You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1020 lines
29 KiB

| program/include/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland |
| All rights reserved. |
| |
| Provide basic functions for the webmail package |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
// register session and connect to server
function rcmail_startup($task='mail')
global $sess_id, $sess_auth, $sess_user_lang;
// check client
$BROWSER = rcube_browser();
// load config file
$CONFIG = is_array($rcmail_config) ? $rcmail_config : array();
$CONFIG['skin_path'] = $CONFIG['skin_path'] ? preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $CONFIG['skin_path']) : 'skins/default';
// load db conf
$CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $rcmail_config);
// set PHP error logging according to config
if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1)
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', $INSTALL_PATH.'logs/errors');
if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4)
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
// prepare DB connection
if (strtolower($CONFIG['db_type'])=='mysql')
$DB = new rcube_mysql($CONFIG['db_name'], $CONFIG['db_user'], $CONFIG['db_pass'], $CONFIG['db_host']);
// database not supported
raise_error(array('code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Database not supported"), TRUE, TRUE);
// we can use the database for storing session data
if (is_object($DB) && $DB->connect())
// init session
$sess_id = session_id();
// create session and set session vars
if (!$_SESSION['client_id'])
$_SESSION['client_id'] = $sess_id;
$_SESSION['user_lang'] = 'en';
$_SESSION['auth_time'] = mktime();
$_SESSION['auth'] = rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $_SESSION['auth_time']);
// set session vars global
$sess_auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
$sess_user_lang = $_SESSION['user_lang'];
// overwrite config with user preferences
if (is_array($_SESSION['user_prefs']))
$CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $_SESSION['user_prefs']);
// reset some session parameters when changing task
if ($_SESSION['task'] != $task)
// set current task to session
$_SESSION['task'] = $task;
// create IMAP object
if ($task=='mail')
// set localization
if ($CONFIG['locale_string'])
setlocale(LC_ALL, $CONFIG['locale_string']);
else if ($sess_user_lang)
setlocale(LC_ALL, $sess_user_lang);
// create authorization hash
function rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $ts)
global $CONFIG;
$auth_string = sprintf('rcmail*sess%sR%s*Chk:%s;%s',
$CONFIG['ip_check'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '***.***.***.***',
if (function_exists('sha1'))
return sha1($auth_string);
return md5($auth_string);
// create IMAP object and connect to server
function rcmail_imap_init($connect=FALSE)
global $CONFIG, $IMAP;
$IMAP = new rcube_imap();
// set root dir from config
if (strlen($CONFIG['imap_root']))
if (is_array($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']))
if (strlen($_SESSION['mbox']))
if (isset($_SESSION['page']))
// set pagesize from config
if (isset($CONFIG['pagesize']))
// connect with stored session data
if ($connect)
if (!($conn = $IMAP->connect($_SESSION['imap_host'], $_SESSION['username'], decrypt_passwd($_SESSION['password']))))
show_message('imaperror', 'error');
// do these things on script shutdown
function rcmail_shutdown()
global $IMAP;
if (is_object($IMAP))
// destroy session data and remove cookie
function rcmail_kill_session()
/* $sess_name = session_name();
if (isset($_COOKIE[$sess_name]))
setcookie($sess_name, '', time()-42000, '/');
$_SESSION = array();
// return correct name for a specific database table
function get_table_name($table)
global $CONFIG;
// return table name if configured
$config_key = 'db_table_'.$table;
if (strlen($CONFIG[$config_key]))
return $CONFIG[$config_key];
return $table;
// init output object for GUI and add common scripts
function load_gui()
// init output page
$OUTPUT = new rcube_html_page();
// add common javascripts
$javascript = "var $JS_OBJECT_NAME = new rcube_webmail();\n";
$javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('comm_path', '$COMM_PATH');\n";
if ($_GET['_framed'] || $_POST['_framed'])
$javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('framed', true);\n";
// perfom login to the IMAP server and to the webmail service
function rcmail_login($user, $pass, $host=NULL)
global $CONFIG, $IMAP, $DB, $sess_user_lang;
if (!$host)
$host = $CONFIG['default_host'];
// exit if IMAP login failed
if (!($imap_login = $IMAP->connect($host, $user, $pass)))
return FALSE;
// query if user already registered
$sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT user_id, language, preferences
WHERE username='%s' AND mail_host='%s'",
$user, $host));
// user already registered
if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$user_id = $sql_arr['user_id'];
// get user prefs
if (strlen($sql_arr['preferences']))
$user_prefs = unserialize($sql_arr['preferences']);
$_SESSION['user_prefs'] = $user_prefs;
array_merge($CONFIG, $user_prefs);
// set user specific language
if (strlen($sql_arr['language']))
$sess_user_lang = $_SESSION['user_lang'] = $sql_arr['language'];
// update user's record
$DB->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s
SET last_login=NOW()
WHERE user_id=%d",
// create new system user
else if ($CONFIG['auto_create_user'])
$user_id = rcmail_create_user($user, $host);
if ($user_id)
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['imap_host'] = $host;
$_SESSION['username'] = $user;
$_SESSION['password'] = encrypt_passwd($pass);
// force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// create new entry in users and identities table
function rcmail_create_user($user, $host)
global $DB, $CONFIG, $IMAP;
$DB->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s
(created, last_login, username, mail_host)
VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), '%s', '%s')",
$user, $host));
if ($user_id = $DB->insert_id())
// also create a new identity record
$DB->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s
(user_id, `default`, name, email)
VALUES (%d, '1', '%s', '%s@%s')",
// get existing mailboxes
$a_mailboxes = $IMAP->list_mailboxes();
// check if the configured mailbox for sent messages exists
if ($CONFIG['sent_mbox'] && !in_array_nocase($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], $a_mailboxes))
$IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], TRUE);
// check if the configured mailbox for sent messages exists
if ($CONFIG['trash_mbox'] && !in_array_nocase($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], $a_mailboxes))
$IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], TRUE);
return $user_id;
function show_message($message, $type='notice')
$framed = ($_GET['framed'] || $_POST['_framed']);
$command = sprintf("display_message('%s', '%s');",
return 'this.'.$command;
$framed ? sprintf('if(parent.%s)parent.', $JS_OBJECT_NAME) : '',
// console(rcube_label($message));
function console($msg, $type=1)
print $msg;
print "\n<hr>\n";
function encrypt_passwd($pass)
$cypher = des('rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB', $pass, 1, 0, NULL);
return base64_encode($cypher);
function decrypt_passwd($cypher)
$pass = des('rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB', base64_decode($cypher), 0, 0, NULL);
return trim($pass);
// send correct response on a remote request
function rcube_remote_response($js_code)
//header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript');
print '/** remote response ['.date('d/M/Y h:i:s O')."] **/\n";
print $js_code;
// ************** template parsing and gui functions **************
// return boolean if a specific template exists
function template_exists($name)
global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
$skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
// check template file
return is_file("$skin_path/templates/$name.html");
// get page template an replace variable
// similar function as used in nexImage
function parse_template($name='main', $exit=TRUE)
global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
$skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
// read template file
$templ = '';
$path = "$skin_path/templates/$name.html";
if($fp = @fopen($path, 'r'))
$templ = fread($fp, filesize($path));
raise_error(array('code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Error loading template for '$name'"), TRUE, TRUE);
return FALSE;
// parse for specialtags
$output = parse_rcube_xml($templ);
$OUTPUT->write(trim(parse_with_globals($output)), $skin_path);
if ($exit)
// replace all strings ($varname) with the content of the according global variable
function parse_with_globals($input)
$output = preg_replace('/\$(__[a-z0-9_\-]+)/e', '$GLOBALS["\\1"]', $input);
return $output;
function parse_rcube_xml($input)
$output = preg_replace('/<roundcube:([-_a-z]+)\s+([^>]+)>/Uie', "rcube_xml_command('\\1', '\\2')", $input);
return $output;
function rcube_xml_command($command, $str_attrib, $a_attrib=NULL)
global $IMAP, $CONFIG;
$attrib = array();
$command = strtolower($command);
preg_match_all('/\s*([-_a-z]+)=["]([^"]+)["]?/i', stripslashes($str_attrib), $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// convert attributes to an associative array (name => value)
if ($regs)
foreach ($regs as $attr)
$attrib[strtolower($attr[1])] = $attr[2];
else if ($a_attrib)
$attrib = $a_attrib;
// execute command
switch ($command)
// return a button
case 'button':
if ($attrib['command'])
return rcube_button($attrib);
// show a label
case 'label':
if ($attrib['name'] || $attrib['command'])
return rcube_label($attrib);
// create a menu item
case 'menu':
if ($attrib['command'] && $attrib['group'])
// include a file
case 'include':
$path = realpath($CONFIG['skin_path'].$attrib['file']);
if($fp = @fopen($path, 'r'))
$incl = fread($fp, filesize($path));
return parse_rcube_xml($incl);
// return code for a specific application object
case 'object':
$object = strtolower($attrib['name']);
if ($object=='loginform')
return rcmail_login_form($attrib);
else if ($object=='message')
return rcmail_message_container($attrib);
else if ($object=='mailboxlist' && function_exists('rcmail_mailbox_list'))
return rcmail_mailbox_list($attrib);
else if ($object=='messages' && function_exists('rcmail_message_list'))
return rcmail_message_list($attrib);
else if ($object=='messagecountdisplay' && function_exists('rcmail_messagecount_display'))
return rcmail_messagecount_display($attrib);
else if ($object=='messageheaders' && function_exists('rcmail_message_headers'))
return rcmail_message_headers($attrib);
else if ($object=='messageattachments' && function_exists('rcmail_message_attachments'))
return rcmail_message_attachments($attrib);
else if ($object=='messagebody' && function_exists('rcmail_message_body'))
return rcmail_message_body($attrib);
else if ($object=='blockedobjects' && function_exists('rcmail_remote_objects_msg'))
return rcmail_remote_objects_msg($attrib);
else if ($object=='messagecontentframe' && function_exists('rcmail_messagecontent_frame'))
return rcmail_messagecontent_frame($attrib);
else if ($object=='messagepartframe' && function_exists('rcmail_message_part_frame'))
return rcmail_message_part_frame($attrib);
else if ($object=='messagepartcontrols' && function_exists('rcmail_message_part_controls'))
return rcmail_message_part_controls($attrib);
else if ($object=='composeheaders' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_headers'))
return rcmail_compose_headers($attrib);
else if ($object=='composesubject' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_subject'))
return rcmail_compose_subject($attrib);
else if ($object=='composebody' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_body'))
return rcmail_compose_body($attrib);
else if ($object=='composeattachmentlist' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_attachment_list'))
return rcmail_compose_attachment_list($attrib);
else if ($object=='composeattachmentform' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_attachment_form'))
return rcmail_compose_attachment_form($attrib);
else if ($object=='composeattachment' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_attachment_field'))
return rcmail_compose_attachment_field($attrib);
else if ($object=='priorityselector' && function_exists('rcmail_priority_selector'))
return rcmail_priority_selector($attrib);
else if ($object=='priorityselector' && function_exists('rcmail_priority_selector'))
return rcmail_priority_selector($attrib);
else if ($object=='addresslist' && function_exists('rcmail_contacts_list'))
return rcmail_contacts_list($attrib);
else if ($object=='addressframe' && function_exists('rcmail_contact_frame'))
return rcmail_contact_frame($attrib);
else if ($object=='recordscountdisplay' && function_exists('rcmail_rowcount_display'))
return rcmail_rowcount_display($attrib);
else if ($object=='contactdetails' && function_exists('rcmail_contact_details'))
return rcmail_contact_details($attrib);
else if ($object=='contacteditform' && function_exists('rcmail_contact_editform'))
return rcmail_contact_editform($attrib);
else if ($object=='userprefs' && function_exists('rcmail_user_prefs_form'))
return rcmail_user_prefs_form($attrib);
else if ($object=='itentitieslist' && function_exists('rcmail_identities_list'))
return rcmail_identities_list($attrib);
else if ($object=='identityframe' && function_exists('rcmail_identity_frame'))
return rcmail_identity_frame($attrib);
else if ($object=='identityform' && function_exists('rcube_identity_form'))
return rcube_identity_form($attrib);
else if ($object=='foldersubscription' && function_exists('rcube_subscription_form'))
return rcube_subscription_form($attrib);
else if ($object=='createfolder' && function_exists('rcube_create_folder_form'))
return rcube_create_folder_form($attrib);
else if ($object=='pagetitle')
$task = $GLOBALS['_task'];
if ($task=='mail' && isset($GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject']))
return rep_specialchars_output("RoundCube|Mail :: ".$GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject']);
else if (isset($GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE']))
return rep_specialchars_output("RoundCube|Mail :: ".$GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE']);
else if ($task=='mail' && ($mbox_name = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name()))
return "RoundCube|Mail :: $mbox_name";
return "RoundCube|Mail :: $task";
else if ($object=='about')
return '';
return '';
// create and register a button
function rcube_button($attrib)
static $sa_buttons = array();
static $s_button_count = 100;
$skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
if (!($attrib['command'] || $attrib['name']))
return '';
// try to find out the button type
if ($attrib['type'])
$attrib['type'] = strtolower($attrib['type']);
$attrib['type'] = ($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $arg['imagect']) ? 'image' : 'link';
$command = $attrib['command'];
// take the button from the stack
if($attrib['name'] && $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']])
$attrib = $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']];
// add button to button stack
else if($attrib['image'] || $arg['imagect'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['class'])
$attrib['name'] = $command;
if (!$attrib['image'])
$attrib['image'] = $attrib['imagepas'] ? $attrib['imagepas'] : $attrib['imageact'];
$sa_buttons[$attrib['name']] = $attrib;
// get saved button for this command/name
else if ($command && $sa_buttons[$command])
$attrib = $sa_buttons[$command];
// return '';
// set border to 0 because of the link arround the button
if ($attrib['type']=='image' && !isset($attrib['border']))
$attrib['border'] = 0;
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = sprintf('rcmbtn%d', $s_button_count++);
// get localized text for labels and titles
if ($attrib['title'])
$attrib['title'] = rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($attrib['title']));
if ($attrib['label'])
$attrib['label'] = rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($attrib['label']));
if ($attrib['alt'])
$attrib['alt'] = rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($attrib['alt']));
// add empty alt attribute for XHTML compatibility
if (!isset($attrib['alt']))
$attrib['alt'] = '';
// register button in the system
if ($attrib['command'])
$OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.register_button('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');",
$attrib['imageact'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageact'] : $attrib['classact'],
$attirb['imagesel'] ? $skin_path.$attirb['imagesel'] : $attrib['classsel'],
$attrib['imageover'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageover'] : ''));
// overwrite attributes
if (!$attrib['href'])
$attrib['href'] = '#';
if ($command)
$attrib['onclick'] = sprintf("return %s.command('%s','%s',this)", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['prop']);
if ($command && $attrib['imageover'])
$attrib['onmouseover'] = sprintf("return %s.button_over('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
$attrib['onmouseout'] = sprintf("return %s.button_out('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
$out = '';
// generate image tag
if ($attrib['type']=='image')
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'border', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'alt'));
$img_tag = sprintf('<img src="%%s"%s />', $attrib_str);
$btn_content = sprintf($img_tag, $skin_path.$attrib['image']);
if ($attrib['label'])
$btn_content .= ' '.$attrib['label'];
$link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'title');
else if ($attrib['type']=='link')
$btn_content = $attrib['label'] ? $attrib['label'] : $attrib['command'];
$link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'title', 'id', 'class', 'style');
else if ($attrib['type']=='input')
$attrib['type'] = 'button';
if ($attrib['label'])
$attrib['value'] = $attrib['label'];
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('type', 'value', 'onclick', 'id', 'class', 'style'));
$out = sprintf('<input%s disabled />', $attrib_str);
// generate html code for button
if ($btn_content)
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, $link_attrib);
$out = sprintf('<a%s>%s</a>', $attrib_str, $btn_content);
return $out;
function rcube_menu($attrib)
return '';
function rcube_table_output($attrib, $sql_result, $a_show_cols, $id_col)
global $DB;
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary'));
$table = '<table' . $attrib_str . ">\n";
// add table title
$table .= "<thead><tr>\n";
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
$table .= '<td class="'.$col.'">' . rcube_label($col) . "</td>\n";
$table .= "</tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";
$c = 0;
while ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result)))
$zebra_class = $c%2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
$table .= sprintf('<tr id="rcmrow%d" class="contact '.$zebra_class.'">'."\n", $sql_arr[$id_col]);
// format each col
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
$cont = rep_specialchars_output($sql_arr[$col]);
$table .= '<td class="'.$col.'">' . $cont . "</td>\n";
$table .= "</tr>\n";
// complete message table
$table .= "</tbody></table>\n";
return $table;
function rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $value, $attrib, $type='text')
$fname = '_'.$col;
$attrib['name'] = $fname;
if ($type=='checkbox')
$attrib['value'] = '1';
$input = new checkbox($attrib);
else if ($type=='textarea')
$attrib['cols'] = $attrib['size'];
$input = new textarea($attrib);
$input = new textfield($attrib);
// use value from post
if ($_POST[$fname])
$value = $_POST[$fname];
$out = $input->show($value);
return $out;
function create_attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attribs=array('id', 'class', 'style'))
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <iframe> tag
$attrib_str = '';
foreach ($allowed_attribs as $a)
if (isset($attrib[$a]))
$attrib_str .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $a, $attrib[$a]);
return $attrib_str;
function format_date($date, $format=NULL)
global $CONFIG, $sess_user_lang;
if (is_numeric($date))
$ts = $date;
$ts = strtotime($date);
// convert time to user's timezone
$timestamp = $ts - date('Z', $ts) + ($CONFIG['timezone'] * 3600);
// get current timestamp in user's timezone
$now = time(); // local time
$now -= (int)date('Z'); // make GMT time
$now += ($CONFIG['timezone'] * 3600); // user's time
$day_secs = 60*((int)date('H', $now)*60 + (int)date('i', $now));
$week_secs = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
$diff = $now - $timestamp;
// define daate format depending on current time
if (!$format && $diff < $day_secs)
return sprintf('%s %s', rcube_label('today'), date('H:i', $timestamp));
else if (!$format && $diff < $week_secs)
$format = $CONFIG['date_short'] ? $CONFIG['date_short'] : 'D H:i';
else if (!$format)
$format = $CONFIG['date_long'] ? $CONFIG['date_long'] : 'd.m.Y H:i';
// parse format string manually in order to provide localized weekday and month names
// an alternative would be to convert the date() format string to fit with strftime()
$out = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($format); $i++)
if ($format{$i}=='\\') // skip escape chars
// write char "as-is"
if ($format{$i}==' ' || $format{$i-1}=='\\')
$out .= $format{$i};
// weekday (short)
else if ($format{$i}=='D')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('D', $timestamp)));
// weekday long
else if ($format{$i}=='l')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('l', $timestamp)));
// month name (short)
else if ($format{$i}=='M')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('M', $timestamp)));
// month name (long)
else if ($format{$i}=='F')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('F', $timestamp)));
$out .= date($format{$i}, $timestamp);
return $out;
// ************** functions delivering gui objects **************
function rcmail_message_container($attrib)
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmMessageContainer';
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id'));
$out = '<div' . $attrib_str . "></div>";
$OUTPUT->add_script("$JS_OBJECT_NAME.gui_object('message', '$attrib[id]');");
return $out;
// return code for the webmail login form
function rcmail_login_form($attrib)
$labels = array();
$labels['user'] = rcube_label('username');
$labels['pass'] = rcube_label('password');
$labels['host'] = rcube_label('server');
$input_user = new textfield(array('name' => '_user', 'size' => 30));
$input_pass = new passwordfield(array('name' => '_pass', 'size' => 30));
$input_action = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'login'));
$fields = array();
$fields['user'] = $input_user->show($_POST['_user']);
$fields['pass'] = $input_pass->show();
$fields['action'] = $input_action->show();
if (is_array($CONFIG['default_host']))
$select_host = new select(array('name' => '_host'));
$fields['host'] = $select_host->show($_POST['_host']);
else if (!strlen($CONFIG['default_host']))
$input_host = new textfield(array('name' => '_host', 'size' => 30));
$fields['host'] = $input_host->show($_POST['_host']);
$form_name = strlen($attrib['form']) ? $attrib['form'] : 'form';
$form_start = !strlen($attrib['form']) ? '<form name="form" action="./" method="post">' : '';
$form_end = !strlen($attrib['form']) ? '</form>' : '';
if ($fields['host'])
$form_host = <<<EOF
<td class="title">$labels[host]</td>
$OUTPUT->add_script("$JS_OBJECT_NAME.gui_object('loginform', '$form_name');");
$out = <<<EOF
<td class="title">$labels[user]</td>
<td class="title">$labels[pass]</td>
return $out;