You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
1.9 KiB

class EmoticonsEngine extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
function setUp()
include_once __DIR__ . '/../emoticons_engine.php';
* text2icons() method tests
function test_text2icons()
$map = array(
':D' => array('smiley-laughing.gif', ':D' ),
':-D' => array('smiley-laughing.gif', ':-D' ),
':(' => array('smiley-frown.gif', ':(' ),
':-(' => array('smiley-frown.gif', ':-(' ),
'8)' => array('smiley-cool.gif', '8)' ),
'8-)' => array('smiley-cool.gif', '8-)' ),
':O' => array('smiley-surprised.gif', ':O' ),
':-O' => array('smiley-surprised.gif', ':-O' ),
':P' => array('smiley-tongue-out.gif', ':P' ),
':-P' => array('smiley-tongue-out.gif', ':-P' ),
':@' => array('smiley-yell.gif', ':@' ),
':-@' => array('smiley-yell.gif', ':-@' ),
'O:)' => array('smiley-innocent.gif', 'O:)' ),
'O:-)' => array('smiley-innocent.gif', 'O:-)' ),
':)' => array('smiley-smile.gif', ':)' ),
':-)' => array('smiley-smile.gif', ':-)' ),
':$' => array('smiley-embarassed.gif', ':$' ),
':-$' => array('smiley-embarassed.gif', ':-$' ),
':*' => array('smiley-kiss.gif', ':*' ),
':-*' => array('smiley-kiss.gif', ':-*' ),
':S' => array('smiley-undecided.gif', ':S' ),
':-S' => array('smiley-undecided.gif', ':-S' ),
foreach ($map as $body => $expected) {
$result = emoticons_engine::text2icons($body);
$this->assertRegExp('/' . preg_quote($expected[0], '/') . '/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/title="' . preg_quote($expected[1], '/') . '"/', $result);