piggyback counter information on headlines call

Andrew Dolgov 18 years ago
parent 5a94a953ea
commit 3de0261a53

@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
$print_exec_time = false;
if ((!$op || $op == "rpc" || $op == "rss" || $op == "view" || $op == "digestSend" ||
if ((!$op || $op == "rpc" || $op == "rss" || $op == "view" ||
$op == "digestSend" || $op == "viewfeed" ||
$op == "globalUpdateFeeds") && !$_REQUEST["noxml"]) {
header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
} else {
@ -141,160 +142,6 @@
function outputArticleXML($link, $id, $feed_id, $mark_as_read = true) {
print "<article id='$id'><![CDATA[";
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
} else {
$rtl_content = false;
if ($rtl_content) {
$rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\"";
$rtl_class = "RTL";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
$rtl_class = "";
if ($mark_as_read) {
$result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false,last_read = NOW()
WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT title,link,content,feed_id,comments,int_id,
SUBSTRING(updated,1,16) as updated,
(SELECT icon_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as icon_url,
FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries
WHERE id = '$id' AND ref_id = id AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if ($result) {
$link_target = "";
if (get_pref($link, 'OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW')) {
$link_target = "target=\"_new\"";
$line = db_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($line["icon_url"]) {
$feed_icon = "<img class=\"feedIcon\" src=\"" . $line["icon_url"] . "\">";
} else {
$feed_icon = "&nbsp;";
/* if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) {
$entry_comments = "(<a href=\"".$line["comments"]."\">Comments</a>)";
} else {
$entry_comments = "";
} */
$num_comments = $line["num_comments"];
$entry_comments = "";
if ($num_comments > 0) {
if ($line["comments"]) {
$comments_url = $line["comments"];
} else {
$comments_url = $line["link"];
$entry_comments = "<a $link_target href=\"$comments_url\">$num_comments comments</a>";
} else {
if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) {
$entry_comments = "<a $link_target href=\"".$line["comments"]."\">comments</a>";
print "<div class=\"postReply\">";
print "<div class=\"postHeader\">";
$entry_author = $line["author"];
if ($entry_author) {
$entry_author = __(" - by ") . $entry_author;
$parsed_updated = date(get_pref($link, 'LONG_DATE_FORMAT'),
print "<div class=\"postDate$rtl_class\">$parsed_updated</div>";
if ($line["link"]) {
print "<div clear='both'><a $link_target href=\"" . $line["link"] . "\">" .
$line["title"] . "</a>$entry_author</div>";
} else {
print "<div clear='both'>" . $line["title"] . "$entry_author</div>";
$tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT DISTINCT tag_name FROM
ttrss_tags WHERE post_int_id = " . $line["int_id"] . "
ORDER BY tag_name");
$tags_str = "";
$f_tags_str = "";
$num_tags = 0;
while ($tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) {
$tag = $tmp_line["tag_name"];
$tag_str = "<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed('$tag')\">$tag</a>, ";
if ($num_tags == 6) {
$tags_str .= "<a href=\"javascript:showBlockElement('allEntryTags')\">...</a>";
} else if ($num_tags < 6) {
$tags_str .= $tag_str;
$f_tags_str .= $tag_str;
$tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $tags_str);
$f_tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $f_tags_str);
if (!$entry_comments) $entry_comments = "&nbsp;"; # placeholder
if (!$tags_str) $tags_str = '<span class="tagList">'.__('no tags').'</span>';
print "<div style='float : right'>$tags_str
<a title=\"Edit tags for this article\"
href=\"javascript:editArticleTags($id, $feed_id)\">(+)</a></div>
<div clear='both'>$entry_comments</div>";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"postIcon\">" . $feed_icon . "</div>";
print "<div class=\"postContent\">";
if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) > 0) {
print "<div id=\"allEntryTags\">".__('Tags:')."$f_tags_str</div>";
if (get_pref($link, 'OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW')) {
$line["content"] = preg_replace("/href=/i", "target=\"_new\" href=", $line["content"]);
$line["content"] = sanitize_rss($line["content"]);
print $line["content"] . "</div>";
print "</div>";
print "]]></article>";
if ($op == "view") {
$id = db_escape_string($_GET["id"]);
@ -329,6 +176,10 @@
if ($op == "viewfeed") {
print "<reply>";
$omode = db_escape_string($_GET["omode"]);
$feed = db_escape_string($_GET["feed"]);
$subop = db_escape_string($_GET["subop"]);
$view_mode = db_escape_string($_GET["view_mode"]);
@ -337,312 +188,21 @@
$next_unread_feed = db_escape_string($_GET["nuf"]);
$offset = db_escape_string($_GET["skip"]);
if (!$offset) $offset = 0;
set_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_MODE", $view_mode);
set_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_LIMIT", $limit);
if ($subop == "undefined") $subop = "";
print "<headlines id=\"$feed\"><![CDATA[";
if ($subop == "CatchupSelected") {
$ids = split(",", db_escape_string($_GET["ids"]));
$cmode = sprintf("%d", $_GET["cmode"]);
outputHeadlinesList($link, $feed, $subop, $view_mode, $limit, $cat_view,
$next_unread_feed, $offset);
catchupArticlesById($link, $ids, $cmode);
if ($subop == "ForceUpdate" && sprintf("%d", $feed) > 0) {
update_generic_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view);
if ($subop == "MarkAllRead") {
catchup_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view);
if (get_pref($link, 'ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED')) {
if ($next_unread_feed) {
$feed = $next_unread_feed;
if ($feed_id > 0) {
$result = db_query($link,
"SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' LIMIT 1");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
print "<div align='center'>".__('Feed not found.')."</div>";
if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) != false) {
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
} else {
$rtl_content = false;
if ($rtl_content) {
$rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\"";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
$rtl_content = false;
$script_dt_add = get_script_dt_add();
/* print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"prototype.js\"></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"functions.js?$script_dt_add\"></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"viewfeed.js?$script_dt_add\"></script>
<!--[if gte IE 5.5000]>
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"pngfix.js\"></script>
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"tt-rss-ie.css\">
</head><body $rtl_tag>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", init, null);
window.onload = init;
</script>"; */
print "]]></headlines>";
/// START /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$search = db_escape_string($_GET["query"]);
$search_mode = db_escape_string($_GET["search_mode"]);
$match_on = db_escape_string($_GET["match_on"]);
if (!$match_on) {
$match_on = "both";
$real_offset = $offset * $limit;
$qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($link, $feed, $limit, $view_mode, $cat_view,
$search, $search_mode, $match_on, false, $real_offset);
$result = $qfh_ret[0];
$feed_title = $qfh_ret[1];
$feed_site_url = $qfh_ret[2];
$last_error = $qfh_ret[3];
/// STOP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
print "<div id=\"headlinesContainer\" $rtl_tag>";
if (!$result) {
print "<div align='center'>".__("Could not display feed (query failed). Please check label match syntax or local configuration.")."</div>";
print_headline_subtoolbar($link, $feed_site_url, $feed_title, false,
$rtl_content, $feed, $cat_view, $search, $match_on, $search_mode,
$offset, $limit);
print "<div id=\"headlinesInnerContainer\">";
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
# print "\{$offset}";
if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
print "<table class=\"headlinesList\" id=\"headlinesList\"
$lnum = 0;
error_reporting (DEFAULT_ERROR_LEVEL);
$num_unread = 0;
while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
$id = $line["id"];
$feed_id = $line["feed_id"];
if ($line["last_read"] == "" &&
($line["unread"] != "t" && $line["unread"] != "1")) {
$update_pic = "<img id='FUPDPIC-$id' src=\"images/updated.png\"
} else {
$update_pic = "<img id='FUPDPIC-$id' src=\"images/blank_icon.gif\"
if ($line["unread"] == "t" || $line["unread"] == "1") {
$class .= "Unread";
$is_unread = true;
} else {
$is_unread = false;
if ($line["marked"] == "t" || $line["marked"] == "1") {
$marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMARKPIC-$id\" src=\"images/mark_set.png\"
alt=\"Reset mark\" onclick='javascript:toggleMark($id)'>";
} else {
$marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMARKPIC-$id\" src=\"images/mark_unset.png\"
alt=\"Set mark\" onclick='javascript:toggleMark($id)'>";
# $content_link = "<a target=\"_new\" href=\"".$line["link"]."\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
$content_link = "<a href=\"javascript:view($id,$feed_id);\">" .
$line["title"] . "</a>";
# $content_link = "<a href=\"javascript:viewContentUrl('".$line["link"]."');\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
if (get_pref($link, 'HEADLINES_SMART_DATE')) {
$updated_fmt = smart_date_time(strtotime($line["updated"]));
} else {
$short_date = get_pref($link, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT');
$updated_fmt = date($short_date, strtotime($line["updated"]));
if (get_pref($link, 'SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) {
$content_preview = truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content_preview"]),
$entry_author = $line["author"];
if ($entry_author) {
$entry_author = " - by $entry_author";
if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
print "<tr class='$class' id='RROW-$id'>";
print "<td class='hlUpdatePic'>$update_pic</td>";
print "<td class='hlSelectRow'>
<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleSelectRow(this)\"
class=\"feedCheckBox\" id=\"RCHK-$id\">
print "<td class='hlMarkedPic'>$marked_pic</td>";
if ($line["feed_title"]) {
print "<td class='hlContent'>$content_link</td>";
print "<td class='hlFeed'>
<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed_id, '', false)\">".
} else {
print "<td class='hlContent' valign='middle'>";
print "<a href=\"javascript:view($id,$feed_id);\">" .
if (get_pref($link, 'SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) {
if ($content_preview) {
print "<span class=\"contentPreview\"> - $content_preview</span>";
print "</a>";
print "</td>";
print "<td class=\"hlUpdated\"><nobr>$updated_fmt&nbsp;</nobr></td>";
print "</tr>";
} else {
if ($is_unread) {
$add_class = "Unread";
} else {
$add_class = "";
print "<div class=\"cdmArticle$add_class\" id=\"RROW-$id\">";
print "<div class=\"cdmHeader\">";
print "<div class=\"articleUpdated\">$updated_fmt</div>";
print "<a class=\"title\"
onclick=\"javascript:toggleUnread($id, 0)\"
target=\"new\" href=\"".$line["link"]."\">".$line["title"]."</a>";
print $entry_author;
if ($line["feed_title"]) {
print "&nbsp;(<a href='javascript:viewfeed($feed_id)'>".$line["feed_title"]."</a>)";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"cdmContent\">" . $line["content_preview"] . "</div><br clear=\"all\">";
print "<div class=\"cdmFooter\">";
print "$marked_pic";
print "<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleSelectRowById(this,
'RROW-$id')\" class=\"feedCheckBox\" id=\"RCHK-$id\">";
$tags = get_article_tags($link, $id);
$tags_str = "";
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tags_str .= "<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed('$tag')\">$tag</a>, ";
$tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $tags_str);
if ($tags_str == "") $tags_str = "no tags";
print " $tags_str <a title=\"Edit tags for this article\"
href=\"javascript:editArticleTags($id, $feed_id, true)\">(+)</a>";
print "</div>";
# print "<div align=\"center\"><a class=\"cdmToggleLink\"
# href=\"javascript:toggleUnread($id)\">
# Toggle unread</a></div>";
print "</div>";
if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
print "</table>";
// print_headline_subtoolbar($link,
// "javascript:catchupPage()", "Mark page as read", true, $rtl_content);
} else {
print "<div class='whiteBox'>".__('No articles found.')."</div>";
print "</div>";
print "<counters>";
getAllCounters($link, $omode);
print "</counters>";
print "</div>";
print "</reply>";
if ($op == "pref-feeds") {

@ -130,6 +130,14 @@ function viewfeed(feed, subop, is_cat, subop_param, skip_history, offset) {
container.innerHTML = "<div class=\"loadingPrompt\"><img src=\"images/indicator_white.gif\">&nbsp;" +
"Loading, please wait...</div>"; */
// for piggybacked counters
if (tagsAreDisplayed()) {
query = query + "&omode=lt";
} else {
query = query + "&omode=flc";
notify_progress("Loading, please wait...", true);
// xmlhttp.abort();

@ -2406,7 +2406,11 @@
WHERE id = '$label_id'");
$query_strategy_part = db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "sql_exp");
if (!$query_strategy_part) {
return false;
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "id > 0"; // dumb
@ -3352,4 +3356,451 @@
return vsprintf(__(array_shift($args)), $args);
function outputArticleXML($link, $id, $feed_id, $mark_as_read = true) {
print "<article id='$id'><![CDATA[";
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
} else {
$rtl_content = false;
if ($rtl_content) {
$rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\"";
$rtl_class = "RTL";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
$rtl_class = "";
if ($mark_as_read) {
$result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false,last_read = NOW()
WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT title,link,content,feed_id,comments,int_id,
SUBSTRING(updated,1,16) as updated,
(SELECT icon_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as icon_url,
FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries
WHERE id = '$id' AND ref_id = id AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if ($result) {
$link_target = "";
if (get_pref($link, 'OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW')) {
$link_target = "target=\"_new\"";
$line = db_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($line["icon_url"]) {
$feed_icon = "<img class=\"feedIcon\" src=\"" . $line["icon_url"] . "\">";
} else {
$feed_icon = "&nbsp;";
/* if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) {
$entry_comments = "(<a href=\"".$line["comments"]."\">Comments</a>)";
} else {
$entry_comments = "";
} */
$num_comments = $line["num_comments"];
$entry_comments = "";
if ($num_comments > 0) {
if ($line["comments"]) {
$comments_url = $line["comments"];
} else {
$comments_url = $line["link"];
$entry_comments = "<a $link_target href=\"$comments_url\">$num_comments comments</a>";
} else {
if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) {
$entry_comments = "<a $link_target href=\"".$line["comments"]."\">comments</a>";
print "<div class=\"postReply\">";
print "<div class=\"postHeader\">";
$entry_author = $line["author"];
if ($entry_author) {
$entry_author = __(" - by ") . $entry_author;
$parsed_updated = date(get_pref($link, 'LONG_DATE_FORMAT'),
print "<div class=\"postDate$rtl_class\">$parsed_updated</div>";
if ($line["link"]) {
print "<div clear='both'><a $link_target href=\"" . $line["link"] . "\">" .
$line["title"] . "</a>$entry_author</div>";
} else {
print "<div clear='both'>" . $line["title"] . "$entry_author</div>";
$tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT DISTINCT tag_name FROM
ttrss_tags WHERE post_int_id = " . $line["int_id"] . "
ORDER BY tag_name");
$tags_str = "";
$f_tags_str = "";
$num_tags = 0;
while ($tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) {
$tag = $tmp_line["tag_name"];
$tag_str = "<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed('$tag')\">$tag</a>, ";
if ($num_tags == 6) {
$tags_str .= "<a href=\"javascript:showBlockElement('allEntryTags')\">...</a>";
} else if ($num_tags < 6) {
$tags_str .= $tag_str;
$f_tags_str .= $tag_str;
$tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $tags_str);
$f_tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $f_tags_str);
if (!$entry_comments) $entry_comments = "&nbsp;"; # placeholder
if (!$tags_str) $tags_str = '<span class="tagList">'.__('no tags').'</span>';
print "<div style='float : right'>$tags_str
<a title=\"Edit tags for this article\"
href=\"javascript:editArticleTags($id, $feed_id)\">(+)</a></div>
<div clear='both'>$entry_comments</div>";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"postIcon\">" . $feed_icon . "</div>";
print "<div class=\"postContent\">";
if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) > 0) {
print "<div id=\"allEntryTags\">".__('Tags:')."$f_tags_str</div>";
if (get_pref($link, 'OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW')) {
$line["content"] = preg_replace("/href=/i", "target=\"_new\" href=", $line["content"]);
$line["content"] = sanitize_rss($line["content"]);
print $line["content"] . "</div>";
print "</div>";
print "]]></article>";
function outputHeadlinesList($link, $feed, $subop, $view_mode, $limit, $cat_view,
$next_unread_feed, $offset) {
if (!$offset) $offset = 0;
if ($subop == "undefined") $subop = "";
if ($subop == "CatchupSelected") {
$ids = split(",", db_escape_string($_GET["ids"]));
$cmode = sprintf("%d", $_GET["cmode"]);
catchupArticlesById($link, $ids, $cmode);
if ($subop == "ForceUpdate" && sprintf("%d", $feed) > 0) {
update_generic_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view);
if ($subop == "MarkAllRead") {
catchup_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view);
if (get_pref($link, 'ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED')) {
if ($next_unread_feed) {
$feed = $next_unread_feed;
if ($feed_id > 0) {
$result = db_query($link,
"SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' LIMIT 1");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
print "<div align='center'>".__('Feed not found.')."</div>";
if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) != false) {
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
} else {
$rtl_content = false;
if ($rtl_content) {
$rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\"";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
$rtl_content = false;
$script_dt_add = get_script_dt_add();
/// START /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$search = db_escape_string($_GET["query"]);
$search_mode = db_escape_string($_GET["search_mode"]);
$match_on = db_escape_string($_GET["match_on"]);
if (!$match_on) {
$match_on = "both";
$real_offset = $offset * $limit;
$qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($link, $feed, $limit, $view_mode, $cat_view,
$search, $search_mode, $match_on, false, $real_offset);
$result = $qfh_ret[0];
$feed_title = $qfh_ret[1];
$feed_site_url = $qfh_ret[2];
$last_error = $qfh_ret[3];
/// STOP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
print "<div id=\"headlinesContainer\" $rtl_tag>";
if (!$result) {
print "<div align='center'>".__("Could not display feed (query failed). Please check label match syntax or local configuration.")."</div>";
print_headline_subtoolbar($link, $feed_site_url, $feed_title, false,
$rtl_content, $feed, $cat_view, $search, $match_on, $search_mode,
$offset, $limit);
print "<div id=\"headlinesInnerContainer\">";
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
# print "\{$offset}";
if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
print "<table class=\"headlinesList\" id=\"headlinesList\"
$lnum = 0;
error_reporting (DEFAULT_ERROR_LEVEL);
$num_unread = 0;
while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
$id = $line["id"];
$feed_id = $line["feed_id"];
if ($line["last_read"] == "" &&
($line["unread"] != "t" && $line["unread"] != "1")) {
$update_pic = "<img id='FUPDPIC-$id' src=\"images/updated.png\"
} else {
$update_pic = "<img id='FUPDPIC-$id' src=\"images/blank_icon.gif\"
if ($line["unread"] == "t" || $line["unread"] == "1") {
$class .= "Unread";
$is_unread = true;
} else {
$is_unread = false;
if ($line["marked"] == "t" || $line["marked"] == "1") {
$marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMARKPIC-$id\" src=\"images/mark_set.png\"
alt=\"Reset mark\" onclick='javascript:toggleMark($id)'>";
} else {
$marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMARKPIC-$id\" src=\"images/mark_unset.png\"
alt=\"Set mark\" onclick='javascript:toggleMark($id)'>";
# $content_link = "<a target=\"_new\" href=\"".$line["link"]."\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
$content_link = "<a href=\"javascript:view($id,$feed_id);\">" .
$line["title"] . "</a>";
# $content_link = "<a href=\"javascript:viewContentUrl('".$line["link"]."');\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
if (get_pref($link, 'HEADLINES_SMART_DATE')) {
$updated_fmt = smart_date_time(strtotime($line["updated"]));
} else {
$short_date = get_pref($link, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT');
$updated_fmt = date($short_date, strtotime($line["updated"]));
if (get_pref($link, 'SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) {
$content_preview = truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content_preview"]),
$entry_author = $line["author"];
if ($entry_author) {
$entry_author = " - by $entry_author";
if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
print "<tr class='$class' id='RROW-$id'>";
print "<td class='hlUpdatePic'>$update_pic</td>";
print "<td class='hlSelectRow'>
<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleSelectRow(this)\"
class=\"feedCheckBox\" id=\"RCHK-$id\">
print "<td class='hlMarkedPic'>$marked_pic</td>";
if ($line["feed_title"]) {
print "<td class='hlContent'>$content_link</td>";
print "<td class='hlFeed'>
<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed_id, '', false)\">".
} else {
print "<td class='hlContent' valign='middle'>";
print "<a href=\"javascript:view($id,$feed_id);\">" .
if (get_pref($link, 'SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) {
if ($content_preview) {
print "<span class=\"contentPreview\"> - $content_preview</span>";
print "</a>";
print "</td>";
print "<td class=\"hlUpdated\"><nobr>$updated_fmt&nbsp;</nobr></td>";
print "</tr>";
} else {
if ($is_unread) {
$add_class = "Unread";
} else {
$add_class = "";
print "<div class=\"cdmArticle$add_class\" id=\"RROW-$id\">";
print "<div class=\"cdmHeader\">";
print "<div class=\"articleUpdated\">$updated_fmt</div>";
print "<a class=\"title\"
onclick=\"javascript:toggleUnread($id, 0)\"
target=\"new\" href=\"".$line["link"]."\">".$line["title"]."</a>";
print $entry_author;
if ($line["feed_title"]) {
print "&nbsp;(<a href='javascript:viewfeed($feed_id)'>".$line["feed_title"]."</a>)";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"cdmContent\">" . $line["content_preview"] . "</div><br clear=\"all\">";
print "<div class=\"cdmFooter\">";
print "$marked_pic";
print "<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleSelectRowById(this,
'RROW-$id')\" class=\"feedCheckBox\" id=\"RCHK-$id\">";
$tags = get_article_tags($link, $id);
$tags_str = "";
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tags_str .= "<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed('$tag')\">$tag</a>, ";
$tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $tags_str);
if ($tags_str == "") $tags_str = "no tags";
print " $tags_str <a title=\"Edit tags for this article\"
href=\"javascript:editArticleTags($id, $feed_id, true)\">(+)</a>";
print "</div>";
# print "<div align=\"center\"><a class=\"cdmToggleLink\"
# href=\"javascript:toggleUnread($id)\">
# Toggle unread</a></div>";
print "</div>";
if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
print "</table>";
// print_headline_subtoolbar($link,
// "javascript:catchupPage()", "Mark page as read", true, $rtl_content);
} else {
print "<div class='whiteBox'>".__('No articles found.')."</div>";
print "</div>";
print "</div>";

@ -40,8 +40,23 @@ function headlines_callback() {
try {
f.scrollTop = 0;
} catch (e) { };
f.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
if (xmlhttp.responseXML) {
var headlines = xmlhttp.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("headlines")[0];
var counters = xmlhttp.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("counters")[0];
f.innerHTML = headlines.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (counters) {
debug("parsing piggybacked counters: " + counters);
parse_counters(counters, false);
} else {
debug("headlines_callback: returned no XML object");
f.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
if (typeof correctPNG != 'undefined') {
