combined mode n/p behavior changes:

1. instead of jumping/scrolling sometimes, always scroll by a constant viewport offset unless moving to next/prev article directly
2. when going up and current article is partially above the viewport, move to its top first instead of directly to a previous one
3. instead of previous marking active logic, on scroll in combined mode track first (partially or otherwise) visible article as active
Andrew Dolgov 5 years ago
parent 44ef447c0f
commit dad3d1c7a9

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {
this._headlines_scroll_timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
//console.log('done scrolling', event);
}, 50);
@ -245,27 +245,39 @@ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {{feed: Feeds.getActive(), is_cat: Feeds.activeIsCat(), offset: offset, append: true});
scrollHandler: function () {
isChildVisible: function (elem, ctr) {
const ctop = ctr.scrollTop;
const cbottom = ctop + ctr.offsetHeight;
const etop = elem.offsetTop;
const ebottom = etop + elem.offsetHeight;
return etop >= ctop && ebottom <= cbottom ||
etop < ctop && ebottom > ctop || ebottom > cbottom && etop < cbottom
scrollHandler: function (/*event*/) {
try {
if (App.isCombinedMode()) {
// set topmost child in the buffer as active, but not if we're at the beginning (to prevent auto marking
const ctr = $("headlines-frame");
// set first visible child in the buffer as active, but not if we're at the beginning (to prevent auto marking
// first article as read all the time)
if ($("headlines-frame").scrollTop != 0 &&
App.getInitParam("cdm_expanded") && App.getInitParam("cdm_auto_catchup") == 1) {
if (ctr.scrollTop > 0 && App.getInitParam("cdm_expanded") /*&& App.getInitParam("cdm_auto_catchup") == 1*/) {
const rows = $$("#headlines-frame > div[id*=RROW]");
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
if ($("headlines-frame").scrollTop <= row.offsetTop &&
row.offsetTop - $("headlines-frame").scrollTop < 100 &&
row.getAttribute("data-article-id") != Article.getActive()) {
/*console.log(row.getAttribute("data-article-title"), row.offsetTop, row.offsetHeight, ctr.scrollTop, ctr.offsetHeight,
this.isChildVisible(row, ctr));*/
if (this.isChildVisible(row, ctr)) {
@ -443,7 +455,7 @@ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {
const originally_from = Article.formatOriginallyFrom(hl);
row = `<div class="cdm ${row_class} ${Article.getScoreClass(hl.score)}" id="RROW-${}" data-article-id="${}" data-orig-feed-id="${hl.feed_id}"
data-content="${escapeHtml(hl.content)}" data-score="${hl.score}"
data-content="${escapeHtml(hl.content)}" data-score="${hl.score}" data-article-title="${hl.title}"
onmouseover="Article.mouseIn(${})" onmouseout="Article.mouseOut(${})">
<div class="header">
@ -845,18 +857,15 @@ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {
console.log("cur: " + Article.getActive() + " next: " + next_id);
if (mode == "next") {
if (mode === "next") {
if (next_id || Article.getActive()) {
if (App.isCombinedMode()) {
const article = $("RROW-" + Article.getActive());
//const row = $("RROW-" + Article.getActive());
const ctr = $("headlines-frame");
if (!noscroll && article && article.offsetTop + article.offsetHeight >
ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight) {
Article.scroll(ctr.offsetHeight / 4, event);
if (!noscroll) {
Article.scroll(ctr.offsetHeight / 2, event);
} else if (next_id) {
Article.cdmScrollToId(next_id, true);
@ -869,22 +878,23 @@ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {
if (mode == "prev") {
if (mode === "prev") {
if (prev_id || Article.getActive()) {
if (App.isCombinedMode()) {
const article = $("RROW-" + Article.getActive());
const prev_article = $("RROW-" + prev_id);
const row = $("RROW-" + Article.getActive());
//const prev_row = $("RROW-" + prev_id);
const ctr = $("headlines-frame");
if (!noscroll && article && article.offsetTop < ctr.scrollTop) {
Article.scroll(-ctr.offsetHeight / 3, event);
} else if (!noscroll && prev_article &&
prev_article.offsetTop < ctr.scrollTop) {
Article.scroll(-ctr.offsetHeight / 4, event);
} else if (prev_id) {
Article.cdmScrollToId(prev_id, noscroll);
if (!noscroll) {
Article.scroll(-ctr.offsetHeight / 2, event);
} else {
if (row.offsetTop < ctr.scrollTop) {
Article.cdmScrollToId(Article.getActive(), noscroll);
} else if (prev_id) {
Article.cdmScrollToId(prev_id, noscroll);
} else if (prev_id) {
@ -909,8 +919,6 @@ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {
const row = $("RROW-" + id);
if (row) {
//const origClassName = row.className;
if (cmode == undefined) cmode = 2;
switch (cmode) {
