'test@domain.tld', 1 => '', 2 => 'Test ', 3 => 'Test Test ', 4 => 'Test Test', 5 => '"Test Test" ', 6 => '"Test Test"', 7 => '"Test \\" Test" ', 8 => '"Test', 9 => '=?ISO-8859-1?B?VGVzdAo=?= ', 10 => '=?ISO-8859-1?B?VGVzdAo=?=', // #1487068 // comments in address (#1487673) 11 => 'Test (comment) ', 12 => '"Test" (comment) ', 13 => '"Test (comment)" (comment) ', 14 => '(comment) ', 15 => 'Test ', 16 => 'Test Test ((comment)) ', 17 => 'test@domain.tld (comment)', 18 => '"Test,Test" ', // 1487939 19 => 'Test <"test test"@domain.tld>', 20 => '<"test test"@domain.tld>', 21 => '"test test"@domain.tld', // invalid (#1489092) 22 => '"John Doe @ SomeBusinessName" ', 23 => '=?UTF-8?B?IlRlc3QsVGVzdCI=?= ', // invalid, but we do our best to parse correctly 24 => '"email@test.com" <>', // valid with redundant quoting (#1490040) 25 => '"user"@"domain.tld"', ); $results = array( 0 => array(1, '', 'test@domain.tld'), 1 => array(1, '', 'test@domain.tld'), 2 => array(1, 'Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 3 => array(1, 'Test Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 4 => array(1, 'Test Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 5 => array(1, 'Test Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 6 => array(1, 'Test Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 7 => array(1, 'Test " Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 8 => array(1, 'Test array(1, 'Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 10 => array(1, 'Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 11 => array(1, 'Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 12 => array(1, 'Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 13 => array(1, 'Test (comment)', 'test@domain.tld'), 14 => array(1, '', 'test@domain.tld'), 15 => array(1, 'Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 16 => array(1, 'Test Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 17 => array(1, '', 'test@domain.tld'), 18 => array(1, 'Test,Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 19 => array(1, 'Test', '"test test"@domain.tld'), 20 => array(1, '', '"test test"@domain.tld'), 21 => array(1, '', '"test test"@domain.tld'), // invalid (#1489092) 22 => array(1, 'John Doe @ SomeBusinessName', 'MAILER-DAEMON'), 23 => array(1, 'Test,Test', 'test@domain.tld'), 24 => array(1, '', 'email@test.com'), 25 => array(1, '', 'user@domain.tld'), ); foreach ($headers as $idx => $header) { $res = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($header); $this->assertEquals($results[$idx][0], count($res), "Rows number in result for header: " . $header); $this->assertEquals($results[$idx][1], $res[1]['name'], "Name part decoding for header: " . $header); $this->assertEquals($results[$idx][2], $res[1]['mailto'], "Email part decoding for header: " . $header); } } /** * Test decoding of header values * Uses rcube_mime::decode_mime_string() */ function test_header_decode_qp() { $test = array( // #1488232: invalid character "?" 'quoted-printable (1)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q?Certifica=C3=A7=C3=A3??=', 'out' => 'Certifica=C3=A7=C3=A3?', ), 'quoted-printable (2)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q?Certifica=?= =?utf-8?Q?C3=A7=C3=A3?=', 'out' => 'Certifica=C3=A7=C3=A3', ), 'quoted-printable (3)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q??= =?utf-8?Q??=', 'out' => '', ), 'quoted-printable (4)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q??= a =?utf-8?Q??=', 'out' => ' a ', ), 'quoted-printable (5)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q?a?= =?utf-8?Q?b?=', 'out' => 'ab', ), 'quoted-printable (6)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q? ?= =?utf-8?Q?a?=', 'out' => ' a', ), 'quoted-printable (7)' => array( 'in' => '=?utf-8?Q?___?= =?utf-8?Q?a?=', 'out' => ' a', ), ); foreach ($test as $idx => $item) { $res = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string($item['in'], 'UTF-8'); $res = quoted_printable_encode($res); $this->assertEquals($item['out'], $res, "Header decoding for: " . $idx); } } /** * Test format=flowed unfolding */ function test_format_flowed() { $raw = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/format-flowed-unfolded.txt'); $flowed = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/format-flowed.txt'); $this->assertEquals($flowed, rcube_mime::format_flowed($raw, 80), "Test correct folding and space-stuffing"); } /** * Test format=flowed unfolding */ function test_unfold_flowed() { $flowed = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/format-flowed.txt'); $unfolded = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/format-flowed-unfolded.txt'); $this->assertEquals($unfolded, rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($flowed), "Test correct unfolding of quoted lines"); } /** * Test format=flowed unfolding (#1490284) */ function test_unfold_flowed2() { $flowed = "> culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\r\n" ."> \r\n" ."Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error \r\nsit voluptatem"; $unfolded = "> culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\r\n" ."> \r\n" ."Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem"; $this->assertEquals($unfolded, rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($flowed), "Test correct unfolding of quoted lines [2]"); } /** * Test format=flowed delsp=yes unfolding (RFC3676) */ function test_unfold_flowed_delsp() { $flowed = "そしてジョバンニはすぐうしろの天気輪の柱が \r\n" ."いつかぼんやりした三角標の形になって、しば \r\n" ."らく蛍のように、ぺかぺか消えたりともったり \r\n" ."しているのを見ました。"; $unfolded = "そしてジョバンニはすぐうしろの天気輪の柱がいつかぼんやりした三角標の形になって、しばらく蛍のように、ぺかぺか消えたりともったりしているのを見ました。"; $this->assertEquals($unfolded, rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($flowed, null, true), "Test correct unfolding of flowed DelSp=Yes lines"); } /** * Test wordwrap() */ function test_wordwrap() { $samples = array( array( array("aaaa aaaa\n aaaa"), "aaaa aaaa\n aaaa", ), array( array("123456789 123456789 123456789 123", 29), "123456789 123456789 123456789\n123", ), array( array("123456789 3456789 123456789", 29), "123456789 3456789 123456789", ), array( array("123456789 123456789 123456789 123", 29), "123456789 123456789 123456789\n 123", ), array( array("abc", 1, "\n", true), "a\nb\nc", ), array( array("ąść", 1, "\n", true, 'UTF-8'), "ą\nś\nć", ), array( array(">abc\n>def", 2, "\n", true), ">abc\n>def", ), array( array("abc def", 3, "-"), "abc-def", ), array( array("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nabc def123456789012345", 76), "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nabc def123456789012345", ), array( array("-------\nabc def", 5), "-------\nabc\ndef", ), array( array("http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx:8080/addressbooks/roundcubexxxxx%40xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/testing/", 70), "http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx:8080/addressbooks/roundcubexxxxx%40xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/testing/", ), array( array("this-is-just-some-blabla-to-make-this-more-than-seventy-five-characters-in-a-row -- this line should be wrapped", 20, "\n"), "this-is-just-some-blabla-to-make-this-more-than-seventy-five-characters-in-a-row\n-- this line should\nbe wrapped", ), ); foreach ($samples as $sample) { $this->assertEquals($sample[1], call_user_func_array(array('rcube_mime', 'wordwrap'), $sample[0]), "Test text wrapping"); } } /** * Test parse_message() */ function test_parse_message() { $file = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../src/html.msg'); $result = rcube_mime::parse_message($file); $this->assertInstanceOf('rcube_message_part', $result); $this->assertSame('multipart/alternative', $result->mimetype); $this->assertSame('1.0', $result->headers['mime-version']); $this->assertSame('=_68eeaf4ab95b5312965e45c33362338e', $result->ctype_parameters['boundary']); $this->assertSame('1', $result->parts[0]->mime_id); $this->assertSame(12, $result->parts[0]->size); $this->assertSame('text/plain', $result->parts[0]->mimetype); $this->assertSame("this is test", $result->parts[0]->body); $this->assertSame('2', $result->parts[1]->mime_id); $this->assertSame(0, $result->parts[1]->size); $this->assertSame('multipart/related', $result->parts[1]->mimetype); $this->assertCount(2, $result->parts[1]->parts); $this->assertSame('2.1', $result->parts[1]->parts[0]->mime_id); $this->assertSame(257, $result->parts[1]->parts[0]->size); $this->assertSame('text/html', $result->parts[1]->parts[0]->mimetype); $this->assertSame('UTF-8', $result->parts[1]->parts[0]->charset); $this->assertRegExp('//', $result->parts[1]->parts[0]->body); $this->assertSame('2.2', $result->parts[1]->parts[1]->mime_id); $this->assertSame(793, $result->parts[1]->parts[1]->size); $this->assertSame('image/jpeg', $result->parts[1]->parts[1]->mimetype); $this->assertSame('base64', $result->parts[1]->parts[1]->encoding); $this->assertSame('inline', $result->parts[1]->parts[1]->disposition); $this->assertSame('photo-mini.jpg', $result->parts[1]->parts[1]->filename); } }