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371 lines
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371 lines
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* Test class to test rcube_utils class
* @package Tests
class Framework_Utils extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Valid email addresses for test_valid_email()
function data_valid_email()
return array(
array('', 'Valid email'),
array('', 'Email contains dot in the address field'),
array('', 'Email contains dot with subdomain'),
array('', 'Plus sign is considered valid character'),
array('email@[]', 'Square bracket around IP address'),
array('email@[IPv6:::1]', 'Square bracket around IPv6 address (1)'),
array('email@[IPv6:::]', 'Square bracket around IPv6 address (2)'),
array('email@[IPv6:2001:2d12:c4fe:5afe::1]', 'Square bracket around IPv6 address (3)'),
array('"email"', 'Quotes around email is considered valid'),
array('', 'Digits in address are valid'),
array('', 'Dash in domain name is valid'),
array('', 'Underscore in the address field is valid'),
array('', '.name is valid Top Level Domain name'),
array('', 'Dot in Top Level Domain name also considered valid (use as example here)'),
array('', 'Dash in address field is valid'),
array('test@xn--e1aaa0cbbbcacac.xn--p1ai', 'IDNA domain'),
* Invalid email addresses for test_invalid_email()
function data_invalid_email()
return array(
array('plainaddress', 'Missing @ sign and domain'),
array('#@%^%#$@#$', 'Garbage'),
array('', 'Missing username'),
array('Joe Smith <>', 'Encoded html within email is invalid'),
array('', 'Missing @'),
array('', 'Two @ sign'),
array('', 'Leading dot in address is not allowed'),
array('', 'Trailing dot in address is not allowed'),
array('', 'Multiple dots'),
array('あいうえお', 'Unicode char as address'),
array(' (Joe Smith)', 'Text followed email is not allowed'),
array('email@domain', 'Missing top level domain (.com/.net/.org/etc)'),
array('', 'Leading dash in front of domain is invalid'),
// array('email@domain.web', '.web is not a valid top level domain'),
array('email@', 'IP address without brackets'),
array('email@2001:2d12:c4fe:5afe::1', 'IPv6 address without brackets'),
array('email@IPv6:2001:2d12:c4fe:5afe::1', 'IPv6 address without brackets (2)'),
array('email@[111.222.333.44444]', 'Invalid IP format'),
array('email@[]', 'Invalid IP format (2)'),
array('email@[.222.255.257]', 'Invalid IP format (3)'),
array('email@[::1]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (1)'),
array('email@[IPv6:2001:23x2:1]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (2)'),
array('email@[IPv6:1111:2222:33333::4444:5555]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (3)'),
array('email@[IPv6:1111::3333::4444:5555]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (4)'),
array('', 'Multiple dot in the domain portion is invalid'),
* @dataProvider data_valid_email
function test_valid_email($email, $title)
$this->assertTrue(rcube_utils::check_email($email, false), $title);
* @dataProvider data_invalid_email
function test_invalid_email($email, $title)
$this->assertFalse(rcube_utils::check_email($email, false), $title);
* Valid IP addresses for test_valid_ip()
function data_valid_ip()
return array(
* Valid IP addresses for test_invalid_ip()
function data_invalid_ip()
return array(
* @dataProvider data_valid_ip
function test_valid_ip($ip)
* @dataProvider data_invalid_ip
function test_invalid_ip($ip)
* Data for test_rep_specialchars_output()
function data_rep_specialchars_output()
return array(
array('', '', 'abc', 'abc'),
array('', '', '?', '?'),
array('', '', '"', '"'),
array('', '', '<', '<'),
array('', '', '>', '>'),
array('', '', '&', '&'),
array('', '', '&', '&amp;'),
array('', '', '<a>', '<a>'),
array('', 'remove', '<a>', ''),
* Test for rep_specialchars_output
* @dataProvider data_rep_specialchars_output
function test_rep_specialchars_output($type, $mode, $str, $res)
$result = rcube_utils::rep_specialchars_output(
$str, $type ? $type : 'html', $mode ? $mode : 'strict');
$this->assertEquals($result, $res);
* rcube_utils::mod_css_styles()
function test_mod_css_styles()
$css = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/valid.css');
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles($css, 'rcmbody');
$this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody\s+\{/', $mod, "Replace body style definition");
$this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody h1\s\{/', $mod, "Prefix tag styles (single)");
$this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody h1, #rcmbody h2, #rcmbody h3, #rcmbody textarea\s+\{/', $mod, "Prefix tag styles (multiple)");
$this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody \.noscript\s+\{/', $mod, "Prefix class styles");
$css = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/media.css');
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles($css, 'rcmbody');
$this->assertContains('#rcmbody table[class=w600]', $mod, 'Replace styles nested in @media block');
$this->assertContains('#rcmbody {width:600px', $mod, 'Replace body selector nested in @media block');
* rcube_utils::mod_css_styles()
function test_mod_css_styles_xss()
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("body.main2cols { background-image: url('../images/leftcol.png'); }", 'rcmbody');
$this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "No url() values allowed");
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("@import url('http://localhost/somestuff/css/master.css');", 'rcmbody');
$this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "No import statements");
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("left:expression(document.body.offsetWidth-20)", 'rcmbody');
$this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "No expression properties");
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("left:exp/* */ression( alert('xss3') )", 'rcmbody');
$this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "Don't allow encoding quirks");
$mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("background:\\0075\\0072\\006c( javascript:alert('xss') )", 'rcmbody');
$this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "Don't allow encoding quirks (2)");
* Check rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string()
function test_explode_quoted_string()
$data = array(
'"a,b"' => array('"a,b"'),
'"a,b","c,d"' => array('"a,b"','"c,d"'),
'"a,\\"b",d' => array('"a,\\"b"', 'd'),
foreach ($data as $text => $res) {
$result = rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string(',', $text);
$this->assertSame($res, $result);
* Check rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string() compat. with explode()
function test_explode_quoted_string_compat()
$data = array('', 'a,b,c', 'a', ',', ',a');
foreach ($data as $text) {
$result = rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string(',', $text);
$this->assertSame(explode(',', $text), $result);
* rcube_utils::get_boolean()
function test_get_boolean()
$input = array(
false, 'false', '0', 'no', 'off', 'nein', 'FALSE', '', null,
foreach ($input as $idx => $value) {
$this->assertFalse(get_boolean($value), "Invalid result for $idx test item");
$input = array(
true, 'true', '1', 1, 'yes', 'anything', 1000,
foreach ($input as $idx => $value) {
$this->assertTrue(get_boolean($value), "Invalid result for $idx test item");
* rcube:utils::file2class()
function test_file2class()
$test = array(
array('', '', 'unknown'),
array('text', 'text', 'text'),
array('image/png', 'image.png', 'image png'),
foreach ($test as $v) {
$result = rcube_utils::file2class($v[0], $v[1]);
$this->assertSame($v[2], $result);
* rcube:utils::strtotime()
function test_strtotime()
$test = array(
'1' => 1,
'' => 0,
'2013-04-22' => 1366581600,
'2013/04/22' => 1366581600,
'2013.04.22' => 1366581600,
'22-04-2013' => 1366581600,
'22/04/2013' => 1366581600,
'22.04.2013' => 1366581600,
'22.4.2013' => 1366581600,
'20130422' => 1366581600,
foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) {
$result = rcube_utils::strtotime($datetime);
$this->assertSame($ts, $result, "Error parsing date: $datetime");
* rcube:utils::anytodatetime()
function test_anytodatetime()
$test = array(
'2013-04-22' => '2013-04-22',
'2013/04/22' => '2013-04-22',
'2013.04.22' => '2013-04-22',
'22-04-2013' => '2013-04-22',
'22/04/2013' => '2013-04-22',
'22.04.2013' => '2013-04-22',
'04/22/2013' => '2013-04-22',
'22.4.2013' => '2013-04-22',
'20130422' => '2013-04-22',
'1900-10-10' => '1900-10-10',
'01-01-1900' => '1900-01-01',
'01/30/1960' => '1960-01-30'
foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) {
$result = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($datetime);
$this->assertSame($ts, $result ? $result->format('Y-m-d') : '', "Error parsing date: $datetime");
* rcube:utils::normalize_string()
function test_normalize_string()
$test = array(
'' => '',
'abc def' => 'abc def',
'ÇçäâàåæéêëèïîìÅÉöôòüûùÿøØáíóúñÑÁÂÀãÃÊËÈÍÎÏÓÔõÕÚÛÙýÝ' => 'ccaaaaaeeeeiiiaeooouuuyooaiounnaaaaaeeeiiioooouuuyy',
'ąáâäćçčéęëěíîłľĺńňóôöŕřśšşťţůúűüźžżýĄŚŻŹĆ' => 'aaaaccceeeeiilllnnooorrsssttuuuuzzzyaszzc',
'ß' => 'ss',
'ae' => 'a',
'oe' => 'o',
'ue' => 'u',
foreach ($test as $input => $output) {
$result = rcube_utils::normalize_string($input);
$this->assertSame($output, $result);
* rcube:utils::is_absolute_path()
function test_is_absolute_path()
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
$test = array(
'' => false,
"C:\\" => true,
'some/path' => false,
else {
$test = array(
'' => false,
'/path' => true,
'some/path' => false,
foreach ($test as $input => $output) {
$result = rcube_utils::is_absolute_path($input);
$this->assertSame($output, $result);