You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
6.4 KiB

function module_pref_labels($link) {
$subop = $_GET["subop"];
if ($subop == "color-set") {
$kind = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["kind"]);
$ids = split(',', db_escape_string($_REQUEST["ids"]));
$color = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["color"]);
foreach ($ids as $id) {
db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_labels2 SET
${kind}_color = '$color' WHERE id = '$id'
AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if ($subop == "save") {
$id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["id"]);
$caption = db_escape_string(trim($_REQUEST["value"]));
db_query($link, "BEGIN");
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT caption FROM ttrss_labels2
WHERE id = '$id' AND owner_uid = ". $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
$old_caption = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "caption");
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_labels2
WHERE caption = '$caption' AND owner_uid = ". $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
if ($caption) {
$result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_labels2 SET
caption = '$caption' WHERE id = '$id' AND
owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
/* Update filters that reference label being renamed */
db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_filters SET
action_param = '$caption' WHERE action_param = '$old_caption'
AND action_id = 7
AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
print $_REQUEST["value"];
} else {
print $old_caption;
} else {
print $old_caption;
db_query($link, "COMMIT");
if ($subop == "remove") {
$ids = split(",", db_escape_string($_GET["ids"]));
foreach ($ids as $id) {
label_remove($link, $id, $_SESSION["uid"]);
if ($subop == "add") {
$caption = db_escape_string($_GET["caption"]);
if ($caption) {
if (label_create($link, $caption)) {
print T_sprintf("Created label <b>%s</b>", htmlspecialchars($caption));
set_pref($link, "_PREFS_ACTIVE_TAB", "labelConfig");
$sort = db_escape_string($_GET["sort"]);
if (!$sort || $sort == "undefined") {
$sort = "caption";
$label_search = db_escape_string($_GET["search"]);
if (array_key_exists("search", $_GET)) {
$_SESSION["prefs_label_search"] = $label_search;
} else {
$label_search = $_SESSION["prefs_label_search"];
print "<div id=\"colorPicker\" style=\"display : none\">";
$color_picker_pairs = array(
array('#063064', '#fff7d5'),
array('#ffffff', '#00ccff'),
array('#ffffff', '#cc00ff'),
array('#ffffff', '#00ffcc'),
array('#ffffff', '#0000ff'),
array('#ffffff', '#ff00ff'),
array('#ffffff', '#ff0000'),
array('#394f00', '#ccff00'));
foreach ($color_picker_pairs as $c) {
$fg_color = $c[0];
$bg_color = $c[1];
print "<div class='colorPickerEntry'
style='color : $fg_color; background-color : $bg_color;'
onclick=\"colorPickerDo('$fg_color', '$bg_color')\">z</div>";
print "<br clear='both'>";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"feedEditSearch\">
<input id=\"label_search\" size=\"20\" type=\"search\"
onchange=\"javascript:updateLabelList()\" value=\"$label_search\">
<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\"
onclick=\"javascript:updateLabelList()\" value=\"".__('Search')."\">
print "<div class=\"prefGenericAddBox\">";
print"<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\"
onclick=\"return addLabel()\"
value=\"".__('Create label')."\"></div>";
if ($label_search) {
$label_search_query = "caption LIKE '%$label_search%' AND";
} else {
$label_search_query = "";
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT
owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]."
ORDER BY $sort");
// print "<div id=\"infoBoxShadow\"><div id=\"infoBox\">PLACEHOLDER</div></div>";
if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
print "<p><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\"
class=\"prefLabelList\" id=\"prefLabelList\">";
print "<tr><td class=\"selectPrompt\" colspan=\"8\">
<a href=\"javascript:selectPrefRows('label', true)\">".__('All')."</a>,
<a href=\"javascript:selectPrefRows('label', false)\">".__('None')."</a>
/* print "<tr class=\"title\">
<td width=\"5%\">&nbsp;</td>
<td width=\"95%\"><a href=\"javascript:updateLabelList('caption')\">".__('Caption')."</a></td>
</tr>"; */
$lnum = 0;
while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
$label_id = $line["id"];
$this_row_id = "id=\"LILRR-$label_id\"";
print "<tr class=\"$class\" $this_row_id>";
$line["caption"] = htmlspecialchars($line["caption"]);
$fg_color = $line["fg_color"];
$bg_color = $line["bg_color"];
if (!$fg_color) $fg_color = "black";
if (!$bg_color) $bg_color = "transparent";
print "<td width='5%' align='center'><input
onclick='toggleSelectPrefRow(this, \"label\");'
type=\"checkbox\" id=\"LICHK-".$line["id"]."\"></td>";
$id = $line['id'];
/* print "<td width='30' align='center'>
<div class='labelColorIndicator'
style='color : $fg_color; background-color : $bg_color'
onclick=\"colorPicker(this, '$id', '$fg_color', '$bg_color')\">z</div>";
print "</td>"; */
print "<td><span class='prefsLabelEntry'
style='color : $fg_color; background-color : $bg_color'
id=\"LILT-".$line["id"]."\">" . $line["caption"] .
print "</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
print "<p id=\"labelOpToolbar\">";
print "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" disabled=\"true\"
onclick=\"javascript:removeSelectedLabels()\" value=\"".__('Remove')."\">";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print __("Color:");
print "&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" disabled=\"true\"
onclick=\"labelColorSet('fg')\" value=\"".__('Fg')."\">&nbsp;";
print "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" disabled=\"true\"
onclick=\"labelColorSet('bg')\" value=\"".__('Bg')."\">&nbsp;";
print "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" disabled=\"true\"
onclick=\"labelColorReset()\" value=\"".__('Clear')."\">";
print "</p>";
} else {
print "<p>";
if (!$label_search) {
print __('No labels defined.');
} else {
print __('No matching labels found.');
print "</p>";