| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ $CONTACTS = rcmail_contact_source(null, true, true); $cid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_cid', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $return_action = empty($cid) ? 'add' : 'edit'; // Source changed, display the form again if (!empty($_GET['_reload'])) { $RCMAIL->overwrite_action($return_action); return; } // cannot edit record if ($CONTACTS->readonly) { $OUTPUT->show_message('contactreadonly', 'error'); $RCMAIL->overwrite_action($return_action); return; } // read POST values into hash array $a_record = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['CONTACT_COLTYPES'] as $col => $colprop) { if ($colprop['composite']) { continue; } $fname = '_'.$col; // gather form data of composite fields if ($colprop['childs']) { $values = array(); foreach ($colprop['childs'] as $childcol => $cp) { $vals = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_'.$childcol, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); foreach ((array)$vals as $i => $val) { $values[$i][$childcol] = $val; } } $subtypes = isset($_REQUEST['_subtype_' . $col]) ? (array)rcube_utils::get_input_value('_subtype_' . $col, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST) : array(''); foreach ($subtypes as $i => $subtype) { $suffix = $subtype ? ':'.$subtype : ''; if ($values[$i]) { $a_record[$col.$suffix][] = $values[$i]; } } } // assign values and subtypes else if (is_array($_POST[$fname])) { $values = rcube_utils::get_input_value($fname, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); $subtypes = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_subtype_' . $col, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); foreach ($values as $i => $val) { if ($col == 'email') { // extract email from full address specification, e.g. "Name" $addr = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($val, 1, false); if (!empty($addr) && ($addr = array_pop($addr)) && $addr['mailto']) { $val = $addr['mailto']; } } $subtype = $subtypes[$i] ? ':'.$subtypes[$i] : ''; $a_record[$col.$subtype][] = $val; } } else if (isset($_POST[$fname])) { $a_record[$col] = rcube_utils::get_input_value($fname, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); // normalize the submitted date strings if ($colprop['type'] == 'date') { if ($a_record[$col] && ($dt = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($a_record[$col]))) { $a_record[$col] = $dt->format('Y-m-d'); } else { unset($a_record[$col]); } } } } // Generate contact's display name (must be before validation) if (empty($a_record['name'])) { $a_record['name'] = rcube_addressbook::compose_display_name($a_record, true); // Reset it if equals to email address (from compose_display_name()) $email = rcube_addressbook::get_col_values('email', $a_record, true); if ($a_record['name'] == $email[0]) { $a_record['name'] = ''; } } // do input checks (delegated to $CONTACTS instance) if (!$CONTACTS->validate($a_record)) { $err = (array)$CONTACTS->get_error(); $OUTPUT->show_message($err['message'] ? rcube::Q($err['message']) : 'formincomplete', 'warning'); $GLOBALS['EDIT_RECORD'] = $a_record; // store submitted data to be used in edit form $RCMAIL->overwrite_action($return_action); return; } // get raw photo data if changed if (isset($a_record['photo'])) { if ($a_record['photo'] == '-del-') { $a_record['photo'] = ''; } else if ($tempfile = $_SESSION['contacts']['files'][$a_record['photo']]) { $tempfile = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('attachment_get', $tempfile); if ($tempfile['status']) $a_record['photo'] = $tempfile['data'] ?: @file_get_contents($tempfile['path']); } else unset($a_record['photo']); // cleanup session data $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('attachments_cleanup', array('group' => 'contact')); $RCMAIL->session->remove('contacts'); } $source = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_source', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC); // update an existing contact if (!empty($cid)) { $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('contact_update', array('id' => $cid, 'record' => $a_record, 'source' => $source)); $a_record = $plugin['record']; if (!$plugin['abort']) $result = $CONTACTS->update($cid, $a_record); else $result = $plugin['result']; if ($result) { // show confirmation $OUTPUT->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation', null, false); // in search mode, just reload the list (#1490015) if ($_REQUEST['_search']) { $OUTPUT->command('parent.command', 'list'); $OUTPUT->send('iframe'); } // LDAP DN change if (is_string($result) && strlen($result)>1) { $newcid = $result; // change cid in POST for 'show' action $_POST['_cid'] = $newcid; } // define list of cols to be displayed $a_js_cols = array(); $record = $CONTACTS->get_record($newcid ?: $cid, true); $record['email'] = reset($CONTACTS->get_col_values('email', $record, true)); $record['name'] = rcube_addressbook::compose_list_name($record); foreach (array('name') as $col) { $a_js_cols[] = rcube::Q((string)$record[$col]); } // performance: unset some big data items we don't need here $record = array_intersect_key($record, array('ID' => 1,'email' => 1,'name' => 1)); $record['_type'] = 'person'; // update the changed col in list $OUTPUT->command('parent.update_contact_row', $cid, $a_js_cols, $newcid, $source, $record); $RCMAIL->overwrite_action('show'); } else { // show error message $err = $CONTACTS->get_error(); $OUTPUT->show_message($plugin['message'] ?: ($err['message'] ?: 'errorsaving'), 'error', null, false); $RCMAIL->overwrite_action('show'); } } // insert a new contact else { // Name of the addressbook already selected on the list $orig_source = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_orig_source', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC); if (!strlen($source)) { $source = $orig_source; } // show notice if existing contacts with same e-mail are found foreach ($CONTACTS->get_col_values('email', $a_record, true) as $email) { if ($email && ($res = $CONTACTS->search('email', $email, 1, false, true)) && $res->count) { $OUTPUT->show_message('contactexists', 'notice', null, false); break; } } $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('contact_create', array( 'record' => $a_record, 'source' => $source)); $a_record = $plugin['record']; // insert record and send response if (!$plugin['abort']) $insert_id = $CONTACTS->insert($a_record); else $insert_id = $plugin['result']; if ($insert_id) { $CONTACTS->reset(); // add new contact to the specified group if ($CONTACTS->groups && $CONTACTS->group_id) { $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('group_addmembers', array( 'group_id' => $CONTACTS->group_id, 'ids' => $insert_id, 'source' => $source)); if (!$plugin['abort']) { if (($maxnum = $RCMAIL->config->get('max_group_members', 0)) && ($CONTACTS->count()->count + 1 > $maxnum)) { // @FIXME: should we remove the contact? $msgtext = $RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => 'maxgroupmembersreached', 'vars' => array('max' => $maxnum))); $OUTPUT->command('parent.display_message', $msgtext, 'warning'); } else { $CONTACTS->add_to_group($plugin['group_id'], $plugin['ids']); } } } // show confirmation $OUTPUT->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation', null, false); $OUTPUT->command('parent.set_rowcount', $RCMAIL->gettext('loading')); $OUTPUT->command('parent.list_contacts'); $OUTPUT->send('iframe'); } else { // show error message $err = $CONTACTS->get_error(); $OUTPUT->show_message($plugin['message'] ?: ($err['message'] ?: 'errorsaving'), 'error', null, false); $RCMAIL->overwrite_action('add'); } }