split self-updater gui to updater/ plugin

Andrew Dolgov 12 years ago
parent b9546011d6
commit 5cedb389d2

@ -627,29 +627,6 @@ class Pref_Prefs extends Handler_Protected {
print "</div>"; #pane
if (($_SESSION["access_level"] >= 10 || SINGLE_USER_MODE) && CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION) {
print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.AccordionPane\" title=\"".__('Update Tiny Tiny RSS')."\">";
if ($_SESSION["pref_last_version_check"] + 86400 + rand(-1000, 1000) < time()) {
$_SESSION["version_data"] = @check_for_update($this->link);
$_SESSION["pref_last_version_check"] = time();
if (is_array($_SESSION["version_data"])) {
$version = $_SESSION["version_data"]["version"];
print_notice(T_sprintf("New version of Tiny Tiny RSS is available (%s).", "<b>$version</b>"));
print "<p><button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return updateSelf()\">".
__('Update Tiny Tiny RSS')."</button></p>";
} else {
print_notice(__("Your Tiny Tiny RSS installation is up to date."));
print "</div>"; #pane
global $pluginhost;
"hook_prefs_tab", "prefPrefs");
@ -657,36 +634,6 @@ class Pref_Prefs extends Handler_Protected {
print "</div>"; #container
function updateSelf() {
print "<form style='display : block' name='self_update_form' id='self_update_form'>";
print "<div class='error'>".__("Do not close this dialog until updating is finished. Backup your tt-rss directory before continuing.")."</div>";
print "<ul class='selfUpdateList' id='self_update_log'>";
print "<li>" . __("Ready to update.") . "</li>";
print "</ul>";
print "<div class='dlgButtons'>";
print "<button id=\"self_update_start_btn\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return dijit.byId('updateSelfDlg').start()\" >".
__("Start update")."</button>";
print "<button id=\"self_update_stop_btn\" onclick=\"return dijit.byId('updateSelfDlg').close()\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\">".
__("Close this window")."</button>";
print "</div>";
print "</form>";
function performUpdate() {
$step = (int) $_REQUEST["step"];
$params = json_decode($_REQUEST["params"], true);
$force = (bool) $_REQUEST["force"];
if (($_SESSION["access_level"] >= 10 || SINGLE_USER_MODE) && CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION) {
include "update_self.php";
print json_encode(update_self_step($this->link, $step, $params, $force));
function toggleAdvanced() {
$_SESSION["prefs_show_advanced"] = !$_SESSION["prefs_show_advanced"];

@ -2208,74 +2208,6 @@ function batchSubscribe() {
function updateSelf() {
try {
var query = "backend.php?op=pref-prefs&method=updateSelf";
if (dijit.byId("updateSelfDlg"))
var dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
id: "updateSelfDlg",
title: __("Update Tiny Tiny RSS"),
style: "width: 600px",
closable: false,
performUpdate: function(step) {
dijit.byId("self_update_start_btn").attr("disabled", true);
dijit.byId("self_update_stop_btn").attr("disabled", true);
notify_progress("Loading, please wait...", true);
new Ajax.Request("backend.php", {
parameters: "?op=pref-prefs&method=performUpdate&step=" + step +
"&params=" + param_escape(JSON.stringify(dialog.attr("update-params"))),
onComplete: function(transport) {
try {
rv = JSON.parse(transport.responseText);
if (rv) {
rv['log'].each(function(line) {
$("self_update_log").innerHTML += "<li>" + line + "</li>";
dialog.attr("update-params", rv['params']);
if (!rv['stop']) {
window.setTimeout("dijit.byId('updateSelfDlg').performUpdate("+(step+1)+")", 500);
} else {
dijit.byId("self_update_stop_btn").attr("disabled", false);
} else {
notify_error("Received invalid data from server.");
dialog.attr("updated", true);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("updateSelf/inner", e);
} });
close: function() {
if (dialog.attr("updated")) {
} else {
start: function() {
if (prompt(__("Live updating is considered experimental. Backup your tt-rss directory before continuing. Please type 'yes' to continue.")) == 'yes') {
href: query});
} catch (e) {
exception_error("batchSubscribe", e);
function toggleAdvancedPrefs() {
try {

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Updates tt-rss installation to latest version.

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
function updateSelf() {
try {
var query = "backend.php?op=pluginhandler&plugin=updater&method=updateSelf";
if (dijit.byId("updateSelfDlg"))
var dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
id: "updateSelfDlg",
title: __("Update Tiny Tiny RSS"),
style: "width: 600px",
closable: false,
performUpdate: function(step) {
dijit.byId("self_update_start_btn").attr("disabled", true);
dijit.byId("self_update_stop_btn").attr("disabled", true);
notify_progress("Loading, please wait...", true);
new Ajax.Request("backend.php", {
parameters: "?op=pluginhandler&plugin=updater&method=performUpdate&step=" + step +
"&params=" + param_escape(JSON.stringify(dialog.attr("update-params"))),
onComplete: function(transport) {
try {
rv = JSON.parse(transport.responseText);
if (rv) {
rv['log'].each(function(line) {
$("self_update_log").innerHTML += "<li>" + line + "</li>";
dialog.attr("update-params", rv['params']);
if (!rv['stop']) {
window.setTimeout("dijit.byId('updateSelfDlg').performUpdate("+(step+1)+")", 500);
} else {
dijit.byId("self_update_stop_btn").attr("disabled", false);
} else {
notify_error("Received invalid data from server.");
dialog.attr("updated", true);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("updateSelf/inner", e);
} });
close: function() {
if (dialog.attr("updated")) {
} else {
start: function() {
if (prompt(__("Live updating is considered experimental. Backup your tt-rss directory before continuing. Please type 'yes' to continue.")) == 'yes') {
href: query});
} catch (e) {
exception_error("batchSubscribe", e);

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
class Updater extends Plugin {
private $link;
private $host;
function __construct($host) {
$this->link = $host->get_link();
$this->host = $host;
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this);
function get_prefs_js() {
return file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/updater.js");
function hook_prefs_tab($args) {
if ($args != "prefPrefs") return;
if (($_SESSION["access_level"] >= 10 || SINGLE_USER_MODE) && CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION) {
print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.AccordionPane\" title=\"".__('Update Tiny Tiny RSS')."\">";
if ($_SESSION["pref_last_version_check"] + 86400 + rand(-1000, 1000) < time()) {
$_SESSION["version_data"] = @check_for_update($this->link);
$_SESSION["pref_last_version_check"] = time();
if (is_array($_SESSION["version_data"])) {
$version = $_SESSION["version_data"]["version"];
print_notice(T_sprintf("New version of Tiny Tiny RSS is available (%s).", "<b>$version</b>"));
print "<p><button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return updateSelf()\">".
__('Update Tiny Tiny RSS')."</button></p>";
} else {
print_notice(__("Your Tiny Tiny RSS installation is up to date."));
print "</div>"; #pane
function updateSelf() {
print "<form style='display : block' name='self_update_form' id='self_update_form'>";
print "<div class='error'>".__("Do not close this dialog until updating is finished. Backup your tt-rss directory before continuing.")."</div>";
print "<ul class='selfUpdateList' id='self_update_log'>";
print "<li>" . __("Ready to update.") . "</li>";
print "</ul>";
print "<div class='dlgButtons'>";
print "<button id=\"self_update_start_btn\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return dijit.byId('updateSelfDlg').start()\" >".
__("Start update")."</button>";
print "<button id=\"self_update_stop_btn\" onclick=\"return dijit.byId('updateSelfDlg').close()\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\">".
__("Close this window")."</button>";
print "</div>";
print "</form>";
function performUpdate() {
$step = (int) $_REQUEST["step"];
$params = json_decode($_REQUEST["params"], true);
$force = (bool) $_REQUEST["force"];
if (($_SESSION["access_level"] >= 10 || SINGLE_USER_MODE) && CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION) {
include "update_self.php";
print json_encode(update_self_step($this->link, $step, $params, $force));