3 Build from source
Thomas B edited this page 7 years ago

Build Roundcube from Source

Building Roundcube from source is pretty similar to Dev Releases.
Let's list the individual steps with a short description:

1. Fetch the source from github

git clone git://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail.git roundcubemail-git

2. Switch to the according branch

cd roundcubemail-git
git checkout tags/1.1.5

(check out whatever tag or branch you desire)

3. Install JavaScript dependencies

(for git master and versions >= 1.3 only)


4. Compress Javascript files and add cache-buster tokens to images referenced from CSS styles


5. Optionally compress CSS files as well


6. Remove development stuff, installer and git files

rm transifexpull.sh package2composer.sh importgettext.sh exportgettext.sh README.md INSTALL UPGRADING, LICENSE, CHANGELOG
rm -rf tests/ public_html/ installer/ .git* .tx*

7. Download and configure Composer

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/tmp/
cp composer.json-dist composer.json

8. Optionally, add dependencies for LDAP modules in order to enable LDAP address books in Roundcube

php /tmp/composer.phar require pear-pear.php.net/net_ldap2:~2.1.0 kolab/net_ldap3:dev-master --no-update

9. Install PHP dependencies using Composer

php /tmp/composer.phar install --prefer-dist --no-dev

The roundcubemail-git directory now contains a complete Roundcube installation ready for deployment or packaging.