.inc | | | | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail ACL plugin | | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ For translation see https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/roundcube-webmail/resource/plugin-acl/ */ $labels['sharing'] = 'اشتراک گذاری'; $labels['username'] = 'کاربر:'; $labels['add'] = 'افزودن'; $labels['newuser'] = 'افزودن مدخل'; $labels['aclw'] = 'نوشتن نشانه ها'; $labels['aclp'] = 'ارسال'; $labels['acla'] = 'مدیر'; $labels['aclfull'] = 'کنترل کامل'; $labels['aclother'] = 'دیگر'; $labels['aclread'] = 'خواندن'; $labels['acldelete'] = 'حذف'; $labels['shortaclr'] = 'خواندن'; $labels['shortaclp'] = 'ارسال'; $labels['shortaclc'] = 'ایجاد کردن'; $labels['shortaclk'] = 'ایجاد کردن'; $labels['shortacld'] = 'حذف'; $labels['shortaclt'] = 'حذف'; $labels['shortacla'] = 'مدیر'; $labels['shortaclother'] = 'دیگر'; $labels['shortaclread'] = 'خواندن'; $labels['shortacldelete'] = 'حذف'; ?>