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932 lines
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| program/include/rcube_imap_cache.php |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2011, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Caching of IMAP folder contents (messages and index) |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <> |
* Interface class for accessing Roundcube messages cache
* @package Cache
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* @author Aleksander Machniak <>
* @version 1.0
class rcube_imap_cache
* Instance of rcube_imap
* @var rcube_imap
private $imap;
* Instance of rcube_mdb2
* @var rcube_mdb2
private $db;
* User ID
* @var int
private $userid;
* Internal (in-memory) cache
* @var array
private $icache = array();
private $skip_deleted = false;
public $flag_fields = array('seen', 'deleted', 'answered', 'forwarded', 'flagged', 'mdnsent');
* Object constructor.
function __construct($db, $imap, $userid, $skip_deleted)
$this->db = $db;
$this->imap = $imap;
$this->userid = (int)$userid;
$this->skip_deleted = $skip_deleted;
* Cleanup actions (on shutdown).
public function close()
$this->icache = null;
* Return (sorted) messages index.
* If index doesn't exist or is invalid, will be updated.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param string $sort_field Sorting column
* @param string $sort_order Sorting order (ASC|DESC)
* @param bool $exiting Skip index initialization if it doesn't exist in DB
* @return array Messages index
function get_index($mailbox, $sort_field = null, $sort_order = null, $existing = false)
if (empty($this->icache[$mailbox]))
$this->icache[$mailbox] = array();
$sort_order = strtoupper($sort_order) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
// Seek in internal cache
if (array_key_exists('index', $this->icache[$mailbox])
&& ($sort_field == 'ANY' || $this->icache[$mailbox]['index']['sort_field'] == $sort_field)
) {
if ($this->icache[$mailbox]['index']['sort_order'] == $sort_order)
return $this->icache[$mailbox]['index']['result'];
return array_reverse($this->icache[$mailbox]['index']['result'], true);
// Get index from DB (if DB wasn't already queried)
if (empty($this->icache[$mailbox]['index_queried'])) {
$index = $this->get_index_row($mailbox);
// set the flag that DB was already queried for index
// this way we'll be able to skip one SELECT, when
// get_index() is called more than once
$this->icache[$mailbox]['index_queried'] = true;
$data = null;
// @TODO: Think about skipping validation checks.
// If we could check only every 10 minutes, we would be able to skip
// expensive checks, mailbox selection or even IMAP connection, this would require
// additional logic to force cache invalidation in some cases
// and many rcube_imap changes to connect when needed
// Entry exist, check cache status
if (!empty($index)) {
$exists = true;
if ($sort_field == 'ANY') {
$sort_field = $index['sort_field'];
if ($sort_field != $index['sort_field']) {
$is_valid = false;
else {
$is_valid = $this->validate($mailbox, $index, $exists);
if ($is_valid) {
// build index, assign sequence IDs to unique IDs
$data = array_combine($index['seq'], $index['uid']);
// revert the order if needed
if ($index['sort_order'] != $sort_order)
$data = array_reverse($data, true);
else {
// Got it in internal cache, so the row already exist
$exists = array_key_exists('index', $this->icache[$mailbox]);
if ($existing) {
return null;
else if ($sort_field == 'ANY') {
$sort_field = '';
// Index not found, not valid or sort field changed, get index from IMAP server
if ($data === null) {
// Get mailbox data (UIDVALIDITY, counters, etc.) for status check
$mbox_data = $this->imap->mailbox_data($mailbox);
$data = array();
// Prevent infinite loop.
// It happens when rcube_imap::message_index_direct() is called.
// There id2uid() is called which will again call get_index() and so on.
if (!$sort_field && !$this->skip_deleted)
$this->icache['pending_index_update'] = true;
if ($mbox_data['EXISTS']) {
// fetch sorted sequence numbers
$data_seq = $this->imap->message_index_direct($mailbox, $sort_field, $sort_order);
// fetch UIDs
if (!empty($data_seq)) {
// Seek in internal cache
if (array_key_exists('index', (array)$this->icache[$mailbox]))
$data_uid = $this->icache[$mailbox]['index']['result'];
$data_uid = $this->imap->conn->fetchUIDs($mailbox, $data_seq);
// build index
if (!empty($data_uid)) {
foreach ($data_seq as $seq)
if ($uid = $data_uid[$seq])
$data[$seq] = $uid;
// Reset internal flags
$this->icache['pending_index_update'] = false;
// insert/update
$this->add_index_row($mailbox, $sort_field, $sort_order, $data, $mbox_data, $exists);
$this->icache[$mailbox]['index'] = array(
'result' => $data,
'sort_field' => $sort_field,
'sort_order' => $sort_order,
return $data;
* Return messages thread.
* If threaded index doesn't exist or is invalid, will be updated.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param string $sort_field Sorting column
* @param string $sort_order Sorting order (ASC|DESC)
* @return array Messages threaded index
function get_thread($mailbox)
if (empty($this->icache[$mailbox]))
$this->icache[$mailbox] = array();
// Seek in internal cache
if (array_key_exists('thread', $this->icache[$mailbox])) {
return array(
// Get index from DB
$index = $this->get_thread_row($mailbox);
$data = null;
// Entry exist, check cache status
if (!empty($index)) {
$exists = true;
$is_valid = $this->validate($mailbox, $index, $exists);
if (!$is_valid) {
$index = null;
// Index not found or not valid, get index from IMAP server
if ($index === null) {
// Get mailbox data (UIDVALIDITY, counters, etc.) for status check
$mbox_data = $this->imap->mailbox_data($mailbox);
if ($mbox_data['EXISTS']) {
// get all threads (default sort order)
list ($thread_tree, $msg_depth, $has_children) = $this->imap->fetch_threads($mailbox, true);
$index = array(
'tree' => !empty($thread_tree) ? $thread_tree : array(),
'depth' => !empty($msg_depth) ? $msg_depth : array(),
'children' => !empty($has_children) ? $has_children : array(),
// insert/update
$this->add_thread_row($mailbox, $index, $mbox_data, $exists);
$this->icache[$mailbox]['thread'] = $index;
return array($index['tree'], $index['depth'], $index['children']);
* Returns list of messages (headers). See rcube_imap::fetch_headers().
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param array $msgs Message sequence numbers
* @param bool $is_uid True if $msgs contains message UIDs
* @return array The list of messages (rcube_mail_header) indexed by UID
function get_messages($mailbox, $msgs = array(), $is_uid = true)
if (empty($msgs)) {
return array();
// Convert IDs to UIDs
// @TODO: it would be nice if we could work with UIDs only
// then, e.g. when fetching search result, index would be not needed
if (!$is_uid) {
$index = $this->get_index($mailbox, 'ANY');
foreach ($msgs as $idx => $msgid)
if ($uid = $index[$msgid])
$msgs[$idx] = $uid;
$flag_fields = implode(', ', array_map(array($this->db, 'quoteIdentifier'), $this->flag_fields));
// Fetch messages from cache
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT uid, data, ".$flag_fields
." FROM ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?"
." AND uid IN (".$this->db->array2list($msgs, 'integer').")",
$this->userid, $mailbox);
$msgs = array_flip($msgs);
$result = array();
while ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
$uid = intval($sql_arr['uid']);
$result[$uid] = $this->build_message($sql_arr);
// save memory, we don't need a body here
$result[$uid]->body = null;
//@TODO: update message ID according to index data?
if (!empty($result[$uid])) {
// Fetch not found messages from IMAP server
if (!empty($msgs)) {
$messages = $this->imap->fetch_headers($mailbox, array_keys($msgs), true, true);
// Insert to DB and add to result list
if (!empty($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $msg) {
$this->add_message($mailbox, $msg, !array_key_exists($msg->uid, $result));
$result[$msg->uid] = $msg;
return $result;
* Returns message data.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param int $uid Message UID
* @return rcube_mail_header Message data
function get_message($mailbox, $uid)
// Check internal cache
if (($message = $this->icache['message'])
&& $message['mailbox'] == $mailbox && $message['object']->uid == $uid
) {
return $this->icache['message']['object'];
$flag_fields = implode(', ', array_map(array($this->db, 'quoteIdentifier'), $this->flag_fields));
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT data, ".$flag_fields
." FROM ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?"
." AND uid = ?",
$this->userid, $mailbox, (int)$uid);
if ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
$message = $this->build_message($sql_arr);
$found = true;
//@TODO: update message ID according to index data?
// Get the message from IMAP server
if (empty($message)) {
$message = $this->imap->get_headers($uid, $mailbox, true);
// cache will be updated in close(), see below
// Save the message in internal cache, will be written to DB in close()
// Common scenario: user opens unseen message
// - get message (SELECT)
// - set message headers/structure (INSERT or UPDATE)
// - set \Seen flag (UPDATE)
// This way we can skip one UPDATE
if (!empty($message)) {
// Save current message from internal cache
$this->icache['message'] = array(
'object' => $message,
'mailbox' => $mailbox,
'exists' => $found,
'md5sum' => md5(serialize($message)),
return $message;
* Saves the message in cache.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param rcube_mail_header $message Message data
* @param bool $force Skips message in-cache existance check
function add_message($mailbox, $message, $force = false)
if (!is_object($message) || empty($message->uid))
$msg = serialize($this->db->encode(clone $message));
$flag_fields = array_map(array($this->db, 'quoteIdentifier'), $this->flag_fields);
$flag_values = array();
foreach ($this->flag_fields as $flag)
$flag_values[] = (int) $message->$flag;
// update cache record (even if it exists, the update
// here will work as select, assume row exist if affected_rows=0)
if (!$force) {
foreach ($flag_fields as $key => $val)
$flag_data[] = $val . " = " . $flag_values[$key];
$res = $this->db->query(
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." SET data = ?, changed = ".$this->db->now()
.", " . implode(', ', $flag_data)
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?"
." AND uid = ?",
$msg, $this->userid, $mailbox, (int) $message->uid);
if ($this->db->affected_rows())
// insert new record
"INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." (user_id, mailbox, uid, changed, data, " . implode(', ', $flag_fields) . ")"
." VALUES (?, ?, ?, ".$this->db->now().", ?, " . implode(', ', $flag_values) . ")",
$this->userid, $mailbox, (int) $message->uid, $msg);
* Sets the flag for specified message.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param array $uids Message UIDs or null to change flag
* of all messages in a folder
* @param string $flag The name of the flag
* @param bool $enabled Flag state
function change_flag($mailbox, $uids, $flag, $enabled = false)
$flag = strtolower($flag);
if (in_array($flag, $this->flag_fields)) {
// Internal cache update
if ($uids && count($uids) == 1 && ($uid = current($uids))
&& ($message = $this->icache['message'])
&& $message['mailbox'] == $mailbox && $message['object']->uid == $uid
) {
$message['object']->$flag = $enabled;
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." SET changed = ".$this->db->now()
.", " .$this->db->quoteIdentifier($flag) . " = " . intval($enabled)
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?"
.($uids !== null ? " AND uid IN (".$this->db->array2list((array)$uids, 'integer').")" : ""),
$this->userid, $mailbox);
else {
$this->remove_message($mailbox, $uids);
* Removes message(s) from cache.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param array $uids Message UIDs, NULL removes all messages
function remove_message($mailbox = null, $uids = null)
if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." WHERE user_id = ?",
else {
// Remove the message from internal cache
if (!empty($uids) && !is_array($uids) && ($message = $this->icache['message'])
&& $message['mailbox'] == $mailbox && $message['object']->uid == $uids
) {
$this->icache['message'] = null;
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('cache_messages')
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ".$this->db->quote($mailbox)
.($uids !== null ? " AND uid IN (".$this->db->array2list((array)$uids, 'integer').")" : ""),
* Clears index cache.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
function remove_index($mailbox = null)
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('cache_index')
." WHERE user_id = ".intval($this->userid)
.(strlen($mailbox) ? " AND mailbox = ".$this->db->quote($mailbox) : "")
if (strlen($mailbox))
$this->icache = array();
* Clears thread cache.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
function remove_thread($mailbox = null)
"DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('cache_thread')
." WHERE user_id = ".intval($this->userid)
.(strlen($mailbox) ? " AND mailbox = ".$this->db->quote($mailbox) : "")
if (strlen($mailbox))
$this->icache = array();
* Clears the cache.
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param array $uids Message UIDs, NULL removes all messages in a folder
function clear($mailbox = null, $uids = null)
$this->remove_message($mailbox, $uids);
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param int $id Message (sequence) ID
* @return int Message UID
function id2uid($mailbox, $id)
if (!empty($this->icache['pending_index_update']))
return null;
// get index if it exists
$index = $this->get_index($mailbox, 'ANY', null, true);
return $index[$id];
* @param string $mailbox Folder name
* @param int $uid Message UID
* @return int Message (sequence) ID
function uid2id($mailbox, $uid)
if (!empty($this->icache['pending_index_update']))
return null;
// get index if it exists
$index = $this->get_index($mailbox, 'ANY', null, true);
return array_search($uid, (array)$index);
* Fetches index data from database
private function get_index_row($mailbox)
// Get index from DB
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT data"
." FROM ".get_table_name('cache_index')
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?",
$this->userid, $mailbox);
if ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
$data = explode('@', $sql_arr['data']);
return array(
'seq' => explode(',', $data[0]),
'uid' => explode(',', $data[1]),
'sort_field' => $data[2],
'sort_order' => $data[3],
'deleted' => $data[4],
'validity' => $data[5],
'uidnext' => $data[6],
return null;
* Fetches thread data from database
private function get_thread_row($mailbox)
// Get thread from DB
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT data"
." FROM ".get_table_name('cache_thread')
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?",
$this->userid, $mailbox);
if ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
$data = explode('@', $sql_arr['data']);
$data[0] = unserialize($data[0]);
// build 'depth' and 'children' arrays
$depth = $children = array();
$this->build_thread_data($data[0], $depth, $children);
return array(
'tree' => $data[0],
'depth' => $depth,
'children' => $children,
'deleted' => $data[1],
'validity' => $data[2],
'uidnext' => $data[3],
return null;
* Saves index data into database
private function add_index_row($mailbox, $sort_field, $sort_order,
$data = array(), $mbox_data = array(), $exists = false)
$data = array(
implode(',', array_keys($data)),
implode(',', array_values($data)),
(int) $this->skip_deleted,
(int) $mbox_data['UIDVALIDITY'],
(int) $mbox_data['UIDNEXT'],
$data = implode('@', $data);
if ($exists)
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('cache_index')
." SET data = ?, changed = ".$this->db->now()
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?",
$data, $this->userid, $mailbox);
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('cache_index')
." (user_id, mailbox, data, changed)"
." VALUES (?, ?, ?, ".$this->db->now().")",
$this->userid, $mailbox, $data);
* Saves thread data into database
private function add_thread_row($mailbox, $data = array(), $mbox_data = array(), $exists = false)
$data = array(
(int) $this->skip_deleted,
(int) $mbox_data['UIDVALIDITY'],
(int) $mbox_data['UIDNEXT'],
$data = implode('@', $data);
if ($exists)
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('cache_thread')
." SET data = ?, changed = ".$this->db->now()
." WHERE user_id = ?"
." AND mailbox = ?",
$data, $this->userid, $mailbox);
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('cache_thread')
." (user_id, mailbox, data, changed)"
." VALUES (?, ?, ?, ".$this->db->now().")",
$this->userid, $mailbox, $data);
* Checks index/thread validity
private function validate($mailbox, $index, &$exists = true)
$is_thread = isset($index['tree']);
// Get mailbox data (UIDVALIDITY, counters, etc.) for status check
$mbox_data = $this->imap->mailbox_data($mailbox);
// @TODO: Think about skipping validation checks.
// If we could check only every 10 minutes, we would be able to skip
// expensive checks, mailbox selection or even IMAP connection, this would require
// additional logic to force cache invalidation in some cases
// and many rcube_imap changes to connect when needed
// @TODO: while we're storing message sequence numbers in thread
// index, should UIDVALIDITY invalidate the thread data?
if ($index['validity'] != $mbox_data['UIDVALIDITY']) {
// the whole cache (all folders) is invalid
$exists = false;
return false;
// Folder is empty but cache isn't
if (empty($mbox_data['EXISTS']) && (!empty($index['seq']) || !empty($index['tree']))) {
$exists = false;
return false;
// Check UIDNEXT
if ($index['uidnext'] != $mbox_data['UIDNEXT']) {
unset($this->icache[$mailbox][$is_thread ? 'thread' : 'index']);
return false;
// Index was created with different skip_deleted setting
if ($this->skip_deleted != $index['deleted']) {
return false;
// @TODO: find better validity check for threaded index
if ($is_thread) {
// check messages number...
if ($mbox_data['EXISTS'] != max(array_keys($index['depth']))) {
return false;
return true;
// The rest of checks, more expensive
if (!empty($this->skip_deleted)) {
// compare counts if available
if ($mbox_data['COUNT_UNDELETED'] != null
&& $mbox_data['COUNT_UNDELETED'] != count($index['uid'])) {
return false;
// compare UID sets
if ($mbox_data['ALL_UNDELETED'] != null) {
$uids_new = rcube_imap_generic::uncompressMessageSet($mbox_data['ALL_UNDELETED']);
$uids_old = $index['uid'];
if (count($uids_new) != count($uids_old)) {
return false;
sort($uids_new, SORT_NUMERIC);
sort($uids_old, SORT_NUMERIC);
if ($uids_old != $uids_new)
return false;
else {
// get all undeleted messages excluding cached UIDs
$ids = $this->imap->search_once($mailbox, 'ALL UNDELETED NOT UID '.
if (!empty($ids)) {
$index = null; // cache invalid
else {
// check messages number...
if ($mbox_data['EXISTS'] != max($index['seq'])) {
return false;
// ... and max UID
if (max($index['uid']) != $this->imap->id2uid($mbox_data['EXISTS'], $mailbox, true)) {
return false;
return true;
* Converts cache row into message object.
* @param array $sql_arr Message row data
* @return rcube_mail_header Message object
private function build_message($sql_arr)
$message = $this->db->decode(unserialize($sql_arr['data']));
if ($message) {
foreach ($this->flag_fields as $field)
$message->$field = (bool) $sql_arr[$field];
return $message;
* Creates 'depth' and 'children' arrays from stored thread 'tree' data.
private function build_thread_data($data, &$depth, &$children, $level = 0)
foreach ((array)$data as $key => $val) {
$children[$key] = !empty($val);
$depth[$key] = $level;
if (!empty($val))
$this->build_thread_data($val, $depth, $children, $level + 1);
* Saves message stored in internal cache
private function save_icache()
// Save current message from internal cache
if ($message = $this->icache['message']) {
// clean up some object's data
$object = $this->message_object_prepare($message['object']);
// calculate current md5 sum
$md5sum = md5(serialize($object));
if ($message['md5sum'] != $md5sum) {
$this->add_message($message['mailbox'], $object, !$message['exists']);
$this->icache['message']['md5sum'] = $md5sum;
* Prepares message object to be stored in database.
private function message_object_prepare($msg, $recursive = false)
// Remove body too big (>500kB)
if ($recursive || ($msg->body && strlen($msg->body) > 500 * 1024)) {
// Fix mimetype which might be broken by some code when message is displayed
// Another solution would be to use object's copy in rcube_message class
// to prevent related issues, however I'm not sure which is better
if ($msg->mimetype) {
list($msg->ctype_primary, $msg->ctype_secondary) = explode('/', $msg->mimetype);
if (is_array($msg->structure->parts)) {
foreach ($msg->structure->parts as $idx => $part) {
$msg->structure->parts[$idx] = $this->message_object_prepare($part, true);
return $msg;