_do_list($uids, true); } public function ham($uids, $src_mbox, $dst_mbox) { $this->_do_list($uids, false); } private function _do_list($uids, $spam) { $rcube = rcube::get_instance(); $this->user_email = $rcube->user->data['username']; if (is_file($rcube->config->get('markasjunk_amacube_config')) && !$rcube->config->load_from_file($rcube->config->get('markasjunk_amacube_config'))) { rcube::raise_error(array('code' => 527, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Failed to load config from " . $rcube->config->get('markasjunk_amacube_config') ), true, false); return false; } $db = rcube_db::factory($rcube->config->get('amacube_db_dsn'), '', true); $db->set_debug((bool) $rcube->config->get('sql_debug')); $db->db_connect('w'); $debug = $rcube->config->get('markasjunk_debug'); // check DB connections and exit on failure if ($err_str = $db->is_error()) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 603, 'type' => 'db', 'message' => $err_str ), false, true); } $sql_result = $db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ?", $this->user_email); if ($sql_result && ($res_array = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) { $rid = $res_array['id']; } else { if ($debug) { rcube::write_log('markasjunk', $this->user_email . ' not found in users table'); } return false; } foreach ($uids as $uid) { $message = new rcube_message($uid); $email = $message->sender['mailto']; $sql_result = $db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `mailaddr` WHERE `email` = ? ORDER BY `priority` DESC", $email); if ($sql_result && ($res_array = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) { $sid = $res_array['id']; } else { if ($debug) { rcube::write_log('markasjunk', $email . ' not found in mailaddr table - add it'); } $sql_result = $db->query("INSERT INTO `mailaddr` ( `priority`, `email` ) VALUES ( 20, ? )", $email); if ($sql_result) { $sid = $db->insert_id(); } else { if ($debug) { rcube::write_log('markasjunk', 'Cannot add ' . $email . ' to mailaddr table: ' . $db->is_error($sql_result)); } return false; } } $wb = ''; $sql_result = $db->query("SELECT `wb` FROM `wblist` WHERE `sid` = ? AND `rid` =?", $sid, $rid); if ($sql_result && ($res_array = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) { $wb = $res_array['wb']; } if (!$wb || (!$spam && preg_match('/^([BbNnFf])[\s]*\z/', $wb)) || ($spam && preg_match('/^([WwYyTt])[\s]*\z/', $wb))) { $newwb = 'w'; if ($spam) { $newwb = 'b'; } if ($wb) { $sql_result = $db->query('UPDATE `wblist` SET `wb` = ? WHERE `sid` = ? AND `rid` = ?', $newwb, $sid, $rid); } else { $sql_result = $db->query('INSERT INTO `wblist` (`sid`, `rid`, `wb`) VALUES (?,?,?)', $sid, $rid, $newwb); } if (!$sql_result) { if ($debug) { rcube::write_log('markasjunk', 'Cannot update wblist for user ' . $this->user_email . ' with ' . $email); } return false; } } } } }