* don't try to update custom set feed favicons

* cleanup update_rss_feed() a bit, use ORM
Andrew Dolgov 4 years ago
parent 42e057c808
commit e5469479c1

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class Config {
const T_STRING = 2;
const T_INT = 3;
const SCHEMA_VERSION = 143;
const SCHEMA_VERSION = 144;
// override defaults, defined below in _DEFAULTS[], via environment: DB_TYPE becomes TTRSS_DB_TYPE, etc

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
class Pref_Feeds extends Handler_Protected {
function csrf_ignore($method) {
$csrf_ignored = array("index", "getfeedtree", "savefeedorder");
@ -435,78 +440,67 @@ class Pref_Feeds extends Handler_Protected {
function removeicon() {
$feed_id = clean($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
function removeIcon() {
$feed_id = (int) $_REQUEST["feed_id"];
$icon_file = Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico";
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
@unlink(Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico");
$feed = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
->where('owner_uid', $_SESSION['uid'])
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET favicon_avg_color = NULL, favicon_last_checked = '1970-01-01'
where id = ?");
if ($feed && file_exists($icon_file)) {
if (unlink($icon_file)) {
'favicon_avg_color' => null,
'favicon_last_checked' => '1970-01-01',
'favicon_is_custom' => false,
function uploadicon() {
header("Content-type: text/html");
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['icon_file']['tmp_name'])) {
$tmp_file = tempnam(Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . '/upload', 'icon');
if (!$tmp_file)
$result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['icon_file']['tmp_name'], $tmp_file);
function uploadIcon() {
$feed_id = (int) $_REQUEST['feed_id'];
$tmp_file = tempnam(Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . '/upload', 'icon');
if (!$result) {
} else {
$icon_file = $tmp_file;
$feed_id = clean($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
$rc = 2; // failed
// default value
if ($icon_file && is_file($icon_file) && $feed_id) {
if (filesize($icon_file) < 65535) {
$feed = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
->where('owner_uid', $_SESSION['uid'])
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if ($feed && $tmp_file && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['icon_file']['tmp_name'], $tmp_file)) {
if (filesize($tmp_file) < Config::get(Config::MAX_FAVICON_FILE_SIZE)) {
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$new_filename = Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico";
$new_filename = Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico";
if (file_exists($new_filename)) unlink($new_filename);
if (file_exists($new_filename)) unlink($new_filename);
if (rename($tmp_file, $new_filename)) {
chmod($new_filename, 0644);
if (rename($icon_file, $new_filename)) {
chmod($new_filename, 644);
'favicon_avg_color' => null,
'favicon_is_custom' => true,
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
favicon_avg_color = ''
WHERE id = ?");
if ($feed->save()) {
$rc = Feeds::_get_icon($feed_id);
} else {
} else {
$rc = 1;
$rc = self::E_ICON_FILE_TOO_LARGE;
if ($icon_file && is_file($icon_file)) {
if (file_exists($tmp_file))
print $rc;
print json_encode(['rc' => $rc, 'icon_url' => Feeds::_get_icon($feed_id)]);
function editfeed() {

@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT owner_uid,feed_url,auth_pass,auth_login
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
@ -350,26 +351,53 @@ class RSSUtils {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title, site_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
/*$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title, site_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
if (!$row = $sth->fetch()) {
Debug::log("feed $feed not found, skipping.");
user_error("Attempt to update unknown/invalid feed $feed", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
} */
//$title = $row["title"];
//$site_url = $row["site_url"];
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < NOW() - INTERVAL '12 hour'";
} else {
$favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)";
$title = $row["title"];
$site_url = $row["site_url"];
$feed_obj = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_unconditional, 1, 19) AS last_unconditional,
(favicon_is_custom IS NOT TRUE AND
(favicon_last_checked IS NULL OR $favicon_interval_qpart)) AS favicon_needs_check")
if ($feed_obj) {
$feed_obj->last_update_started = Db::NOW();
$feed_language = mb_strtolower($feed_obj->feed_language);
if (!$feed_language) $feed_language = mb_strtolower(get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_SEARCH_LANGUAGE, $feed_obj->owner_uid));
if (!$feed_language) $feed_language = 'simple';
} else {
Debug::log("error: feeds table record not found for feed: $feed");
// feed was batch-subscribed or something, we need to get basic info
// this is not optimal currently as it fetches stuff separately TODO: optimize
if ($title == "[Unknown]" || !$title || !$site_url) {
Debug::log("setting basic feed info for $feed [$title, $site_url]...");
if ($feed_obj->title == "[Unknown]" || empty($feed_obj->title) || empty($feed_obj->site_url)) {
Debug::log("setting basic feed info for $feed...");
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id,update_interval,auth_login,
/*$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id,update_interval,auth_login,
mark_unread_on_update, owner_uid,
auth_pass_encrypted, feed_language,
@ -404,17 +432,17 @@ class RSSUtils {
} else {
return false;
} */
$date_feed_processed = date('Y-m-d H:i');
$cache_filename = Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/feeds/" . sha1($fetch_url) . ".xml";
$cache_filename = Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/feeds/" . sha1($feed_obj->feed_url) . ".xml";
$pluginhost = new PluginHost();
$user_plugins = get_pref(Prefs::_ENABLED_PLUGINS, $owner_uid);
$user_plugins = get_pref(Prefs::_ENABLED_PLUGINS, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
$pluginhost->load(Config::get(Config::PLUGINS), PluginHost::KIND_ALL);
$pluginhost->load((string)$user_plugins, PluginHost::KIND_USER, $owner_uid);
$pluginhost->load((string)$user_plugins, PluginHost::KIND_USER, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
$rss_hash = false;
@ -426,12 +454,16 @@ class RSSUtils {
$start_ts = microtime(true);
$last_article_timestamp = 0;
$hff_owner_uid = $feed_obj->owner_uid;
$hff_feed_url = $feed_obj->feed_url;
function ($result, $plugin) use (&$feed_data, $start_ts) {
$feed_data = $result;
Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec) %s", microtime(true) - $start_ts, get_class($plugin)), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed, $last_article_timestamp, $auth_login, $auth_pass);
$feed_data, $hff_feed_url, $hff_owner_uid, $feed, $last_article_timestamp, $auth_login, $auth_pass);
if ($feed_data) {
Debug::log("feed data has been modified by a plugin.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
@ -443,12 +475,12 @@ class RSSUtils {
if (!$feed_data &&
file_exists($cache_filename) &&
is_readable($cache_filename) &&
!$auth_login && !$auth_pass &&
!$feed_obj->auth_login && !$feed_obj->auth_pass &&
filemtime($cache_filename) > time() - 30) {
Debug::log("using local cache [$cache_filename].", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("using local cache: {$cache_filename}.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
@$feed_data = file_get_contents($cache_filename);
$feed_data = file_get_contents($cache_filename);
if ($feed_data) {
$rss_hash = sha1($feed_data);
@ -460,72 +492,90 @@ class RSSUtils {
// fetch feed from source
if (!$feed_data) {
Debug::log("last unconditional update request: $last_unconditional", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("last unconditional update request: {$feed_obj->last_unconditional}", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if (ini_get("open_basedir") && function_exists("curl_init")) {
Debug::log("not using CURL due to open_basedir restrictions", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if (time() - strtotime($last_unconditional) > Config::get(Config::MAX_CONDITIONAL_INTERVAL)) {
if (time() - strtotime($feed_obj->last_unconditional) > Config::get(Config::MAX_CONDITIONAL_INTERVAL)) {
Debug::log("maximum allowed interval for conditional requests exceeded, forcing refetch", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$force_refetch = true;
} else {
Debug::log("stored last modified for conditional request: $stored_last_modified", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("stored last modified for conditional request: {$feed_obj->last_modified}", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("fetching [$fetch_url] (force_refetch: $force_refetch)...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("fetching {$feed_obj->feed_url} (force_refetch: $force_refetch)...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$feed_data = UrlHelper::fetch([
"url" => $fetch_url,
"login" => $auth_login,
"pass" => $auth_pass,
"url" => $feed_obj->feed_url,
"login" => $feed_obj->auth_login,
"pass" => $feed_obj->auth_pass,
"timeout" => $no_cache ? Config::get(Config::FEED_FETCH_NO_CACHE_TIMEOUT) : Config::get(Config::FEED_FETCH_TIMEOUT),
"last_modified" => $force_refetch ? "" : $stored_last_modified
"last_modified" => $force_refetch ? "" : $feed_obj->last_modified
$feed_data = trim($feed_data);
Debug::log("fetch done.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("effective URL (after redirects): " . clean(UrlHelper::$fetch_effective_url) . " (IP: ".UrlHelper::$fetch_effective_ip_addr.")", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("source last modified: " . UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log(sprintf("effective URL (after redirects): %s (IP: %s) ", UrlHelper::$fetch_effective_url, UrlHelper::$fetch_effective_ip_addr), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("server last modified: " . UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if ($feed_data && UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified != $stored_last_modified) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_modified = ? WHERE id = ?");
$sth->execute([substr(UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, 0, 245), $feed]);
if ($feed_data && UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified != $feed_obj->last_modified) {
$feed_obj->last_modified = substr(UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, 0, 245);
/* $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_modified = ? WHERE id = ?");
$sth->execute([substr(UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, 0, 245), $feed]); */
// cache vanilla feed data for re-use
if ($feed_data && !$auth_pass && !$auth_login && is_writable(Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/feeds")) {
if ($feed_data && !$feed_obj->auth_pass && !$feed_obj->auth_login && is_writable(Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/feeds")) {
$new_rss_hash = sha1($feed_data);
if ($new_rss_hash != $rss_hash) {
Debug::log("saving $cache_filename", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
@file_put_contents($cache_filename, $feed_data);
Debug::log("saving to local cache: $cache_filename", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
file_put_contents($cache_filename, $feed_data);
if (!$feed_data) {
Debug::log("unable to fetch: ".UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error." [".UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code."]", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log(sprintf("unable to fetch: %s [%s]", UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error, UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
// If-Modified-Since
if (UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code == 304) {
Debug::log("source claims data not modified, nothing to do.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$error_message = "";
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = ?,
'last_error' => '',
'last_successful_update' => Db::NOW(),
'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
/* $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = ?,
last_successful_update = NOW(),
last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = ?");
last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = ?"); */
} else {
$error_message = UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error;
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = ?,
last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = ?");
'last_error' => $error_message,
'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
/*$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = ?,
last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = ?"); */
$sth->execute([$error_message, $feed]);
//$sth->execute([$error_message, $feed]);
return $error_message == "";
@ -533,13 +583,16 @@ class RSSUtils {
Debug::log("running HOOK_FEED_FETCHED handlers...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$feed_data_checksum = md5($feed_data);
// because chain_hooks_callback() accepts variables by value
$pff_owner_uid = $feed_obj->owner_uid;
$start_ts = microtime(true);
function ($result, $plugin) use (&$feed_data, $start_ts) {
$feed_data = $result;
Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec) %s", microtime(true) - $start_ts, get_class($plugin)), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed);
$feed_data, $fetch_url, $pff_owner_uid, $feed);
if (md5($feed_data) != $feed_data_checksum) {
Debug::log("feed data has been modified by a plugin.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
@ -566,32 +619,15 @@ class RSSUtils {
Debug::log("language: $feed_language", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("processing feed data...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < NOW() - INTERVAL '12 hour'";
} else {
$favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)";
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT owner_uid,favicon_avg_color,
(favicon_last_checked IS NULL OR $favicon_interval_qpart) AS
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$favicon_needs_check = $row["favicon_needs_check"];
$favicon_avg_color = $row["favicon_avg_color"];
$owner_uid = $row["owner_uid"];
} else {
return false;
$site_url = mb_substr(rewrite_relative_url($fetch_url, clean($rss->get_link())), 0, 245);
Debug::log("site_url: $site_url", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("feed_title: " . clean($rss->get_title()), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("feed_title: {$rss->get_title()}", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("favicon: needs check: {$feed_obj->favicon_needs_check} is custom: {$feed_obj->favicon_is_custom} avg color: {$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color}",
if ($favicon_needs_check || $force_refetch) {
if ($feed_obj->favicon_needs_check || $force_refetch) {
/* terrible hack: if we crash on floicon shit here, we won't check
* the icon avgcolor again (unless the icon got updated) */
@ -599,38 +635,35 @@ class RSSUtils {
$favicon_file = Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed.ico";
$favicon_modified = file_exists($favicon_file) ? filemtime($favicon_file) : -1;
Debug::log("checking favicon for feed $feed...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if (!$feed_obj->favicon_is_custom) {
Debug::log("favicon: trying to update favicon...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
self::check_feed_favicon($site_url, $feed);
self::check_feed_favicon($site_url, $feed);
$favicon_modified_new = file_exists($favicon_file) ? filemtime($favicon_file) : -1;
if ($favicon_modified_new > $favicon_modified)
$favicon_avg_color = '';
if ((file_exists($favicon_file) ? filemtime($favicon_file) : -1) > $favicon_modified)
$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color = null;
$favicon_colorstring = "";
if (file_exists($favicon_file) && function_exists("imagecreatefromstring") && $favicon_avg_color == '') {
if (file_exists($favicon_file) && function_exists("imagecreatefromstring") && empty($feed_obj->favicon_avg_color)) {
require_once "colors.php";
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET favicon_avg_color = 'fail' WHERE
id = ?");
Debug::log("favicon: trying to calculate average color...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$favicon_color = \Colors\calculate_avg_color($favicon_file);
$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color = 'fail';
$favicon_colorstring = ",favicon_avg_color = " . $pdo->quote($favicon_color);
$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color = \Colors\calculate_avg_color($favicon_file);
} else if ($favicon_avg_color == 'fail') {
Debug::log("floicon failed on this file, not trying to recalculate avg color", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("favicon: avg color: {$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color}", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET favicon_last_checked = NOW()
$favicon_colorstring WHERE id = ?");
} else if ($feed_obj->favicon_avg_color == 'fail') {
Debug::log("floicon failed $favicon_file, not trying to recalculate avg color", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("loading filters & labels...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$filters = self::load_filters($feed, $owner_uid);
$filters = self::load_filters($feed, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::$LOG_EXTENDED) {
@ -643,9 +676,17 @@ class RSSUtils {
if (!is_array($items)) {
Debug::log("no articles found.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
/*$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
SET last_updated = NOW(), last_unconditional = NOW(), last_error = '' WHERE id = ?");
'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
'last_unconditional' => Db::NOW(),
'last_error' => '',
return true; // no articles
@ -657,12 +698,15 @@ class RSSUtils {
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= 3) {
if (ini_get("max_execution_time") > 0 && time() - $tstart >= ini_get("max_execution_time") * 0.7) {
Debug::log("looks like there's too many articles to process at once, breaking out", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("looks like there's too many articles to process at once, breaking out.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
@ -676,15 +720,16 @@ class RSSUtils {
$entry_guid_hashed_compat = 'SHA1:' . sha1("$owner_uid,$entry_guid");
$entry_guid_hashed = json_encode(["ver" => 2, "uid" => $owner_uid, "hash" => 'SHA1:' . sha1($entry_guid)]);
$entry_guid = "$owner_uid,$entry_guid";
$entry_guid_hashed_compat = 'SHA1:' . sha1("{$feed_obj->owner_uid},$entry_guid");
$entry_guid_hashed = json_encode(["ver" => 2, "uid" => $feed_obj->owner_uid, "hash" => 'SHA1:' . sha1($entry_guid)]);
$entry_guid = "$feed_obj->owner_uid,$entry_guid";
Debug::log("guid $entry_guid (hash: $entry_guid_hashed compat: $entry_guid_hashed_compat)", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$entry_timestamp = (int)$item->get_date();
Debug::log("orig date: " . $item->get_date(), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log(sprintf("orig date: %s (%s)", $item->get_date(), date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $item->get_date())),
$entry_title = strip_tags($item->get_title());
@ -728,9 +773,9 @@ class RSSUtils {
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$base_entry_id = $row["id"];
$entry_stored_hash = $row["content_hash"];
$article_labels = Article::_get_labels($base_entry_id, $owner_uid);
$article_labels = Article::_get_labels($base_entry_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
$existing_tags = Article::_get_tags($base_entry_id, $owner_uid);
$existing_tags = Article::_get_tags($base_entry_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
$entry_tags = array_unique(array_merge($entry_tags, $existing_tags));
} else {
$base_entry_id = false;
@ -772,7 +817,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
$article = array("owner_uid" => $owner_uid, // read only
$article = array("owner_uid" => $feed_obj->owner_uid, // read only
"guid" => $entry_guid, // read only
"guid_hashed" => $entry_guid_hashed, // read only
"title" => $entry_title,
@ -790,7 +835,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
"feed" => array("id" => $feed,
"fetch_url" => $fetch_url,
"site_url" => $site_url,
"cache_images" => $cache_images)
"cache_images" => $feed_obj->cache_images)
$entry_plugin_data = "";
@ -799,22 +844,27 @@ class RSSUtils {
Debug::log("article hash: $entry_current_hash [stored=$entry_stored_hash]", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if ($entry_current_hash == $entry_stored_hash && !isset($_REQUEST["force_rehash"])) {
Debug::log("stored article seems up to date [IID: $base_entry_id], updating timestamp only", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("stored article seems up to date [IID: $base_entry_id], updating timestamp only.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
// we keep encountering the entry in feeds, so we need to
// update date_updated column so that we don't get horrible
// dupes when the entry gets purged and reinserted again e.g.
// in the case of SLOW SLOW OMG SLOW updating feeds
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET date_updated = NOW()
$entry_obj = ORM::for_table('ttrss_entries')
->set('date_updated', Db::NOW())
/* $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET date_updated = NOW()
WHERE id = ?");
$sth->execute([$base_entry_id]); */
Debug::log("hash differs, applying plugin filters:", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("hash differs, running HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER handlers...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$start_ts = microtime(true);
@ -835,7 +885,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
print "\n";
Debug::log("plugin data: $entry_plugin_data", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("plugin data: {$entry_plugin_data}", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
// Workaround: 4-byte unicode requires utf8mb4 in MySQL. See https://tt-rss.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3377&p=20077#p20077
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql" && Config::get(Config::MYSQL_CHARSET) != "UTF8MB4") {
@ -858,17 +908,26 @@ class RSSUtils {
// $article_filters should be renamed to something like $filter_actions; actual filter objects are in $matched_filters
$feed, $owner_uid, $article, $matched_filters, $matched_rules, $article_filters);
$feed, $feed_obj->owner_uid, $article, $matched_filters, $matched_rules, $article_filters);
$matched_filter_ids = array_map(function($f) { return $f['id']; }, $matched_filters);
if (count($matched_filter_ids) > 0) {
$filter_ids_qmarks = arr_qmarks($matched_filter_ids);
$filter_objs = ORM::for_table('ttrss_filters2')
->where('owner_uid', $feed_obj->owner_uid)
->where_in('id', $matched_filter_ids);
foreach ($filter_objs as $filter_obj) {
$filter_obj->set('last_triggered', Db::NOW());
/*$filter_ids_qmarks = arr_qmarks($matched_filter_ids);
$fsth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2 SET last_triggered = NOW() WHERE
id IN ($filter_ids_qmarks) AND owner_uid = ?");
$fsth->execute(array_merge($matched_filter_ids, [$owner_uid]));
$fsth->execute(array_merge($matched_filter_ids, [$feed_obj->owner_uid]));*/
if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::$LOG_EXTENDED) {
@ -938,7 +997,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
$entry_timestamp_fmt = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", $entry_timestamp);
Debug::log("date $entry_timestamp [$entry_timestamp_fmt]", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("date: $entry_timestamp ($entry_timestamp_fmt)", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("num_comments: $num_comments", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::$LOG_EXTENDED) {
@ -951,7 +1010,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
Debug::log("force catchup: $entry_force_catchup", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if ($cache_images)
if ($feed_obj->cache_images)
self::cache_media($entry_content, $site_url);
$csth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_entries
@ -1027,7 +1086,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT ref_id, int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
ref_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$ref_id, $owner_uid]);
$sth->execute([$ref_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid]);
// okay it doesn't exist - create user entry
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
@ -1069,14 +1128,14 @@ class RSSUtils {
last_marked, last_published)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '', '', '', ".$last_marked.", ".$last_published.")");
$sth->execute([$ref_id, $owner_uid, $feed, $unread, $last_read_qpart, $marked,
$sth->execute([$ref_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid, $feed, $unread, $last_read_qpart, $marked,
$published, $score]);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
ref_id = ? AND owner_uid = ? AND
feed_id = ? LIMIT 1");
$sth->execute([$ref_id, $owner_uid, $feed]);
$sth->execute([$ref_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid, $feed]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch())
$entry_int_id = $row['int_id'];
@ -1124,7 +1183,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
SET score = ? WHERE ref_id = ?");
$sth->execute([$score, $ref_id]);
if ($mark_unread_on_update &&
if ($feed_obj->mark_unread_on_update &&
!$entry_force_catchup &&
!self::find_article_filter($article_filters, 'catchup')) {
@ -1141,15 +1200,15 @@ class RSSUtils {
Debug::log("assigning labels [other]...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
foreach ($article_labels as $label) {
Labels::add_article($entry_ref_id, $label[1], $owner_uid);
Labels::add_article($entry_ref_id, $label[1], $feed_obj->owner_uid);
Debug::log("assigning labels [filters]...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
self::assign_article_to_label_filters($entry_ref_id, $article_filters,
$owner_uid, $article_labels);
$feed_obj->owner_uid, $article_labels);
if ($cache_images)
if ($feed_obj->cache_images)
self::cache_enclosures($enclosures, $site_url);
if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::$LOG_EXTENDED) {
@ -1196,7 +1255,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
$boring_tags = array_map('trim',
explode(",", mb_strtolower(
get_pref(Prefs::BLACKLISTED_TAGS, $owner_uid))));
get_pref(Prefs::BLACKLISTED_TAGS, $feed_obj->owner_uid))));
$entry_tags = FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories(
@ -1217,10 +1276,10 @@ class RSSUtils {
VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
foreach ($entry_tags as $tag) {
$tsth->execute([$tag, $entry_int_id, $owner_uid]);
$tsth->execute([$tag, $entry_int_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid]);
if (!$tsth->fetch()) {
$usth->execute([$owner_uid, $tag, $entry_int_id]);
$usth->execute([$feed_obj->owner_uid, $tag, $entry_int_id]);
@ -1233,25 +1292,37 @@ class RSSUtils {
join(",", $entry_tags),
Debug::log("article processed", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("article processed.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("purging feed...", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Feeds::_purge($feed, 0);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
'last_unconditional' => Db::NOW(),
'last_successful_update' => Db::NOW(),
'last_error' => '',
/* $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
last_updated = NOW(),
last_unconditional = NOW(),
last_successful_update = NOW(),
last_error = '' WHERE id = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed]); */
} else {
@ -1265,11 +1336,19 @@ class RSSUtils {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
/* $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
last_error = ?,
last_updated = NOW(),
last_unconditional = NOW() WHERE id = ?");
$sth->execute([$error_msg, $feed]);
$sth->execute([$error_msg, $feed]);*/
'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
'last_unconditional' => Db::NOW(),
'last_error' => $error_msg,
@ -1278,7 +1357,6 @@ class RSSUtils {
Debug::log("update done.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
return true;
@ -1645,7 +1723,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
$favicon_url = self::get_favicon_url($site_url);
if (!$favicon_url) {
Debug::log("couldn't find favicon URL in $site_url", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("favicon: couldn't find favicon URL in $site_url", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
return false;
@ -1656,7 +1734,7 @@ class RSSUtils {
//'type' => 'image',
if (!$contents) {
Debug::log("fetching favicon $favicon_url failed", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("favicon: fetching $favicon_url failed", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
return false;
@ -1688,11 +1766,11 @@ class RSSUtils {
return false;
Debug::log("setting contents of $icon_file", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("favicon: saving to $icon_file", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$fp = @fopen($icon_file, "w");
if (!$fp) {
Debug::log("failed to open $icon_file for writing", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
Debug::log("favicon: failed to open $icon_file for writing", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
return false;

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
/* eslint-disable new-cap */
/* eslint-disable no-new */
/* global __, dojo, dijit, Notify, App, Feeds, xhrPost, xhr, Tables, fox */
/* global __, dojo, dijit, Notify, App, Feeds, xhr, Tables, fox */
/* exported CommonDialogs */
const CommonDialogs = {
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ const CommonDialogs = {
} catch (e) {
@ -335,6 +335,10 @@ const CommonDialogs = {
id: "feedEditDlg",
title: __("Edit feed"),
feed_title: "",
unsubscribe: function() {
if (confirm(__("Unsubscribe from %s?").replace("%s", this.feed_title))) {
@ -361,20 +365,18 @@ const CommonDialogs = {
xhr.open( 'POST', 'backend.php', true );
xhr.onload = function () {
const ret = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
// TODO: make a notice box within panel content
switch (parseInt(this.responseText)) {
case 1:
Notify.error("Upload failed: icon is too big.");
switch (ret.rc) {
case dialog.E_ICON_FILE_TOO_LARGE:
alert(__("Icon file is too large."));
case 2:
Notify.error("Upload failed.");
alert(__("Upload failed."));
Notify.info("Upload complete.");
if (App.isPrefs())
@ -383,12 +385,16 @@ const CommonDialogs = {
const icon = dialog.domNode.querySelector(".feedIcon");
if (icon) {
icon.src = this.responseText;
icon.src = ret.icon_url;
input.value = "";
@ -400,9 +406,7 @@ const CommonDialogs = {
if (confirm(__("Remove stored feed icon?"))) {
Notify.progress("Removing feed icon...", true);
const query = {op: "pref-feeds", method: "removeicon", feed_id: id};
xhr.post("backend.php", query, () => {
xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "removeicon", feed_id: id}, () => {
Notify.info("Feed icon removed.");
if (App.isPrefs())

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
alter table ttrss_feeds add column favicon_is_custom boolean;
alter table ttrss_feeds alter column favicon_is_custom set default null;

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ create table ttrss_feeds (id integer not null auto_increment primary key,
last_error varchar(250) not null default '',
last_modified varchar(250) not null default '',
favicon_avg_color varchar(11) default null,
favicon_is_custom boolean default null,
site_url varchar(250) not null default '',
auth_login varchar(250) not null default '',
auth_pass varchar(250) not null default '',

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
alter table ttrss_feeds add column favicon_is_custom boolean;
alter table ttrss_feeds alter column favicon_is_custom set default null;

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ create table ttrss_feeds (id serial not null primary key,
last_error text not null default '',
last_modified text not null default '',
favicon_avg_color varchar(11) default null,
favicon_is_custom boolean default null,
site_url varchar(250) not null default '',
auth_login varchar(250) not null default '',
parent_feed integer default null references ttrss_feeds(id) on delete set null,
