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125 lines
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12 years ago
define("dojo/dnd/Mover", [
"../_base/array", "../_base/declare", "../_base/event", "../_base/lang", "../sniff", "../_base/window",
"../dom", "../dom-geometry", "../dom-style", "../Evented", "../on", "../touch", "./common", "./autoscroll"
], function(array, declare, event, lang, has, win, dom, domGeom, domStyle, Evented, on, touch, dnd, autoscroll){
// module:
// dojo/dnd/Mover
return declare("dojo.dnd.Mover", [Evented], {
// summary:
// an object which makes a node follow the mouse, or touch-drag on touch devices.
// Used as a default mover, and as a base class for custom movers.
constructor: function(node, e, host){
// node: Node
// a node (or node's id) to be moved
// e: Event
// a mouse event, which started the move;
// only pageX and pageY properties are used
// host: Object?
// object which implements the functionality of the move,
// and defines proper events (onMoveStart and onMoveStop)
this.node = dom.byId(node);
this.marginBox = {l: e.pageX, t: e.pageY};
this.mouseButton = e.button;
var h = ( = host), d = node.ownerDocument;
| = [
// At the start of a drag, onFirstMove is called, and then the following
// listener is disconnected.
on(d, touch.move, lang.hitch(this, "onFirstMove")),
// These are called continually during the drag
on(d, touch.move, lang.hitch(this, "onMouseMove")),
// And these are called at the end of the drag
on(d, touch.release, lang.hitch(this, "onMouseUp")),
// cancel text selection and text dragging
on(d, "dragstart", event.stop),
on(d.body, "selectstart", event.stop)
// Tell autoscroll that a drag is starting
// notify that the move has started
if(h && h.onMoveStart){
// mouse event processors
onMouseMove: function(e){
// summary:
// event processor for onmousemove/ontouchmove
// e: Event
// mouse/touch event
var m = this.marginBox;
|, {l: m.l + e.pageX, t: m.t + e.pageY}, e);
onMouseUp: function(e){
if(has("webkit") && has("mac") && this.mouseButton == 2 ?
e.button == 0 : this.mouseButton == e.button){ // TODO Should condition be met for touch devices, too?
// utilities
onFirstMove: function(e){
// summary:
// makes the node absolute; it is meant to be called only once.
// relative and absolutely positioned nodes are assumed to use pixel units
var s =, l, t, h =;
case "relative":
case "absolute":
// assume that left and top values are in pixels already
l = Math.round(parseFloat(s.left)) || 0;
t = Math.round(parseFloat( || 0;
s.position = "absolute"; // enforcing the absolute mode
var m = domGeom.getMarginBox(this.node);
// event.pageX/pageY (which we used to generate the initial
// margin box) includes padding and margin set on the body.
// However, setting the node's position to absolute and then
// doing domGeom.marginBox on it *doesn't* take that additional
// space into account - so we need to subtract the combined
// padding and margin. We use getComputedStyle and
// _getMarginBox/_getContentBox to avoid the extra lookup of
// the computed style.
var b = win.doc.body;
var bs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(b);
var bm = domGeom.getMarginBox(b, bs);
var bc = domGeom.getContentBox(b, bs);
l = m.l - (bc.l - bm.l);
t = m.t - (bc.t - bm.t);
this.marginBox.l = l - this.marginBox.l;
this.marginBox.t = t - this.marginBox.t;
if(h && h.onFirstMove){
h.onFirstMove(this, e);
// Disconnect touch.move that call this function
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// stops the move, deletes all references, so the object can be garbage-collected
array.forEach(, function(handle){ handle.remove(); });
// undo global settings
var h =;
if(h && h.onMoveStop){
// destroy objects
| = this.node = = null;