_rpc.readyState == 4) { try { debug("catchup_callback"); notify(""); all_counters_callback2(xmlhttp_rpc); if (_catchup_callback_func) { setTimeout(_catchup_callback_func, 10); } } catch (e) { exception_error("catchup_callback", e); } } } function catchup_callback2(transport, callback) { try { debug("catchup_callback2 " + transport + ", " + callback); notify(""); all_counters_callback2(transport); if (callback) { setTimeout(callback, 10); } } catch (e) { exception_error("catchup_callback2", e); } } function clean_feed_selections() { try { var feeds = document.getElementById("feedList").getElementsByTagName("LI"); for (var i = 0; i < feeds.length; i++) { if (feeds[i].id && feeds[i].id.match("FEEDR-")) { feeds[i].className = feeds[i].className.replace("Selected", ""); } } } catch (e) { exception_error("clean_feed_selections", e); } } function headlines_callback2(transport, active_feed_id, is_cat, feed_cur_page) { try { loading_set_progress(100); debug("headlines_callback2 [page=" + feed_cur_page + "]"); clean_feed_selections(); setActiveFeedId(active_feed_id); if (is_cat != undefined) { active_feed_is_cat = is_cat; } if (!is_cat) { var feedr = document.getElementById("FEEDR-" + active_feed_id); if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) { feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected"; } } var f = document.getElementById("headlines-frame"); try { if (feed_cur_page == 0) { debug("resetting headlines scrollTop"); f.scrollTop = 0; } } catch (e) { }; if (transport.responseXML) { var headlines = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("headlines")[0]; var headlines_count_obj = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("headlines-count")[0]; var headlines_unread_obj = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("headlines-unread")[0]; var disable_cache_obj = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("disable-cache")[0]; var vgroup_last_feed_obj = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("vgroup-last-feed")[0]; var headlines_count = headlines_count_obj.getAttribute("value"); var headlines_unread = headlines_unread_obj.getAttribute("value"); var disable_cache = disable_cache_obj.getAttribute("value") != "0"; vgroup_last_feed = vgroup_last_feed_obj.getAttribute("value"); if (headlines_count == 0) { _infscroll_disable = 1; } else { _infscroll_disable = 0; } var counters = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("counters")[0]; var articles = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("article"); var runtime_info = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("runtime-info"); if (feed_cur_page == 0) { if (headlines) { f.innerHTML = headlines.firstChild.nodeValue; var cache_prefix = ""; if (is_cat) { cache_prefix = "C:"; } else { cache_prefix = "F:"; } cache_invalidate(cache_prefix + active_feed_id); if (!disable_cache) { cache_inject(cache_prefix + active_feed_id, headlines.firstChild.nodeValue, headlines_unread); } } else { debug("headlines_callback: returned no data"); f.innerHTML = "
" + __('Could not update headlines (missing XML data)') + "
"; } } else { if (headlines) { if (headlines_count > 0) { debug("adding some more headlines..."); var c = document.getElementById("headlinesList"); if (!c) { c = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); } var ids = getSelectedArticleIds2(); c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML + headlines.firstChild.nodeValue; debug("restore selected ids: " + ids); for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { markHeadline(ids[i]); } subtoolbarSearch(); } else { debug("no new headlines received"); } } else { debug("headlines_callback: returned no data"); notify_error("Error while trying to load more headlines"); } } if (articles) { for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) { var a_id = articles[i].getAttribute("id"); debug("found id: " + a_id); cache_inject(a_id, articles[i].firstChild.nodeValue); } } else { debug("no cached articles received"); } if (counters) { debug("parsing piggybacked counters: " + counters); parse_counters(counters, false); } else { debug("counters container not found in reply, requesting..."); request_counters(); } if (runtime_info) { debug("parsing runtime info: " + runtime_info[0]); parse_runtime_info(runtime_info[0]); } else { debug("counters container not found in reply"); } } else { debug("headlines_callback: returned no XML object"); f.innerHTML = "
" + __('Could not update headlines (missing XML object)') + "
"; } if (typeof correctPNG != 'undefined') { correctPNG(); } if (_cdm_wd_timeout) window.clearTimeout(_cdm_wd_timeout); if (!document.getElementById("headlinesList") && getInitParam("cdm_auto_catchup") == 1) { debug("starting CDM watchdog"); _cdm_wd_timeout = window.setTimeout("cdmWatchdog()", 5000); _cdm_wd_vishist = new Array(); } else { debug("not in CDM mode or watchdog disabled"); } if (_tag_cdm_scroll) { try { document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer").scrollTop = _tag_cdm_scroll; _tag_cdm_scroll = false; debug("resetting headlinesInner scrollTop"); } catch (e) { } } _feed_cur_page = feed_cur_page; _infscroll_request_sent = 0; notify(""); remove_splash(); } catch (e) { exception_error("headlines_callback2", e); } } function render_article(article) { try { var f = document.getElementById("content-frame"); try { f.scrollTop = 0; } catch (e) { }; f.innerHTML = article; } catch (e) { exception_error("render_article", e); } } function showArticleInHeadlines(id) { try { cleanSelected("headlinesList"); var crow = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (!crow) return; var article_is_unread = crow.className.match("Unread"); crow.className = crow.className.replace("Unread", ""); selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', false); var upd_img_pic = document.getElementById("FUPDPIC-" + id); var cache_prefix = ""; if (activeFeedIsCat()) { cache_prefix = "C:"; } else { cache_prefix = "F:"; } var view_mode = false; try { view_mode = document.forms['main_toolbar_form'].view_mode; view_mode = view_mode[view_mode.selectedIndex].value; } catch (e) { exception_error("showArticleInHeadlines/viewmode", e, true); } if (upd_img_pic && upd_img_pic.src.match("updated.png")) { upd_img_pic.src = "images/blank_icon.gif"; cache_invalidate(cache_prefix + getActiveFeedId()); cache_inject(cache_prefix + getActiveFeedId(), document.getElementById("headlines-frame").innerHTML, get_feed_unread(getActiveFeedId())); } else if (article_is_unread && view_mode == "all_articles") { cache_invalidate(cache_prefix + getActiveFeedId()); cache_inject(cache_prefix + getActiveFeedId(), document.getElementById("headlines-frame").innerHTML, get_feed_unread(getActiveFeedId())-1); } else if (article_is_unread) { cache_invalidate(cache_prefix + getActiveFeedId()); } markHeadline(id); } catch (e) { exception_error("showArticleInHeadlines", e); } } function article_callback2(transport, id, feed_id) { try { debug("article_callback2 " + id); if (transport.responseXML) { debug("looking for articles to cache..."); var articles = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("article"); for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) { var a_id = articles[i].getAttribute("id"); debug("found id: " + a_id); if (a_id == active_post_id) { debug("active article, rendering..."); render_article(articles[i].firstChild.nodeValue); } cache_inject(a_id, articles[i].firstChild.nodeValue); } if (id != last_requested_article) { debug("requested article id is out of sequence, aborting"); return; } active_real_feed_id = feed_id; active_post_id = id; showArticleInHeadlines(id); var reply = transport.responseXML.firstChild.firstChild; } else { debug("article_callback: returned no XML object"); var f = document.getElementById("content-frame"); f.innerHTML = "
" + __('Could not display article (missing XML object)') + "
"; } var date = new Date(); last_article_view = date.getTime() / 1000; if (typeof correctPNG != 'undefined') { correctPNG(); } if (_reload_feedlist_after_view) { setTimeout('updateFeedList(false, false)', 50); _reload_feedlist_after_view = false; } else { var counters = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("counters")[0]; if (counters) { debug("parsing piggybacked counters: " + counters); parse_counters(counters, false); } else { debug("counters container not found in reply, requesting..."); request_counters(); } } notify(""); } catch (e) { exception_error("article_callback2", e); } } function view(id, feed_id, skip_history) { try { debug("loading article: " + id + "/" + feed_id); var cached_article = cache_find(id); debug("cache check result: " + (cached_article != false)); enableHotkeys(); //setActiveFeedId(feed_id); var query = "backend.php?op=view&id=" + param_escape(id) + "&feed=" + param_escape(feed_id); var date = new Date(); var neighbor_ids = getRelativePostIds(active_post_id); /* only request uncached articles */ var cids_to_request = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < neighbor_ids.length; i++) { if (!cache_check(neighbor_ids[i])) { cids_to_request.push(neighbor_ids[i]); } } debug("additional ids: " + cids_to_request.toString()); /* additional info for piggyback counters */ if (tagsAreDisplayed()) { query = query + "&omode=lt"; } else { query = query + "&omode=flc"; } var date = new Date(); var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000); query = query + "&ts=" + timestamp; query = query + "&cids=" + cids_to_request.toString(); var crow = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); var article_is_unread = crow.className.match("Unread"); if (!async_counters_work) { query = query + "&csync=true"; } showArticleInHeadlines(id); if (!cached_article) { notify_progress("Loading, please wait..."); } else if (cached_article && article_is_unread) { query = query + "&mode=prefetch"; render_article(cached_article); } else if (cached_article) { query = query + "&mode=prefetch_old"; render_article(cached_article); } cache_expire(); last_requested_article = id; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { article_callback2(transport, id, feed_id); } }); return false; } catch (e) { exception_error("view", e); } } function tMark(id) { return toggleMark(id); } function tPub(id) { return togglePub(id); } function tMark_afh_off(effect) { try { var elem = effect.effects[0].element; debug("tMark_afh_off : " +; if (elem) { elem.src = elem.src.replace("mark_set", "mark_unset"); elem.alt = __("Star article");; } } catch (e) { exception_error("tMark_afh_off", e); } } function tPub_afh_off(effect) { try { var elem = effect.effects[0].element; debug("tPub_afh_off : " +; if (elem) { elem.src = elem.src.replace("pub_set", "pub_unset"); elem.alt = __("Publish article");; } } catch (e) { exception_error("tPub_afh_off", e); } } function toggleMark(id, client_only, no_effects) { try { var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&id=" + id + "&subop=mark"; query = query + "&afid=" + getActiveFeedId(); if (tagsAreDisplayed()) { query = query + "&omode=tl"; } else { query = query + "&omode=flc"; } var mark_img = document.getElementById("FMPIC-" + id); var vfeedu = document.getElementById("FEEDU--1"); var crow = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (mark_img.src.match("mark_unset")) { mark_img.src = mark_img.src.replace("mark_unset", "mark_set"); mark_img.alt = __("Unstar article"); query = query + "&mark=1"; } else { //mark_img.src = "images/mark_unset.png"; mark_img.alt = __("Please wait..."); query = query + "&mark=0"; if (document.getElementById("headlinesList") && !no_effects) { Effect.Puff(mark_img, {duration : 0.25, afterFinish: tMark_afh_off}); } else { mark_img.src = mark_img.src.replace("mark_set", "mark_unset"); mark_img.alt = __("Star article"); } } if (!client_only) { debug(query); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { all_counters_callback2(transport); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleMark", e); } } function togglePub(id, client_only, no_effects) { try { var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&id=" + id + "&subop=publ"; query = query + "&afid=" + getActiveFeedId(); if (tagsAreDisplayed()) { query = query + "&omode=tl"; } else { query = query + "&omode=flc"; } var mark_img = document.getElementById("FPPIC-" + id); var vfeedu = document.getElementById("FEEDU--2"); var crow = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (mark_img.src.match("pub_unset")) { mark_img.src = mark_img.src.replace("pub_unset", "pub_set"); mark_img.alt = __("Unpublish article"); query = query + "&pub=1"; } else { //mark_img.src = "images/pub_unset.png"; mark_img.alt = __("Please wait..."); query = query + "&pub=0"; if (document.getElementById("headlinesList") && !no_effects) { Effect.Puff(mark_img, {duration : 0.25, afterFinish: tPub_afh_off}); } else { mark_img.src = mark_img.src.replace("pub_set", "pub_unset"); mark_img.alt = __("Publish article"); } } if (!client_only) { new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { all_counters_callback2(transport); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("togglePub", e); } } function correctHeadlinesOffset(id) { try { var hlist = document.getElementById("headlinesList"); var container = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); var row = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); var viewport = container.offsetHeight; var rel_offset_top = row.offsetTop - container.scrollTop; var rel_offset_bottom = row.offsetTop + row.offsetHeight - container.scrollTop; debug("Rtop: " + rel_offset_top + " Rbtm: " + rel_offset_bottom); debug("Vport: " + viewport); if (rel_offset_top <= 0 || rel_offset_top > viewport) { container.scrollTop = row.offsetTop; } else if (rel_offset_bottom > viewport) { /* doesn't properly work with Opera in some cases because Opera fucks up element scrolling */ container.scrollTop = row.offsetTop + row.offsetHeight - viewport; } } catch (e) { exception_error("correctHeadlinesOffset", e); } } function moveToPost(mode) { try { var rows; if (isCdmMode()) { rows = cdmGetVisibleArticles(); } else { rows = getVisibleHeadlineIds(); } var prev_id = false; var next_id = false; if (!document.getElementById('RROW-' + active_post_id)) { active_post_id = false; } if (active_post_id == false) { next_id = getFirstVisibleHeadlineId(); prev_id = getLastVisibleHeadlineId(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i] == active_post_id) { prev_id = rows[i-1]; next_id = rows[i+1]; } } } if (mode == "next") { if (next_id) { if (isCdmMode()) { if (!cdmArticleIsActuallyVisible(next_id)) { cdmScrollToArticleId(next_id); } cdmSelectArticles("none"); toggleUnread(next_id, 0, true); toggleSelected(next_id); } else { correctHeadlinesOffset(next_id); view(next_id, getActiveFeedId()); } } } if (mode == "prev") { if (prev_id) { if (isCdmMode()) { cdmScrollToArticleId(prev_id); cdmSelectArticles("none"); toggleUnread(prev_id, 0, true); toggleSelected(prev_id); } else { correctHeadlinesOffset(prev_id); view(prev_id, getActiveFeedId()); } } } } catch (e) { exception_error("moveToPost", e); } } function toggleSelected(id) { try { var cb = document.getElementById("RCHK-" + id); var row = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (row) { var nc = row.className; if (!nc.match("Selected")) { nc = nc + "Selected"; if (cb) { cb.checked = true; } // In CDM basically last selected article == active article if (isCdmMode()) active_post_id = id; } else { nc = nc.replace("Selected", ""); if (cb) { cb.checked = false; } } row.className = nc; } } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleSelected", e); } } function toggleUnread_afh(effect) { try { var elem = effect.element; = ""; } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleUnread_afh", e); } } function toggleUnread(id, cmode, effect) { try { var row = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (row) { var nc = row.className; var is_selected = row.className.match("Selected"); nc = nc.replace("Unread", ""); nc = nc.replace("Selected", ""); // since we are removing selection from the object, uncheck // corresponding checkbox var cb = document.getElementById("RCHK-" + id); if (cb) { cb.checked = false; } // NOTE: I'm not sure that resetting selection here is a feature -fox if (cmode == undefined || cmode == 2) { if (row.className.match("Unread")) { row.className = nc; if (effect) { new Effect.Highlight(row, {duration: 1, startcolor: "#fff7d5", afterFinish: toggleUnread_afh, queue: { position:'end', scope: 'TMRQ-' + id, limit: 1 } } ); } } else { row.className = nc + "Unread"; } } else if (cmode == 0) { row.className = nc; if (effect) { new Effect.Highlight(row, {duration: 1, startcolor: "#fff7d5", afterFinish: toggleUnread_afh, queue: { position:'end', scope: 'TMRQ-' + id, limit: 1 } } ); } } else if (cmode == 1) { row.className = nc + "Unread"; } // Disable unmarking as selected for the time being (16.05.08) -fox if (is_selected) row.className = row.className + "Selected"; if (cmode == undefined) cmode = 2; var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=catchupSelected&ids=" + param_escape(id) + "&cmode=" + param_escape(cmode); // notify_progress("Loading, please wait..."); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { all_counters_callback2(transport); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleUnread", e); } } function selectionToggleUnread(cdm_mode, set_state, callback_func, no_error) { try { var rows; if (cdm_mode) { rows = cdmGetSelectedArticles(); } else { rows = getSelectedTableRowIds("headlinesList", "RROW", "RCHK"); } if (rows.length == 0 && !no_error) { alert(__("No articles are selected.")); return; } for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = document.getElementById("RROW-" + rows[i]); if (row) { var nc = row.className; nc = nc.replace("Unread", ""); nc = nc.replace("Selected", ""); if (set_state == undefined) { if (row.className.match("Unread")) { row.className = nc + "Selected"; } else { row.className = nc + "UnreadSelected"; } } if (set_state == false) { row.className = nc + "Selected"; } if (set_state == true) { row.className = nc + "UnreadSelected"; } } } if (rows.length > 0) { var cmode = ""; if (set_state == undefined) { cmode = "2"; } else if (set_state == true) { cmode = "1"; } else if (set_state == false) { cmode = "0"; } var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=catchupSelected&ids=" + param_escape(rows.toString()) + "&cmode=" + cmode; notify_progress("Loading, please wait..."); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { catchup_callback2(transport, callback_func); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("selectionToggleUnread", e); } } function selectionToggleMarked(cdm_mode) { try { var rows; if (cdm_mode) { rows = cdmGetSelectedArticles(); } else { rows = getSelectedTableRowIds("headlinesList", "RROW", "RCHK"); } if (rows.length == 0) { alert(__("No articles are selected.")); return; } for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { toggleMark(rows[i], true, true); } if (rows.length > 0) { var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=markSelected&ids=" + param_escape(rows.toString()) + "&cmode=2"; query = query + "&afid=" + getActiveFeedId(); /* if (tagsAreDisplayed()) { query = query + "&omode=tl"; } else { query = query + "&omode=flc"; } */ query = query + "&omode=lc"; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { all_counters_callback2(transport); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("selectionToggleMarked", e); } } function selectionTogglePublished(cdm_mode) { try { var rows; if (cdm_mode) { rows = cdmGetSelectedArticles(); } else { rows = getSelectedTableRowIds("headlinesList", "RROW", "RCHK"); } if (rows.length == 0) { alert(__("No articles are selected.")); return; } for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { togglePub(rows[i], true, true); } if (rows.length > 0) { var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=publishSelected&ids=" + param_escape(rows.toString()) + "&cmode=2"; query = query + "&afid=" + getActiveFeedId(); /* if (tagsAreDisplayed()) { query = query + "&omode=tl"; } else { query = query + "&omode=flc"; } */ query = query + "&omode=lc"; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { all_counters_callback2(transport); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("selectionToggleMarked", e); } } function cdmGetSelectedArticles() { var sel_articles = new Array(); var container = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); for (i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = container.childNodes[i]; if ("RROW-") && child.className.match("Selected")) { var c_id ="RROW-", ""); sel_articles.push(c_id); } } return sel_articles; } function cdmGetVisibleArticles() { var sel_articles = new Array(); var container = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); if (!container) return sel_articles; for (i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = container.childNodes[i]; if ("RROW-")) { var c_id ="RROW-", ""); sel_articles.push(c_id); } } return sel_articles; } function cdmGetUnreadArticles() { var sel_articles = new Array(); var container = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); for (i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = container.childNodes[i]; if ("RROW-") && child.className.match("Unread")) { var c_id ="RROW-", ""); sel_articles.push(c_id); } } return sel_articles; } // mode = all,none,unread function cdmSelectArticles(mode) { var container = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); for (i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = container.childNodes[i]; if ("RROW-")) { var aid ="RROW-", ""); var cb = document.getElementById("RCHK-" + aid); if (mode == "all") { if (!child.className.match("Selected")) { child.className = child.className + "Selected"; cb.checked = true; } } else if (mode == "unread") { if (child.className.match("Unread") && !child.className.match("Selected")) { child.className = child.className + "Selected"; cb.checked = true; } } else { child.className = child.className.replace("Selected", ""); cb.checked = false; } } } } function catchupPage() { var fn = getFeedName(getActiveFeedId(), active_feed_is_cat); var str = __("Mark all visible articles in %s as read?"); str = str.replace("%s", fn); if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") == 1 && !confirm(str)) { return; } if (document.getElementById("headlinesList")) { selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', true, 'Unread', true); selectionToggleUnread(false, false, 'viewCurrentFeed()', true); selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', false); } else { cdmSelectArticles('all'); selectionToggleUnread(true, false, 'viewCurrentFeed()', true) cdmSelectArticles('none'); } } function catchupSelection() { try { var rows; if (document.getElementById("headlinesList")) { rows = getSelectedTableRowIds("headlinesList", "RROW", "RCHK"); } else { rows = cdmGetSelectedArticles(); } if (rows.length == 0) { alert(__("No articles are selected.")); return; } var fn = getFeedName(getActiveFeedId(), active_feed_is_cat); var str = __("Mark %d selected articles in %s as read?"); str = str.replace("%d", rows.length); str = str.replace("%s", fn); if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") == 1 && !confirm(str)) { return; } if (document.getElementById("headlinesList")) { selectionToggleUnread(false, false, 'viewCurrentFeed()', true); // selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', false); } else { selectionToggleUnread(true, false, 'viewCurrentFeed()', true) // cdmSelectArticles('none'); } } catch (e) { exception_error("catchupSelection", e); } } function labelFromSearch(search, search_mode, match_on, feed_id, is_cat) { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp_rpc)) { printLockingError(); } var title = prompt(__("Please enter label title:"), ""); if (title) { var query = "backend.php?op=labelFromSearch&search=" + param_escape(search) + "&smode=" + param_escape(search_mode) + "&match=" + param_escape(match_on) + "&feed=" + param_escape(feed_id) + "&is_cat=" + param_escape(is_cat) + "&title=" + param_escape(title); debug("LFS: " + query); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { dlg_frefresh_callback(transport); } }); } } function editArticleTags(id, feed_id, cdm_enabled) { _tag_active_post_id = id; _tag_active_feed_id = feed_id; _tag_active_cdm = cdm_enabled; cache_invalidate(id); try { _tag_cdm_scroll = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer").scrollTop; } catch (e) { } displayDlg('editArticleTags', id); } function tag_saved_callback(transport) { try { debug("in tag_saved_callback"); closeInfoBox(); notify(""); if (tagsAreDisplayed()) { _reload_feedlist_after_view = true; } if (!_tag_active_cdm) { if (active_post_id == _tag_active_post_id) { debug("reloading current article"); view(_tag_active_post_id, _tag_active_feed_id); } } else { debug("reloading current feed"); viewCurrentFeed(); } } catch (e) { exception_error("catchup_callback", e); } } function editTagsSave() { notify_progress("Saving article tags..."); var form = document.forms["tag_edit_form"]; var query = Form.serialize("tag_edit_form"); query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=setArticleTags&" + query; debug(query); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { tag_saved_callback(transport); } }); } function editTagsInsert() { try { var form = document.forms["tag_edit_form"]; var found_tags = form.found_tags; var tags_str = form.tags_str; var tag = found_tags[found_tags.selectedIndex].value; if (tags_str.value.length > 0 && tags_str.value.lastIndexOf(", ") != tags_str.value.length - 2) { tags_str.value = tags_str.value + ", "; } tags_str.value = tags_str.value + tag + ", "; found_tags.selectedIndex = 0; } catch (e) { exception_error("editTagsInsert", e); } } function cdmScrollViewport(where) { debug("cdmScrollViewport: " + where); var ctr = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); if (!ctr) return; if (where == "bottom") { ctr.scrollTop = ctr.scrollHeight; } else { ctr.scrollTop = where; } } function cdmArticleIsBelowViewport(id) { try { var ctr = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (!e || !ctr) return; // article starts below viewport if (ctr.scrollTop < e.offsetTop) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { exception_error("cdmArticleIsVisible", e); } } function cdmArticleIsAboveViewport(id) { try { var ctr = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (!e || !ctr) return; // article starts above viewport if (ctr.scrollTop > e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { exception_error("cdmArticleIsVisible", e); } } function cdmScrollToArticleId(id) { try { var ctr = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (!e || !ctr) return; ctr.scrollTop = e.offsetTop; } catch (e) { exception_error("cdmScrollToArticleId", e); } } function cdmArticleIsActuallyVisible(id) { try { var ctr = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (!e || !ctr) return; // article fits in viewport OR article is longer than viewport and // its bottom is visible if (ctr.scrollTop <= e.offsetTop && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight <= ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight) { return true; } else if (e.offsetHeight > ctr.offsetHeight && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight >= ctr.scrollTop && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight <= ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight) { return true; } return false; } catch (e) { exception_error("cdmArticleIsVisible", e); } } function cdmWatchdog() { try { var ctr = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); if (!ctr) return; var ids = new Array(); var e = ctr.firstChild; while (e) { if (e.className && e.className == "cdmArticleUnread" && &&"RROW-")) { // article fits in viewport OR article is longer than viewport and // its bottom is visible if (ctr.scrollTop <= e.offsetTop && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight <= ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight) { // debug( + " is visible " + e.offsetTop + "." + // (e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight) + " vs " + ctr.scrollTop + "." + // (ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight)); ids.push("RROW-", "")); } else if (e.offsetHeight > ctr.offsetHeight && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight >= ctr.scrollTop && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight <= ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight) { ids.push("RROW-", "")); } // method 2: article bottom is visible and is in upper 1/2 of the viewport /* if (e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight >= ctr.scrollTop && e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight <= ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight/2) { ids.push("RROW-", "")); } */ } e = e.nextSibling; } debug("cdmWatchdog, ids= " + ids.toString()); if (ids.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + ids[i]); if (e) { e.className = e.className.replace("Unread", ""); } } var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=catchupSelected&ids=" + param_escape(ids.toString()) + "&cmode=0"; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { all_counters_callback2(transport); } }); } _cdm_wd_timeout = window.setTimeout("cdmWatchdog()", 4000); } catch (e) { exception_error("cdmWatchdog", e); } } function cache_inject(id, article, param) { if (!cache_check_param(id, param)) { debug("cache_article: miss: " + id + " [p=" + param + "]"); var cache_obj = new Array(); cache_obj["id"] = id; cache_obj["data"] = article; cache_obj["param"] = param; article_cache.push(cache_obj); } else { debug("cache_article: hit: " + id + " [p=" + param + "]"); } } function cache_find(id) { for (var i = 0; i < article_cache.length; i++) { if (article_cache[i]["id"] == id) { return article_cache[i]["data"]; } } return false; } function cache_find_param(id, param) { for (var i = 0; i < article_cache.length; i++) { if (article_cache[i]["id"] == id && article_cache[i]["param"] == param) { return article_cache[i]["data"]; } } return false; } function cache_check(id) { for (var i = 0; i < article_cache.length; i++) { if (article_cache[i]["id"] == id) { return true; } } return false; } function cache_check_param(id, param) { for (var i = 0; i < article_cache.length; i++) { // debug("cache_check_param " + article_cache[i]["id"] + ":" + // article_cache[i]["param"] + " vs " + id + ":" + param); if (article_cache[i]["id"] == id && article_cache[i]["param"] == param) { return true; } } return false; } function cache_expire() { while (article_cache.length > 25) { article_cache.shift(); } } function cache_empty() { article_cache = new Array(); } function cache_invalidate(id) { var i = 0 try { while (i < article_cache.length) { if (article_cache[i]["id"] == id) { debug("cache_invalidate: removed id " + id); article_cache.splice(i, 1); return true; } i++; } debug("cache_invalidate: id not found: " + id); return false; } catch (e) { exception_error("cache_invalidate", e); } } function getActiveArticleId() { return active_post_id; } function cdmClicked(id) { try { var elem = document.getElementById("RROW-" + id); if (elem) { var id ="RROW-", ""); active_post_id = id; cdmSelectArticles("none"); toggleUnread(id, 0, true); toggleSelected(id); } } catch (e) { exception_error("cdmClicked", e); } } function preload_article_callback(transport) { try { if (transport.responseXML) { var articles = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("article"); for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) { var id = articles[i].getAttribute("id"); if (!cache_check(id)) { cache_inject(id, articles[i].firstChild.nodeValue); debug("preloaded article: " + id); } } } } catch (e) { exception_error("preload_article_callback", e); } } function preloadArticleUnderPointer(id) { try { if (post_under_pointer == id && !cache_check(id)) { debug("trying to preload article " + id); var neighbor_ids = getRelativePostIds(id, 1); /* only request uncached articles */ var cids_to_request = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < neighbor_ids.length; i++) { if (!cache_check(neighbor_ids[i])) { cids_to_request.push(neighbor_ids[i]); } } debug("additional ids: " + cids_to_request.toString()); cids_to_request.push(id); var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=getArticles&ids=" + cids_to_request.toString(); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { preload_article_callback(transport); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("preloadArticleUnderPointer", e); } } function postMouseIn(id) { try { if (post_under_pointer != id) { post_under_pointer = id; if (!isCdmMode()) { window.setTimeout("preloadArticleUnderPointer(" + id + ")", 250); } } } catch (e) { exception_error("postMouseIn", e); } } function postMouseOut(id) { try { post_under_pointer = false; } catch (e) { exception_error("postMouseOut", e); } } function headlines_scroll_handler() { try { var e = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer"); // don't do infinite scrolling when Limit == All var toolbar_form = document.forms["main_toolbar_form"]; var limit = toolbar_form.limit[toolbar_form.limit.selectedIndex]; if (limit.value != 0) { debug((e.scrollTop + e.offsetHeight) + " vs " + e.scrollHeight + " dis? " + _infscroll_disable); if (e.scrollTop + e.offsetHeight > e.scrollHeight - 100) { if (!_infscroll_disable) { debug("more cowbell!"); viewNextFeedPage(); } } } } catch (e) { exception_error("headlines_scroll_handler", e); } } function catchupRelativeToArticle(below) { try { if (!xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp_rpc)) { printLockingError(); } if (!getActiveArticleId()) { alert(__("No article is selected.")); return; } var visible_ids; if (document.getElementById("headlinesList")) { visible_ids = getVisibleHeadlineIds(); } else { visible_ids = cdmGetVisibleArticles(); } var ids_to_mark = new Array(); if (!below) { for (var i = 0; i < visible_ids.length; i++) { if (visible_ids[i] != getActiveArticleId()) { var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + visible_ids[i]); if (e && e.className.match("Unread")) { ids_to_mark.push(visible_ids[i]); } } else { break; } } } else { for (var i = visible_ids.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (visible_ids[i] != getActiveArticleId()) { var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + visible_ids[i]); if (e && e.className.match("Unread")) { ids_to_mark.push(visible_ids[i]); } } else { break; } } } if (ids_to_mark.length == 0) { alert(__("No articles found to mark")); } else { var msg = __("Mark %d article(s) as read?").replace("%d", ids_to_mark.length); if (confirm(msg)) { for (var i = 0; i < ids_to_mark.length; i++) { var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + ids_to_mark[i]); e.className = e.className.replace("Unread", ""); } var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=catchupSelected&ids=" + param_escape(ids_to_mark.toString()) + "&cmode=0"; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { catchup_callback2(transport); } }); } } } catch (e) { exception_error("catchupRelativeToArticle", e); } } function cdmExpandArticle(a_id) { try { var id = 'CICD-' + a_id; try { Element.hide("CEXC-" + a_id); } catch (e) { } Effect.Appear(id, {duration : 0.5, beforeStart: function(effect) { var h_id = 'CICH-' + a_id; var h_elem = document.getElementById(h_id); if (h_elem) { = "none"; } toggleUnread(a_id, 0); }}); } catch (e) { exception_error("appearBlockElementF", e); } } function fixHeadlinesOrder(ids) { try { for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var e = document.getElementById("RROW-" + ids[i]); if (e) { if (i % 2 == 0) { e.className = e.className.replace("even", "odd"); } else { e.className = e.className.replace("odd", "even"); } } } } catch (e) { exception_error("fixHeadlinesOrder", e); } } function subtoolbarSearch() { try { var q = document.getElementById("subtoolbar_search_box"); if (!q) return; q = q.value.toUpperCase(); var ids = false; var vis_ids = new Array(); if (document.getElementById("headlinesList")) { ids = getVisibleHeadlineIds(); } else { ids = cdmGetVisibleArticles(); } for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var title = document.getElementById("RTITLE-" + ids[i]); if (title) { if (!title.innerHTML.toUpperCase().match(q)) { Element.hide(document.getElementById("RROW-" + ids[i])); } else {"RROW-" + ids[i])); vis_ids.push(ids[i]); } } } fixHeadlinesOrder(vis_ids); } catch (e) { exception_error("subtoolbarSearch", e); } } function getArticleUnderPointer() { return post_under_pointer; }