/** * Roundcube Webmail Client Script * * This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this file. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2015, The Roundcube Dev Team * Copyright (C) 2011-2015, Kolab Systems AG * * The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details. * * As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you * may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of * that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by * section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL * through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source. * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this file. * * @author Thomas Bruederli * @author Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak * @author Charles McNulty * * @requires jquery.js, common.js, list.js */ function rcube_webmail() { this.labels = {}; this.buttons = {}; this.buttons_sel = {}; this.gui_objects = {}; this.gui_containers = {}; this.commands = {}; this.command_handlers = {}; this.onloads = []; this.messages = {}; this.group2expand = {}; this.http_request_jobs = {}; this.menu_stack = []; // webmail client settings this.dblclick_time = 500; this.message_time = 5000; this.identifier_expr = /[^0-9a-z_-]/gi; // environment defaults this.env = { request_timeout: 180, // seconds draft_autosave: 0, // seconds comm_path: './', recipients_separator: ',', recipients_delimiter: ', ', popup_width: 1150, popup_width_small: 900 }; // create protected reference to myself this.ref = 'rcmail'; var ref = this; // set jQuery ajax options $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false, timeout: this.env.request_timeout * 1000, error: function(request, status, err){ ref.http_error(request, status, err); }, beforeSend: function(xmlhttp){ xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-Roundcube-Request', ref.env.request_token); } }); // unload fix $(window).on('beforeunload', function() { ref.unload = true; }); // set environment variable(s) this.set_env = function(p, value) { if (p != null && typeof p === 'object' && !value) for (var n in p) this.env[n] = p[n]; else this.env[p] = value; }; // add a localized label to the client environment this.add_label = function(p, value) { if (typeof p == 'string') this.labels[p] = value; else if (typeof p == 'object') $.extend(this.labels, p); }; // add a button to the button list this.register_button = function(command, id, type, act, sel, over) { var button_prop = {id:id, type:type}; if (act) button_prop.act = act; if (sel) button_prop.sel = sel; if (over) button_prop.over = over; if (!this.buttons[command]) this.buttons[command] = []; this.buttons[command].push(button_prop); if (this.loaded) init_button(command, button_prop); }; // register a specific gui object this.gui_object = function(name, id) { this.gui_objects[name] = this.loaded ? rcube_find_object(id) : id; }; // register a container object this.gui_container = function(name, id) { this.gui_containers[name] = id; }; // add a GUI element (html node) to a specified container this.add_element = function(elm, container) { if (this.gui_containers[container] && this.gui_containers[container].jquery) this.gui_containers[container].append(elm); }; // register an external handler for a certain command this.register_command = function(command, callback, enable) { this.command_handlers[command] = callback; if (enable) this.enable_command(command, true); }; // execute the given script on load this.add_onload = function(f) { this.onloads.push(f); }; // initialize webmail client this.init = function() { var n; this.task = this.env.task; // check browser capabilities (never use version checks here) if (this.env.server_error != 409 && (!bw.dom || !bw.xmlhttp_test())) { this.goto_url('error', '_code=0x199'); return; } if (!this.env.blankpage) this.env.blankpage = this.assets_path('program/resources/blank.gif'); // find all registered gui containers for (n in this.gui_containers) this.gui_containers[n] = $('#'+this.gui_containers[n]); // find all registered gui objects for (n in this.gui_objects) this.gui_objects[n] = rcube_find_object(this.gui_objects[n]); // clickjacking protection if (this.env.x_frame_options) { try { // bust frame if not allowed if (this.env.x_frame_options == 'deny' && top.location.href != self.location.href) top.location.href = self.location.href; else if (top.location.hostname != self.location.hostname) throw 1; } catch (e) { // possible clickjacking attack: disable all form elements $('form').each(function(){ ref.lock_form(this, true); }); this.display_message("Blocked: possible clickjacking attack!", 'error'); return; } } // init registered buttons this.init_buttons(); // tell parent window that this frame is loaded if (this.is_framed()) { parent.rcmail.set_busy(false, null, parent.rcmail.env.frame_lock); parent.rcmail.env.frame_lock = null; } // enable general commands this.enable_command('close', 'logout', 'mail', 'addressbook', 'settings', 'save-pref', 'compose', 'undo', 'about', 'switch-task', 'menu-open', 'menu-close', 'menu-save', true); // set active task button this.set_button(this.task, 'sel'); if (this.env.permaurl) this.enable_command('permaurl', 'extwin', true); switch (this.task) { case 'mail': // enable mail commands this.enable_command('list', 'checkmail', 'add-contact', 'search', 'reset-search', 'collapse-folder', 'import-messages', true); if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) { this.message_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.messagelist, { multiselect:true, multiexpand:true, draggable:true, keyboard:true, column_movable:this.env.col_movable, dblclick_time:this.dblclick_time }); this.message_list .addEventListener('initrow', function(o) { ref.init_message_row(o); }) .addEventListener('dblclick', function(o) { ref.msglist_dbl_click(o); }) .addEventListener('click', function(o) { ref.msglist_click(o); }) .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { ref.msglist_keypress(o); }) .addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.msglist_select(o); }) .addEventListener('dragstart', function(o) { ref.drag_start(o); }) .addEventListener('dragmove', function(e) { ref.drag_move(e); }) .addEventListener('dragend', function(e) { ref.drag_end(e); }) .addEventListener('expandcollapse', function(o) { ref.msglist_expand(o); }) .addEventListener('column_replace', function(o) { ref.msglist_set_coltypes(o); }) .addEventListener('listupdate', function(o) { ref.triggerEvent('listupdate', o); }) .init(); // TODO: this should go into the list-widget code $(this.message_list.thead).on('click', 'a.sortcol', function(e){ return ref.command('sort', $(this).attr('rel'), this); }); this.enable_command('toggle_status', 'toggle_flag', 'sort', true); this.enable_command('set-listmode', this.env.threads && !this.is_multifolder_listing()); // load messages this.command('list'); $(this.gui_objects.qsearchbox).val(this.env.search_text).focusin(function() { ref.message_list.blur(); }); } this.set_button_titles(); this.env.message_commands = ['show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'reply-list', 'move', 'copy', 'delete', 'open', 'mark', 'edit', 'viewsource', 'print', 'load-attachment', 'download-attachment', 'show-headers', 'hide-headers', 'download', 'forward', 'forward-inline', 'forward-attachment', 'change-format']; if (this.env.action == 'show' || this.env.action == 'preview') { this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, this.env.uid); this.enable_command('reply-list', this.env.list_post); if (this.env.action == 'show') { this.http_request('pagenav', {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox, _search: this.env.search_request}, this.display_message('', 'loading')); } if (this.env.blockedobjects) { if (this.gui_objects.remoteobjectsmsg) this.gui_objects.remoteobjectsmsg.style.display = 'block'; this.enable_command('load-images', 'always-load', true); } // make preview/message frame visible if (this.env.action == 'preview' && this.is_framed()) { this.enable_command('compose', 'add-contact', false); parent.rcmail.show_contentframe(true); } // initialize drag-n-drop on attachments, so they can e.g. // be dropped into mail compose attachments in another window if (this.gui_objects.attachments) $('li > a', this.gui_objects.attachments).not('.drop').on('dragstart', function(e) { var n, href = this.href, dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; if (dt) { // inject username to the uri href = href.replace(/^https?:\/\//, function(m) { return m + urlencode(ref.env.username) + '@'}); // cleanup the node to get filename without the size test n = $(this).clone(); n.children().remove(); dt.setData('roundcube-uri', href); dt.setData('roundcube-name', $.trim(n.text())); } }); } else if (this.env.action == 'compose') { this.env.address_group_stack = []; this.env.compose_commands = ['send-attachment', 'remove-attachment', 'send', 'cancel', 'toggle-editor', 'list-adresses', 'pushgroup', 'search', 'reset-search', 'extwin', 'insert-response', 'save-response', 'menu-open', 'menu-close']; if (this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.env.compose_commands.push('savedraft') this.enable_command(this.env.compose_commands, 'identities', 'responses', true); // add more commands (not enabled) $.merge(this.env.compose_commands, ['add-recipient', 'firstpage', 'previouspage', 'nextpage', 'lastpage']); if (window.googie) { this.env.editor_config.spellchecker = googie; this.env.editor_config.spellcheck_observer = function(s) { ref.spellcheck_state(); }; this.env.compose_commands.push('spellcheck') this.enable_command('spellcheck', true); } // initialize HTML editor this.editor_init(this.env.editor_config, this.env.composebody); // init canned response functions if (this.gui_objects.responseslist) { $('a.insertresponse', this.gui_objects.responseslist) .attr('unselectable', 'on') .mousedown(function(e) { return rcube_event.cancel(e); }) .on('mouseup keypress', function(e) { if (e.type == 'mouseup' || rcube_event.get_keycode(e) == 13) { ref.command('insert-response', $(this).attr('rel')); $(document.body).trigger('mouseup'); // hides the menu return rcube_event.cancel(e); } }); // avoid textarea loosing focus when hitting the save-response button/link $.each(this.buttons['save-response'] || [], function (i, v) { $('#' + v.id).mousedown(function(e){ return rcube_event.cancel(e); }) }); } // init message compose form this.init_messageform(); } else if (this.env.action == 'get') this.enable_command('download', 'print', true); // show printing dialog else if (this.env.action == 'print' && this.env.uid && !this.env.is_pgp_content && !this.env.pgp_mime_part ) { this.print_dialog(); } // get unread count for each mailbox if (this.gui_objects.mailboxlist) { this.env.unread_counts = {}; this.gui_objects.folderlist = this.gui_objects.mailboxlist; this.http_request('getunread', {_page: this.env.current_page}); } // init address book widget if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) { this.contact_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.contactslist, { multiselect:true, draggable:false, keyboard:true }); this.contact_list .addEventListener('initrow', function(o) { ref.triggerEvent('insertrow', { cid:o.uid, row:o }); }) .addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.compose_recipient_select(o); }) .addEventListener('dblclick', function(o) { ref.compose_add_recipient(); }) .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { if (o.key_pressed == o.ENTER_KEY) { if (!ref.compose_add_recipient()) { // execute link action on if not a recipient entry if (o.last_selected && String(o.last_selected).charAt(0) == 'G') { $(o.rows[o.last_selected].obj).find('a').first().click(); } } } }) .init(); // remember last focused address field $('#_to,#_cc,#_bcc').focus(function() { ref.env.focused_field = this; }); } if (this.gui_objects.addressbookslist) { this.gui_objects.folderlist = this.gui_objects.addressbookslist; this.enable_command('list-adresses', true); } // ask user to send MDN if (this.env.mdn_request && this.env.uid) { var postact = 'sendmdn', postdata = {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox}; if (!confirm(this.get_label('mdnrequest'))) { postdata._flag = 'mdnsent'; postact = 'mark'; } this.http_post(postact, postdata); } this.check_mailvelope(this.env.action); // detect browser capabilities if (!this.is_framed() && !this.env.extwin) this.browser_capabilities_check(); break; case 'addressbook': this.env.address_group_stack = []; if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) this.env.contactfolders = $.extend($.extend({}, this.env.address_sources), this.env.contactgroups); this.enable_command('add', 'import', this.env.writable_source); this.enable_command('list', 'listgroup', 'pushgroup', 'popgroup', 'listsearch', 'search', 'reset-search', 'advanced-search', true); if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) { this.contact_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.contactslist, {multiselect:true, draggable:this.gui_objects.folderlist?true:false, keyboard:true}); this.contact_list .addEventListener('initrow', function(o) { ref.triggerEvent('insertrow', { cid:o.uid, row:o }); }) .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { ref.contactlist_keypress(o); }) .addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.contactlist_select(o); }) .addEventListener('dragstart', function(o) { ref.drag_start(o); }) .addEventListener('dragmove', function(e) { ref.drag_move(e); }) .addEventListener('dragend', function(e) { ref.drag_end(e); }) .init(); $(this.gui_objects.qsearchbox).focusin(function() { ref.contact_list.blur(); }); this.update_group_commands(); this.command('list'); } if (this.gui_objects.savedsearchlist) { this.savedsearchlist = new rcube_treelist_widget(this.gui_objects.savedsearchlist, { id_prefix: 'rcmli', id_encode: this.html_identifier_encode, id_decode: this.html_identifier_decode }); this.savedsearchlist.addEventListener('select', function(node) { ref.triggerEvent('selectfolder', { folder:node.id, prefix:'rcmli' }); }); } this.set_page_buttons(); if (this.env.cid) { this.enable_command('show', 'edit', true); // register handlers for group assignment via checkboxes if (this.gui_objects.editform) { $('input.groupmember').change(function() { ref.group_member_change(this.checked ? 'add' : 'del', ref.env.cid, ref.env.source, this.value); }); } } if (this.gui_objects.editform) { this.enable_command('save', true); if (this.env.action == 'add' || this.env.action == 'edit' || this.env.action == 'search') this.init_contact_form(); } else if (this.env.action == 'print') { this.print_dialog(); } break; case 'settings': this.enable_command('preferences', 'identities', 'responses', 'save', 'folders', true); if (this.env.action == 'identities') { this.enable_command('add', this.env.identities_level < 2); } else if (this.env.action == 'edit-identity' || this.env.action == 'add-identity') { this.enable_command('save', 'edit', 'toggle-editor', true); this.enable_command('delete', this.env.identities_level < 2); // initialize HTML editor this.editor_init(this.env.editor_config, 'rcmfd_signature'); } else if (this.env.action == 'folders') { this.enable_command('subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'create-folder', 'rename-folder', true); } else if (this.env.action == 'edit-folder' && this.gui_objects.editform) { this.enable_command('save', 'folder-size', true); parent.rcmail.env.exists = this.env.messagecount; parent.rcmail.enable_command('purge', this.env.messagecount); } else if (this.env.action == 'responses') { this.enable_command('add', true); } if (this.gui_objects.identitieslist) { this.identity_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.identitieslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:true}); this.identity_list .addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.identity_select(o); }) .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { if (o.key_pressed == o.ENTER_KEY) { ref.identity_select(o); } }) .init() .focus(); } else if (this.gui_objects.sectionslist) { this.sections_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.sectionslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:true}); this.sections_list .addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.section_select(o); }) .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { if (o.key_pressed == o.ENTER_KEY) ref.section_select(o); }) .init() .focus(); } else if (this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist) { this.init_subscription_list(); } else if (this.gui_objects.responseslist) { this.responses_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.responseslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:true}); this.responses_list .addEventListener('select', function(list) { var win, id = list.get_single_selection(); ref.enable_command('delete', !!id && $.inArray(id, ref.env.readonly_responses) < 0); if (id && (win = ref.get_frame_window(ref.env.contentframe))) { ref.set_busy(true); ref.location_href({ _action:'edit-response', _key:id, _framed:1 }, win); } }) .init() .focus(); } break; case 'login': var tz, tz_name, jstz = window.jstz, input_user = $('#rcmloginuser'), input_tz = $('#rcmlogintz'); input_user.keyup(function(e) { return ref.login_user_keyup(e); }); if (input_user.val() == '') input_user.focus(); else $('#rcmloginpwd').focus(); // detect client timezone if (jstz && (tz = jstz.determine())) tz_name = tz.name(); input_tz.val(tz_name ? tz_name : (new Date().getStdTimezoneOffset() / -60)); // display 'loading' message on form submit, lock submit button $('form').submit(function () { $('input[type=submit]', this).prop('disabled', true); ref.clear_messages(); ref.display_message('', 'loading'); }); this.enable_command('login', true); break; } // select first input field in an edit form if (this.gui_objects.editform) $("input,select,textarea", this.gui_objects.editform) .not(':hidden').not(':disabled').first().select().focus(); // unset contentframe variable if preview_pane is enabled if (this.env.contentframe && !$('#' + this.env.contentframe).is(':visible')) this.env.contentframe = null; // prevent from form submit with Enter key in file input fields if (bw.ie) $('input[type=file]').keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == '13') e.preventDefault(); }); // flag object as complete this.loaded = true; this.env.lastrefresh = new Date(); // show message if (this.pending_message) this.display_message.apply(this, this.pending_message); // init treelist widget if (this.gui_objects.folderlist && window.rcube_treelist_widget) { this.treelist = new rcube_treelist_widget(this.gui_objects.folderlist, { selectable: true, id_prefix: 'rcmli', parent_focus: true, id_encode: this.html_identifier_encode, id_decode: this.html_identifier_decode, check_droptarget: function(node) { return !node.virtual && ref.check_droptarget(node.id) } }); this.treelist .addEventListener('collapse', function(node) { ref.folder_collapsed(node) }) .addEventListener('expand', function(node) { ref.folder_collapsed(node) }) .addEventListener('beforeselect', function(node) { return !ref.busy; }) .addEventListener('select', function(node) { ref.triggerEvent('selectfolder', { folder:node.id, prefix:'rcmli' }) }); } // activate html5 file drop feature (if browser supports it and if configured) if (this.gui_objects.filedrop && this.env.filedrop && ((window.XMLHttpRequest && XMLHttpRequest.prototype && XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) || window.FormData)) { $(document.body).on('dragover dragleave drop', function(e) { return ref.document_drag_hover(e, e.type == 'dragover'); }); $(this.gui_objects.filedrop).addClass('droptarget') .on('dragover dragleave', function(e) { return ref.file_drag_hover(e, e.type == 'dragover'); }) .get(0).addEventListener('drop', function(e) { return ref.file_dropped(e); }, false); } // catch document (and iframe) mouse clicks var body_mouseup = function(e){ return ref.doc_mouse_up(e); }; $(document.body) .mouseup(body_mouseup) .keydown(function(e){ return ref.doc_keypress(e); }); $('iframe').on('load', function(e) { try { $(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow).on('mouseup', body_mouseup); } catch (e) {/* catch possible "Permission denied" error in IE */ } }) .contents().on('mouseup', body_mouseup); // trigger init event hook this.triggerEvent('init', { task:this.task, action:this.env.action }); // execute all foreign onload scripts // @deprecated for (n in this.onloads) { if (typeof this.onloads[n] === 'string') eval(this.onloads[n]); else if (typeof this.onloads[n] === 'function') this.onloads[n](); } // start keep-alive and refresh intervals this.start_refresh(); this.start_keepalive(); }; this.log = function(msg) { if (window.console && console.log) console.log(msg); }; /*********************************************************/ /********* client command interface *********/ /*********************************************************/ // execute a specific command on the web client this.command = function(command, props, obj, event) { var ret, uid, cid, url, flag, aborted = false; if (obj && obj.blur && !(event && rcube_event.is_keyboard(event))) obj.blur(); // do nothing if interface is locked by another command // with exception for searching reset and menu if (this.busy && !(command == 'reset-search' && this.last_command == 'search') && !command.match(/^menu-/)) return false; // let the browser handle this click (shift/ctrl usually opens the link in a new window/tab) if ((obj && obj.href && String(obj.href).indexOf('#') < 0) && rcube_event.get_modifier(event)) { return true; } // command not supported or allowed if (!this.commands[command]) { // pass command to parent window if (this.is_framed()) parent.rcmail.command(command, props); return false; } // check input before leaving compose step if (this.task == 'mail' && this.env.action == 'compose' && !this.env.server_error && command != 'save-pref' && $.inArray(command, this.env.compose_commands) < 0 ) { if (!this.env.is_sent && this.cmp_hash != this.compose_field_hash() && !confirm(this.get_label('notsentwarning'))) return false; // remove copy from local storage if compose screen is left intentionally this.remove_compose_data(this.env.compose_id); this.compose_skip_unsavedcheck = true; } this.last_command = command; // process external commands if (typeof this.command_handlers[command] === 'function') { ret = this.command_handlers[command](props, obj, event); return ret !== undefined ? ret : (obj ? false : true); } else if (typeof this.command_handlers[command] === 'string') { ret = window[this.command_handlers[command]](props, obj, event); return ret !== undefined ? ret : (obj ? false : true); } // trigger plugin hooks this.triggerEvent('actionbefore', {props:props, action:command, originalEvent:event}); ret = this.triggerEvent('before'+command, props || event); if (ret !== undefined) { // abort if one of the handlers returned false if (ret === false) return false; else props = ret; } ret = undefined; // process internal command switch (command) { case 'login': if (this.gui_objects.loginform) this.gui_objects.loginform.submit(); break; // commands to switch task case 'logout': case 'mail': case 'addressbook': case 'settings': this.switch_task(command); break; case 'about': this.redirect('?_task=settings&_action=about', false); break; case 'permaurl': if (obj && obj.href && obj.target) return true; else if (this.env.permaurl) parent.location.href = this.env.permaurl; break; case 'extwin': if (this.env.action == 'compose') { var form = this.gui_objects.messageform, win = this.open_window(''); if (win) { this.save_compose_form_local(); this.compose_skip_unsavedcheck = true; $("input[name='_action']", form).val('compose'); form.action = this.url('mail/compose', { _id: this.env.compose_id, _extwin: 1 }); form.target = win.name; form.submit(); } } else { this.open_window(this.env.permaurl, true); } break; case 'change-format': url = this.env.permaurl + '&_format=' + props; if (this.env.action == 'preview') url = url.replace(/_action=show/, '_action=preview') + '&_framed=1'; if (this.env.extwin) url += '&_extwin=1'; location.href = url; break; case 'menu-open': if (props && props.menu == 'attachmentmenu') { var mimetype = this.env.attachments[props.id]; this.enable_command('open-attachment', mimetype && this.env.mimetypes && $.inArray(mimetype, this.env.mimetypes) >= 0); } this.show_menu(props, props.show || undefined, event); break; case 'menu-close': this.hide_menu(props, event); break; case 'menu-save': this.triggerEvent(command, {props:props, originalEvent:event}); return false; case 'open': if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { obj.href = this.url('show', this.params_from_uid(uid)); return true; } break; case 'close': if (this.env.extwin) window.close(); break; case 'list': if (props && props != '') { this.reset_qsearch(true); } if (this.env.action == 'compose' && this.env.extwin) { window.close(); } else if (this.task == 'mail') { this.list_mailbox(props); this.set_button_titles(); } else if (this.task == 'addressbook') this.list_contacts(props); break; case 'set-listmode': this.set_list_options(null, undefined, undefined, props == 'threads' ? 1 : 0); break; case 'sort': var sort_order = this.env.sort_order, sort_col = !this.env.disabled_sort_col ? props : this.env.sort_col; if (!this.env.disabled_sort_order) sort_order = this.env.sort_col == sort_col && sort_order == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; // set table header and update env this.set_list_sorting(sort_col, sort_order); // reload message list this.list_mailbox('', '', sort_col+'_'+sort_order); break; case 'nextpage': this.list_page('next'); break; case 'lastpage': this.list_page('last'); break; case 'previouspage': this.list_page('prev'); break; case 'firstpage': this.list_page('first'); break; case 'expunge': if (this.env.exists) this.expunge_mailbox(this.env.mailbox); break; case 'purge': case 'empty-mailbox': if (this.env.exists) this.purge_mailbox(this.env.mailbox); break; // common commands used in multiple tasks case 'show': if (this.task == 'mail') { uid = this.get_single_uid(); if (uid && (!this.env.uid || uid != this.env.uid)) { if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.open_compose_step({ _draft_uid: uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox }); else this.show_message(uid); } } else if (this.task == 'addressbook') { cid = props ? props : this.get_single_cid(); if (cid && !(this.env.action == 'show' && cid == this.env.cid)) this.load_contact(cid, 'show'); } break; case 'add': if (this.task == 'addressbook') this.load_contact(0, 'add'); else if (this.task == 'settings' && this.env.action == 'responses') { var frame; if ((frame = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe))) { this.set_busy(true); this.location_href({ _action:'add-response', _framed:1 }, frame); } } else if (this.task == 'settings') { this.identity_list.clear_selection(); this.load_identity(0, 'add-identity'); } break; case 'edit': if (this.task == 'addressbook' && (cid = this.get_single_cid())) this.load_contact(cid, 'edit'); else if (this.task == 'settings' && props) this.load_identity(props, 'edit-identity'); else if (this.task == 'mail' && (uid = this.get_single_uid())) { url = { _mbox: this.get_message_mailbox(uid) }; url[this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox && props != 'new' ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid'] = uid; this.open_compose_step(url); } break; case 'save': var input, form = this.gui_objects.editform; if (form) { // adv. search if (this.env.action == 'search') { } // user prefs else if ((input = $("input[name='_pagesize']", form)) && input.length && isNaN(parseInt(input.val()))) { alert(this.get_label('nopagesizewarning')); input.focus(); break; } // contacts/identities else { // reload form if (props == 'reload') { form.action += '&_reload=1'; } else if (this.task == 'settings' && (this.env.identities_level % 2) == 0 && (input = $("input[name='_email']", form)) && input.length && !rcube_check_email(input.val()) ) { alert(this.get_label('noemailwarning')); input.focus(); break; } // clear empty input fields $('input.placeholder').each(function(){ if (this.value == this._placeholder) this.value = ''; }); } // add selected source (on the list) if (parent.rcmail && parent.rcmail.env.source) form.action = this.add_url(form.action, '_orig_source', parent.rcmail.env.source); form.submit(); } break; case 'delete': // mail task if (this.task == 'mail') this.delete_messages(event); // addressbook task else if (this.task == 'addressbook') this.delete_contacts(); // settings: canned response else if (this.task == 'settings' && this.env.action == 'responses') this.delete_response(); // settings: user identities else if (this.task == 'settings') this.delete_identity(); break; // mail task commands case 'move': case 'moveto': // deprecated if (this.task == 'mail') this.move_messages(props, event); else if (this.task == 'addressbook') this.move_contacts(props); break; case 'copy': if (this.task == 'mail') this.copy_messages(props, event); else if (this.task == 'addressbook') this.copy_contacts(props); break; case 'mark': if (props) this.mark_message(props); break; case 'toggle_status': case 'toggle_flag': flag = command == 'toggle_flag' ? 'flagged' : 'read'; if (uid = props) { // toggle flagged/unflagged if (flag == 'flagged') { if (this.message_list.rows[uid].flagged) flag = 'unflagged'; } // toggle read/unread else if (this.message_list.rows[uid].deleted) flag = 'undelete'; else if (!this.message_list.rows[uid].unread) flag = 'unread'; this.mark_message(flag, uid); } break; case 'always-load': if (this.env.uid && this.env.sender) { this.add_contact(this.env.sender); setTimeout(function(){ ref.command('load-images'); }, 300); break; } case 'load-images': if (this.env.uid) this.show_message(this.env.uid, true, this.env.action=='preview'); break; case 'load-attachment': case 'open-attachment': case 'download-attachment': var qstring = '_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_part='+props, mimetype = this.env.attachments[props]; // open attachment in frame if it's of a supported mimetype if (command != 'download-attachment' && mimetype && this.env.mimetypes && $.inArray(mimetype, this.env.mimetypes) >= 0) { if (this.open_window(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=get&'+qstring+'&_frame=1')) break; } this.goto_url('get', qstring+'&_download=1', false); break; case 'select-all': this.select_all_mode = props ? false : true; this.dummy_select = true; // prevent msg opening if there's only one msg on the list if (props == 'invert') this.message_list.invert_selection(); else this.message_list.select_all(props == 'page' ? '' : props); this.dummy_select = null; break; case 'select-none': this.select_all_mode = false; this.message_list.clear_selection(); break; case 'expand-all': this.env.autoexpand_threads = 1; this.message_list.expand_all(); break; case 'expand-unread': this.env.autoexpand_threads = 2; this.message_list.collapse_all(); this.expand_unread(); break; case 'collapse-all': this.env.autoexpand_threads = 0; this.message_list.collapse_all(); break; case 'nextmessage': if (this.env.next_uid) this.show_message(this.env.next_uid, false, this.env.action == 'preview'); break; case 'lastmessage': if (this.env.last_uid) this.show_message(this.env.last_uid); break; case 'previousmessage': if (this.env.prev_uid) this.show_message(this.env.prev_uid, false, this.env.action == 'preview'); break; case 'firstmessage': if (this.env.first_uid) this.show_message(this.env.first_uid); break; case 'compose': url = {}; if (this.task == 'mail') { url = {_mbox: this.env.mailbox, _search: this.env.search_request}; if (props) url._to = props; } // modify url if we're in addressbook else if (this.task == 'addressbook') { // switch to mail compose step directly if (props && props.indexOf('@') > 0) { url._to = props; } else { var a_cids = []; // use contact id passed as command parameter if (props) a_cids.push(props); // get selected contacts else if (this.contact_list) a_cids = this.contact_list.get_selection(); if (a_cids.length) this.http_post('mailto', { _cid: a_cids.join(','), _source: this.env.source }, true); else if (this.env.group) this.http_post('mailto', { _gid: this.env.group, _source: this.env.source }, true); break; } } else if (props && typeof props == 'string') { url._to = props; } else if (props && typeof props == 'object') { $.extend(url, props); } this.open_compose_step(url); break; case 'spellcheck': if (this.spellcheck_state()) { this.editor.spellcheck_stop(); } else { this.editor.spellcheck_start(); } break; case 'savedraft': // Reset the auto-save timer clearTimeout(this.save_timer); // compose form did not change (and draft wasn't saved already) if (this.env.draft_id && this.cmp_hash == this.compose_field_hash()) { this.auto_save_start(); break; } this.submit_messageform(true); break; case 'send': if (!props.nocheck && !this.env.is_sent && !this.check_compose_input(command)) break; // Reset the auto-save timer clearTimeout(this.save_timer); this.submit_messageform(); break; case 'send-attachment': // Reset the auto-save timer clearTimeout(this.save_timer); if (!(flag = this.upload_file(props || this.gui_objects.uploadform, 'upload'))) { if (flag !== false) alert(this.get_label('selectimportfile')); aborted = true; } break; case 'insert-sig': this.change_identity($("[name='_from']")[0], true); break; case 'list-adresses': this.list_contacts(props); this.enable_command('add-recipient', false); break; case 'add-recipient': this.compose_add_recipient(props); break; case 'reply-all': case 'reply-list': case 'reply': if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { url = {_reply_uid: uid, _mbox: this.get_message_mailbox(uid), _search: this.env.search_request}; if (command == 'reply-all') // do reply-list, when list is detected and popup menu wasn't used url._all = (!props && this.env.reply_all_mode == 1 && this.commands['reply-list'] ? 'list' : 'all'); else if (command == 'reply-list') url._all = 'list'; this.open_compose_step(url); } break; case 'forward-attachment': case 'forward-inline': case 'forward': var uids = this.env.uid ? [this.env.uid] : (this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_selection() : []); if (uids.length) { url = { _forward_uid: this.uids_to_list(uids), _mbox: this.env.mailbox, _search: this.env.search_request }; if (command == 'forward-attachment' || (!props && this.env.forward_attachment) || uids.length > 1) url._attachment = 1; this.open_compose_step(url); } break; case 'print': if (this.task == 'addressbook') { if (uid = this.contact_list.get_single_selection()) { url = '&_action=print&_cid=' + uid; if (this.env.source) url += '&_source=' + urlencode(this.env.source); this.open_window(this.env.comm_path + url, true, true); } } else if (this.env.action == 'get') { this.gui_objects.messagepartframe.contentWindow.print(); } else if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { url = this.url('print', this.params_from_uid(uid, {_safe: this.env.safemode ? 1 : 0})); if (this.open_window(url, true, true)) { if (this.env.action != 'show') this.mark_message('read', uid); } } break; case 'viewsource': if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) this.open_window(this.url('viewsource', this.params_from_uid(uid)), true, true); break; case 'download': if (this.env.action == 'get') { location.href = location.href.replace(/_frame=/, '_download='); } else if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { this.goto_url('viewsource', this.params_from_uid(uid, {_save: 1})); } break; // quicksearch case 'search': if (!props && this.gui_objects.qsearchbox) props = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value; if (props) { this.qsearch(props); break; } // reset quicksearch case 'reset-search': var n, s = this.env.search_request || this.env.qsearch; this.reset_qsearch(true); this.select_all_mode = false; if (s && this.env.action == 'compose') { if (this.contact_list) this.list_contacts_clear(); } else if (s && this.env.mailbox) { this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, 1); } else if (s && this.task == 'addressbook') { if (this.env.source == '') { for (n in this.env.address_sources) break; this.env.source = n; this.env.group = ''; } this.list_contacts(this.env.source, this.env.group, 1); } break; case 'pushgroup': // add group ID to stack this.env.address_group_stack.push(props.id); if (obj && event) rcube_event.cancel(event); case 'listgroup': this.reset_qsearch(); this.list_contacts(props.source, props.id); break; case 'popgroup': if (this.env.address_group_stack.length > 1) { this.env.address_group_stack.pop(); this.reset_qsearch(); this.list_contacts(props.source, this.env.address_group_stack[this.env.address_group_stack.length-1]); } break; case 'import-messages': var form = props || this.gui_objects.importform, importlock = this.set_busy(true, 'importwait'); $('input[name="_unlock"]', form).val(importlock); if (!(flag = this.upload_file(form, 'import', importlock))) { this.set_busy(false, null, importlock); if (flag !== false) alert(this.get_label('selectimportfile')); aborted = true; } break; case 'import': if (this.env.action == 'import' && this.gui_objects.importform) { var file = document.getElementById('rcmimportfile'); if (file && !file.value) { alert(this.get_label('selectimportfile')); aborted = true; break; } this.gui_objects.importform.submit(); this.set_busy(true, 'importwait'); this.lock_form(this.gui_objects.importform, true); } else this.goto_url('import', (this.env.source ? '_target='+urlencode(this.env.source)+'&' : '')); break; case 'export': if (this.contact_list.rowcount > 0) { this.goto_url('export', { _source: this.env.source, _gid: this.env.group, _search: this.env.search_request }); } break; case 'export-selected': if (this.contact_list.rowcount > 0) { this.goto_url('export', { _source: this.env.source, _gid: this.env.group, _cid: this.contact_list.get_selection().join(',') }); } break; case 'upload-photo': this.upload_contact_photo(props || this.gui_objects.uploadform); break; case 'delete-photo': this.replace_contact_photo('-del-'); break; // user settings commands case 'preferences': case 'identities': case 'responses': case 'folders': this.goto_url('settings/' + command); break; case 'undo': this.http_request('undo', '', this.display_message('', 'loading')); break; // unified command call (command name == function name) default: var func = command.replace(/-/g, '_'); if (this[func] && typeof this[func] === 'function') { ret = this[func](props, obj, event); } break; } if (!aborted && this.triggerEvent('after'+command, props) === false) ret = false; this.triggerEvent('actionafter', { props:props, action:command, aborted:aborted }); return ret === false ? false : obj ? false : true; }; // set command(s) enabled or disabled this.enable_command = function() { var i, n, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), enable = args.pop(), cmd; for (n=0; n 1 ? 'copy' : 'normal'); } else { // Clear target, otherwise drag end will trigger move into last valid droptarget this.env.last_folder_target = null; } if (layerclass != oldclass && this.contact_list && this.contact_list.draglayer) this.contact_list.draglayer.attr('class', layerclass); } }; this.collapse_folder = function(name) { if (this.treelist) this.treelist.toggle(name); }; this.folder_collapsed = function(node) { var prefname = this.env.task == 'addressbook' ? 'collapsed_abooks' : 'collapsed_folders', old = this.env[prefname]; if (node.collapsed) { this.env[prefname] = this.env[prefname] + '&'+urlencode(node.id)+'&'; // select the folder if one of its childs is currently selected // don't select if it's virtual (#1488346) if (!node.virtual && this.env.mailbox && this.env.mailbox.startsWith(node.id + this.env.delimiter)) this.command('list', node.id); } else { var reg = new RegExp('&'+urlencode(node.id)+'&'); this.env[prefname] = this.env[prefname].replace(reg, ''); } if (!this.drag_active) { if (old !== this.env[prefname]) this.command('save-pref', { name: prefname, value: this.env[prefname] }); if (this.env.unread_counts) this.set_unread_count_display(node.id, false); } }; // global mouse-click handler to cleanup some UI elements this.doc_mouse_up = function(e) { var list, id, target = rcube_event.get_target(e); // ignore event if jquery UI dialog is open if ($(target).closest('.ui-dialog, .ui-widget-overlay').length) return; // remove focus from list widgets if (window.rcube_list_widget && rcube_list_widget._instances.length) { $.each(rcube_list_widget._instances, function(i,list){ if (list && !rcube_mouse_is_over(e, list.list.parentNode)) list.blur(); }); } // reset 'pressed' buttons if (this.buttons_sel) { for (id in this.buttons_sel) if (typeof id !== 'function') this.button_out(this.buttons_sel[id], id); this.buttons_sel = {}; } // reset popup menus; delayed to have updated menu_stack data setTimeout(function(e){ var obj, skip, config, id, i, parents = $(target).parents(); for (i = ref.menu_stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { id = ref.menu_stack[i]; obj = $('#' + id); if (obj.is(':visible') && target != obj.data('opener') && target != obj.get(0) // check if scroll bar was clicked (#1489832) && !parents.is(obj.data('opener')) && id != skip && (obj.attr('data-editable') != 'true' || !$(target).parents('#' + id).length) && (obj.attr('data-sticky') != 'true' || !rcube_mouse_is_over(e, obj.get(0))) ) { ref.hide_menu(id, e); } skip = obj.data('parent'); } }, 10, e); }; // global keypress event handler this.doc_keypress = function(e) { // Helper method to move focus to the next/prev active menu item var focus_menu_item = function(dir) { var obj, item, mod = dir < 0 ? 'prevAll' : 'nextAll', limit = dir < 0 ? 'last' : 'first'; if (ref.focused_menu && (obj = $('#'+ref.focused_menu))) { item = obj.find(':focus').closest('li')[mod](':has(:not([aria-disabled=true]))').find('a,input')[limit](); if (!item.length) item = obj.find(':focus').closest('ul')[mod](':has(:not([aria-disabled=true]))').find('a,input')[limit](); return item.focus().length; } return 0; }; var target = e.target || {}, keyCode = rcube_event.get_keycode(e); // save global reference for keyboard detection on click events in IE rcube_event._last_keyboard_event = e; if (e.keyCode != 27 && (!this.menu_keyboard_active || target.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA' || target.nodeName == 'SELECT')) { return true; } switch (keyCode) { case 38: case 40: case 63232: // "up", in safari keypress case 63233: // "down", in safari keypress focus_menu_item(keyCode == 38 || keyCode == 63232 ? -1 : 1); return rcube_event.cancel(e); case 9: // tab if (this.focused_menu) { var mod = rcube_event.get_modifier(e); if (!focus_menu_item(mod == SHIFT_KEY ? -1 : 1)) { this.hide_menu(this.focused_menu, e); } } return rcube_event.cancel(e); case 27: // esc if (this.menu_stack.length) this.hide_menu(this.menu_stack[this.menu_stack.length-1], e); break; } return true; } this.msglist_select = function(list) { if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); if (this.preview_read_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_read_timer); var selected = list.get_single_selection(); this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, selected != null); if (selected) { // Hide certain command buttons when Drafts folder is selected if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.enable_command('reply', 'reply-all', 'reply-list', 'forward', 'forward-attachment', 'forward-inline', false); // Disable reply-list when List-Post header is not set else { var msg = this.env.messages[selected]; if (!msg.ml) this.enable_command('reply-list', false); } } // Multi-message commands this.enable_command('delete', 'move', 'copy', 'mark', 'forward', 'forward-attachment', list.selection.length > 0); // reset all-pages-selection if (selected || (list.selection.length && list.selection.length != list.rowcount)) this.select_all_mode = false; // start timer for message preview (wait for double click) if (selected && this.env.contentframe && !list.multi_selecting && !this.dummy_select) this.preview_timer = setTimeout(function() { ref.msglist_get_preview(); }, this.dblclick_time); else if (this.env.contentframe) this.show_contentframe(false); }; // This allow as to re-select selected message and display it in preview frame this.msglist_click = function(list) { if (list.multi_selecting || !this.env.contentframe) return; if (list.get_single_selection()) return; var win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe); if (win && win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage) >= 0) { if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); if (this.preview_read_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_read_timer); this.preview_timer = setTimeout(function() { ref.msglist_get_preview(); }, this.dblclick_time); } }; this.msglist_dbl_click = function(list) { if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); if (this.preview_read_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_read_timer); var uid = list.get_single_selection(); if (uid && (this.env.messages[uid].mbox || this.env.mailbox) == this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.open_compose_step({ _draft_uid: uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox }); else if (uid) this.show_message(uid, false, false); }; this.msglist_keypress = function(list) { if (list.modkey == CONTROL_KEY) return; if (list.key_pressed == list.ENTER_KEY) this.command('show'); else if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY || list.key_pressed == list.BACKSPACE_KEY) this.command('delete'); else if (list.key_pressed == 33) this.command('previouspage'); else if (list.key_pressed == 34) this.command('nextpage'); }; this.msglist_get_preview = function() { var uid = this.get_single_uid(); if (uid && this.env.contentframe && !this.drag_active) this.show_message(uid, false, true); else if (this.env.contentframe) this.show_contentframe(false); }; this.msglist_expand = function(row) { if (this.env.messages[row.uid]) this.env.messages[row.uid].expanded = row.expanded; $(row.obj)[row.expanded?'addClass':'removeClass']('expanded'); }; this.msglist_set_coltypes = function(list) { var i, found, name, cols = list.thead.rows[0].cells; this.env.listcols = []; for (i=0; i= 0) this.env.flagged_col = found; if ((found = $.inArray('subject', this.env.listcols)) >= 0) this.env.subject_col = found; this.command('save-pref', { name: 'list_cols', value: this.env.listcols, session: 'list_attrib/columns' }); }; this.check_droptarget = function(id) { switch (this.task) { case 'mail': return (this.env.mailboxes[id] && !this.env.mailboxes[id].virtual && (this.env.mailboxes[id].id != this.env.mailbox || this.is_multifolder_listing())) ? 1 : 0; case 'addressbook': var target; if (id != this.env.source && (target = this.env.contactfolders[id])) { // droptarget is a group if (target.type == 'group') { if (target.id != this.env.group && !this.env.contactfolders[target.source].readonly) { var is_other = this.env.selection_sources.length > 1 || $.inArray(target.source, this.env.selection_sources) == -1; return !is_other || this.commands.move ? 1 : 2; } } // droptarget is a (writable) addressbook and it's not the source else if (!target.readonly && (this.env.selection_sources.length > 1 || $.inArray(id, this.env.selection_sources) == -1)) { return this.commands.move ? 1 : 2; } } } return 0; }; // open popup window this.open_window = function(url, small, toolbar) { var wname = 'rcmextwin' + new Date().getTime(); url += (url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + '_extwin=1'; if (this.env.standard_windows) var extwin = window.open(url, wname); else { var win = this.is_framed() ? parent.window : window, page = $(win), page_width = page.width(), page_height = bw.mz ? $('body', win).height() : page.height(), w = Math.min(small ? this.env.popup_width_small : this.env.popup_width, page_width), h = page_height, // always use same height l = (win.screenLeft || win.screenX) + 20, t = (win.screenTop || win.screenY) + 20, extwin = window.open(url, wname, 'width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+t+',left='+l+',resizable=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes' +(toolbar ? ',toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes' : ',toolbar=no,menubar=no,status=no')); } // detect popup blocker (#1489618) // don't care this might not work with all browsers if (!extwin || extwin.closed) { this.display_message(this.get_label('windowopenerror'), 'warning'); return; } // write loading... message to empty windows if (!url && extwin.document) { extwin.document.write('' + this.get_label('loading') + ''); } // allow plugins to grab the window reference (#1489413) this.triggerEvent('openwindow', { url:url, handle:extwin }); // focus window, delayed to bring to front setTimeout(function() { extwin && extwin.focus(); }, 10); return extwin; }; /*********************************************************/ /********* (message) list functionality *********/ /*********************************************************/ this.init_message_row = function(row) { var i, fn = {}, uid = row.uid, status_icon = (this.env.status_col != null ? 'status' : 'msg') + 'icn' + row.id; if (uid && this.env.messages[uid]) $.extend(row, this.env.messages[uid]); // set eventhandler to status icon if (row.icon = document.getElementById(status_icon)) { fn.icon = function(e) { ref.command('toggle_status', uid); }; } // save message icon position too if (this.env.status_col != null) row.msgicon = document.getElementById('msgicn'+row.id); else row.msgicon = row.icon; // set eventhandler to flag icon if (this.env.flagged_col != null && (row.flagicon = document.getElementById('flagicn'+row.id))) { fn.flagicon = function(e) { ref.command('toggle_flag', uid); }; } // set event handler to thread expand/collapse icon if (!row.depth && row.has_children && (row.expando = document.getElementById('rcmexpando'+row.id))) { fn.expando = function(e) { ref.expand_message_row(e, uid); }; } // attach events $.each(fn, function(i, f) { row[i].onclick = function(e) { f(e); return rcube_event.cancel(e); }; if (bw.touch && row[i].addEventListener) { row[i].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { if (e.changedTouches.length == 1) { f(e); return rcube_event.cancel(e); } }, false); } }); this.triggerEvent('insertrow', { uid:uid, row:row }); }; // create a table row in the message list this.add_message_row = function(uid, cols, flags, attop) { if (!this.gui_objects.messagelist || !this.message_list) return false; // Prevent from adding messages from different folder (#1487752) if (flags.mbox != this.env.mailbox && !flags.skip_mbox_check) return false; if (!this.env.messages[uid]) this.env.messages[uid] = {}; // merge flags over local message object $.extend(this.env.messages[uid], { deleted: flags.deleted?1:0, replied: flags.answered?1:0, unread: !flags.seen?1:0, forwarded: flags.forwarded?1:0, flagged: flags.flagged?1:0, has_children: flags.has_children?1:0, depth: flags.depth?flags.depth:0, unread_children: flags.unread_children?flags.unread_children:0, parent_uid: flags.parent_uid?flags.parent_uid:0, selected: this.select_all_mode || this.message_list.in_selection(uid), ml: flags.ml?1:0, ctype: flags.ctype, mbox: flags.mbox, // flags from plugins flags: flags.extra_flags }); var c, n, col, html, css_class, label, status_class = '', status_label = '', tree = '', expando = '', list = this.message_list, rows = list.rows, message = this.env.messages[uid], msg_id = this.html_identifier(uid,true), row_class = 'message' + (!flags.seen ? ' unread' : '') + (flags.deleted ? ' deleted' : '') + (flags.flagged ? ' flagged' : '') + (message.selected ? ' selected' : ''), row = { cols:[], style:{}, id:'rcmrow'+msg_id, uid:uid }; // message status icons css_class = 'msgicon'; if (this.env.status_col === null) { css_class += ' status'; if (flags.deleted) { status_class += ' deleted'; status_label += this.get_label('deleted') + ' '; } else if (!flags.seen) { status_class += ' unread'; status_label += this.get_label('unread') + ' '; } else if (flags.unread_children > 0) { status_class += ' unreadchildren'; } } if (flags.answered) { status_class += ' replied'; status_label += this.get_label('replied') + ' '; } if (flags.forwarded) { status_class += ' forwarded'; status_label += this.get_label('forwarded') + ' '; } // update selection if (message.selected && !list.in_selection(uid)) list.selection.push(uid); // threads if (this.env.threading) { if (message.depth) { // This assumes that div width is hardcoded to 15px, tree += '  '; if ((rows[message.parent_uid] && rows[message.parent_uid].expanded === false) || ((this.env.autoexpand_threads == 0 || this.env.autoexpand_threads == 2) && (!rows[message.parent_uid] || !rows[message.parent_uid].expanded)) ) { row.style.display = 'none'; message.expanded = false; } else message.expanded = true; row_class += ' thread expanded'; } else if (message.has_children) { if (message.expanded === undefined && (this.env.autoexpand_threads == 1 || (this.env.autoexpand_threads == 2 && message.unread_children))) { message.expanded = true; } expando = '
'; row_class += ' thread' + (message.expanded? ' expanded' : ''); } if (flags.unread_children && flags.seen && !message.expanded) row_class += ' unroot'; } tree += ''; row.className = row_class; // build subject link if (cols.subject) { var action = flags.mbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox ? 'compose' : 'show', uid_param = flags.mbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid', query = { _mbox: flags.mbox }; query[uid_param] = uid; cols.subject = ''+cols.subject+''; } // add each submitted col for (n in this.env.listcols) { c = this.env.listcols[n]; col = {className: String(c).toLowerCase(), events:{}}; if (this.env.coltypes[c] && this.env.coltypes[c].hidden) { col.className += ' hidden'; } if (c == 'flag') { css_class = (flags.flagged ? 'flagged' : 'unflagged'); label = this.get_label(css_class); html = ''; } else if (c == 'attachment') { label = this.get_label('withattachment'); if (flags.attachmentClass) html = ''; else if (/application\/|multipart\/(m|signed)/.test(flags.ctype)) html = ''; else if (/multipart\/report/.test(flags.ctype)) html = ''; else html = ' '; } else if (c == 'status') { label = ''; if (flags.deleted) { css_class = 'deleted'; label = this.get_label('deleted'); } else if (!flags.seen) { css_class = 'unread'; label = this.get_label('unread'); } else if (flags.unread_children > 0) { css_class = 'unreadchildren'; } else css_class = 'msgicon'; html = ''; } else if (c == 'threads') html = expando; else if (c == 'subject') { if (bw.ie) col.events.mouseover = function() { rcube_webmail.long_subject_title_ex(this); }; html = tree + cols[c]; } else if (c == 'priority') { if (flags.prio > 0 && flags.prio < 6) { label = this.get_label('priority') + ' ' + flags.prio; html = ''; } else html = ' '; } else if (c == 'folder') { html = '' + cols[c] + ''; } else html = cols[c]; col.innerHTML = html; row.cols.push(col); } list.insert_row(row, attop); // remove 'old' row if (attop && this.env.pagesize && list.rowcount > this.env.pagesize) { var uid = list.get_last_row(); list.remove_row(uid); list.clear_selection(uid); } }; this.set_list_sorting = function(sort_col, sort_order) { var sort_old = this.env.sort_col == 'arrival' ? 'date' : this.env.sort_col, sort_new = sort_col == 'arrival' ? 'date' : sort_col; // set table header class $('#rcm' + sort_old).removeClass('sorted' + this.env.sort_order.toUpperCase()); if (sort_new) $('#rcm' + sort_new).addClass('sorted' + sort_order); // if sorting by 'arrival' is selected, click on date column should not switch to 'date' $('#rcmdate > a').prop('rel', sort_col == 'arrival' ? 'arrival' : 'date'); this.env.sort_col = sort_col; this.env.sort_order = sort_order; }; this.set_list_options = function(cols, sort_col, sort_order, threads) { var update, post_data = {}; if (sort_col === undefined) sort_col = this.env.sort_col; if (!sort_order) sort_order = this.env.sort_order; if (this.env.sort_col != sort_col || this.env.sort_order != sort_order) { update = 1; this.set_list_sorting(sort_col, sort_order); } if (this.env.threading != threads) { update = 1; post_data._threads = threads; } if (cols && cols.length) { // make sure new columns are added at the end of the list var i, idx, name, newcols = [], oldcols = this.env.listcols; for (i=0; i= 0) { this.show_contentframe(true); } else { if (!preview && this.env.message_extwin && !this.env.extwin) this.open_window(url, true); else this.location_href(url, target, true); // mark as read and change mbox unread counter if (preview && this.message_list && this.message_list.rows[id] && this.message_list.rows[id].unread && this.env.preview_pane_mark_read > 0) { this.preview_read_timer = setTimeout(function() { ref.set_unread_message(id, ref.env.mailbox); ref.http_post('mark', {_uid: id, _flag: 'read', _mbox: ref.env.mailbox, _quiet: 1}); }, this.env.preview_pane_mark_read * 1000); } } }; // update message status and unread counter after marking a message as read this.set_unread_message = function(id, folder) { var self = this; // find window with messages list if (!self.message_list) self = self.opener(); if (!self && window.parent) self = parent.rcmail; if (!self || !self.message_list) return; // this may fail in multifolder mode if (self.set_message(id, 'unread', false) === false) self.set_message(id + '-' + folder, 'unread', false); if (self.env.unread_counts[folder] > 0) { self.env.unread_counts[folder] -= 1; self.set_unread_count(folder, self.env.unread_counts[folder], folder == 'INBOX' && !self.is_multifolder_listing()); } }; this.show_contentframe = function(show) { var frame, win, name = this.env.contentframe; if (name && (frame = this.get_frame_element(name))) { if (!show && (win = this.get_frame_window(name))) { if (win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage) < 0) { if (win.stop) win.stop(); else // IE win.document.execCommand('Stop'); win.location.href = this.env.blankpage; } } else if (!bw.safari && !bw.konq) $(frame)[show ? 'show' : 'hide'](); } if (!show && this.env.frame_lock) this.set_busy(false, null, this.env.frame_lock); }; this.get_frame_element = function(id) { var frame; if (id && (frame = document.getElementById(id))) return frame; }; this.get_frame_window = function(id) { var frame = this.get_frame_element(id); if (frame && frame.name && window.frames) return window.frames[frame.name]; }; this.lock_frame = function() { if (!this.env.frame_lock) (this.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : this).env.frame_lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); }; // list a specific page this.list_page = function(page) { if (page == 'next') page = this.env.current_page+1; else if (page == 'last') page = this.env.pagecount; else if (page == 'prev' && this.env.current_page > 1) page = this.env.current_page-1; else if (page == 'first' && this.env.current_page > 1) page = 1; if (page > 0 && page <= this.env.pagecount) { this.env.current_page = page; if (this.task == 'addressbook' || this.contact_list) this.list_contacts(this.env.source, this.env.group, page); else if (this.task == 'mail') this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, page); } }; // sends request to check for recent messages this.checkmail = function() { var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'checkingmail'), params = this.check_recent_params(); this.http_post('check-recent', params, lock); }; // list messages of a specific mailbox using filter this.filter_mailbox = function(filter) { if (this.filter_disabled) return; var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'searching'); this.clear_message_list(); // reset vars this.env.current_page = 1; this.env.search_filter = filter; this.http_request('search', this.search_params(false, filter), lock); }; // reload the current message listing this.refresh_list = function() { this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, this.env.current_page || 1, null, { _clear:1 }, true); if (this.message_list) this.message_list.clear_selection(); }; // list messages of a specific mailbox this.list_mailbox = function(mbox, page, sort, url, update_only) { var win, target = window; if (typeof url != 'object') url = {}; if (!mbox) mbox = this.env.mailbox ? this.env.mailbox : 'INBOX'; // add sort to url if set if (sort) url._sort = sort; // folder change, reset page, search scope, etc. if (this.env.mailbox != mbox) { page = 1; this.env.current_page = page; this.env.search_scope = 'base'; this.select_all_mode = false; this.reset_search_filter(); } // also send search request to get the right messages else if (this.env.search_request) url._search = this.env.search_request; if (!update_only) { // unselect selected messages and clear the list and message data this.clear_message_list(); if (mbox != this.env.mailbox || (mbox == this.env.mailbox && !page && !sort)) url._refresh = 1; this.select_folder(mbox, '', true); this.unmark_folder(mbox, 'recent', '', true); this.env.mailbox = mbox; } // load message list remotely if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) { this.list_mailbox_remote(mbox, page, url); return; } if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) { target = win; url._framed = 1; } if (this.env.uid) url._uid = this.env.uid; // load message list to target frame/window if (mbox) { this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); url._mbox = mbox; if (page) url._page = page; this.location_href(url, target); } }; this.clear_message_list = function() { this.env.messages = {}; this.show_contentframe(false); if (this.message_list) this.message_list.clear(true); }; // send remote request to load message list this.list_mailbox_remote = function(mbox, page, url) { var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); if (typeof url != 'object') url = {}; url._mbox = mbox; if (page) url._page = page; this.http_request('list', url, lock); this.update_state({ _mbox: mbox, _page: (page && page > 1 ? page : null) }); }; // removes messages that doesn't exists from list selection array this.update_selection = function() { var list = this.message_list, selected = list.selection, rows = list.rows, i, selection = []; for (i in selected) if (rows[selected[i]]) selection.push(selected[i]); list.selection = selection; // reset preview frame, if currently previewed message is not selected (has been removed) try { var win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe), id = win.rcmail.env.uid; if (id && !list.in_selection(id)) this.show_contentframe(false); } catch (e) {}; }; // expand all threads with unread children this.expand_unread = function() { var r, tbody = this.message_list.tbody, new_row = tbody.firstChild; while (new_row) { if (new_row.nodeType == 1 && (r = this.message_list.rows[new_row.uid]) && r.unread_children) { this.message_list.expand_all(r); this.set_unread_children(r.uid); } new_row = new_row.nextSibling; } return false; }; // thread expanding/collapsing handler this.expand_message_row = function(e, uid) { var row = this.message_list.rows[uid]; // handle unread_children mark row.expanded = !row.expanded; this.set_unread_children(uid); row.expanded = !row.expanded; this.message_list.expand_row(e, uid); }; // message list expanding this.expand_threads = function() { if (!this.env.threading || !this.env.autoexpand_threads || !this.message_list) return; switch (this.env.autoexpand_threads) { case 2: this.expand_unread(); break; case 1: this.message_list.expand_all(); break; } }; // Initializes threads indicators/expanders after list update this.init_threads = function(roots, mbox) { // #1487752 if (mbox && mbox != this.env.mailbox) return false; for (var n=0, len=roots.length; n=0; i--) { len = tmp[i].length; if (len > r.depth) { pos = len - r.depth; if (!(tmp[i][pos] & 2)) tmp[i][pos] = tmp[i][pos] ? tmp[i][pos]+2 : 2; } else if (len == r.depth) { if (!(tmp[i][0] & 2)) tmp[i][0] += 2; } if (r.depth > len) break; } tmp.push(new Array(r.depth)); tmp[tmp.length-1][0] = 1; uid.push(r.uid); } else { if (tmp.length) { for (i in tmp) { this.set_tree_icons(uid[i], tmp[i]); } tmp = []; uid = []; } if (root && row != rows[root].obj) break; } } row = row.nextSibling; } if (tmp.length) { for (i in tmp) { this.set_tree_icons(uid[i], tmp[i]); } } }; // adds tree icons to specified message row this.set_tree_icons = function(uid, tree) { var i, divs = [], html = '', len = tree.length; for (i=0; i 2) divs.push({'class': 'l3', width: 15}); else if (tree[i] > 1) divs.push({'class': 'l2', width: 15}); else if (tree[i] > 0) divs.push({'class': 'l1', width: 15}); // separator div else if (divs.length && !divs[divs.length-1]['class']) divs[divs.length-1].width += 15; else divs.push({'class': null, width: 15}); } for (i=divs.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (divs[i]['class']) html += '
'; else html += '
'; } if (html) $('#rcmtab'+this.html_identifier(uid, true)).html(html); }; // update parent in a thread this.update_thread_root = function(uid, flag) { if (!this.env.threading) return; var root = this.message_list.find_root(uid); if (uid == root) return; var p = this.message_list.rows[root]; if (flag == 'read' && p.unread_children) { p.unread_children--; } else if (flag == 'unread' && p.has_children) { // unread_children may be undefined p.unread_children = p.unread_children ? p.unread_children + 1 : 1; } else { return; } this.set_message_icon(root); this.set_unread_children(root); }; // update thread indicators for all messages in a thread below the specified message // return number of removed/added root level messages this.update_thread = function (uid) { if (!this.env.threading) return 0; var r, parent, count = 0, rows = this.message_list.rows, row = rows[uid], depth = rows[uid].depth, roots = []; if (!row.depth) // root message: decrease roots count count--; else if (row.unread) { // update unread_children for thread root parent = this.message_list.find_root(uid); rows[parent].unread_children--; this.set_unread_children(parent); } parent = row.parent_uid; // childrens row = row.obj.nextSibling; while (row) { if (row.nodeType == 1 && (r = rows[row.uid])) { if (!r.depth || r.depth <= depth) break; r.depth--; // move left // reset width and clear the content of a tab, icons will be added later $('#rcmtab'+r.id).width(r.depth * 15).html(''); if (!r.depth) { // a new root count++; // increase roots count r.parent_uid = 0; if (r.has_children) { // replace 'leaf' with 'collapsed' $('#'+r.id+' .leaf:first') .attr('id', 'rcmexpando' + r.id) .attr('class', (r.obj.style.display != 'none' ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed')) .mousedown({uid: r.uid}, function(e) { return ref.expand_message_row(e, e.data.uid); }); r.unread_children = 0; roots.push(r); } // show if it was hidden if (r.obj.style.display == 'none') $(r.obj).show(); } else { if (r.depth == depth) r.parent_uid = parent; if (r.unread && roots.length) roots[roots.length-1].unread_children++; } } row = row.nextSibling; } // update unread_children for roots for (r=0; r -1) row[flag] = status; }; // set message row status, class and icon this.set_message = function(uid, flag, status) { var row = this.message_list && this.message_list.rows[uid]; if (!row) return false; if (flag) this.set_message_status(uid, flag, status); if ($.inArray(flag, ['unread', 'deleted', 'flagged']) > -1) $(row.obj)[row[flag] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](flag); this.set_unread_children(uid); this.set_message_icon(uid); }; // sets unroot (unread_children) class of parent row this.set_unread_children = function(uid) { var row = this.message_list.rows[uid]; if (row.parent_uid) return; if (!row.unread && row.unread_children && !row.expanded) $(row.obj).addClass('unroot'); else $(row.obj).removeClass('unroot'); }; // copy selected messages to the specified mailbox this.copy_messages = function(mbox, event) { if (mbox && typeof mbox === 'object') mbox = mbox.id; else if (!mbox) return this.folder_selector(event, function(folder) { ref.command('copy', folder); }); // exit if current or no mailbox specified if (!mbox || mbox == this.env.mailbox) return; var post_data = this.selection_post_data({_target_mbox: mbox}); // exit if selection is empty if (!post_data._uid) return; // send request to server this.http_post('copy', post_data, this.display_message(this.get_label('copyingmessage'), 'loading')); }; // move selected messages to the specified mailbox this.move_messages = function(mbox, event) { if (mbox && typeof mbox === 'object') mbox = mbox.id; else if (!mbox) return this.folder_selector(event, function(folder) { ref.command('move', folder); }); // exit if current or no mailbox specified if (!mbox || (mbox == this.env.mailbox && !this.is_multifolder_listing())) return; var lock = false, post_data = this.selection_post_data({_target_mbox: mbox}); // exit if selection is empty if (!post_data._uid) return; // show wait message if (this.env.action == 'show') lock = this.set_busy(true, 'movingmessage'); else this.show_contentframe(false); // Hide message command buttons until a message is selected this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, false); this._with_selected_messages('move', post_data, lock); }; // delete selected messages from the current mailbox this.delete_messages = function(event) { var list = this.message_list, trash = this.env.trash_mailbox; // if config is set to flag for deletion if (this.env.flag_for_deletion) { this.mark_message('delete'); return false; } // if there isn't a defined trash mailbox or we are in it else if (!trash || this.env.mailbox == trash) this.permanently_remove_messages(); // we're in Junk folder and delete_junk is enabled else if (this.env.delete_junk && this.env.junk_mailbox && this.env.mailbox == this.env.junk_mailbox) this.permanently_remove_messages(); // if there is a trash mailbox defined and we're not currently in it else { // if shift was pressed delete it immediately if ((list && list.modkey == SHIFT_KEY) || (event && rcube_event.get_modifier(event) == SHIFT_KEY)) { if (confirm(this.get_label('deletemessagesconfirm'))) this.permanently_remove_messages(); } else this.move_messages(trash); } return true; }; // delete the selected messages permanently this.permanently_remove_messages = function() { var post_data = this.selection_post_data(); // exit if selection is empty if (!post_data._uid) return; this.show_contentframe(false); this._with_selected_messages('delete', post_data); }; // Send a specific move/delete request with UIDs of all selected messages // @private this._with_selected_messages = function(action, post_data, lock) { var count = 0, msg, remove = (action == 'delete' || !this.is_multifolder_listing()); // update the list (remove rows, clear selection) if (this.message_list) { var n, id, root, roots = [], selection = this.message_list.get_selection(); for (n=0, len=selection.length; n 0 && remove) this.delete_excessive_thread_rows(); if (!remove) post_data._refresh = 1; if (!lock) { msg = action == 'move' ? 'movingmessage' : 'deletingmessage'; lock = this.display_message(this.get_label(msg), 'loading'); } // send request to server this.http_post(action, post_data, lock); }; // build post data for message delete/move/copy/flag requests this.selection_post_data = function(data) { if (typeof(data) != 'object') data = {}; data._mbox = this.env.mailbox; if (!data._uid) { var uids = this.env.uid ? [this.env.uid] : this.message_list.get_selection(); data._uid = this.uids_to_list(uids); } if (this.env.action) data._from = this.env.action; // also send search request to get the right messages if (this.env.search_request) data._search = this.env.search_request; if (this.env.display_next && this.env.next_uid) data._next_uid = this.env.next_uid; return data; }; // set a specific flag to one or more messages this.mark_message = function(flag, uid) { var a_uids = [], r_uids = [], len, n, id, list = this.message_list; if (uid) a_uids[0] = uid; else if (this.env.uid) a_uids[0] = this.env.uid; else if (list) a_uids = list.get_selection(); if (!list) r_uids = a_uids; else { list.focus(); for (n=0, len=a_uids.length; n 0) // remove threads from the end of the list this.delete_excessive_thread_rows(); } // set of messages to mark as seen if (r_uids.length) post_data._ruid = this.uids_to_list(r_uids); if (this.env.skip_deleted && this.env.display_next && this.env.next_uid) post_data._next_uid = this.env.next_uid; this.http_post('mark', post_data, lock); }; // flag as read without mark request (called from backend) // argument should be a coma-separated list of uids this.flag_deleted_as_read = function(uids) { var uid, i, len, rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : {}; if (typeof uids == 'string') uids = uids.split(','); for (i=0, len=uids.length; i'; html = '
    ' + html + '
'; if (!ref.pagejump) { ref.pagejump = $('
') .appendTo(document.body) .on('click', 'li', function() { if (!ref.busy) $(element).val($(this).text()).change(); }); } if (ref.pagejump.data('count') != i) ref.pagejump.html(html); ref.pagejump.attr('rel', '#' + this.id).data('count', i); // display page selector ref.show_menu('pagejump-selector', true, e); $(this).keydown(); }) // keyboard navigation .on('keydown keyup click', function(e) { var current, selector = $('#pagejump-selector'), ul = $('ul', selector), list = $('li', ul), height = ul.height(), p = parseInt(this.value); if (e.which != 27 && e.which != 9 && e.which != 13 && !selector.is(':visible')) return ref.show_menu('pagejump-selector', true, e); if (e.type == 'keydown') { // arrow-down if (e.which == 40) { if (list.length > p) this.value = (p += 1); } // arrow-up else if (e.which == 38) { if (p > 1 && list.length > p - 1) this.value = (p -= 1); } // enter else if (e.which == 13) { return $(this).change(); } // esc, tab else if (e.which == 27 || e.which == 9) { return $(element).val(ref.env.current_page); } } $('li.selected', ul).removeClass('selected'); if ((current = $(list[p - 1])).length) { current.addClass('selected'); $('#pagejump-selector').scrollTop(((ul.height() / list.length) * (p - 1)) - selector.height() / 2); } }) .on('change', function(e) { // go to specified page var p = parseInt(this.value); if (p && p != ref.env.current_page && !ref.busy) { ref.hide_menu('pagejump-selector'); ref.list_page(p); } }); }; // Update page-jumper state on list updates this.update_pagejumper = function() { $('input.rcpagejumper').val(this.env.current_page).prop('disabled', this.env.pagecount < 2); }; // check for mailvelope API this.check_mailvelope = function(action) { if (typeof window.mailvelope !== 'undefined') { this.mailvelope_load(action); } else { $(window).on('mailvelope', function() { ref.mailvelope_load(action); }); } }; // Load Mailvelope functionality (and initialize keyring if needed) this.mailvelope_load = function(action) { if (this.env.browser_capabilities) this.env.browser_capabilities['pgpmime'] = 1; var keyring = this.env.user_id; mailvelope.getKeyring(keyring).then(function(kr) { ref.mailvelope_keyring = kr; ref.mailvelope_init(action, kr); }).catch(function(err) { // attempt to create a new keyring for this app/user mailvelope.createKeyring(keyring).then(function(kr) { ref.mailvelope_keyring = kr; ref.mailvelope_init(action, kr); }).catch(function(err) { console.error(err); }); }); }; // Initializes Mailvelope editor or display container this.mailvelope_init = function(action, keyring) { if (!window.mailvelope) return; if (action == 'show' || action == 'preview' || action == 'print') { // decrypt text body if (this.env.is_pgp_content) { var data = $(this.env.is_pgp_content).text(); ref.mailvelope_display_container(this.env.is_pgp_content, data, keyring); } // load pgp/mime message and pass it to the mailvelope display container else if (this.env.pgp_mime_part) { var msgid = this.display_message(this.get_label('loadingdata'), 'loading'), selector = this.env.pgp_mime_container; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: this.url('get', { '_mbox': this.env.mailbox, '_uid': this.env.uid, '_part': this.env.pgp_mime_part }), error: function(o, status, err) { ref.http_error(o, status, err, msgid); }, success: function(data) { ref.mailvelope_display_container(selector, data, keyring, msgid); } }); } } else if (action == 'compose') { this.env.compose_commands.push('compose-encrypted'); var is_html = $('input[name="_is_html"]').val() > 0; if (this.env.pgp_mime_message) { // fetch PGP/Mime part and open load into Mailvelope editor var lock = this.set_busy(true, this.get_label('loadingdata')); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: this.url('get', this.env.pgp_mime_message), error: function(o, status, err) { ref.http_error(o, status, err, lock); ref.enable_command('compose-encrypted', !is_html); }, success: function(data) { ref.set_busy(false, null, lock); if (is_html) { ref.command('toggle-editor', {html: false, noconvert: true}); $('#' + ref.env.composebody).val(''); } ref.compose_encrypted({ quotedMail: data }); ref.enable_command('compose-encrypted', true); } }); } else { // enable encrypted compose toggle this.enable_command('compose-encrypted', !is_html); } } }; // handler for the 'compose-encrypted' command this.compose_encrypted = function(props) { var options, container = $('#' + this.env.composebody).parent(); // remove Mailvelope editor if active if (ref.mailvelope_editor) { ref.mailvelope_editor = null; ref.compose_skip_unsavedcheck = false; ref.set_button('compose-encrypted', 'act'); container.removeClass('mailvelope') .find('iframe:not([aria-hidden=true])').remove(); $('#' + ref.env.composebody).show(); $("[name='_pgpmime']").remove(); // disable commands that operate on the compose body ref.enable_command('spellcheck', 'insert-sig', 'toggle-editor', 'insert-response', 'save-response', true); ref.triggerEvent('compose-encrypted', { active:false }); } // embed Mailvelope editor container else { if (this.spellcheck_state()) this.editor.spellcheck_stop(); if (props.quotedMail) { options = { quotedMail: props.quotedMail, quotedMailIndent: false }; } else { options = { predefinedText: $('#' + this.env.composebody).val() }; } if (this.env.compose_mode == 'reply') { options.quotedMailIndent = true; options.quotedMailHeader = this.env.compose_reply_header; } mailvelope.createEditorContainer('#' + container.attr('id'), ref.mailvelope_keyring, options).then(function(editor) { ref.mailvelope_editor = editor; ref.compose_skip_unsavedcheck = true; ref.set_button('compose-encrypted', 'sel'); container.addClass('mailvelope'); $('#' + ref.env.composebody).hide(); // disable commands that operate on the compose body ref.enable_command('spellcheck', 'insert-sig', 'toggle-editor', 'insert-response', 'save-response', false); ref.triggerEvent('compose-encrypted', { active:true }); // notify user about loosing attachments if (ref.env.attachments && !$.isEmptyObject(ref.env.attachments)) { alert(ref.get_label('encryptnoattachments')); $.each(ref.env.attachments, function(name, attach) { ref.remove_from_attachment_list(name); }); } }).catch(function(err) { console.error(err); console.log(options); }); } }; // callback to replace the message body with the full armored this.mailvelope_submit_messageform = function(draft, saveonly) { // get recipients var recipients = []; $.each(['to', 'cc', 'bcc'], function(i,field) { var pos, rcpt, val = $.trim($('[name="_' + field + '"]').val()); while (val.length && rcube_check_email(val, true)) { rcpt = RegExp.$2; recipients.push(rcpt); val = val.substr(val.indexOf(rcpt) + rcpt.length + 1).replace(/^\s*,\s*/, ''); } }); // check if we have keys for all recipients var isvalid = recipients.length > 0; ref.mailvelope_keyring.validKeyForAddress(recipients).then(function(status) { var missing_keys = []; $.each(status, function(k,v) { if (v === false) { isvalid = false; missing_keys.push(k); } }); // list recipients with missing keys if (!isvalid && missing_keys.length) { // load publickey.js if (!$('script#publickeyjs').length) { $('