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2067 lines
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| program/include/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| IMAP wrapper that implements the Iloha IMAP Library (IIL) |
| See for details |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
* Obtain classes from the Iloha IMAP library
* Interface class for accessing an IMAP server
* This is a wrapper that implements the Iloha IMAP Library (IIL)
* @package RoundCube Webmail
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* @version 1.22
* @link
class rcube_imap
var $db;
var $conn;
var $root_ns = '';
var $root_dir = '';
var $mailbox = 'INBOX';
var $list_page = 1;
var $page_size = 10;
var $sort_field = 'date';
var $sort_order = 'DESC';
var $delimiter = NULL;
var $caching_enabled = FALSE;
var $default_folders = array('inbox', 'drafts', 'sent', 'junk', 'trash');
var $cache = array();
var $cache_keys = array();
var $cache_changes = array();
var $uid_id_map = array();
var $msg_headers = array();
var $capabilities = array();
var $skip_deleted = FALSE;
var $debug_level = 1;
* Object constructor
* @param object Database connection
function __construct($db_conn)
$this->db = $db_conn;
* PHP 4 object constructor
* @see rcube_imap::__construct
function rcube_imap($db_conn)
* Connect to an IMAP server
* @param string Host to connect
* @param string Username for IMAP account
* @param string Password for IMAP account
* @param number Port to connect to
* @param boolean Use SSL connection
* @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
* @access public
function connect($host, $user, $pass, $port=143, $use_ssl=FALSE)
// check for Open-SSL support in PHP build
if ($use_ssl && in_array('openssl', get_loaded_extensions()))
else if ($use_ssl)
raise_error(array('code' => 403, 'type' => 'imap', 'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => 'Open SSL not available;'), TRUE, FALSE);
$port = 143;
$ICL_PORT = $port;
$this->conn = iil_Connect($host, $user, $pass, array('imap' => 'check'));
$this->host = $host;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->port = $port;
$this->ssl = $use_ssl;
// print trace mesages
if ($this->conn && ($this->debug_level & 8))
// write error log
else if (!$this->conn && $GLOBALS['iil_error'])
raise_error(array('code' => 403,
'type' => 'imap',
'message' => $GLOBALS['iil_error']), TRUE, FALSE);
// get account namespace
if ($this->conn)
if (!empty($this->conn->delimiter))
$this->delimiter = $this->conn->delimiter;
if (!empty($this->conn->rootdir))
$this->root_ns = ereg_replace('[\.\/]$', '', $this->conn->rootdir);
return $this->conn ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Close IMAP connection
* Usually done on script shutdown
* @access public
function close()
if ($this->conn)
* Close IMAP connection and re-connect
* This is used to avoid some strange socket errors when talking to Courier IMAP
* @access public
function reconnect()
$this->connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->port, $this->ssl);
* Set a root folder for the IMAP connection.
* Only folders within this root folder will be displayed
* and all folder paths will be translated using this folder name
* @param string Root folder
* @access public
function set_rootdir($root)
if (ereg('[\.\/]$', $root)) //(substr($root, -1, 1)==='/')
$root = substr($root, 0, -1);
$this->root_dir = $root;
if (empty($this->delimiter))
* This list of folders will be listed above all other folders
* @param array Indexed list of folder names
* @access public
function set_default_mailboxes($arr)
if (is_array($arr))
$this->default_folders = array();
// add mailbox names lower case
foreach ($arr as $mbox)
$this->default_folders[] = strtolower($mbox);
// add inbox if not included
if (!in_array('inbox', $this->default_folders))
array_unshift($arr, 'inbox');
* Set internal mailbox reference.
* All operations will be perfomed on this mailbox/folder
* @param string Mailbox/Folder name
* @access public
function set_mailbox($mbox)
$mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
if ($this->mailbox == $mailbox)
$this->mailbox = $mailbox;
// clear messagecount cache for this mailbox
* Set internal list page
* @param number Page number to list
* @access public
function set_page($page)
$this->list_page = (int)$page;
* Set internal page size
* @param number Number of messages to display on one page
* @access public
function set_pagesize($size)
$this->page_size = (int)$size;
* Returns the currently used mailbox name
* @return string Name of the mailbox/folder
* @access public
function get_mailbox_name()
return $this->conn ? $this->_mod_mailbox($this->mailbox, 'out') : '';
* Returns the IMAP server's capability
* @param string Capability name
* @return mixed Capability value or TRUE if supported, FALSE if not
* @access public
function get_capability($cap)
$cap = strtoupper($cap);
return $this->capabilities[$cap];
* Returns the delimiter that is used by the IMAP server for folder separation
* @return string Delimiter string
* @access public
function get_hierarchy_delimiter()
if ($this->conn && empty($this->delimiter))
$this->delimiter = iil_C_GetHierarchyDelimiter($this->conn);
if (empty($this->delimiter))
$this->delimiter = '/';
return $this->delimiter;
* Public method for mailbox listing.
* Converts mailbox name with root dir first
* @param string Optional root folder
* @param string Optional filter for mailbox listing
* @return array List of mailboxes/folders
* @access public
function list_mailboxes($root='', $filter='*')
$a_out = array();
$a_mboxes = $this->_list_mailboxes($root, $filter);
foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox)
$name = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox, 'out');
if (strlen($name))
$a_out[] = $name;
// sort mailboxes
$a_out = $this->_sort_mailbox_list($a_out);
return $a_out;
* Private method for mailbox listing
* @return array List of mailboxes/folders
* @access private
* @see rcube_imap::list_mailboxes
function _list_mailboxes($root='', $filter='*')
$a_defaults = $a_out = array();
// get cached folder list
$a_mboxes = $this->get_cache('mailboxes');
if (is_array($a_mboxes))
return $a_mboxes;
// retrieve list of folders from IMAP server
$a_folders = iil_C_ListSubscribed($this->conn, $this->_mod_mailbox($root), $filter);
if (!is_array($a_folders) || !sizeof($a_folders))
$a_folders = array();
// create INBOX if it does not exist
if (!in_array_nocase('INBOX', $a_folders))
$this->create_mailbox('INBOX', TRUE);
array_unshift($a_folders, 'INBOX');
$a_mailbox_cache = array();
// write mailboxlist to cache
$this->update_cache('mailboxes', $a_folders);
return $a_folders;
* Get message count for a specific mailbox
* @param string Mailbox/folder name
* @param string Mode for count [ALL|UNSEEN|RECENT]
* @param boolean Force reading from server and update cache
* @return number Number of messages
* @access public
function messagecount($mbox='', $mode='ALL', $force=FALSE)
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
return $this->_messagecount($mailbox, $mode, $force);
* Private method for getting nr of messages
* @access private
* @see rcube_imap::messagecount
function _messagecount($mailbox='', $mode='ALL', $force=FALSE)
$a_mailbox_cache = FALSE;
$mode = strtoupper($mode);
if (empty($mailbox))
$mailbox = $this->mailbox;
$a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
// return cached value
if (!$force && is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]) && isset($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode]))
return $a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode];
// RECENT count is fetched abit different
if ($mode == 'RECENT')
$count = iil_C_CheckForRecent($this->conn, $mailbox);
// use SEARCH for message counting
else if ($this->skip_deleted)
$search_str = "ALL UNDELETED";
// get message count and store in cache
if ($mode == 'UNSEEN')
$search_str .= " UNSEEN";
// get message count using SEARCH
// not very performant but more precise (using UNDELETED)
$count = 0;
$index = $this->_search_index($mailbox, $search_str);
if (is_array($index))
$str = implode(",", $index);
if (!empty($str))
$count = count($index);
if ($mode == 'UNSEEN')
$count = iil_C_CountUnseen($this->conn, $mailbox);
$count = iil_C_CountMessages($this->conn, $mailbox);
if (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]))
$a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox] = array();
$a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode] = (int)$count;
// write back to cache
$this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
return (int)$count;
* Public method for listing headers
* convert mailbox name with root dir first
* @param string Mailbox/folder name
* @param number Current page to list
* @param string Header field to sort by
* @param string Sort order [ASC|DESC]
* @return array Indexed array with message header objects
* @access public
function list_headers($mbox='', $page=NULL, $sort_field=NULL, $sort_order=NULL)
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
return $this->_list_headers($mailbox, $page, $sort_field, $sort_order);
* Private method for listing message headers
* @access private
* @see rcube_imap::list_headers
function _list_headers($mailbox='', $page=NULL, $sort_field=NULL, $sort_order=NULL, $recursive=FALSE)
if (!strlen($mailbox))
return array();
if ($sort_field!=NULL)
$this->sort_field = $sort_field;
if ($sort_order!=NULL)
$this->sort_order = strtoupper($sort_order);
$max = $this->_messagecount($mailbox);
$start_msg = ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size;
list($begin, $end) = $this->_get_message_range($max, $page);
if ($page=='all')
$begin = 0;
$end = $max;
else if ($this->sort_order=='DESC')
$begin = $max - $this->page_size - $start_msg;
$end = $max - $start_msg;
$begin = $start_msg;
$end = $start_msg + $this->page_size;
if ($begin < 0) $begin = 0;
if ($end < 0) $end = $max;
if ($end > $max) $end = $max;
//console("fetch headers $start_msg to ".($start_msg+$this->page_size)." (msg $begin to $end)");
$headers_sorted = FALSE;
$cache_key = $mailbox.'.msg';
$cache_status = $this->check_cache_status($mailbox, $cache_key);
//console("Cache status = $cache_status");
// cache is OK, we can get all messages from local cache
if ($cache_status>0)
$a_msg_headers = $this->get_message_cache($cache_key, $start_msg, $start_msg+$this->page_size, $this->sort_field, $this->sort_order);
$headers_sorted = TRUE;
// retrieve headers from IMAP
if ($this->get_capability('sort') && ($msg_index = iil_C_Sort($this->conn, $mailbox, $this->sort_field, $this->skip_deleted ? 'UNDELETED' : '')))
//console("$mailbox: ".join(',', $msg_index));
$msgs = $msg_index[$begin];
for ($i=$begin+1; $i < $end; $i++)
$msgs = $msgs.','.$msg_index[$i];
$sorted = TRUE;
$msgs = sprintf("%d:%d", $begin+1, $end);
$sorted = FALSE;
// cache is dirty, sync it
if ($this->caching_enabled && $cache_status==-1 && !$recursive)
return $this->_list_headers($mailbox, $page, $this->sort_field, $this->sort_order, TRUE);
// fetch reuested headers from server
$a_msg_headers = array();
$deleted_count = $this->_fetch_headers($mailbox, $msgs, $a_msg_headers, $cache_key);
// delete cached messages with a higher index than $max
$this->clear_message_cache($cache_key, $max);
// kick child process to sync cache
// ...
// return empty array if no messages found
if (!is_array($a_msg_headers) || empty($a_msg_headers))
return array();
// if not already sorted
if (!$headers_sorted)
$a_msg_headers = iil_SortHeaders($a_msg_headers, $this->sort_field, $this->sort_order);
return array_values($a_msg_headers);
* Public method for listing a specific set of headers
* convert mailbox name with root dir first
* @param string Mailbox/folder name
* @param array List of message ids to list
* @param number Current page to list
* @param string Header field to sort by
* @param string Sort order [ASC|DESC]
* @return array Indexed array with message header objects
* @access public
function list_header_set($mbox='', $msgs, $page=NULL, $sort_field=NULL, $sort_order=NULL)
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
return $this->_list_header_set($mailbox, $msgs, $page, $sort_field, $sort_order);
* Private method for listing a set of message headers
* @access private
* @see rcube_imap::list_header_set
function _list_header_set($mailbox, $msgs, $page=NULL, $sort_field=NULL, $sort_order=NULL)
// also accept a comma-separated list of message ids
if (is_string($msgs))
$msgs = split(',', $msgs);
if (!strlen($mailbox) || empty($msgs))
return array();
if ($sort_field!=NULL)
$this->sort_field = $sort_field;
if ($sort_order!=NULL)
$this->sort_order = strtoupper($sort_order);
$max = count($msgs);
$start_msg = ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size;
// fetch reuested headers from server
$a_msg_headers = array();
$this->_fetch_headers($mailbox, join(',', $msgs), $a_msg_headers, NULL);
// return empty array if no messages found
if (!is_array($a_msg_headers) || empty($a_msg_headers))
return array();
// if not already sorted
$a_msg_headers = iil_SortHeaders($a_msg_headers, $this->sort_field, $this->sort_order);
// only return the requested part of the set
return array_slice(array_values($a_msg_headers), $start_msg, min($max-$start_msg, $this->page_size));
* Helper function to get first and last index of the requested set
* @param number message count
* @param mixed page number to show, or string 'all'
* @return array array with two values: first index, last index
* @access private
function _get_message_range($max, $page)
$start_msg = ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size;
if ($page=='all')
$begin = 0;
$end = $max;
else if ($this->sort_order=='DESC')
$begin = $max - $this->page_size - $start_msg;
$end = $max - $start_msg;
$begin = $start_msg;
$end = $start_msg + $this->page_size;
if ($begin < 0) $begin = 0;
if ($end < 0) $end = $max;
if ($end > $max) $end = $max;
return array($begin, $end);
* Fetches message headers
* Used for loop
* @param string Mailbox name
* @param string Message index to fetch
* @param array Reference to message headers array
* @param array Array with cache index
* @return number Number of deleted messages
* @access private
function _fetch_headers($mailbox, $msgs, &$a_msg_headers, $cache_key)
// cache is incomplete
$cache_index = $this->get_message_cache_index($cache_key);
// fetch reuested headers from server
$a_header_index = iil_C_FetchHeaders($this->conn, $mailbox, $msgs);
$deleted_count = 0;
if (!empty($a_header_index))
foreach ($a_header_index as $i => $headers)
if ($headers->deleted && $this->skip_deleted)
// delete from cache
if ($cache_index[$headers->id] && $cache_index[$headers->id] == $headers->uid)
$this->remove_message_cache($cache_key, $headers->id);
// add message to cache
if ($this->caching_enabled && $cache_index[$headers->id] != $headers->uid)
$this->add_message_cache($cache_key, $headers->id, $headers);
$a_msg_headers[$headers->uid] = $headers;
return $deleted_count;
// return sorted array of message UIDs
function message_index($mbox='', $sort_field=NULL, $sort_order=NULL)
if ($sort_field!=NULL)
$this->sort_field = $sort_field;
if ($sort_order!=NULL)
$this->sort_order = strtoupper($sort_order);
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
$key = "$mbox:".$this->sort_field.":".$this->sort_order.".msgi";
// have stored it in RAM
if (isset($this->cache[$key]))
return $this->cache[$key];
// check local cache
$cache_key = $mailbox.'.msg';
$cache_status = $this->check_cache_status($mailbox, $cache_key);
// cache is OK
if ($cache_status>0)
$a_index = $this->get_message_cache_index($cache_key, TRUE, $this->sort_field, $this->sort_order);
return array_values($a_index);
// fetch complete message index
$msg_count = $this->_messagecount($mailbox);
if ($this->get_capability('sort') && ($a_index = iil_C_Sort($this->conn, $mailbox, $this->sort_field)))
$a_uids = iil_C_FetchUIDs($this->conn, $mailbox);
if ($this->sort_order == 'DESC')
$a_index = array_reverse($a_index);
$i = 0;
$this->cache[$key] = array();
foreach ($a_index as $index => $value)
$this->cache[$key][$i++] = $a_uids[$value];
$a_index = iil_C_FetchHeaderIndex($this->conn, $mailbox, "1:$msg_count", $this->sort_field);
$a_uids = iil_C_FetchUIDs($this->conn, $mailbox);
if ($this->sort_order=="ASC")
else if ($this->sort_order=="DESC")
$i = 0;
$this->cache[$key] = array();
foreach ($a_index as $index => $value)
$this->cache[$key][$i++] = $a_uids[$index];
return $this->cache[$key];
function sync_header_index($mailbox)
$cache_key = $mailbox.'.msg';
$cache_index = $this->get_message_cache_index($cache_key);
$msg_count = $this->_messagecount($mailbox);
// fetch complete message index
$a_message_index = iil_C_FetchHeaderIndex($this->conn, $mailbox, "1:$msg_count", 'UID');
foreach ($a_message_index as $id => $uid)
// message in cache at correct position
if ($cache_index[$id] == $uid)
// console("$id / $uid: OK");
// message in cache but in wrong position
if (in_array((string)$uid, $cache_index, TRUE))
// console("$id / $uid: Moved");
// other message at this position
if (isset($cache_index[$id]))
// console("$id / $uid: Delete");
$this->remove_message_cache($cache_key, $id);
// console("$id / $uid: Add");
// fetch complete headers and add to cache
$headers = iil_C_FetchHeader($this->conn, $mailbox, $id);
$this->add_message_cache($cache_key, $headers->id, $headers);
// those ids that are still in cache_index have been deleted
if (!empty($cache_index))
foreach ($cache_index as $id => $uid)
$this->remove_message_cache($cache_key, $id);
* Invoke search request to IMAP server
* @param string mailbox name to search in
* @param string search criteria (ALL, TO, FROM, SUBJECT, etc)
* @param string search string
* @return array search results as list of message ids
* @access public
function search($mbox='', $criteria='ALL', $str=NULL)
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
if ($str && $criteria)
$criteria .= " \"$str\"";
return $this->_search_index($mailbox, $criteria);
return $this->_search_index($mailbox, $criteria);
* Private search method
* @return array search results as list of message ids
* @access private
* @see rcube_imap::search()
function _search_index($mailbox, $criteria='ALL')
$a_messages = iil_C_Search($this->conn, $mailbox, $criteria);
// clean message list (there might be some empty entries)
foreach ($a_messages as $i => $val)
if (empty($val))
return $a_messages;
function get_headers($id, $mbox=NULL, $is_uid=TRUE)
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
// get cached headers
if ($is_uid && ($headers = $this->get_cached_message($mailbox.'.msg', $id)))
return $headers;
$msg_id = $is_uid ? $this->_uid2id($id) : $id;
$headers = iil_C_FetchHeader($this->conn, $mailbox, $msg_id);
// write headers cache
if ($headers)
$this->add_message_cache($mailbox.'.msg', $msg_id, $headers);
return $headers;
function get_body($uid, $part=1)
if (!($msg_id = $this->_uid2id($uid)))
return FALSE;
$structure_str = iil_C_FetchStructureString($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id);
$structure = iml_GetRawStructureArray($structure_str);
$body = iil_C_FetchPartBody($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id, $part);
$encoding = iml_GetPartEncodingCode($structure, $part);
if ($encoding==3) $body = $this->mime_decode($body, 'base64');
else if ($encoding==4) $body = $this->mime_decode($body, 'quoted-printable');
return $body;
function get_raw_body($uid)
if (!($msg_id = $this->_uid2id($uid)))
return FALSE;
$body = iil_C_FetchPartHeader($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id, NULL);
$body .= iil_C_HandlePartBody($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id, NULL, 1);
return $body;
// set message flag to one or several messages
// possible flgs are: SEEN, DELETED, RECENT, ANSWERED, DRAFT
function set_flag($uids, $flag)
$flag = strtoupper($flag);
$msg_ids = array();
if (!is_array($uids))
$uids = array($uids);
foreach ($uids as $uid)
$msg_ids[$uid] = $this->_uid2id($uid);
if ($flag=='UNSEEN')
$result = iil_C_Unseen($this->conn, $this->mailbox, join(',', array_values($msg_ids)));
$result = iil_C_Flag($this->conn, $this->mailbox, join(',', array_values($msg_ids)), $flag);
// reload message headers if cached
$cache_key = $this->mailbox.'.msg';
if ($this->caching_enabled)
foreach ($msg_ids as $uid => $id)
if ($cached_headers = $this->get_cached_message($cache_key, $uid))
$this->remove_message_cache($cache_key, $id);
// close and re-open connection
// this prevents connection problems with Courier
// set nr of messages that were flaged
$count = count($msg_ids);
// clear message count cache
if ($result && $flag=='SEEN')
$this->_set_messagecount($this->mailbox, 'UNSEEN', $count*(-1));
else if ($result && $flag=='UNSEEN')
$this->_set_messagecount($this->mailbox, 'UNSEEN', $count);
else if ($result && $flag=='DELETED')
$this->_set_messagecount($this->mailbox, 'ALL', $count*(-1));
return $result;
// append a mail message (source) to a specific mailbox
function save_message($mbox, $message)
$mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
// make sure mailbox exists
if (in_array($mailbox, $this->_list_mailboxes()))
$saved = iil_C_Append($this->conn, $mailbox, $message);
if ($saved)
// increase messagecount of the target mailbox
$this->_set_messagecount($mailbox, 'ALL', 1);
return $saved;
// move a message from one mailbox to another
function move_message($uids, $to_mbox, $from_mbox='')
$to_mbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($to_mbox);
$from_mbox = $from_mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($from_mbox) : $this->mailbox;
// make sure mailbox exists
if (!in_array($to_mbox, $this->_list_mailboxes()))
if (in_array(strtolower($to_mbox), $this->default_folders))
$this->create_mailbox($to_mbox, TRUE);
return FALSE;
// convert the list of uids to array
$a_uids = is_string($uids) ? explode(',', $uids) : (is_array($uids) ? $uids : NULL);
// exit if no message uids are specified
if (!is_array($a_uids))
return false;
// convert uids to message ids
$a_mids = array();
foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
$a_mids[] = $this->_uid2id($uid, $from_mbox);
$moved = iil_C_Move($this->conn, join(',', $a_mids), $from_mbox, $to_mbox);
// send expunge command in order to have the moved message
// really deleted from the source mailbox
if ($moved)
$this->_expunge($from_mbox, FALSE);
// update cached message headers
$cache_key = $from_mbox.'.msg';
if ($moved && ($a_cache_index = $this->get_message_cache_index($cache_key)))
$start_index = 100000;
foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
$index = array_search($uid, $a_cache_index);
$start_index = min($index, $start_index);
// clear cache from the lowest index on
$this->clear_message_cache($cache_key, $start_index);
return $moved;
// mark messages as deleted and expunge mailbox
function delete_message($uids, $mbox='')
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
// convert the list of uids to array
$a_uids = is_string($uids) ? explode(',', $uids) : (is_array($uids) ? $uids : NULL);
// exit if no message uids are specified
if (!is_array($a_uids))
return false;
// convert uids to message ids
$a_mids = array();
foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
$a_mids[] = $this->_uid2id($uid, $mailbox);
$deleted = iil_C_Delete($this->conn, $mailbox, join(',', $a_mids));
// send expunge command in order to have the deleted message
// really deleted from the mailbox
if ($deleted)
$this->_expunge($mailbox, FALSE);
// remove deleted messages from cache
$cache_key = $mailbox.'.msg';
if ($deleted && ($a_cache_index = $this->get_message_cache_index($cache_key)))
$start_index = 100000;
foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
$index = array_search($uid, $a_cache_index);
$start_index = min($index, $start_index);
// clear cache from the lowest index on
$this->clear_message_cache($cache_key, $start_index);
return $deleted;
// clear all messages in a specific mailbox
function clear_mailbox($mbox=NULL)
$mailbox = !empty($mbox) ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
$msg_count = $this->_messagecount($mailbox, 'ALL');
if ($msg_count>0)
$cleared = iil_C_ClearFolder($this->conn, $mailbox);
// make sure the message count cache is cleared as well
if ($cleared)
$a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
$this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
return $cleared;
return 0;
// send IMAP expunge command and clear cache
function expunge($mbox='', $clear_cache=TRUE)
$mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
return $this->_expunge($mailbox, $clear_cache);
// send IMAP expunge command and clear cache
function _expunge($mailbox, $clear_cache=TRUE)
$result = iil_C_Expunge($this->conn, $mailbox);
if ($result>=0 && $clear_cache)
return $result;
/* --------------------------------
* folder managment
* --------------------------------*/
// return an array with all folders available in IMAP server
function list_unsubscribed($root='')
static $sa_unsubscribed;
if (is_array($sa_unsubscribed))
return $sa_unsubscribed;
// retrieve list of folders from IMAP server
$a_mboxes = iil_C_ListMailboxes($this->conn, $this->_mod_mailbox($root), '*');
// modify names with root dir
foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox)
$name = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox, 'out');
if (strlen($name))
$a_folders[] = $name;
// filter folders and sort them
$sa_unsubscribed = $this->_sort_mailbox_list($a_folders);
return $sa_unsubscribed;
* Get quota
* added by Nuny
function get_quota()
if ($this->get_capability('QUOTA'))
$result = iil_C_GetQuota($this->conn);
if ($result["total"])
return sprintf("%.2fMB / %.2fMB (%.0f%%)", $result["used"] / 1000.0, $result["total"] / 1000.0, $result["percent"]);
return FALSE;
// subscribe to a specific mailbox(es)
function subscribe($mbox, $mode='subscribe')
if (is_array($mbox))
$a_mboxes = $mbox;
else if (is_string($mbox) && strlen($mbox))
$a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox);
// let this common function do the main work
return $this->_change_subscription($a_mboxes, 'subscribe');
// unsubscribe mailboxes
function unsubscribe($mbox)
if (is_array($mbox))
$a_mboxes = $mbox;
else if (is_string($mbox) && strlen($mbox))
$a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox);
// let this common function do the main work
return $this->_change_subscription($a_mboxes, 'unsubscribe');
// create a new mailbox on the server and register it in local cache
function create_mailbox($name, $subscribe=FALSE)
$result = FALSE;
// replace backslashes
$name = preg_replace('/[\\\]+/', '-', $name);
$name_enc = UTF7EncodeString($name);
// reduce mailbox name to 100 chars
$name_enc = substr($name_enc, 0, 100);
$abs_name = $this->_mod_mailbox($name_enc);
$a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('mailboxes');
if (strlen($abs_name) && (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache) || !in_array($abs_name, $a_mailbox_cache)))
$result = iil_C_CreateFolder($this->conn, $abs_name);
// update mailboxlist cache
if ($result && $subscribe)
return $result ? $name : FALSE;
// set a new name to an existing mailbox
function rename_mailbox($mbox, $new_name)
// not implemented yet
// remove mailboxes from server
function delete_mailbox($mbox)
$deleted = FALSE;
if (is_array($mbox))
$a_mboxes = $mbox;
else if (is_string($mbox) && strlen($mbox))
$a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox);
if (is_array($a_mboxes))
foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox)
$mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
// unsubscribe mailbox before deleting
iil_C_UnSubscribe($this->conn, $mailbox);
// send delete command to server
$result = iil_C_DeleteFolder($this->conn, $mailbox);
if ($result>=0)
$deleted = TRUE;
// clear mailboxlist cache
if ($deleted)
return $deleted;
/* --------------------------------
* internal caching methods
* --------------------------------*/
function set_caching($set)
if ($set && is_object($this->db))
$this->caching_enabled = TRUE;
$this->caching_enabled = FALSE;
function get_cache($key)
// read cache
if (!isset($this->cache[$key]) && $this->caching_enabled)
$cache_data = $this->_read_cache_record('IMAP.'.$key);
$this->cache[$key] = strlen($cache_data) ? unserialize($cache_data) : FALSE;
return $this->cache[$key];
function update_cache($key, $data)
$this->cache[$key] = $data;
$this->cache_changed = TRUE;
$this->cache_changes[$key] = TRUE;
function write_cache()
if ($this->caching_enabled && $this->cache_changed)
foreach ($this->cache as $key => $data)
if ($this->cache_changes[$key])
$this->_write_cache_record('IMAP.'.$key, serialize($data));
function clear_cache($key=NULL)
if ($key===NULL)
foreach ($this->cache as $key => $data)
$this->cache = array();
$this->cache_changed = FALSE;
$this->cache_changes = array();
$this->cache_changes[$key] = FALSE;
function _read_cache_record($key)
$cache_data = FALSE;
if ($this->db)
// get cached data from DB
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT cache_id, data
FROM ".get_table_name('cache')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?",
if ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$cache_data = $sql_arr['data'];
$this->cache_keys[$key] = $sql_arr['cache_id'];
return $cache_data;
function _write_cache_record($key, $data)
if (!$this->db)
return FALSE;
// check if we already have a cache entry for this key
if (!isset($this->cache_keys[$key]))
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT cache_id
FROM ".get_table_name('cache')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?",
if ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$this->cache_keys[$key] = $sql_arr['cache_id'];
$this->cache_keys[$key] = FALSE;
// update existing cache record
if ($this->cache_keys[$key])
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('cache')."
SET created=now(),
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?",
// add new cache record
"INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('cache')."
(created, user_id, cache_key, data)
VALUES (now(), ?, ?, ?)",
function _clear_cache_record($key)
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('cache')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?",
/* --------------------------------
* message caching methods
* --------------------------------*/
// checks if the cache is up-to-date
// return: -3 = off, -2 = incomplete, -1 = dirty
function check_cache_status($mailbox, $cache_key)
if (!$this->caching_enabled)
return -3;
$cache_index = $this->get_message_cache_index($cache_key, TRUE);
$msg_count = $this->_messagecount($mailbox);
$cache_count = count($cache_index);
// console("Cache check: $msg_count !== ".count($cache_index));
if ($cache_count==$msg_count)
// get highest index
$header = iil_C_FetchHeader($this->conn, $mailbox, "$msg_count");
$cache_uid = array_pop($cache_index);
// uids of highes message matches -> cache seems OK
if ($cache_uid == $header->uid)
return 1;
// cache is dirty
return -1;
// if cache count differs less that 10% report as dirty
else if (abs($msg_count - $cache_count) < $msg_count/10)
return -1;
return -2;
function get_message_cache($key, $from, $to, $sort_field, $sort_order)
$cache_key = "$key:$from:$to:$sort_field:$sort_order";
$db_header_fields = array('idx', 'uid', 'subject', 'from', 'to', 'cc', 'date', 'size');
if (!in_array($sort_field, $db_header_fields))
$sort_field = 'idx';
if ($this->caching_enabled && !isset($this->cache[$cache_key]))
$this->cache[$cache_key] = array();
$sql_result = $this->db->limitquery(
"SELECT idx, uid, headers
FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?
ORDER BY ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier($sort_field)." ".
while ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$uid = $sql_arr['uid'];
$this->cache[$cache_key][$uid] = unserialize($sql_arr['headers']);
return $this->cache[$cache_key];
function get_cached_message($key, $uid, $body=FALSE)
if (!$this->caching_enabled)
return FALSE;
$internal_key = '__single_msg';
if ($this->caching_enabled && (!isset($this->cache[$internal_key][$uid]) || $body))
$sql_select = "idx, uid, headers";
if ($body)
$sql_select .= ", body";
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT $sql_select
FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?
AND uid=?",
if ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$headers = unserialize($sql_arr['headers']);
if (is_object($headers) && !empty($sql_arr['body']))
$headers->body = $sql_arr['body'];
$this->cache[$internal_key][$uid] = $headers;
return $this->cache[$internal_key][$uid];
function get_message_cache_index($key, $force=FALSE, $sort_col='idx', $sort_order='ASC')
static $sa_message_index = array();
// empty key -> empty array
if (empty($key))
return array();
if (!empty($sa_message_index[$key]) && !$force)
return $sa_message_index[$key];
$sa_message_index[$key] = array();
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT idx, uid
FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?
ORDER BY ".$this->db->quote_identifier($sort_col)." ".$sort_order,
while ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$sa_message_index[$key][$sql_arr['idx']] = $sql_arr['uid'];
return $sa_message_index[$key];
function add_message_cache($key, $index, $headers)
if (!$key || !is_object($headers) || empty($headers->uid))
"INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('messages')."
(user_id, del, cache_key, created, idx, uid, subject, ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier('from').", ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier('to').", cc, date, size, headers)
VALUES (?, 0, ?, now(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ".$this->db->fromunixtime($headers->timestamp).", ?, ?)",
(string)substr($this->decode_header($headers->subject, TRUE), 0, 128),
(string)substr($this->decode_header($headers->from, TRUE), 0, 128),
(string)substr($this->decode_header($headers->to, TRUE), 0, 128),
(string)substr($this->decode_header($headers->cc, TRUE), 0, 128),
function remove_message_cache($key, $index)
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?
AND idx=?",
function clear_message_cache($key, $start_index=1)
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND cache_key=?
AND idx>=?",
/* --------------------------------
* encoding/decoding methods
* --------------------------------*/
function decode_address_list($input, $max=NULL)
$a = $this->_parse_address_list($input);
$out = array();
if (!is_array($a))
return $out;
$c = count($a);
$j = 0;
foreach ($a as $val)
$address = $val['address'];
$name = preg_replace(array('/^[\'"]/', '/[\'"]$/'), '', trim($val['name']));
$string = $name!==$address ? sprintf('%s <%s>', strpos($name, ',')!==FALSE ? '"'.$name.'"' : $name, $address) : $address;
$out[$j] = array('name' => $name,
'mailto' => $address,
'string' => $string);
if ($max && $j==$max)
return $out;
function decode_header($input, $remove_quotes=FALSE)
$str = $this->decode_mime_string((string)$input);
if ($str{0}=='"' && $remove_quotes)
$str = str_replace('"', '', $str);
return $str;
function decode_mime_string($input)
$out = '';
$pos = strpos($input, '=?');
if ($pos !== false)
$out = substr($input, 0, $pos);
$end_cs_pos = strpos($input, "?", $pos+2);
$end_en_pos = strpos($input, "?", $end_cs_pos+1);
$end_pos = strpos($input, "?=", $end_en_pos+1);
$encstr = substr($input, $pos+2, ($end_pos-$pos-2));
$rest = substr($input, $end_pos+2);
$out .= rcube_imap::_decode_mime_string_part($encstr);
$out .= rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($rest);
return $out;
return $input;
function _decode_mime_string_part($str)
$a = explode('?', $str);
$count = count($a);
// should be in format "charset?encoding?base64_string"
if ($count >= 3)
for ($i=2; $i<$count; $i++)
if (($a[1]=="B")||($a[1]=="b"))
$rest = base64_decode($rest);
else if (($a[1]=="Q")||($a[1]=="q"))
$rest = str_replace("_", " ", $rest);
$rest = quoted_printable_decode($rest);
return rcube_charset_convert($rest, $a[0]);
return $str; // we dont' know what to do with this
function mime_decode($input, $encoding='7bit')
switch (strtolower($encoding))
case '7bit':
return $input;
case 'quoted-printable':
return quoted_printable_decode($input);
case 'base64':
return base64_decode($input);
return $input;
function mime_encode($input, $encoding='7bit')
switch ($encoding)
case 'quoted-printable':
return quoted_printable_encode($input);
case 'base64':
return base64_encode($input);
return $input;
// convert body chars according to the ctype_parameters
function charset_decode($body, $ctype_param)
if (is_array($ctype_param) && !empty($ctype_param['charset']))
return rcube_charset_convert($body, $ctype_param['charset']);
return $body;
/* --------------------------------
* private methods
* --------------------------------*/
function _mod_mailbox($mbox, $mode='in')
if ((!empty($this->root_ns) && $this->root_ns == $mbox) || ($mbox == 'INBOX' && $mode == 'in'))
return $mbox;
if (!empty($this->root_dir) && $mode=='in')
$mbox = $this->root_dir.$this->delimiter.$mbox;
else if (strlen($this->root_dir) && $mode=='out')
$mbox = substr($mbox, strlen($this->root_dir)+1);
return $mbox;
// sort mailboxes first by default folders and then in alphabethical order
function _sort_mailbox_list($a_folders)
$a_out = $a_defaults = array();
// find default folders and skip folders starting with '.'
foreach($a_folders as $i => $folder)
if ($folder{0}=='.')
if (($p = array_search(strtolower($folder), $this->default_folders))!==FALSE)
$a_defaults[$p] = $folder;
$a_out[] = $folder;
return array_merge($a_defaults, $a_out);
function _uid2id($uid, $mbox=NULL)
if (!$mbox)
$mbox = $this->mailbox;
if (!isset($this->uid_id_map[$mbox][$uid]))
$this->uid_id_map[$mbox][$uid] = iil_C_UID2ID($this->conn, $mbox, $uid);
return $this->uid_id_map[$mbox][$uid];
// parse string or array of server capabilities and put them in internal array
function _parse_capability($caps)
if (!is_array($caps))
$cap_arr = explode(' ', $caps);
$cap_arr = $caps;
foreach ($cap_arr as $cap)
if ($cap=='CAPABILITY')
if (strpos($cap, '=')>0)
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $cap);
if (!is_array($this->capabilities[$key]))
$this->capabilities[$key] = array();
$this->capabilities[$key][] = $value;
$this->capabilities[$cap] = TRUE;
// subscribe/unsubscribe a list of mailboxes and update local cache
function _change_subscription($a_mboxes, $mode)
$updated = FALSE;
if (is_array($a_mboxes))
foreach ($a_mboxes as $i => $mbox)
$mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
$a_mboxes[$i] = $mailbox;
if ($mode=='subscribe')
$result = iil_C_Subscribe($this->conn, $mailbox);
else if ($mode=='unsubscribe')
$result = iil_C_UnSubscribe($this->conn, $mailbox);
if ($result>=0)
$updated = TRUE;
// get cached mailbox list
if ($updated)
$a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('mailboxes');
if (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache))
return $updated;
// modify cached list
if ($mode=='subscribe')
$a_mailbox_cache = array_merge($a_mailbox_cache, $a_mboxes);
else if ($mode=='unsubscribe')
$a_mailbox_cache = array_diff($a_mailbox_cache, $a_mboxes);
// write mailboxlist to cache
$this->update_cache('mailboxes', $this->_sort_mailbox_list($a_mailbox_cache));
return $updated;
// increde/decrese messagecount for a specific mailbox
function _set_messagecount($mbox, $mode, $increment)
$a_mailbox_cache = FALSE;
$mailbox = $mbox ? $mbox : $this->mailbox;
$mode = strtoupper($mode);
$a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
if (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]) || !isset($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode]) || !is_numeric($increment))
return FALSE;
// add incremental value to messagecount
$a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode] += $increment;
// there's something wrong, delete from cache
if ($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode] < 0)
// write back to cache
$this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
return TRUE;
// remove messagecount of a specific mailbox from cache
function _clear_messagecount($mbox='')
$a_mailbox_cache = FALSE;
$mailbox = $mbox ? $mbox : $this->mailbox;
$a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
if (is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]))
$this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
function _parse_address_list($str)
$a = $this->_explode_quoted_string(',', $str);
$result = array();
foreach ($a as $key => $val)
$val = str_replace("\"<", "\" <", $val);
$sub_a = $this->_explode_quoted_string(' ', $val);
foreach ($sub_a as $k => $v)
if ((strpos($v, '@') > 0) && (strpos($v, '.') > 0))
$result[$key]['address'] = str_replace('<', '', str_replace('>', '', $v));
$result[$key]['name'] .= (empty($result[$key]['name'])?'':' ').str_replace("\"",'',stripslashes($v));
if (empty($result[$key]['name']))
$result[$key]['name'] = $result[$key]['address'];
$result[$key]['name'] = $this->decode_header($result[$key]['name']);
return $result;
function _explode_quoted_string($delimiter, $string)
$quotes = explode("\"", $string);
foreach ($quotes as $key => $val)
if (($key % 2) == 1)
$quotes[$key] = str_replace($delimiter, "_!@!_", $quotes[$key]);
$string = implode("\"", $quotes);
$result = explode($delimiter, $string);
foreach ($result as $key => $val)
$result[$key] = str_replace("_!@!_", $delimiter, $result[$key]);
return $result;
function quoted_printable_encode($input="", $line_max=76, $space_conv=false)
$hex = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
$lines = preg_split("/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/", $input);
$eol = "\r\n";
$escape = "=";
$output = "";
while( list(, $line) = each($lines))
//$line = rtrim($line); // remove trailing white space -> no =20\r\n necessary
$linlen = strlen($line);
$newline = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++)
$c = substr( $line, $i, 1 );
$dec = ord( $c );
if ( ( $i == 0 ) && ( $dec == 46 ) ) // convert first point in the line into =2E
$c = "=2E";
if ( $dec == 32 )
if ( $i == ( $linlen - 1 ) ) // convert space at eol only
$c = "=20";
else if ( $space_conv )
$c = "=20";
else if ( ($dec == 61) || ($dec < 32 ) || ($dec > 126) ) // always encode "\t", which is *not* required
$h2 = floor($dec/16);
$h1 = floor($dec%16);
$c = $escape.$hex["$h2"].$hex["$h1"];
if ( (strlen($newline) + strlen($c)) >= $line_max ) // CRLF is not counted
$output .= $newline.$escape.$eol; // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay
$newline = "";
// check if newline first character will be point or not
if ( $dec == 46 )
$c = "=2E";
$newline .= $c;
} // end of for
$output .= $newline.$eol;
} // end of while
return trim($output);