You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

818 lines
25 KiB

* Roundcube editor js library
* This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client
* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
* JavaScript code in this file.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2014, The Roundcube Dev Team
* The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
* As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
* may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
* that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
* section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
* through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
* @licend The above is the entire license notice
* for the JavaScript code in this file.
* @author Eric Stadtherr <>
* @author Aleksander Machniak <>
* Roundcube Text Editor Widget class
* @constructor
function rcube_text_editor(config, id)
var ref = this,
abs_url = location.href.replace(/[?#].*$/, '').replace(/\/$/, ''),
conf = {
selector: '#' + ($('#' + id).is('.mce_editor') ? id : 'fake-editor-id'),
cache_suffix: 's=4071300',
theme: 'modern',
language: config.lang,
content_css: rcmail.assets_path('program/resources/tinymce/content.css'),
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
toolbar_items_size: 'small',
extended_valid_elements: 'font[face|size|color|style],span[id|class|align|style]',
fontsize_formats: '8pt 9pt 10pt 11pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt',
valid_children: '+body[style]',
relative_urls: false,
remove_script_host: false,
convert_urls: false, // #1486944
image_description: false,
paste_webkit_style: "color font-size font-family",
paste_data_images: true,
browser_spellcheck: true,
anchor_bottom: false,
anchor_top: false
// register spellchecker for plain text editor
this.spellcheck_observer = function() {};
if (config.spellchecker) {
this.spellchecker = config.spellchecker;
if (config.spellcheck_observer) {
this.spellchecker.spelling_state_observer = this.spellcheck_observer = config.spellcheck_observer;
// secure spellchecker requests with Roundcube token
// Note: must be registered only once (#1490311)
if (!tinymce.registered_request_token) {
tinymce.registered_request_token = true;
tinymce.util.XHR.on('beforeSend', function(e) {
e.xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Roundcube-Request', rcmail.env.request_token);
// minimal editor
if (config.mode == 'identity') {
$.extend(conf, {
plugins: 'autolink charmap code colorpicker hr image link paste tabfocus textcolor',
toolbar: 'bold italic underline alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify'
+ ' | outdent indent charmap hr link unlink image code forecolor'
+ ' | fontselect fontsizeselect',
file_browser_callback: function(name, url, type, win) { ref.file_browser_callback(name, url, type); },
file_browser_callback_types: 'image'
// full-featured editor
else {
$.extend(conf, {
plugins: 'autolink charmap code colorpicker directionality link lists image media nonbreaking'
+ ' paste table tabfocus textcolor searchreplace spellchecker',
toolbar: 'bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify'
+ ' | bullist numlist outdent indent ltr rtl blockquote | forecolor backcolor | fontselect fontsizeselect'
+ ' | link unlink table | $extra charmap image media | code searchreplace undo redo',
spellchecker_rpc_url: abs_url + '/?_task=utils&_action=spell_html&_remote=1',
spellchecker_language: rcmail.env.spell_lang,
accessibility_focus: false,
file_browser_callback: function(name, url, type, win) { ref.file_browser_callback(name, url, type); },
// @todo: support more than image (types: file, image, media)
file_browser_callback_types: 'image media'
// add TinyMCE plugins/buttons from Roundcube plugin
$.each(config.extra_plugins || [], function() {
if (conf.plugins.indexOf(this) < 0)
conf.plugins = conf.plugins + ' ' + this;
$.each(config.extra_buttons || [], function() {
if (conf.toolbar.indexOf(this) < 0)
conf.toolbar = conf.toolbar.replace('$extra', '$extra ' + this);
// disable TinyMCE plugins/buttons from Roundcube plugin
$.each(config.disabled_plugins || [], function() {
conf.plugins = conf.plugins.replace(this, '');
$.each(config.disabled_buttons || [], function() {
conf.toolbar = conf.toolbar.replace(this, '');
conf.toolbar = conf.toolbar.replace('$extra', '').replace(/\|\s+\|/g, '|');
// support external configuration settings e.g. from skin
if (window.rcmail_editor_settings)
$.extend(conf, window.rcmail_editor_settings);
conf.setup = function(ed) {
ed.on('init', function(ed) { ref.init_callback(ed); });
// add handler for spellcheck button state update
ed.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function(args) {
ref.spellcheck_active = args.type == 'spellcheckstart';
ed.on('keypress', function() {
// make links open on shift-click
ed.on('click', function(e) {
var link = $('a');
if (link.length && e.shiftKey) {, '_blank');
return false;
ed.on('focus blur', function(e) {
rcmail.triggerEvent('editor-init', {config: conf, ref: ref});
// textarea identifier = id;
// reference to active editor (if in HTML mode)
this.editor = null;
// react to real individual tinyMCE editor init
this.init_callback = function(event)
this.editor =;
rcmail.triggerEvent('editor-load', {config: conf, ref: ref});
if (rcmail.env.action != 'compose') {
var area = $('#' +,
height = $('div.mce-toolbar-grp:first', area.parent()).height();
// the editor might be still not fully loaded, making the editing area
// inaccessible, wait and try again (#1490310)
if (height > 200 || height > area.height()) {
return setTimeout(function () { ref.init_callback(event); }, 300);
var css = {},
elem = rcube_find_object('_from'),
fe = rcmail.env.compose_focus_elem;
if (rcmail.env.default_font)
css['font-family'] = rcmail.env.default_font;
if (rcmail.env.default_font_size)
css['font-size'] = rcmail.env.default_font_size;
if (css['font-family'] || css['font-size'])
if (elem && elem.type == 'select-one') {
// insert signature (only for the first time)
if (!rcmail.env.identities_initialized)
// Focus previously focused element
if (fe && != && fe.nodeName != 'BODY') {
window.focus(); // for WebKit (#1486674)
rcmail.env.compose_focus_elem = null;
// set tabIndex and set focus to element that was focused before
ref.tabindex(fe && ==;
// Trigger resize (needed for proper editor resizing in some browsers)
// set tabIndex on tinymce editor
this.tabindex = function(focus)
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail' && this.editor) {
var textarea = this.editor.getElement(),
body = this.editor.getBody(),
node = this.editor.getContentAreaContainer().childNodes[0];
if (textarea && node)
node.tabIndex = textarea.tabIndex;
// find :prev and :next elements to get focus when tabbing away
if (textarea.tabIndex > 0) {
var x = null,
tabfocus_elements = [':prev',':next'],
el ='*[tabindex='+textarea.tabIndex+']:not(iframe)');
tinymce.each(el, function(e, i) { if ( == { x = i; return false; } });
if (x !== null) {
if (el[x-1] && el[x-1].id) {
tabfocus_elements[0] = el[x-1].id;
if (el[x+1] && el[x+1].id) {
tabfocus_elements[1] = el[x+1].id;
this.editor.settings.tabfocus_elements = tabfocus_elements.join(',');
// ContentEditable reset fixes invisible cursor issue in Firefox < 25
if ( && bw.vendver < 25)
$(body).prop('contenteditable', false).prop('contenteditable', true);
if (focus)
// switch html/plain mode
this.toggle = function(ishtml, noconvert)
var curr, content, result,
// these non-printable chars are not removed on text2html and html2text
// we can use them as temp signature replacement
sig_mark = "\u0002\u0003",
input = $('#' +,
signature = rcmail.env.identity ? rcmail.env.signatures[rcmail.env.identity] : null,
is_sig = signature && signature.text && signature.text.length > 1;
// apply spellcheck changes if spell checker is active
if (ishtml) {
content = input.val();
// replace current text signature with temp mark
if (is_sig) {
content = content.replace(/\r\n/, "\n");
content = content.replace(signature.text.replace(/\r\n/, "\n"), sig_mark);
var init_editor = function(data) {
// replace signature mark with html version of the signature
if (is_sig)
data = data.replace(sig_mark, '<div id="_rc_sig">' + signature.html + '</div>');
tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', false,;
if (ref.editor) {
var body = $(ref.editor.getBody());
// #1486593
// put cursor on start of the compose body
// convert to html
if (!noconvert) {
result = rcmail.plain2html(content, init_editor);
else {
result = true;
else if (this.editor) {
if (is_sig) {
// get current version of signature, we'll need it in
// case of html2text conversion abort
if (curr = this.editor.dom.get('_rc_sig'))
curr = curr.innerHTML;
// replace current signature with some non-printable characters
// we use non-printable characters, because this replacement
// is visible to the user
// doing this after getContent() would be hard
this.editor.dom.setHTML('_rc_sig', sig_mark);
// get html content
content = this.editor.getContent();
var init_plaintext = function(data) {
tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', false,;
ref.editor = null;
// replace signture mark with text version of the signature
if (is_sig)
data = data.replace(sig_mark, "\n" + signature.text);
rcmail.set_caret_pos(input.get(0), 0);
// convert html to text
if (!noconvert) {
result = rcmail.html2plain(content, init_plaintext);
else {
result = true;
// bring back current signature
if (!result && curr)
this.editor.dom.setHTML('_rc_sig', curr);
return result;
// start spellchecker
this.spellcheck_start = function()
if (this.editor) {
tinymce.execCommand('mceSpellCheck', true);
else if (this.spellchecker && this.spellchecker.spellCheck) {
// stop spellchecker
this.spellcheck_stop = function()
var ed = this.editor;
if (ed) {
if (ed.plugins && ed.plugins.spellchecker && this.spellcheck_active) {
ed.execCommand('mceSpellCheck', false);
else if (ed = this.spellchecker) {
if (ed.state && ed.state != 'ready' && ed.state != 'no_error_found')
// spellchecker state
this.spellcheck_state = function()
var ed;
if (this.editor)
return this.spellcheck_active;
else if ((ed = this.spellchecker) && ed.state)
return ed.state != 'ready' && ed.state != 'no_error_found';
// resume spellchecking, highlight provided mispellings without a new ajax request
this.spellcheck_resume = function(data)
var ed = this.editor;
if (ed) {
else if (ed = this.spellchecker) {
ed.prepare(false, true);
// get selected (spellchecker) language
this.get_language = function()
if (this.editor) {
return this.editor.settings.spellchecker_language || rcmail.env.spell_lang;
else if (this.spellchecker) {
// set language for spellchecking
this.set_language = function(lang)
var ed = this.editor;
if (ed) {
ed.settings.spellchecker_language = lang;
if (ed = this.spellchecker) {
// replace selection with text snippet
// input can be a string or object with 'text' and 'html' properties
this.replace = function(input)
var format, ed = this.editor;
if (!input)
return false;
// insert into tinymce editor
if (ed) {
ed.getWin().focus(); // correct focus in IE & Chrome
if ($.type(input) == 'object' && ('html' in input)) {
input = input.html;
format = 'html';
else {
if ($.type(input) == 'object')
input = input.text || '';
input = rcmail.quote_html(input).replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br/>');
format = 'text';
ed.selection.setContent(input, {format: format});
// replace selection in compose textarea
else if (ed = rcube_find_object( {
var selection = $(ed).is(':focus') ? rcmail.get_input_selection(ed) : {start: 0, end: 0},
value = ed.value,
pre = value.substring(0, selection.start),
end = value.substring(selection.end, value.length);
if ($.type(input) == 'object')
input = input.text || '';
// insert response text
ed.value = pre + input + end;
// set caret after inserted text
rcmail.set_caret_pos(ed, selection.start + input.length);
// Fill the editor with specified content
// TODO: support format conversion
this.set_content = function(content)
if (this.editor) {
else if (ed = rcube_find_object( {
// get selected text (if no selection returns all text) from the editor
this.get_content = function(args)
var sigstart, ed = this.editor, text = '', strip = false,
defaults = {refresh: true, selection: false, nosig: false, format: 'html'};
if (!args)
args = defaults;
args = $.extend(defaults, args);
// apply spellcheck changes if spell checker is active
if (args.refresh) {
// get selected text from tinymce editor
if (ed) {
if (args.selection)
text = ed.selection.getContent({format: args.format});
if (!text) {
text = ed.getContent({format: args.format});
// @todo: strip signature in html mode
strip = args.format == 'text';
// get selected text from compose textarea
else if (ed = rcube_find_object( {
if (args.selection && $(ed).is(':focus')) {
text = rcmail.get_input_selection(ed).text;
if (!text) {
text = ed.value;
strip = true;
// strip off signature
// @todo: make this optional
if (strip && args.nosig) {
sigstart = text.indexOf('-- \n');
if (sigstart > 0) {
text = text.substring(0, sigstart);
return text;
// change user signature text
this.change_signature = function(id, show_sig)
var position_element, cursor_pos, p = -1,
input_message = $('#' +,
message = input_message.val(),
sig = rcmail.env.identity;
if (!this.editor) { // plain text mode
// remove the 'old' signature
if (show_sig && sig && rcmail.env.signatures && rcmail.env.signatures[sig]) {
sig = rcmail.env.signatures[sig].text;
sig = sig.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
p = rcmail.env.top_posting ? message.indexOf(sig) : message.lastIndexOf(sig);
if (p >= 0)
message = message.substring(0, p) + message.substring(p+sig.length, message.length);
// add the new signature string
if (show_sig && rcmail.env.signatures && rcmail.env.signatures[id]) {
sig = rcmail.env.signatures[id].text;
sig = sig.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
// in place of removed signature
if (p >= 0) {
message = message.substring(0, p) + sig + message.substring(p, message.length);
cursor_pos = p - 1;
// empty message or new-message mode
else if (!message || !rcmail.env.compose_mode) {
cursor_pos = message.length;
message += '\n\n' + sig;
else if (rcmail.env.top_posting && !rcmail.env.sig_below) {
// at cursor position
if (pos = rcmail.get_caret_pos(input_message.get(0))) {
message = message.substring(0, pos) + '\n' + sig + '\n\n' + message.substring(pos, message.length);
cursor_pos = pos;
// on top
else {
message = '\n\n' + sig + '\n\n' + message.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
cursor_pos = 0;
else {
message = message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '');
cursor_pos = !rcmail.env.top_posting && message.length ? message.length + 1 : 0;
message += '\n\n' + sig;
else {
cursor_pos = rcmail.env.top_posting ? 0 : message.length;
// move cursor before the signature
rcmail.set_caret_pos(input_message.get(0), cursor_pos);
else if (show_sig && rcmail.env.signatures) { // html
var sigElem = this.editor.dom.get('_rc_sig');
// Append the signature as a div within the body
if (!sigElem) {
var body = this.editor.getBody();
sigElem = $('<div id="_rc_sig"></div>').get(0);
// insert at start or at cursor position in top-posting mode
// (but not if the content is empty and not in new-message mode)
if (rcmail.env.top_posting && !rcmail.env.sig_below
&& rcmail.env.compose_mode && (body.childNodes.length > 1 || $(body).text())
) {
this.editor.getWin().focus(); // correct focus in IE & Chrome
var node = this.editor.selection.getNode();
$(sigElem).insertBefore(node.nodeName == 'BODY' ? body.firstChild : node.nextSibling);
else {
position_element = rcmail.env.top_posting && rcmail.env.compose_mode ? body.firstChild : $(sigElem).prev();
sigElem.innerHTML = rcmail.env.signatures[id] ? rcmail.env.signatures[id].html : '';
else if (!rcmail.env.top_posting) {
position_element = $(this.editor.getBody()).children().last();
// put cursor before signature and scroll the window
if (this.editor && position_element && position_element.length) {
this.editor.getWin().scroll(0, position_element.offset().top);
// trigger content save = function()
if (this.editor) {;
// focus the editing area
this.focus = function()
(this.editor || rcube_find_object(;
// image selector
this.file_browser_callback = function(field_name, url, type)
var i, button, elem, cancel, dialog, fn, hint, list = [],
form = $('.upload-form').clone();
// open image selector dialog{
title: rcmail.get_label('select' + type),
width: 500,
html: '<div id="image-selector" class="image-selector file-upload"><ul id="image-selector-list" class="attachmentslist"></ul></div>',
buttons: [{text: 'Cancel', onclick: function() { ref.file_browser_close(); }}]
rcmail.env.file_browser_field = field_name;
rcmail.env.file_browser_type = type;
dialog = $('#image-selector');
if (form.length)
button = dialog.prepend(form).find('button,a.button')
.text(rcmail.get_label('add' + type))
// fill images list with available images
for (i in rcmail.env.attachments) {
if (elem = ref.file_browser_entry(i, rcmail.env.attachments[i])) {
cancel = dialog.parent().parent().find('button:last').parent();
// Add custom Tab key handlers, tabindex does not work
list = $('#image-selector-list').append(list).on('keydown', 'li', function(e) {
if (e.which == 9) {
if (rcube_event.get_modifier(e) == SHIFT_KEY) {
if (!$(this).prev().focus().length) {
else if (!$(this).next().focus().length) {
return false;
button.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 9) {
if (rcube_event.get_modifier(e) == SHIFT_KEY || !list.find('li:first').focus().length) {
return false;
cancel.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 9) {
if (rcube_event.get_modifier(e) != SHIFT_KEY || !list.find('li:last').focus().length) {
return false;
// enable drag-n-drop area
if ((window.XMLHttpRequest && XMLHttpRequest.prototype && XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) || window.FormData) {
if (!rcmail.env.filedrop) {
rcmail.env.filedrop = {};
if (rcmail.gui_objects.filedrop) {
rcmail.env.old_file_drop = rcmail.gui_objects.filedrop;
rcmail.gui_objects.filedrop = $('#image-selector');
.on('dragover dragleave', function(e) {
$(this)[(e.type == 'dragover' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass')]('hover');
.get(0).addEventListener('drop', function(e) { return rcmail.file_dropped(e); }, false);
// register handler for successful file upload
if (!rcmail.env.file_dialog_event) {
rcmail.env.file_dialog_event = true;
rcmail.addEventListener('fileuploaded', function(attr) {
var elem;
if (elem = ref.file_browser_entry(, attr.attachment)) {
// @todo: upload progress indicator
// close file browser window
this.file_browser_close = function(url)
var input = $('#' + rcmail.env.file_browser_field);
if (url)
if (rcmail.env.old_file_drop)
rcmail.gui_objects.filedrop = rcmail.env.old_file_drop;
// creates file browser entry
this.file_browser_entry = function(file_id, file)
if (!file.complete || !file.mimetype) {
if (rcmail.file_upload_id) {
rcmail.set_busy(false, null, rcmail.file_upload_id);
var rx, img_src;
switch (rcmail.env.file_browser_type) {
case 'image':
rx = /^image\//i;
case 'media':
rx = /^video\//i;
img_src = rcmail.assets_path('program/resources/tinymce/video.png');
if (rx.test(file.mimetype)) {
var path = rcmail.env.comm_path + '&_from=' + rcmail.env.action,
action = rcmail.env.compose_id ? '&_id=' + rcmail.env.compose_id + '&_action=display-attachment' : '&_action=upload-display',
href = path + action + '&_file=' + file_id,
img = $('<img>').attr({title:, src: img_src ? img_src : href + '&_thumbnail=1'});
return $('<li>').attr({tabindex: 0})
.data('url', href)
.append($('<span class="img">').append(img))
.append($('<span class="name">').text(
.click(function() { ref.file_browser_close($(this).data('url')); })
.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {