You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
2.2 KiB

class Backend extends Handler_Protected {
/* function digestTest() {
if (isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
header("Content-type: text/html");
$rv = Digest::prepare_headlines_digest($_SESSION['uid'], 1, 1000);
print "<h1>HTML</h1>";
print $rv[0];
print "<h1>Plain text</h1>";
print "<pre>".$rv[3]."</pre>";
} else {
print error_json(6);
} */
function help() {
$topic = basename(clean($_REQUEST["topic"])); // only one for now
if ($topic == "main") {
$info = get_hotkeys_info();
$imap = get_hotkeys_map();
$omap = array();
foreach ($imap[1] as $sequence => $action) {
if (!isset($omap[$action])) $omap[$action] = array();
array_push($omap[$action], $sequence);
print "<ul class='panel panel-scrollable hotkeys-help' style='height : 300px'>";
$cur_section = "";
foreach ($info as $section => $hotkeys) {
if ($cur_section) print "<li>&nbsp;</li>";
print "<li><h3>" . $section . "</h3></li>";
$cur_section = $section;
foreach ($hotkeys as $action => $description) {
if (is_array($omap[$action])) {
foreach ($omap[$action] as $sequence) {
if (strpos($sequence, "|") !== FALSE) {
$sequence = substr($sequence,
strpos($sequence, "|")+1,
} else {
$keys = explode(" ", $sequence);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
if (strlen($keys[$i]) > 1) {
$tmp = '';
foreach (str_split($keys[$i]) as $c) {
switch ($c) {
case '*':
$tmp .= __('Shift') . '+';
case '^':
$tmp .= __('Ctrl') . '+';
$tmp .= $c;
$keys[$i] = $tmp;
$sequence = join(" ", $keys);
print "<li>";
print "<div class='hk'><code>$sequence</code></div>";
print "<div class='desc'>$description</div>";
print "</li>";
print "</ul>";
print "<footer class='text-center'>";
print "<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button'
onclick=\"return dijit.byId('helpDlg').hide()\">".__('Close this window')."</button>";
print "</footer>";