You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.6 KiB

define("dojo/NodeList-html", ["./query", "./_base/lang", "./html"], function(query, lang, html){
// module:
// dojo/NodeList-html
return function(){
// summary:
// Adds a chainable html method to dojo.query() / NodeList instances for setting/replacing node content
var NodeList = query.NodeList;
lang.extend(NodeList, {
html: function(/* String|DomNode|NodeList? */ content, /* Object? */params){
// summary:
// see `dojo/html.set()`. Set the content of all elements of this NodeList
// content:
// An html string, node or enumerable list of nodes for insertion into the dom
// params:
// Optional flags/properties to configure the content-setting. See dojo/html._ContentSetter
// description:
// Based around `dojo/html.set()`, set the content of the Elements in a
// NodeList to the given content (string/node/nodelist), with optional arguments
// to further tune the set content behavior.
// example:
// | query(".thingList").html("<li data-dojo-type='dojo/dnd/Moveable'>1</li><li data-dojo-type='dojo/dnd/Moveable'>2</li><li data-dojo-type='dojo/dnd/Moveable'>3</li>",
// | {
// | parseContent: true,
// | onBegin: function(){
// | this.content = this.content.replace(/([0-9])/g, + ": $1");
// | this.inherited("onBegin", arguments);
// | }
// | }).removeClass("notdone").addClass("done");
var dhs = new html._ContentSetter(params || {});
dhs.node = elm;
return this; // dojo/NodeList
return NodeList;