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namespace Safe;
use Safe\Exceptions\SocketsException;
* After the socket socket has been created
* using socket_create, bound to a name with
* socket_bind, and told to listen for connections
* with socket_listen, this function will accept
* incoming connections on that socket. Once a successful connection
* is made, a new socket resource is returned, which may be used
* for communication. If there are multiple connections queued on
* the socket, the first will be used. If there are no pending
* connections, socket_accept will block until
* a connection becomes present. If socket
* has been made non-blocking using
* socket_set_blocking or
* socket_set_nonblock, FALSE will be returned.
* The socket resource returned by
* socket_accept may not be used to accept new
* connections. The original listening socket
* socket, however, remains open and may be
* reused.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create.
* @return resource Returns a new socket resource on success. The actual
* error code can be retrieved by calling
* socket_last_error. This error code may be passed to
* socket_strerror to get a textual explanation of the
* error.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_accept($socket)
$result = \socket_accept($socket);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* Create a Socket resource, and bind it to the provided AddrInfo resource. The return
* value of this function may be used with socket_listen.
* @param resource $addr Resource created from socket_addrinfo_lookup.
* @return resource Returns a Socket resource on success.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_addrinfo_bind($addr)
$result = \socket_addrinfo_bind($addr);
if ($result === null) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* Create a Socket resource, and connect it to the provided AddrInfo resource. The return
* value of this function may be used with the rest of the socket functions.
* @param resource $addr Resource created from socket_addrinfo_lookup
* @return resource Returns a Socket resource on success.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_addrinfo_connect($addr)
$result = \socket_addrinfo_connect($addr);
if ($result === null) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* Binds the name given in address to the socket
* described by socket. This has to be done before
* a connection is be established using socket_connect
* or socket_listen.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create.
* @param string $address If the socket is of the AF_INET family, the
* address is an IP in dotted-quad notation
* (e.g.
* If the socket is of the AF_UNIX family, the
* address is the path of a
* Unix-domain socket (e.g. /tmp/my.sock).
* @param int $port The port parameter is only used when
* binding an AF_INET socket, and designates
* the port on which to listen for connections.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_bind($socket, string $address, int $port = 0): void
$result = \socket_bind($socket, $address, $port);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* Initiate a connection to address using the socket resource
* socket, which must be a valid socket
* resource created with socket_create.
* @param resource $socket
* @param string $address The address parameter is either an IPv4 address
* in dotted-quad notation (e.g. if
* socket is AF_INET, a valid
* IPv6 address (e.g. ::1) if IPv6 support is enabled and
* socket is AF_INET6
* or the pathname of a Unix domain socket, if the socket family is
* @param int $port The port parameter is only used and is mandatory
* when connecting to an AF_INET or an
* AF_INET6 socket, and designates
* the port on the remote host to which a connection should be made.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_connect($socket, string $address, int $port = 0): void
$result = \socket_connect($socket, $address, $port);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* socket_create_listen creates a new socket resource of
* type AF_INET listening on all
* local interfaces on the given port waiting for new connections.
* This function is meant to ease the task of creating a new socket which
* only listens to accept new connections.
* @param int $port The port on which to listen on all interfaces.
* @param int $backlog The backlog parameter defines the maximum length
* the queue of pending connections may grow to.
* SOMAXCONN may be passed as
* backlog parameter, see
* socket_listen for more information.
* @return resource socket_create_listen returns a new socket resource
* on success. The error code can be retrieved with
* socket_last_error. This code may be passed to
* socket_strerror to get a textual explanation of the
* error.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_create_listen(int $port, int $backlog = 128)
$result = \socket_create_listen($port, $backlog);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* socket_create_pair creates two connected and
* indistinguishable sockets, and stores them in fd.
* This function is commonly used in IPC (InterProcess Communication).
* @param int $domain The domain parameter specifies the protocol
* family to be used by the socket. See socket_create
* for the full list.
* @param int $type The type parameter selects the type of communication
* to be used by the socket. See socket_create for the
* full list.
* @param int $protocol The protocol parameter sets the specific
* protocol within the specified domain to be used
* when communicating on the returned socket. The proper value can be retrieved by
* name by using getprotobyname. If
* the desired protocol is TCP, or UDP the corresponding constants
* can also be used.
* See socket_create for the full list of supported
* protocols.
* @param resource[]|null $fd Reference to an array in which the two socket resources will be inserted.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_create_pair(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol, ?iterable &$fd): void
$result = \socket_create_pair($domain, $type, $protocol, $fd);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* Creates and returns a socket resource, also referred to as an endpoint
* of communication. A typical network connection is made up of 2 sockets, one
* performing the role of the client, and another performing the role of the server.
* @param int $domain The domain parameter specifies the protocol
* family to be used by the socket.
* @param int $type The type parameter selects the type of communication
* to be used by the socket.
* @param int $protocol The protocol parameter sets the specific
* protocol within the specified domain to be used
* when communicating on the returned socket. The proper value can be
* retrieved by name by using getprotobyname. If
* the desired protocol is TCP, or UDP the corresponding constants
* can also be used.
* @return resource socket_create returns a socket resource on success. The actual error code can be retrieved by calling
* socket_last_error. This error code may be passed to
* socket_strerror to get a textual explanation of the
* error.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_create(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol)
$result = \socket_create($domain, $type, $protocol);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* @param resource $socket
* @return resource Return resource.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_export_stream($socket)
$result = \socket_export_stream($socket);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* The socket_get_option function retrieves the value for
* the option specified by the optname parameter for the
* specified socket.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @param int $level The level parameter specifies the protocol
* level at which the option resides. For example, to retrieve options at
* the socket level, a level parameter of
* SOL_SOCKET would be used. Other levels, such as
* TCP, can be used by
* specifying the protocol number of that level. Protocol numbers can be
* found by using the getprotobyname function.
* @param int $optname Reports whether the socket lingers on
* socket_close if data is present. By default,
* when the socket is closed, it attempts to send all unsent data.
* In the case of a connection-oriented socket,
* socket_close will wait for its peer to
* acknowledge the data.
* If l_onoff is non-zero and
* l_linger is zero, all the
* unsent data will be discarded and RST (reset) is sent to the
* peer in the case of a connection-oriented socket.
* On the other hand, if l_onoff is
* non-zero and l_linger is non-zero,
* socket_close will block until all the data
* is sent or the time specified in l_linger
* elapses. If the socket is non-blocking,
* socket_close will fail and return an error.
* @return mixed Returns the value of the given options.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_get_option($socket, int $level, int $optname)
$result = \socket_get_option($socket, $level, $optname);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in
* host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @param string $address If the given socket is of type AF_INET or
* AF_INET6, socket_getpeername
* will return the peers (remote) IP address in
* appropriate notation (e.g. or
* fe80::1) in the address
* parameter and, if the optional port parameter is
* present, also the associated port.
* If the given socket is of type AF_UNIX,
* socket_getpeername will return the Unix filesystem
* path (e.g. /var/run/daemon.sock) in the
* address parameter.
* @param int|null $port If given, this will hold the port associated to
* address.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_getpeername($socket, string &$address, ?int &$port = null): void
$result = \socket_getpeername($socket, $address, $port);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @param string|null $addr If the given socket is of type AF_INET
* or AF_INET6, socket_getsockname
* will return the local IP address in appropriate notation (e.g.
* or fe80::1) in the
* address parameter and, if the optional
* port parameter is present, also the associated port.
* If the given socket is of type AF_UNIX,
* socket_getsockname will return the Unix filesystem
* path (e.g. /var/run/daemon.sock) in the
* address parameter.
* @param int|null $port If provided, this will hold the associated port.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_getsockname($socket, ?string &$addr, ?int &$port = null): void
$result = \socket_getsockname($socket, $addr, $port);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* Imports a stream that encapsulates a socket into a socket extension resource.
* @param resource $stream The stream resource to import.
* @return resource|false Returns FALSE.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_import_stream($stream)
$result = \socket_import_stream($stream);
if ($result === null) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* After the socket socket has been created
* using socket_create and bound to a name with
* socket_bind, it may be told to listen for incoming
* connections on socket.
* socket_listen is applicable only to sockets of
* type SOCK_STREAM or
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_addrinfo_bind
* @param int $backlog A maximum of backlog incoming connections will be
* queued for processing. If a connection request arrives with the queue
* full the client may receive an error with an indication of
* ECONNREFUSED, or, if the underlying protocol supports
* retransmission, the request may be ignored so that retries may succeed.
* The maximum number passed to the backlog
* parameter highly depends on the underlying platform. On Linux, it is
* silently truncated to SOMAXCONN. On win32, if
* passed SOMAXCONN, the underlying service provider
* responsible for the socket will set the backlog to a maximum
* reasonable value. There is no standard provision to
* find out the actual backlog value on this platform.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_listen($socket, int $backlog = 0): void
$result = \socket_listen($socket, $backlog);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* The function socket_read reads from the socket
* resource socket created by the
* socket_create or
* socket_accept functions.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @param int $length The maximum number of bytes read is specified by the
* length parameter. Otherwise you can use
* \r, \n,
* or \0 to end reading (depending on the type
* parameter, see below).
* @param int $type Optional type parameter is a named constant:
* PHP_BINARY_READ (Default) - use the system
* recv() function. Safe for reading binary data.
* PHP_NORMAL_READ - reading stops at
* \n or \r.
* @return string socket_read returns the data as a string on success (including if the remote host has closed the
* connection). The error code can be retrieved with
* socket_last_error. This code may be passed to
* socket_strerror to get a textual representation of
* the error.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_read($socket, int $length, int $type = PHP_BINARY_READ): string
$result = \socket_read($socket, $length, $type);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* The function socket_send sends
* len bytes to the socket
* socket from buf.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @param string $buf A buffer containing the data that will be sent to the remote host.
* @param int $len The number of bytes that will be sent to the remote host from
* buf.
* @param int $flags The value of flags can be any combination of
* the following flags, joined with the binary OR (|)
* operator.
* Possible values for flags
* Send OOB (out-of-band) data.
* Indicate a record mark. The sent data completes the record.
* Close the sender side of the socket and include an appropriate
* notification of this at the end of the sent data. The sent data
* completes the transaction.
* Bypass routing, use direct interface.
* @return int socket_send returns the number of bytes sent.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_send($socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags): int
$result = \socket_send($socket, $buf, $len, $flags);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* @param resource $socket
* @param array $message
* @param int $flags
* @return int Returns the number of bytes sent.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_sendmsg($socket, array $message, int $flags = 0): int
$result = \socket_sendmsg($socket, $message, $flags);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* The function socket_sendto sends
* len bytes from buf
* through the socket socket to the
* port at the address addr.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created using socket_create.
* @param string $buf The sent data will be taken from buffer buf.
* @param int $len len bytes from buf will be
* sent.
* @param int $flags The value of flags can be any combination of
* the following flags, joined with the binary OR (|)
* operator.
* Possible values for flags
* Send OOB (out-of-band) data.
* Indicate a record mark. The sent data completes the record.
* Close the sender side of the socket and include an appropriate
* notification of this at the end of the sent data. The sent data
* completes the transaction.
* Bypass routing, use direct interface.
* @param string $addr IP address of the remote host.
* @param int $port port is the remote port number at which the data
* will be sent.
* @return int socket_sendto returns the number of bytes sent to the
* remote host.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_sendto($socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags, string $addr, int $port = 0): int
$result = \socket_sendto($socket, $buf, $len, $flags, $addr, $port);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* The socket_set_block function removes the
* O_NONBLOCK flag on the socket specified by the
* socket parameter.
* When an operation (e.g. receive, send, connect, accept, ...) is performed on
* a blocking socket, the script will pause its execution until it receives
* a signal or it can perform the operation.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_set_block($socket): void
$result = \socket_set_block($socket);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* The socket_set_nonblock function sets the
* O_NONBLOCK flag on the socket specified by
* the socket parameter.
* When an operation (e.g. receive, send, connect, accept, ...) is performed on
* a non-blocking socket, the script will not pause its execution until it receives a
* signal or it can perform the operation. Rather, if the operation would result
* in a block, the called function will fail.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_set_nonblock($socket): void
$result = \socket_set_nonblock($socket);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* The socket_set_option function sets the option
* specified by the optname parameter, at the
* specified protocol level, to the value pointed to
* by the optval parameter for the
* socket.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create
* or socket_accept.
* @param int $level The level parameter specifies the protocol
* level at which the option resides. For example, to retrieve options at
* the socket level, a level parameter of
* SOL_SOCKET would be used. Other levels, such as
* TCP, can be used by specifying the protocol number of that level.
* Protocol numbers can be found by using the
* getprotobyname function.
* @param int $optname The available socket options are the same as those for the
* socket_get_option function.
* @param int|string|array $optval The option value.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_set_option($socket, int $level, int $optname, $optval): void
$result = \socket_set_option($socket, $level, $optname, $optval);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* The socket_shutdown function allows you to stop
* incoming, outgoing or all data (the default) from being sent through the
* socket
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource created with socket_create.
* @param int $how The value of how can be one of the following:
* possible values for how
* 0
* Shutdown socket reading
* 1
* Shutdown socket writing
* 2
* Shutdown socket reading and writing
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_shutdown($socket, int $how = 2): void
$result = \socket_shutdown($socket, $how);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
* Exports the WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure into shared memory and returns
* an identifier to be used with socket_wsaprotocol_info_import. The
* exported ID is only valid for the given target_pid.
* @param resource $socket A valid socket resource.
* @param int $target_pid The ID of the process which will import the socket.
* @return string Returns an identifier to be used for the import
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_wsaprotocol_info_export($socket, int $target_pid): string
$result = \socket_wsaprotocol_info_export($socket, $target_pid);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* Imports a socket which has formerly been exported from another process.
* @param string $info_id The ID which has been returned by a former call to
* socket_wsaprotocol_info_export.
* @return resource Returns the socket resource
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_wsaprotocol_info_import(string $info_id)
$result = \socket_wsaprotocol_info_import($info_id);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();
return $result;
* Releases the shared memory corresponding to the given info_id.
* @param string $info_id The ID which has been returned by a former call to
* socket_wsaprotocol_info_export.
* @throws SocketsException
function socket_wsaprotocol_info_release(string $info_id): void
$result = \socket_wsaprotocol_info_release($info_id);
if ($result === false) {
throw SocketsException::createFromPhpError();