', 'Encoded html within email is invalid'), array('email.domain.com', 'Missing @'), array('email@domain@domain.com', 'Two @ sign'), array('.email@domain.com', 'Leading dot in address is not allowed'), array('email.@domain.com', 'Trailing dot in address is not allowed'), array('email..email@domain.com', 'Multiple dots'), array('email@domain.com (Joe Smith)', 'Text followed email is not allowed'), array('email@domain', 'Missing top level domain (.com/.net/.org/etc)'), array('email@-domain.com', 'Leading dash in front of domain is invalid'), // array('email@domain.web', '.web is not a valid top level domain'), array('email@', 'IP address without brackets'), array('email@2001:2d12:c4fe:5afe::1', 'IPv6 address without brackets'), array('email@IPv6:2001:2d12:c4fe:5afe::1', 'IPv6 address without brackets (2)'), array('email@[111.222.333.44444]', 'Invalid IP format'), array('email@[]', 'Invalid IP format (2)'), array('email@[.222.255.257]', 'Invalid IP format (3)'), array('email@[::1]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (1)'), array('email@[IPv6:2001:23x2:1]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (2)'), array('email@[IPv6:1111:2222:33333::4444:5555]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (3)'), array('email@[IPv6:1111::3333::4444:5555]', 'Invalid IPv6 format (4)'), array('email@domain..com', 'Multiple dot in the domain portion is invalid'), ); } /** * @dataProvider data_valid_email */ function test_valid_email($email, $title) { $this->assertTrue(rcube_utils::check_email($email, false), $title); } /** * @dataProvider data_invalid_email */ function test_invalid_email($email, $title) { $this->assertFalse(rcube_utils::check_email($email, false), $title); } /** * Valid IP addresses for test_valid_ip() */ function data_valid_ip() { return array( array(''), array(''), array('::'), array('::1'), array('::'), array('2001:2d12:c4fe:5afe::1'), array('2001::'), array('2001::1'), ); } /** * Valid IP addresses for test_invalid_ip() */ function data_invalid_ip() { return array( array(''), array(0), array(''), array(''), array('::'), array('::1.0'), array(':::1'), array('2001:::1'), array('2001::c4fe:5afe::1'), array(':c4fe:5afe:1'), ); } /** * @dataProvider data_valid_ip */ function test_valid_ip($ip) { $this->assertTrue(rcube_utils::check_ip($ip)); } /** * @dataProvider data_invalid_ip */ function test_invalid_ip($ip) { $this->assertFalse(rcube_utils::check_ip($ip)); } /** * Data for test_rep_specialchars_output() */ function data_rep_specialchars_output() { return array( array('', '', 'abc', 'abc'), array('', '', '?', '?'), array('', '', '"', '"'), array('', '', '<', '<'), array('', '', '>', '>'), array('', '', '&', '&'), array('', '', '&', '&amp;'), array('', '', '', '<a>'), array('', 'remove', '', ''), ); } /** * Test for rep_specialchars_output * @dataProvider data_rep_specialchars_output */ function test_rep_specialchars_output($type, $mode, $str, $res) { $result = rcube_utils::rep_specialchars_output( $str, $type ? $type : 'html', $mode ? $mode : 'strict'); $this->assertEquals($result, $res); } /** * rcube_utils::mod_css_styles() */ function test_mod_css_styles() { $css = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/valid.css'); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles($css, 'rcmbody'); $this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody\s+\{/', $mod, "Replace body style definition"); $this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody h1\s\{/', $mod, "Prefix tag styles (single)"); $this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody h1, #rcmbody h2, #rcmbody h3, #rcmbody textarea\s+\{/', $mod, "Prefix tag styles (multiple)"); $this->assertRegExp('/#rcmbody \.noscript\s+\{/', $mod, "Prefix class styles"); $css = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/media.css'); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles($css, 'rcmbody'); $this->assertContains('#rcmbody table[class=w600]', $mod, 'Replace styles nested in @media block'); $this->assertContains('#rcmbody {width:600px', $mod, 'Replace body selector nested in @media block'); $this->assertContains('#rcmbody {min-width:474px', $mod, 'Replace body selector nested in @media block (#5811)'); } /** * rcube_utils::mod_css_styles() */ function test_mod_css_styles_xss() { $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("body.main2cols { background-image: url('../images/leftcol.png'); }", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "No url() values allowed"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("@import url('http://localhost/somestuff/css/master.css');", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "No import statements"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("left:expression(document.body.offsetWidth-20)", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "No expression properties"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("left:exp/* */ression( alert('xss3') )", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "Don't allow encoding quirks"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("background:\\0075\\0072\\00006c( javascript:alert('xss') )", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "Don't allow encoding quirks (2)"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("background: \\75 \\72 \\6C ('/images/img.png')", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "Don't allow encoding quirks (3)"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("background: u\\r\\l('/images/img.png')", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("/* evil! */", $mod, "Don't allow encoding quirks (4)"); // position: fixed (#5264) $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles(".test { position: fixed; }", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("#rcmbody .test { position: absolute; }", $mod, "Replace position:fixed with position:absolute (0)"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles(".test { position:\nfixed; }", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("#rcmbody .test { position: absolute; }", $mod, "Replace position:fixed with position:absolute (1)"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles(".test { position:/**/fixed; }", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertEquals("#rcmbody .test { position: absolute; }", $mod, "Replace position:fixed with position:absolute (2)"); // allow data URIs with images (#5580) $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("body { background-image: url(); }", 'rcmbody'); $this->assertContains("#rcmbody { background-image: url();", $mod, "Data URIs in url() allowed [1]"); $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles("body { background-image: url(); }", 'rcmbody', true); $this->assertContains("#rcmbody { background-image: url();", $mod, "Data URIs in url() allowed [2]"); } /** * rcube_utils::mod_css_styles()'s prefix argument handling */ function test_mod_css_styles_prefix() { $css = ' .one { font-size: 10pt; } .three.four { font-weight: bold; } #id1 { color: red; } #id2.class:focus { color: white; } .five:not(.test), { background: transparent; } div .six { position: absolute; } p > i { font-size: 120%; } div#some { color: yellow; } @media screen and (max-width: 699px) and (min-width: 520px) { li a.button { padding-left: 30px; } } '; $mod = rcube_utils::mod_css_styles($css, 'rc', true, 'test'); $this->assertContains('#rc .testone', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc .testthree.testfour', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc #testid1', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc #testid2.testclass:focus', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc .testfive:not(.testtest)', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc div .testsix', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc p > i ', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc div#testsome', $mod); $this->assertContains('#rc li a.testbutton', $mod); } function test_xss_entity_decode() { $mod = rcube_utils::xss_entity_decode("<img/src=x onerror=alert(1)// "); $this->assertNotContains('";}'); $this->assertNotContains('assertContains("url(", $mod, "Escape sequences resolving"); // #5747 $mod = rcube_utils::xss_entity_decode(''); $this->assertContains('#foo', $mod, "Strip HTML comments from content, but not the content"); } /** * Check rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string() */ function test_explode_quoted_string() { $data = array( '"a,b"' => array('"a,b"'), '"a,b","c,d"' => array('"a,b"','"c,d"'), '"a,\\"b",d' => array('"a,\\"b"', 'd'), ); foreach ($data as $text => $res) { $result = rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string(',', $text); $this->assertSame($res, $result); } } /** * Check rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string() compat. with explode() */ function test_explode_quoted_string_compat() { $data = array('', 'a,b,c', 'a', ',', ',a'); foreach ($data as $text) { $result = rcube_utils::explode_quoted_string(',', $text); $this->assertSame(explode(',', $text), $result); } } /** * rcube_utils::get_boolean() */ function test_get_boolean() { $input = array( false, 'false', '0', 'no', 'off', 'nein', 'FALSE', '', null, ); foreach ($input as $idx => $value) { $this->assertFalse(rcube_utils::get_boolean($value), "Invalid result for $idx test item"); } $input = array( true, 'true', '1', 1, 'yes', 'anything', 1000, ); foreach ($input as $idx => $value) { $this->assertTrue(rcube_utils::get_boolean($value), "Invalid result for $idx test item"); } } /** * rcube:utils::file2class() */ function test_file2class() { $test = array( array('', '', 'unknown'), array('text', 'text', 'text'), array('image/png', 'image.png', 'image png'), ); foreach ($test as $v) { $result = rcube_utils::file2class($v[0], $v[1]); $this->assertSame($v[2], $result); } } /** * rcube:utils::strtotime() */ function test_strtotime() { // this test depends on system timezone if not set date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $test = array( '1' => 1, '' => 0, 'abc-555' => 0, '2013-04-22' => 1366588800, '2013/04/22' => 1366588800, '2013.04.22' => 1366588800, '22-04-2013' => 1366588800, '22/04/2013' => 1366588800, '22.04.2013' => 1366588800, '22.4.2013' => 1366588800, '20130422' => 1366588800, '2013/06/21 12:00:00 UTC' => 1371816000, '2013/06/21 12:00:00 Europe/Berlin' => 1371808800, ); foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) { $result = rcube_utils::strtotime($datetime); $this->assertSame($ts, $result, "Error parsing date: $datetime"); } } /** * rcube:utils::anytodatetime() */ function test_anytodatetime() { $test = array( '2013-04-22' => '2013-04-22', '2013/04/22' => '2013-04-22', '2013.04.22' => '2013-04-22', '22-04-2013' => '2013-04-22', '22/04/2013' => '2013-04-22', '22.04.2013' => '2013-04-22', '04/22/2013' => '2013-04-22', '22.4.2013' => '2013-04-22', '20130422' => '2013-04-22', '1900-10-10' => '1900-10-10', '01-01-1900' => '1900-01-01', '01/30/1960' => '1960-01-30', '1960.12.11 01:02:00' => '1960-12-11', ); foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) { $result = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($datetime); $this->assertSame($ts, $result ? $result->format('Y-m-d') : false, "Error parsing date: $datetime"); } $test = array( '12/11/2013 01:02:00' => '2013-11-12 01:02:00', '1960.12.11 01:02:00' => '1960-12-11 01:02:00', ); foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) { $result = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($datetime); $this->assertSame($ts, $result ? $result->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : false, "Error parsing date: $datetime"); } $test = array( 'Sun, 4 Mar 2018 03:32:08 +0300 (MSK)' => '2018-03-04 03:32:08 +0300', ); foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) { $result = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($datetime); $this->assertSame($ts, $result ? $result->format('Y-m-d H:i:s O') : false, "Error parsing date: $datetime"); } } /** * rcube:utils::anytodatetime() */ function test_anytodatetime_timezone() { $tz = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Helsinki'); $test = array( 'Jan 1st 2014 +0800' => '2013-12-31 18:00', // result in target timezone 'Jan 1st 14 45:42' => '2014-01-01 00:00', // force fallback to rcube_utils::strtotime() 'Jan 1st 2014 UK' => '2014-01-01 00:00', '1520587800' => '2018-03-09 11:30', // unix timestamp conversion 'Invalid date' => false, ); foreach ($test as $datetime => $ts) { $result = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($datetime, $tz); if ($result) $result->setTimezone($tz); // move to target timezone for comparison $this->assertSame($ts, $result ? $result->format('Y-m-d H:i') : false, "Error parsing date: $datetime"); } } /** * rcube:utils::format_datestr() */ function test_format_datestr() { $test = array( array('abc-555', 'abc', 'abc-555'), array('2013-04-22', 'Y-m-d', '2013-04-22'), array('22/04/2013', 'd/m/Y', '2013-04-22'), array('4.22.2013', 'm.d.Y', '2013-04-22'), ); foreach ($test as $data) { $result = rcube_utils::format_datestr($data[0], $data[1]); $this->assertSame($data[2], $result, "Error formatting date: " . $data[0]); } } /** * rcube:utils::tokenize_string() */ function test_tokenize_string() { $test = array( '' => array(), 'abc d' => array('abc'), 'abc de' => array('abc','de'), 'äàé;êöü-xyz' => array('äàé','êöü','xyz'), '日期格式' => array('日期格式'), ); foreach ($test as $input => $output) { $result = rcube_utils::tokenize_string($input); $this->assertSame($output, $result); } } /** * rcube:utils::normalize_string() */ function test_normalize_string() { $test = array( '' => '', 'abc def' => 'abc def', 'ÇçäâàåæéêëèïîìÅÉöôòüûùÿøØáíóúñÑÁÂÀãÃÊËÈÍÎÏÓÔõÕÚÛÙýÝ' => 'ccaaaaaeeeeiiiaeooouuuyooaiounnaaaaaeeeiiioooouuuyy', 'ąáâäćçčéęëěíîłľĺńňóôöŕřśšşťţůúűüźžżýĄŚŻŹĆ' => 'aaaaccceeeeiilllnnooorrsssttuuuuzzzyaszzc', 'ßs' => 'sss', 'Xae' => 'xa', 'Xoe' => 'xo', 'Xue' => 'xu', '项目' => '项目', ); // this test fails on PHP 5.3.3 if (PHP_VERSION_ID > 50303) { $test['ß'] = ''; $test['日'] = ''; } foreach ($test as $input => $output) { $result = rcube_utils::normalize_string($input); $this->assertSame($output, $result, "Error normalizing '$input'"); } } /** * rcube:utils::words_match() */ function test_words_match() { $test = array( array('', 'test', false), array('test', 'test', true), array('test', 'none', false), array('test', 'test xyz', false), array('test xyz', 'test xyz', true), array('this is test', 'test', true), // try some binary content array('this is test ' . base64_decode('R0lGODlhDwAPAIAAAMDAwAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAPAA8AQAINhI+py+0Po5y02otnAQA7'), 'test', true), array('this is test ' . base64_decode('R0lGODlhDwAPAIAAAMDAwAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAPAA8AQAINhI+py+0Po5y02otnAQA7'), 'none', false), ); foreach ($test as $idx => $params) { $result = rcube_utils::words_match($params[0], $params[1]); $this->assertSame($params[2], $result, "words_match() at index $idx"); } } /** * rcube:utils::is_absolute_path() */ function test_is_absolute_path() { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $test = array( '' => false, "C:\\" => true, 'some/path' => false, ); } else { $test = array( '' => false, '/path' => true, 'some/path' => false, ); } foreach ($test as $input => $output) { $result = rcube_utils::is_absolute_path($input); $this->assertSame($output, $result); } } /** * rcube:utils::random_bytes() */ function test_random_bytes() { $this->assertRegexp('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15}$/', rcube_utils::random_bytes(15)); $this->assertSame(15, strlen(rcube_utils::random_bytes(15, true))); $this->assertSame(1, strlen(rcube_utils::random_bytes(1))); $this->assertSame(0, strlen(rcube_utils::random_bytes(0))); $this->assertSame(0, strlen(rcube_utils::random_bytes(-1))); } /** * Test-Cases for IDN to ASCII and IDN to UTF-8 */ function data_idn_convert() { /* * Check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains#Internationalized_brand_top-level_domains * and https://github.com/true/php-punycode/blob/master/tests/PunycodeTest.php for more Test-Data */ return array( array('test@vermögensberater', 'test@xn--vermgensberater-ctb'), array('test@vermögensberatung', 'test@xn--vermgensberatung-pwb'), array('test@グーグル', 'test@xn--qcka1pmc'), array('test@谷歌', 'test@xn--flw351e'), array('test@中信', 'test@xn--fiq64b'), array('test@рф.ru', 'test@xn--p1ai.ru'), array('test@δοκιμή.gr', 'test@xn--jxalpdlp.gr'), array('test@gwóźdź.pl', 'test@xn--gwd-hna98db.pl'), array('рф.ru@рф.ru', 'рф.ru@xn--p1ai.ru'), array('vermögensberater', 'xn--vermgensberater-ctb'), array('vermögensberatung', 'xn--vermgensberatung-pwb'), array('グーグル', 'xn--qcka1pmc'), array('谷歌', 'xn--flw351e'), array('中信', 'xn--fiq64b'), array('рф.ru', 'xn--p1ai.ru'), array('δοκιμή.gr', 'xn--jxalpdlp.gr'), array('gwóźdź.pl', 'xn--gwd-hna98db.pl'), array('fußball.de', 'xn--fuball-cta.de'), ); } /** * Test idn_to_ascii * * @param string $decoded Decoded email address * @param string $encoded Encoded email address * @dataProvider data_idn_convert */ function test_idn_to_ascii($decoded, $encoded) { $this->assertEquals(rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($decoded), $encoded); } /** * Test idn_to_utf8 * * @param string $decoded Decoded email address * @param string $encoded Encoded email address * @dataProvider data_idn_convert */ function test_idn_to_utf8($decoded, $encoded) { $this->assertEquals(rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($encoded), $decoded); } /** * Test idn_to_ascii with non-domain input (#6224) */ function test_idn_to_ascii_special() { $this->assertEquals(rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii('H.S'), 'H.S'); $this->assertEquals(rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii('d.-h.lastname'), 'd.-h.lastname'); } /** * Test-Cases for test_parse_host() */ function data_parse_host() { return array( array('%z', 'hostname', 'hostname'), array('%z', 'domain.tld', 'domain.tld'), array('%z', 'host.domain.tld', 'domain.tld'), array('%z', 'host1.host2.domain.tld', 'host2.domain.tld'), ); } /** * Test parse_host() * * @dataProvider data_parse_host */ function test_parse_host($name, $host, $result) { $this->assertEquals(rcube_utils::parse_host($name, $host), $result); } }