| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ require_once('include/rcube_smtp.inc'); $EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN = '([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})'; // actions that do not require imap connection $NOIMAP_ACTIONS = array('spell', 'addcontact', 'autocomplete', 'upload', 'display-attachment', 'remove-attachment'); // log in to imap server if (!in_array($RCMAIL->action, $NOIMAP_ACTIONS) && !$RCMAIL->imap_connect()) { $RCMAIL->kill_session(); if ($OUTPUT->ajax_call) $OUTPUT->redirect(array(), 2000); $OUTPUT->set_env('task', 'login'); $OUTPUT->send('login'); } // set imap properties and session vars if ($mbox = get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)) $IMAP->set_mailbox(($_SESSION['mbox'] = $mbox)); else $_SESSION['mbox'] = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name(); if (!empty($_GET['_page'])) $IMAP->set_page(($_SESSION['page'] = intval($_GET['_page']))); // set default sort col/order to session if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_col'])) $_SESSION['sort_col'] = $CONFIG['message_sort_col']; if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_order'])) $_SESSION['sort_order'] = $CONFIG['message_sort_order']; // set message set for search result if (!empty($_REQUEST['_search']) && isset($_SESSION['search'][$_REQUEST['_search']])) { $IMAP->set_search_set($_SESSION['search'][$_REQUEST['_search']]); $OUTPUT->set_env('search_request', $_REQUEST['_search']); $OUTPUT->set_env('search_text', $_SESSION['last_text_search']); } // set main env variables, labels and page title if (empty($RCMAIL->action) || $RCMAIL->action == 'list') { $mbox_name = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name(); if (empty($RCMAIL->action)) { // initialize searching result if search_filter is used if ($_SESSION['search_filter'] && $_SESSION['search_filter'] != 'ALL') { $search_request = md5($mbox_name.$_SESSION['search_filter']); $IMAP->search($mbox_name, $_SESSION['search_filter'], RCMAIL_CHARSET, $_SESSION['sort_col']); $_SESSION['search'][$search_request] = $IMAP->get_search_set(); $OUTPUT->set_env('search_request', $search_request); } // make sure the message count is refreshed (for default view) $IMAP->messagecount($mbox_name, 'ALL', true); } // set current mailbox in client environment $OUTPUT->set_env('mailbox', $mbox_name); $OUTPUT->set_env('quota', $IMAP->get_capability('quota')); $OUTPUT->set_env('delimiter', $IMAP->get_hierarchy_delimiter()); if ($CONFIG['trash_mbox']) $OUTPUT->set_env('trash_mailbox', $CONFIG['trash_mbox']); if ($CONFIG['drafts_mbox']) $OUTPUT->set_env('drafts_mailbox', $CONFIG['drafts_mbox']); if ($CONFIG['junk_mbox']) $OUTPUT->set_env('junk_mailbox', $CONFIG['junk_mbox']); if (!$OUTPUT->ajax_call) $OUTPUT->add_label('checkingmail', 'deletemessage', 'movemessagetotrash', 'movingmessage'); $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle(rcmail_localize_foldername($mbox_name)); } /** * return the message list as HTML table */ function rcmail_message_list($attrib) { global $IMAP, $CONFIG, $COMM_PATH, $OUTPUT; $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path']; $image_tag = '%s'; // check to see if we have some settings for sorting $sort_col = $_SESSION['sort_col']; $sort_order = $_SESSION['sort_order']; // add some labels to client $OUTPUT->add_label('from', 'to'); // get message headers $a_headers = $IMAP->list_headers('', '', $sort_col, $sort_order); // add id to message list table if not specified if (!strlen($attrib['id'])) $attrib['id'] = 'rcubemessagelist'; // allow the following attributes to be added to the tag $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary')); $out = '\n"; // define list of cols to be displayed based on parameter or config if (empty($attrib['columns'])) $a_show_cols = is_array($CONFIG['list_cols']) ? $CONFIG['list_cols'] : array('subject'); else $a_show_cols = preg_split('/[\s,;]+/', strip_quotes($attrib['columns'])); // store column list in a session-variable $_SESSION['list_columns'] = $a_show_cols; // define sortable columns $a_sort_cols = array('subject', 'date', 'from', 'to', 'size'); $mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name(); // show 'to' instead of from in sent messages if (($mbox==$CONFIG['sent_mbox'] || $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox']) && ($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols)) && !array_search('to', $a_show_cols)) $a_show_cols[$f] = 'to'; // add col definition $out .= ''; $out .= ''; foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) $out .= ($col!='attachment') ? sprintf('', $col) : ''; $out .= "\n"; // add table title $out .= "\n\n"; $javascript = ''; foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) { // get column name switch ($col) { case 'flag': $col_name = sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attrib['unflaggedicon'], ''); break; case 'attachment': $col_name = sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attrib['attachmenticon'], ''); break; default: $col_name = Q(rcube_label($col)); } // make sort links $sort = ''; if (in_array($col, $a_sort_cols)) { // have buttons configured if (!empty($attrib['sortdescbutton']) || !empty($attrib['sortascbutton'])) { $sort = '  '; // asc link if (!empty($attrib['sortascbutton'])) { $sort .= $OUTPUT->button(array( 'command' => 'sort', 'prop' => $col.'_ASC', 'image' => $attrib['sortascbutton'], 'align' => 'absmiddle', 'title' => 'sortasc')); } // desc link if (!empty($attrib['sortdescbutton'])) { $sort .= $OUTPUT->button(array( 'command' => 'sort', 'prop' => $col.'_DESC', 'image' => $attrib['sortdescbutton'], 'align' => 'absmiddle', 'title' => 'sortdesc')); } } // just add a link tag to the header else { $col_name = sprintf( '%s', JS_OBJECT_NAME, $col, rcube_label('sortby'), $col_name); } } $sort_class = $col==$sort_col ? " sorted$sort_order" : ''; // put it all together if ($col!='attachment') $out .= '\n"; else $out .= '\n"; } $out .= "\n\n"; // no messages in this mailbox if (!sizeof($a_headers)) $OUTPUT->show_message('nomessagesfound', 'notice'); $a_js_message_arr = array(); // create row for each message foreach ($a_headers as $i => $header) //while (list($i, $header) = each($a_headers)) { $message_icon = $attach_icon = $flagged_icon = ''; $js_row_arr = array(); $zebra_class = $i%2 ? ' even' : ' odd'; // set messag attributes to javascript array if ($header->deleted) $js_row_arr['deleted'] = true; if (!$header->seen) $js_row_arr['unread'] = true; if ($header->answered) $js_row_arr['replied'] = true; if ($header->forwarded) $js_row_arr['forwarded'] = true; if ($header->flagged) $js_row_arr['flagged'] = true; // set message icon if ($attrib['deletedicon'] && $header->deleted) $message_icon = $attrib['deletedicon']; else if ($attrib['repliedicon'] && $header->answered) { if ($attrib['forwardedrepliedicon'] && $header->forwarded) $message_icon = $attrib['forwardedrepliedicon']; else $message_icon = $attrib['repliedicon']; } else if ($attrib['forwardedicon'] && $header->forwarded) $message_icon = $attrib['forwardedicon']; else if ($attrib['unreadicon'] && !$header->seen) $message_icon = $attrib['unreadicon']; else if ($attrib['messageicon']) $message_icon = $attrib['messageicon']; if ($attrib['flaggedicon'] && $header->flagged) $flagged_icon = $attrib['flaggedicon']; else if ($attrib['unflaggedicon'] && !$header->flagged) $flagged_icon = $attrib['unflaggedicon']; // set attachment icon if ($attrib['attachmenticon'] && preg_match("/multipart\/m/i", $header->ctype)) $attach_icon = $attrib['attachmenticon']; $out .= sprintf(''."\n", $header->uid, $header->seen ? '' : ' unread', $header->deleted ? ' deleted' : '', $header->flagged ? ' flagged' : '', $zebra_class); $out .= sprintf("\n", $message_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $message_icon, '') : ''); $IMAP->set_charset(!empty($header->charset) ? $header->charset : $CONFIG['default_charset']); // format each col foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) { if ($col=='from' || $col=='to') $cont = Q(rcmail_address_string($header->$col, 3, false, $attrib['addicon']), 'show'); else if ($col=='subject') { $action = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? 'compose' : 'show'; $uid_param = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid'; $cont = abbreviate_string(trim($IMAP->decode_header($header->$col)), 160); if (empty($cont)) $cont = rcube_label('nosubject'); $cont = sprintf('%s', Q(rcmail_url($action, array($uid_param=>$header->uid, '_mbox'=>$mbox))), Q($cont)); } else if ($col=='flag') $cont = $flagged_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $flagged_icon, '') : ''; else if ($col=='size') $cont = show_bytes($header->$col); else if ($col=='date') $cont = format_date($header->date); else $cont = Q($header->$col); if ($col!='attachment') $out .= '\n"; else $out .= sprintf("\n", $attach_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attach_icon, '') : ' '); } $out .= "\n"; if (sizeof($js_row_arr)) $a_js_message_arr[$header->uid] = $js_row_arr; } // complete message table $out .= "
 ' . "$col_name$sort' . "$col_name$sort
%s' . $cont . "%s
\n"; $message_count = $IMAP->messagecount(); // set client env $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('mailcontframe', 'mailcontframe'); $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('messagelist', $attrib['id']); $OUTPUT->set_env('messagecount', $message_count); $OUTPUT->set_env('current_page', $IMAP->list_page); $OUTPUT->set_env('pagecount', ceil($message_count/$IMAP->page_size)); $OUTPUT->set_env('sort_col', $sort_col); $OUTPUT->set_env('sort_order', $sort_order); if ($attrib['messageicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('messageicon', $skin_path . $attrib['messageicon']); if ($attrib['deletedicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('deletedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['deletedicon']); if ($attrib['unreadicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('unreadicon', $skin_path . $attrib['unreadicon']); if ($attrib['repliedicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('repliedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['repliedicon']); if ($attrib['forwardedicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('forwardedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['forwardedicon']); if ($attrib['forwardedrepliedicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('forwardedrepliedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['forwardedrepliedicon']); if ($attrib['attachmenticon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('attachmenticon', $skin_path . $attrib['attachmenticon']); if ($attrib['flaggedicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('flaggedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['flaggedicon']); if ($attrib['unflaggedicon']) $OUTPUT->set_env('unflaggedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['unflaggedicon']); $OUTPUT->set_env('messages', $a_js_message_arr); $OUTPUT->set_env('coltypes', $a_show_cols); $OUTPUT->include_script('list.js'); return $out; } /** * return javascript commands to add rows to the message list */ function rcmail_js_message_list($a_headers, $insert_top=FALSE) { global $CONFIG, $IMAP, $OUTPUT; if (empty($_SESSION['list_columns'])) $a_show_cols = is_array($CONFIG['list_cols']) ? $CONFIG['list_cols'] : array('subject'); else $a_show_cols = $_SESSION['list_columns']; $mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name(); // show 'to' instead of from in sent messages if (($mbox == $CONFIG['sent_mbox'] || $mbox == $CONFIG['drafts_mbox']) && (($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols)) !== false) && array_search('to', $a_show_cols) === false) $a_show_cols[$f] = 'to'; $browser = new rcube_browser; $OUTPUT->command('set_message_coltypes', $a_show_cols); if ($browser->ie) $OUTPUT->command('offline_message_list', true); // loop through message headers foreach ($a_headers as $n => $header) { $a_msg_cols = array(); $a_msg_flags = array(); if (empty($header)) continue; $IMAP->set_charset(!empty($header->charset) ? $header->charset : $CONFIG['default_charset']); // remove 'attachment' and 'flag' columns, we don't need them here if(($key = array_search('attachment', $a_show_cols)) !== FALSE) unset($a_show_cols[$key]); if(($key = array_search('flag', $a_show_cols)) !== FALSE) unset($a_show_cols[$key]); // format each col; similar as in rcmail_message_list() foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) { if ($col=='from' || $col=='to') $cont = Q(rcmail_address_string($header->$col, 3), 'show'); else if ($col=='subject') { $action = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? 'compose' : 'show'; $uid_param = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid'; $cont = abbreviate_string(trim($IMAP->decode_header($header->$col)), 160); if (!$cont) $cont = rcube_label('nosubject'); $cont = sprintf('%s', Q(rcmail_url($action, array($uid_param=>$header->uid, '_mbox'=>$mbox))), Q($cont)); } else if ($col=='size') $cont = show_bytes($header->$col); else if ($col=='date') $cont = format_date($header->date); else $cont = Q($header->$col); $a_msg_cols[$col] = $cont; } if ($header->deleted) $a_msg_flags['deleted'] = 1; if (!$header->seen) $a_msg_flags['unread'] = 1; if ($header->answered) $a_msg_flags['replied'] = 1; if ($header->forwarded) $a_msg_flags['forwarded'] = 1; if ($header->flagged) $a_msg_flags['flagged'] = 1; $OUTPUT->command('add_message_row', $header->uid, $a_msg_cols, $a_msg_flags, preg_match("/multipart\/m/i", $header->ctype), $insert_top); } if ($browser->ie) $OUTPUT->command('offline_message_list', false); } /** * return an HTML iframe for loading mail content */ function rcmail_messagecontent_frame($attrib) { global $OUTPUT; if (empty($attrib['id'])) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmailcontentwindow'; $attrib['name'] = $attrib['id']; $OUTPUT->set_env('contentframe', $attrib['id']); $OUTPUT->set_env('blankpage', $attrib['src'] ? $OUTPUT->abs_url($attrib['src']) : 'program/blank.gif'); return html::iframe($attrib); } /** * */ function rcmail_messagecount_display($attrib) { global $IMAP, $OUTPUT; if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmcountdisplay'; $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('countdisplay', $attrib['id']); return html::span($attrib, rcmail_get_messagecount_text()); } /** * */ function rcmail_quota_display($attrib) { global $OUTPUT, $COMM_PATH; if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmquotadisplay'; if(isset($attrib['display'])) $_SESSION['quota_display'] = $attrib['display']; $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']); return html::span($attrib, rcmail_quota_content(NULL, $attrib)); } /** * */ function rcmail_quota_content($quota=NULL, $attrib=NULL) { global $IMAP, $COMM_PATH, $RCMAIL; $display = isset($_SESSION['quota_display']) ? $_SESSION['quota_display'] : ''; if (is_array($quota) && !empty($quota['used']) && !empty($quota['total'])) { if (!isset($quota['percent'])) $quota['percent'] = $quota['used'] / $quota['total']; } elseif (!$IMAP->get_capability('QUOTA')) return rcube_label('unknown'); else $quota = $IMAP->get_quota(); if ($quota && !($quota['total']==0 && $RCMAIL->config->get('quota_zero_as_unlimited'))) { $quota_text = sprintf('%s / %s (%.0f%%)', show_bytes($quota['used'] * 1024), show_bytes($quota['total'] * 1024), $quota['percent']); // show quota as image (by Brett Patterson) if ($display == 'image' && function_exists('imagegif')) { if (!$attrib['width']) $attrib['width'] = isset($_SESSION['quota_width']) ? $_SESSION['quota_width'] : 100; else $_SESSION['quota_width'] = $attrib['width']; if (!$attrib['height']) $attrib['height'] = isset($_SESSION['quota_height']) ? $_SESSION['quota_height'] : 14; else $_SESSION['quota_height'] = $attrib['height']; $quota_text = sprintf('%s', $quota['used'], $quota['total'], $attrib['width'], $attrib['height'], $attrib['width'], $attrib['height'], $quota_text, show_bytes($quota['used'] * 1024), show_bytes($quota['total'] * 1024)); } } else $quota_text = rcube_label('unlimited'); return $quota_text; } /** * */ function rcmail_get_messagecount_text($count=NULL, $page=NULL) { global $IMAP, $MESSAGE; if (isset($MESSAGE->index)) { return rcube_label(array('name' => 'messagenrof', 'vars' => array('nr' => $MESSAGE->index+1, 'count' => $count!==NULL ? $count : $IMAP->messagecount()))); } if ($page===NULL) $page = $IMAP->list_page; $start_msg = ($page-1) * $IMAP->page_size + 1; $max = $count!==NULL ? $count : $IMAP->messagecount(); if ($max==0) $out = rcube_label('mailboxempty'); else $out = rcube_label(array('name' => 'messagesfromto', 'vars' => array('from' => $start_msg, 'to' => min($max, $start_msg + $IMAP->page_size - 1), 'count' => $max))); return Q($out); } /** * */ function rcmail_mailbox_name_display($attrib) { global $RCMAIL; if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmmailboxname'; $RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('mailboxname', $attrib['id']); return html::span($attrib, rcmail_get_mailbox_name_text()); } function rcmail_get_mailbox_name_text() { global $RCMAIL; return rcmail_localize_foldername($RCMAIL->imap->get_mailbox_name()); } /** * Sets message is_safe flag according to 'show_images' option value * * @param object rcube_message Message */ function rcmail_check_safe(&$message) { global $RCMAIL; $show_images = $RCMAIL->config->get('show_images'); if (!$message->is_safe && !empty($show_images) && $message->has_html_part()) { switch($show_images) { case '1': // known senders only $CONTACTS = new rcube_contacts($RCMAIL->db, $_SESSION['user_id']); if ($CONTACTS->search('email', $message->sender['mailto'], true, false)->count) { $message->set_safe(true); } break; case '2': // always $message->set_safe(true); break; } } } /** * Cleans up the given message HTML Body (for displaying) * * @param string HTML * @param array Display parameters * @param array CID map replaces (inline images) * @return string Clean HTML */ function rcmail_wash_html($html, $p = array(), $cid_replaces) { global $REMOTE_OBJECTS; $p += array('safe' => false, 'inline_html' => true); // special replacements (not properly handled by washtml class) $html_search = array( '/(<\/nobr>)(\s+)()/i', // space(s) between '/(<[\/]*st1:[^>]+>)/i', // Microsoft's Smart Tags '/<\/?rte_text>/i', // Rich Text Editor tags (#1485647) '/.*<\/title>/i', // PHP bug #32547 workaround: remove title tag '/<html[^>]*>/im', // malformed html: remove html tags (#1485139) '/<\/html>/i', // malformed html: remove html tags (#1485139) '/^(\0\0\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\0\0|\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE|\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', // byte-order mark (only outlook?) ); $html_replace = array( '\\1'.'   '.'\\3', '', '', '', '', '', '', ); $html = preg_replace($html_search, $html_replace, $html); // charset was converted to UTF-8 in rcube_imap::get_message_part() -> change charset specification in HTML accordingly $charset_pattern = '/(\s+content=[\'"]?\w+\/\w+;\s*charset)=([a-z0-9-_]+)/i'; if (preg_match($charset_pattern, $html)) { $html = preg_replace($charset_pattern, '\\1='.RCMAIL_CHARSET, $html); } else { // add head for malformed messages, washtml cannot work without that if (!preg_match('/<head[^>]*>(.*)<\/head>/Uims', $html)) $html = '<head></head>'. $html; $html = substr_replace($html, '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset='.RCMAIL_CHARSET.'" />', intval(stripos($html, '<head>')+6), 0); } // turn relative into absolute urls $html = rcmail_resolve_base($html); // clean HTML with washhtml by Frederic Motte $wash_opts = array( 'show_washed' => false, 'allow_remote' => $p['safe'], 'blocked_src' => "./program/blocked.gif", 'charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET, 'cid_map' => $cid_replaces, 'html_elements' => array('body'), ); if (!$p['inline_html']) { $wash_opts['html_elements'] = array('html','head','title','body'); } if ($p['safe']) { $wash_opts['html_elements'][] = 'link'; $wash_opts['html_attribs'] = array('rel','type'); } $washer = new washtml($wash_opts); $washer->add_callback('form', 'rcmail_washtml_callback'); if ($p['safe']) { // allow CSS styles, will be sanitized by rcmail_washtml_callback() $washer->add_callback('style', 'rcmail_washtml_callback'); } $html = $washer->wash($html); $REMOTE_OBJECTS = $washer->extlinks; return $html; } /** * Convert the given message part to proper HTML * which can be displayed the message view * * @param object rcube_message_part Message part * @param array Display parameters array * @return string Formatted HTML string */ function rcmail_print_body($part, $p = array()) { global $RCMAIL; // trigger plugin hook $data = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_part_before', array('type' => $part->ctype_secondary, 'body' => $part->body) + $p + array('safe' => false, 'plain' => false, 'inline_html' => true)); // convert html to text/plain if ($data['type'] == 'html' && $data['plain']) { $txt = new html2text($data['body'], false, true); $body = $txt->get_text(); $part->ctype_secondary = 'plain'; } // text/html else if ($data['type'] == 'html') { $body = rcmail_wash_html($data['body'], $data, $part->replaces); $part->ctype_secondary = $data['type']; } // text/enriched else if ($data['type'] == 'enriched') { $part->ctype_secondary = 'html'; require_once('lib/enriched.inc'); $body = Q(enriched_to_html($data['body']), 'show'); } else { // assert plaintext $body = $part->body; $part->ctype_secondary = $data['type'] = 'plain'; } // free some memory (hopefully) unset($data['body']); // plaintext postprocessing if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'plain') { // make links and email-addresses clickable $replacements = new rcube_string_replacer; $url_chars = 'a-z0-9_\-\+\*\$\/&%=@#:;'; $url_chars_within = '\?\.~,!'; // search for patterns like links and e-mail addresses $body = preg_replace_callback("/([\w]+):\/\/([a-z0-9\-\.]+[a-z]{2,4}([$url_chars$url_chars_within]*[$url_chars])?)/i", array($replacements, 'link_callback'), $body); $body = preg_replace_callback("/([^\/:]|\s)(www\.)([a-z0-9\-]{2,}[a-z]{2,4}([$url_chars$url_chars_within]*[$url_chars])?)/i", array($replacements, 'link_callback'), $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})/i', array($replacements, 'mailto_callback'), $body); // split body into single lines $a_lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $body); $quote_level = 0; // colorize quoted parts for ($n=0; $n < count($a_lines); $n++) { $line = $a_lines[$n]; $quotation = ''; $q = 0; if (preg_match('/^(>+\s*)+/', $line, $regs)) { $q = strlen(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $regs[0])); $line = substr($line, strlen($regs[0])); if ($q > $quote_level) $quotation = str_repeat('<blockquote>', $q - $quote_level); else if ($q < $quote_level) $quotation = str_repeat("</blockquote>", $quote_level - $q); } else if ($quote_level > 0) $quotation = str_repeat("</blockquote>", $quote_level); $quote_level = $q; $a_lines[$n] = $quotation . Q($line, 'replace', false); // htmlquote plaintext } // insert the links for urls and mailtos $body = $replacements->resolve(join("\n", $a_lines)); } // allow post-processing of the message body $data = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_part_after', array('type' => $part->ctype_secondary, 'body' => $body) + $data); return $data['type'] == 'html' ? $data['body'] : html::tag('pre', array(), $data['body']); } /** * add a string to the replacement array and return a replacement string */ function rcmail_str_replacement($str, &$rep) { static $count = 0; $rep[$count] = stripslashes($str); return "##string_replacement{".($count++)."}##"; } /** * Callback function for washtml cleaning class */ function rcmail_washtml_callback($tagname, $attrib, $content) { switch ($tagname) { case 'form': $out = html::div('form', $content); break; case 'style': // decode all escaped entities and reduce to ascii strings $stripped = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\(:]/', '', rcmail_xss_entitiy_decode($content)); // now check for evil strings like expression, behavior or url() if (!preg_match('/expression|behavior|url\(|import/', $stripped)) { $out = html::tag('style', array('type' => 'text/css'), $content); break; } default: $out = ''; } return $out; } /** * return table with message headers */ function rcmail_message_headers($attrib, $headers=NULL) { global $IMAP, $OUTPUT, $MESSAGE, $PRINT_MODE, $RCMAIL; static $sa_attrib; // keep header table attrib if (is_array($attrib) && !$sa_attrib) $sa_attrib = $attrib; else if (!is_array($attrib) && is_array($sa_attrib)) $attrib = $sa_attrib; if (!isset($MESSAGE)) return FALSE; // get associative array of headers object if (!$headers) $headers = is_object($MESSAGE->headers) ? get_object_vars($MESSAGE->headers) : $MESSAGE->headers; // show these headers $standard_headers = array('subject', 'from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'date'); $output_headers = array(); foreach ($standard_headers as $hkey) { if (!$headers[$hkey]) continue; if ($hkey == 'date') { if ($PRINT_MODE) $header_value = format_date($headers[$hkey], $RCMAIL->config->get('date_long', 'x')); else $header_value = format_date($headers[$hkey]); } else if ($hkey == 'replyto') { if ($headers['replyto'] != $headers['from']) $header_value = rcmail_address_string($headers['replyto'], null, true, $attrib['addicon']); else continue; } else if (in_array($hkey, array('from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'))) $header_value = rcmail_address_string($headers[$hkey], null, true, $attrib['addicon']); else if ($hkey == 'subject' && empty($headers[$hkey])) $header_value = rcube_label('nosubject'); else $header_value = trim($IMAP->decode_header($headers[$hkey])); $output_headers[$hkey] = array('title' => rcube_label($hkey), 'value' => $header_value, 'raw' => $headers[$hkey]); } $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_headers_output', array('output' => $output_headers, 'headers' => $MESSAGE->headers)); // compose html table $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2)); foreach ($plugin['output'] as $hkey => $row) { $table->add(array('class' => 'header-title'), Q($row['title'])); $table->add(array('class' => $hkey, 'width' => "90%"), Q($row['value'], ($hkey == 'subject' ? 'strict' : 'show'))); } // all headers division $table->add(array('colspan' => 2, 'class' => "more-headers show-headers", 'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('load-headers','',this)"), ''); $table->add_row(array('id' => "all-headers")); $table->add(array('colspan' => 2, 'class' => "all"), html::div(array('id' => 'headers-source'), '')); $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('all_headers_row', 'all-headers'); $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('all_headers_box', 'headers-source'); return $table->show($attrib); } /** * Handler for the 'messagebody' GUI object * * @param array Named parameters * @return string HTML content showing the message body */ function rcmail_message_body($attrib) { global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $MESSAGE, $IMAP, $REMOTE_OBJECTS; if (!is_array($MESSAGE->parts) && empty($MESSAGE->body)) return ''; if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmailMsgBody'; $safe_mode = $MESSAGE->is_safe || intval($_GET['_safe']); $out = ''; $header_attrib = array(); foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value) if (preg_match('/^headertable([a-z]+)$/i', $attr, $regs)) $header_attrib[$regs[1]] = $value; if (!empty($MESSAGE->parts)) { foreach ($MESSAGE->parts as $i => $part) { if ($part->type == 'headers') $out .= rcmail_message_headers(sizeof($header_attrib) ? $header_attrib : NULL, $part->headers); else if ($part->type == 'content') { if (empty($part->ctype_parameters) || empty($part->ctype_parameters['charset'])) $part->ctype_parameters['charset'] = $MESSAGE->headers->charset; // fetch part if not available if (!isset($part->body)) $part->body = $MESSAGE->get_part_content($part->mime_id); $body = rcmail_print_body($part, array('safe' => $safe_mode, 'plain' => !$CONFIG['prefer_html'])); if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'html') $out .= html::div('message-htmlpart', rcmail_html4inline($body, $attrib['id'])); else $out .= html::div('message-part', $body); } } } else $out .= html::div('message-part', html::tag('pre', array(), Q($MESSAGE->body))); $ctype_primary = strtolower($MESSAGE->structure->ctype_primary); $ctype_secondary = strtolower($MESSAGE->structure->ctype_secondary); // list images after mail body if ($CONFIG['inline_images'] && $ctype_primary == 'multipart' && !empty($MESSAGE->attachments) && !strstr($message_body, '<html')) { foreach ($MESSAGE->attachments as $attach_prop) { if (strpos($attach_prop->mimetype, 'image/') === 0) { $out .= html::tag('hr') . html::p(array('align' => "center"), html::img(array( 'src' => $MESSAGE->get_part_url($attach_prop->mime_id), 'title' => $attach_prop->filename, 'alt' => $attach_prop->filename, ))); } } } // tell client that there are blocked remote objects if ($REMOTE_OBJECTS && !$safe_mode) $OUTPUT->set_env('blockedobjects', true); return html::div($attrib, $out); } /** * Convert all relative URLs according to a <base> in HTML */ function rcmail_resolve_base($body) { // check for <base href=...> if (preg_match('!(<base.*href=["\']?)([hftps]{3,5}://[a-z0-9/.%-]+)!i', $body, $regs)) { $replacer = new rcube_base_replacer($regs[2]); // replace all relative paths $body = preg_replace_callback('/(src|background|href)=(["\']?)([\.\/]+[^"\'\s]+)(\2|\s|>)/Ui', array($replacer, 'callback'), $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/(url\s*\()(["\']?)([\.\/]+[^"\'\)\s]+)(\2)\)/Ui', array($replacer, 'callback'), $body); } return $body; } /** * modify a HTML message that it can be displayed inside a HTML page */ function rcmail_html4inline($body, $container_id) { $last_style_pos = 0; $body_lc = strtolower($body); // find STYLE tags while (($pos = strpos($body_lc, '<style', $last_style_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($body_lc, '</style>', $pos))) { $pos = strpos($body_lc, '>', $pos)+1; // replace all css definitions with #container [def] $styles = rcmail_mod_css_styles(substr($body, $pos, $pos2-$pos), $container_id); $body = substr($body, 0, $pos) . $styles . substr($body, $pos2); $body_lc = strtolower($body); $last_style_pos = $pos2; } // modify HTML links to open a new window if clicked $GLOBALS['rcmail_html_container_id'] = $container_id; $body = preg_replace_callback('/<(a|link)\s+([^>]+)>/Ui', 'rcmail_alter_html_link', $body); unset($GLOBALS['rcmail_html_container_id']); // add comments arround html and other tags $out = preg_replace(array( '/(<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>)/i', '/(<\?xml[^>]*>)/i', '/(<\/?html[^>]*>)/i', '/(<\/?head[^>]*>)/i', '/(<title[^>]*>.*<\/title>)/Ui', '/(<\/?meta[^>]*>)/i'), '<!--\\1-->', $body); $out = preg_replace( array('/<body([^>]*)>/i', '/<\/body>/i'), array('<div class="rcmBody"\\1>', '</div>'), $out); // quote <? of php and xml files that are specified as text/html $out = preg_replace(array('/<\?/', '/\?>/'), array('<?', '?>'), $out); return $out; } /** * parse link attributes and set correct target */ function rcmail_alter_html_link($matches) { global $EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN; $tag = $matches[1]; $attrib = parse_attrib_string($matches[2]); $end = '>'; if ($tag == 'link' && preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i', $attrib['href'])) { $attrib['href'] = "./bin/modcss.php?u=" . urlencode($attrib['href']) . "&c=" . urlencode($GLOBALS['rcmail_html_container_id']); $end = ' />'; } else if (preg_match("/^mailto:$EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN/i", $attrib['href'], $mailto)) { $attrib['href'] = $mailto[0]; $attrib['onclick'] = sprintf( "return %s.command('compose','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, JQ($mailto[1])); } else if (!empty($attrib['href']) && $attrib['href'][0] != '#') { $attrib['target'] = '_blank'; } return "<$tag" . html::attrib_string($attrib, array('href','name','target','onclick','id','class','style','title','rel','type','media')) . $end; } /** * decode address string and re-format it as HTML links */ function rcmail_address_string($input, $max=null, $linked=false, $addicon=null) { global $IMAP, $PRINT_MODE, $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN; $a_parts = $IMAP->decode_address_list($input); if (!sizeof($a_parts)) return $input; $c = count($a_parts); $j = 0; $out = ''; foreach ($a_parts as $part) { $j++; if ($PRINT_MODE) { $out .= sprintf('%s <%s>', Q($part['name']), $part['mailto']); } else if (preg_match("/$EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN/i", $part['mailto'])) { if ($linked) { $out .= html::a(array( 'href' => 'mailto:'.$part['mailto'], 'onclick' => sprintf("return %s.command('compose','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, JQ($part['mailto'])), 'title' => $part['mailto'], 'class' => "rcmContactAddress", ), Q($part['name'])); } else { $out .= html::span(array('title' => $part['mailto'], 'class' => "rcmContactAddress"), Q($part['name'])); } if ($addicon) { $out .= ' ' . html::a(array( 'href' => "#add", 'onclick' => sprintf("return %s.command('add-contact','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, urlencode($part['string'])), 'title' => rcube_label('addtoaddressbook'), ), html::img(array( 'src' => $CONFIG['skin_path'] . $addicon, 'alt' => "Add contact", ))); } } else { if ($part['name']) $out .= Q($part['name']); if ($part['mailto']) $out .= (strlen($out) ? ' ' : '') . sprintf('<%s>', Q($part['mailto'])); } if ($c>$j) $out .= ','.($max ? ' ' : ' '); if ($max && $j==$max && $c>$j) { $out .= '...'; break; } } return $out; } /** * Wrap text to a given number of characters per line * but respect the mail quotation of replies messages (>) * * @param string Text to wrap * @param int The line width * @return string The wrapped text */ function rcmail_wrap_quoted($text, $max = 76) { // Rebuild the message body with a maximum of $max chars, while keeping quoted message. $lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', trim($text)); $out = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strlen($line) > $max) { if (preg_match('/^([>\s]+)/', $line, $regs)) { $length = strlen($regs[0]); $prefix = substr($line, 0, $length); // Remove '> ' from the line, then wordwrap() the line $line = rc_wordwrap(substr($line, $length), $max - $length); // Rebuild the line with '> ' at the beginning of each 'subline' $newline = ''; foreach (explode("\n", $line) as $l) { $newline .= $prefix . $l . "\n"; } // Remove the righest newline char $line = rtrim($newline); } else { $line = rc_wordwrap($line, $max); } } // Append the line $out .= $line . "\n"; } return $out; } function rcmail_message_part_controls() { global $MESSAGE; $part = asciiwords(get_input_value('_part', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)); if (!is_object($MESSAGE) || !is_array($MESSAGE->parts) || !($_GET['_uid'] && $_GET['_part']) || !$MESSAGE->mime_parts[$part]) return ''; $part = $MESSAGE->mime_parts[$part]; $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 3)); if (!empty($part->filename)) { $table->add('title', Q(rcube_label('filename'))); $table->add(null, Q($part->filename)); $table->add(null, '[' . html::a('?'.str_replace('_frame=', '_download=', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), Q(rcube_label('download'))) . ']'); } if (!empty($part->size)) { $table->add('title', Q(rcube_label('filesize'))); $table->add(null, Q(show_bytes($part->size))); } return $table->show($attrib); } function rcmail_message_part_frame($attrib) { global $MESSAGE; $part = $MESSAGE->mime_parts[asciiwords(get_input_value('_part', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC))]; $ctype_primary = strtolower($part->ctype_primary); $attrib['src'] = './?' . str_replace('_frame=', ($ctype_primary=='text' ? '_show=' : '_preload='), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); return html::iframe($attrib); } /** * clear message composing settings */ function rcmail_compose_cleanup() { if (!isset($_SESSION['compose'])) return; rcmail::get_instance()->plugins->exec_hook('cleanup_attachments',array()); unset($_SESSION['compose']); } /** * Send the given message compose object using the configured method */ function rcmail_deliver_message(&$message, $from, $mailto) { global $CONFIG, $RCMAIL; $msg_body = $message->get(); $headers = $message->headers(); // send thru SMTP server using custom SMTP library if ($CONFIG['smtp_server']) { // generate list of recipients $a_recipients = array($mailto); if (strlen($headers['Cc'])) $a_recipients[] = $headers['Cc']; if (strlen($headers['Bcc'])) $a_recipients[] = $headers['Bcc']; // clean Bcc from header for recipients $send_headers = $headers; unset($send_headers['Bcc']); // here too, it because txtHeaders() below use $message->_headers not only $send_headers unset($message->_headers['Bcc']); // send message $smtp_response = array(); $sent = smtp_mail($from, $a_recipients, ($foo = $message->txtHeaders($send_headers, true)), $msg_body, $smtp_response); // log error if (!$sent) raise_error(array('code' => 800, 'type' => 'smtp', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "SMTP error: ".join("\n", $smtp_response)), TRUE, FALSE); } // send mail using PHP's mail() function else { // unset some headers because they will be added by the mail() function $headers_enc = $message->headers($headers); $headers_php = $message->_headers; unset($headers_php['To'], $headers_php['Subject']); // reset stored headers and overwrite $message->_headers = array(); $header_str = $message->txtHeaders($headers_php); // #1485779 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { if (preg_match_all('/<([^@]+@[^>]+)>/', $headers_enc['To'], $m)) { $headers_enc['To'] = implode(', ', $m[1]); } } if (ini_get('safe_mode')) $sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str); else $sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str, "-f$from"); } if ($sent) { // remove MDN headers after sending unset($headers['Return-Receipt-To'], $headers['Disposition-Notification-To']); if ($CONFIG['smtp_log']) write_log('sendmail', sprintf("User %s [%s]; Message for %s; %s", $RCMAIL->user->get_username(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $mailto, !empty($smtp_response) ? join('; ', $smtp_response) : '')); } $message->_headers = array(); $message->headers($headers); return $sent; } function rcmail_send_mdn($uid) { global $RCMAIL, $IMAP; $message = new rcube_message($uid); if ($message->headers->mdn_to && !$message->headers->mdn_sent && ($IMAP->check_permflag('MDNSENT') || $IMAP->check_permflag('*'))) { $identity = $RCMAIL->user->get_identity(); $sender = format_email_recipient($identity['email'], $identity['name']); $recipient = array_shift($IMAP->decode_address_list($message->headers->mdn_to)); $mailto = $recipient['mailto']; $compose = new rcube_mail_mime($RCMAIL->config->header_delimiter()); $compose->setParam(array( 'text_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'html_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'head_charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET, 'html_charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET, 'text_charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET, )); // compose headers array $headers = array( 'Date' => date('r'), 'From' => $sender, 'To' => $message->headers->mdn_to, 'Subject' => rcube_label('receiptread') . ': ' . $message->subject, 'Message-ID' => sprintf('<%s@%s>', md5(uniqid('rcmail'.rand(),true)), $RCMAIL->config->mail_domain($_SESSION['imap_host'])), 'X-Sender' => $identity['email'], 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification', ); if ($agent = $RCMAIL->config->get('useragent')) $headers['User-Agent'] = $agent; $body = rcube_label("yourmessage") . "\r\n\r\n" . "\t" . rcube_label("to") . ': ' . rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($message->headers->to, $message->headers->charset) . "\r\n" . "\t" . rcube_label("subject") . ': ' . $message->subject . "\r\n" . "\t" . rcube_label("sent") . ': ' . format_date($message->headers->date, $RCMAIL->config->get('date_long')) . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . rcube_label("receiptnote") . "\r\n"; $ua = $RCMAIL->config->get('useragent', "RoundCube Webmail (Version ".RCMAIL_VERSION.")"); $report = "Reporting-UA: $ua\r\n"; if ($message->headers->to) $report .= "Original-Recipient: {$message->headers->to}\r\n"; $report .= "Final-Recipient: rfc822; {$identity['email']}\r\n" . "Original-Message-ID: {$message->headers->messageID}\r\n" . "Disposition: manual-action/MDN-sent-manually; displayed\r\n"; $compose->headers($headers); $compose->setTXTBody(rc_wordwrap($body, 75, "\r\n")); $compose->addAttachment($report, 'message/disposition-notification', 'MDNPart2.txt', false, '7bit', 'inline'); $sent = rcmail_deliver_message($compose, $identity['email'], $mailto); if ($sent) { $IMAP->set_flag($message->uid, 'MDNSENT'); return true; } } return false; } function rcmail_search_filter($attrib) { global $OUTPUT; if (!strlen($attrib['id'])) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmlistfilter'; $attrib['onchange'] = JS_OBJECT_NAME.'.filter_mailbox(this.value)'; /* RFC3501 (6.4.4): 'ALL', 'RECENT', 'ANSWERED', 'DELETED', 'FLAGGED', 'SEEN', 'UNANSWERED', 'UNDELETED', 'UNFLAGGED', 'UNSEEN', 'NEW', // = (RECENT UNSEEN) 'OLD' // = NOT RECENT */ $select_filter = new html_select($attrib); $select_filter->add(rcube_label('all'), 'ALL'); $select_filter->add(rcube_label('unread'), 'UNSEEN'); $select_filter->add(rcube_label('flagged'), 'FLAGGED'); $select_filter->add(rcube_label('unanswered'), 'UNANSWERED'); $out = $select_filter->show($_SESSION['search_filter']); $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('search_filter', $attrib['id']); return $out; } // register UI objects $OUTPUT->add_handlers(array( 'mailboxlist' => 'rcmail_mailbox_list', 'messages' => 'rcmail_message_list', 'messagecountdisplay' => 'rcmail_messagecount_display', 'quotadisplay' => 'rcmail_quota_display', 'mailboxname' => 'rcmail_mailbox_name_display', 'messageheaders' => 'rcmail_message_headers', 'messagebody' => 'rcmail_message_body', 'messagecontentframe' => 'rcmail_messagecontent_frame', 'messagepartframe' => 'rcmail_message_part_frame', 'messagepartcontrols' => 'rcmail_message_part_controls', 'searchfilter' => 'rcmail_search_filter', 'searchform' => array($OUTPUT, 'search_form'), )); ?>