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class TimeHelper {
static function smart_date_time($timestamp, $tz_offset = 0, $owner_uid = false, $eta_min = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION['uid'];
if ($eta_min && time() + $tz_offset - $timestamp < 3600) {
return T_sprintf("%d min", date("i", time() + $tz_offset - $timestamp));
} else if (date("Y.m.d", $timestamp) == date("Y.m.d", time() + $tz_offset)) {
$format = get_pref('SHORT_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid);
if (strpos((strtolower($format)), "a") === false)
return date("G:i", $timestamp);
return date("g:i a", $timestamp);
} else if (date("Y", $timestamp) == date("Y", time() + $tz_offset)) {
$format = get_pref('SHORT_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid);
return date($format, $timestamp);
} else {
$format = get_pref('LONG_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid);
return date($format, $timestamp);
static function make_local_datetime($timestamp, $long, $owner_uid = false,
$no_smart_dt = false, $eta_min = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION['uid'];
if (!$timestamp) $timestamp = '1970-01-01 0:00';
global $utc_tz;
global $user_tz;
if (!$utc_tz) $utc_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$timestamp = substr($timestamp, 0, 19);
# We store date in UTC internally
$dt = new DateTime($timestamp, $utc_tz);
$user_tz_string = get_pref('USER_TIMEZONE', $owner_uid);
if ($user_tz_string != 'Automatic') {
try {
if (!$user_tz) $user_tz = new DateTimeZone($user_tz_string);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$user_tz = $utc_tz;
$tz_offset = $user_tz->getOffset($dt);
} else {
$tz_offset = (int) -($_SESSION["clientTzOffset"] ?? 0);
$user_timestamp = $dt->format('U') + $tz_offset;
if (!$no_smart_dt) {
return self::smart_date_time($user_timestamp,
$tz_offset, $owner_uid, $eta_min);
} else {
if ($long)
$format = get_pref('LONG_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid);
$format = get_pref('SHORT_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid);
return date($format, $user_timestamp);
static function convert_timestamp($timestamp, $source_tz, $dest_tz) {
try {
$source_tz = new DateTimeZone($source_tz);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$source_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
try {
$dest_tz = new DateTimeZone($dest_tz);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$dest_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$dt = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp), $source_tz);
return $dt->format('U') + $dest_tz->getOffset($dt);