Successfully imported $inserted contacts'; $messages['importconfirmskipped'] = 'Skipped $skipped existing entries'; $messages['importmessagesuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr messages'; $messages['importmessageerror'] = 'Import failed! The uploaded file is not a valid message or mailbox file'; $messages['opnotpermitted'] = 'Operation not permitted!'; $messages['nofromaddress'] = 'Missing email address in selected identity.'; $messages['editorwarning'] = 'Switching editor type may cause text formatting to be lost. Do you wish to continue?'; $messages['httpreceivedencrypterror'] = 'A fatal configuration error occurred. Contact your administrator immediately. Your message can not be sent.'; $messages['smtpconnerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Connection to server failed.'; $messages['smtpautherror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Authentication failed.'; $messages['smtpfromerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to set sender "$from" ($msg).'; $messages['smtptoerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to add recipient "$to" ($msg).'; $messages['smtprecipientserror'] = 'SMTP Error: Unable to parse recipients list.'; $messages['smtputf8error'] = 'SMTP Error: Server does not support Unicode in email address.'; $messages['smtpsizeerror'] = 'SMTP Error: Message size exceeds server limit ($limit)'; $messages['smtperror'] = 'SMTP Error: $msg'; $messages['emailformaterror'] = 'Invalid email address: $email'; $messages['toomanyrecipients'] = 'Too many recipients. Reduce the number of recipients to $max.'; $messages['maxgroupmembersreached'] = 'The number of group members exceeds the maximum of $max.'; $messages['internalerror'] = 'An internal error occurred. Please try again.'; $messages['contactdelerror'] = 'Could not delete contact(s).'; $messages['contactdeleted'] = 'Contact(s) deleted successfully.'; $messages['contactrestoreerror'] = 'Could not restore deleted contact(s).'; $messages['contactrestored'] = 'Contact(s) restored successfully.'; $messages['groupdeleted'] = 'Group deleted successfully.'; $messages['grouprenamed'] = 'Group renamed successfully.'; $messages['groupcreated'] = 'Group created successfully.'; $messages['savedsearchdeleted'] = 'Saved search deleted successfully.'; $messages['savedsearchdeleteerror'] = 'Could not delete saved search.'; $messages['savedsearchcreated'] = 'Saved search created successfully.'; $messages['savedsearchcreateerror'] = 'Could not create saved search.'; $messages['messagedeleted'] = 'Message(s) deleted successfully.'; $messages['messagemoved'] = 'Message(s) moved successfully.'; $messages['messagemovedtotrash'] = 'Message(s) moved to Trash successfully.'; $messages['messagecopied'] = 'Message(s) copied successfully.'; $messages['messagemarked'] = 'Message(s) marked successfully.'; $messages['autocompletechars'] = 'Enter at least $min characters for autocompletion.'; $messages['autocompletemore'] = 'More matching entries found. Please type more characters.'; $messages['namecannotbeempty'] = 'Name cannot be empty.'; $messages['nametoolong'] = 'Name is too long.'; $messages['namedotforbidden'] = 'Folder name cannot start with a dot.'; $messages['folderupdated'] = 'Folder updated successfully.'; $messages['foldercreated'] = 'Folder created successfully.'; $messages['invalidimageformat'] = 'Not a valid image format.'; $messages['mispellingsfound'] = 'Spelling errors detected in the message.'; $messages['parentnotwritable'] = 'Unable to create/move folder into selected parent folder. No access rights.'; $messages['messagetoobig'] = 'The message part is too big to process it.'; $messages['attachmentvalidationerror'] = 'This attachment is suspicious because its type doesn\'t match the type declared in the message. If you do not trust the sender, you shouldn\'t open it in the browser because it may contain malicious contents.

Expected: $expected; found: $detected'; $messages['noscriptwarning'] = 'Warning: This webmail service requires Javascript! In order to use it please enable Javascript in your browser\'s settings.'; $messages['messageissent'] = 'The message was already sent, but not saved yet. Do you want to save it now?'; $messages['errnotfound'] = 'File Not Found'; $messages['errnotfoundexplain'] = 'The requested resource was not found!'; $messages['errfailedrequest'] = 'Failed request'; $messages['errauthorizationfailed'] = 'Authorization Failed'; $messages['errunauthorizedexplain'] = 'Could not verify that you are authorized to access this service!'; $messages['errrequestcheckfailed'] = 'Request Check Failed'; $messages['errcsrfprotectionexplain'] = "For your protection, access to this resource is secured against CSRF.\nIf you see this, you probably didn't log out before leaving the web application.\n\nHuman interaction is now required to continue."; $messages['errcontactserveradmin'] = 'Please contact your server-administrator.'; $messages['clicktoresumesession'] = 'Click here to resume your previous session'; $messages['errcomposesession'] = 'Compose session error'; $messages['errcomposesessionexplain'] = 'Requested compose session not found.'; $messages['clicktocompose'] = 'Click here to compose a new message'; $messages['nosupporterror'] = 'This feature is not supported by your web browser.'; $messages['siginserted'] = 'Signature inserted successfully.'; $messages['responseinserted'] = 'Response inserted successfully.'; $messages['listempty'] = 'The list is empty.'; $messages['listusebutton'] = 'Use the Create button to add a new record.'; $messages['keypaircreatesuccess'] = 'A new key pair has been successfully created for $identity.';